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Malo pomoči pri prevodu

Malo pomoči pri prevodu

veget_svn ::

Kako bi lahko na najbolj natančen način prevedel naslednje besede v angleščino:

sodobno tržno gospodarstvo
javna uprava
vse prej kot lahka naloga
nujno zlo


lasse007 ::

Pa poskusimo:

modern market economy
civil service
anything but easy task - popravek: anything but an easy task
a necessary evil

"Predstave s črno magijo in njenim popolnim razkrinkanjem"
(Mihail A. Bulgakov, Mojster in Margareta)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: lasse007 ()

LapD ::

pomojem je bolš kot evil, misfortune

lasse007 ::

a necessary evil
something that you do not like but which you know must exist or happen. He considers taxes a necessary evil.

To je fraza (angleško idiom).

Necessary Evil may refer to:

* Necessary Evil (album), an album by Deborah Harry
* Necessary Evil (B-29), a B-29 Superfortress participating in the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
* , the eighth episode of the second season of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
* "A Necessary Evil", a first season episode of the television series In the Heat of the Night
* Necessary Evil is the 10th track on the 2006 The Dresden Dolls album Yes, Virginia...

Necessary Evil may also be:

* A situation or act considered evil but necessary to ensure good in other areas or to prevent greater wrong, wherein the ends justify the means
* The fourth set of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game's Second Edition
"Predstave s črno magijo in njenim popolnim razkrinkanjem"
(Mihail A. Bulgakov, Mojster in Margareta)

Goldee ::

vse prej kot lahka naloga - not a piece of cake! :-)
And Now for Something Completely Different...

-two things I like about UK -Monty Python & Pink Floyd-

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Goldee ()

T-h-o-r ::

"anything but easy task"

anything but AN easy task ;)
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

lasse007 ::

"anything but easy task"

anything but AN easy task ;)

Ja nedoločni in določni členi, hvala za popravek:)
"Predstave s črno magijo in njenim popolnim razkrinkanjem"
(Mihail A. Bulgakov, Mojster in Margareta)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: lasse007 ()

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