Forum » Loža » 21.12.2012 konec sveta?
21.12.2012 konec sveta?
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zee ::
jaz sem na tisti strani videl veliko logotipov znanih kreditnih kartic...
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

Azrael ::
So Maji sploh poznali Solarni sistem tak kot je v resnici ali so v središče postavljali Zemljo?
Že to ,da so imeli Venero za zvezdo, me navaja na to, da astronomiji niso bili kaj ekstra. Res so znali dokaj dobro izračunati nekatere astronomske parametre, vendar to ne pomeni, da so bili v astronomiji boljši kot naprimer že v 18 ali 19 stoletju. Teleskopa niso poznali.
Da o pomalastičnih razlagah redkih ohranjenih zapisov niti ne govorimo, baje naj bi po nekaterih razlagah teh koledarjev zmanjkalo že enkrat oktobra 2002 ali 2004...
To s koncem sveta 21.12.2012 je pa tako (for belivers only):
Obračaj liste na stenskem koledarju: maj, junij,... december. Pišuka, ni več listov, koledarja zmanjkalo?!? Jojmene dan po 31.12 bo konec sveta... In to že letos!!!
Maje in njihovo "civilizacijo" je že davno vzel vrag in zaloge njihovih koledarjev je pač enkrat moralo zmanjkati.
Edit Typo
Že to ,da so imeli Venero za zvezdo, me navaja na to, da astronomiji niso bili kaj ekstra. Res so znali dokaj dobro izračunati nekatere astronomske parametre, vendar to ne pomeni, da so bili v astronomiji boljši kot naprimer že v 18 ali 19 stoletju. Teleskopa niso poznali.
Da o pomalastičnih razlagah redkih ohranjenih zapisov niti ne govorimo, baje naj bi po nekaterih razlagah teh koledarjev zmanjkalo že enkrat oktobra 2002 ali 2004...
To s koncem sveta 21.12.2012 je pa tako (for belivers only):
Obračaj liste na stenskem koledarju: maj, junij,... december. Pišuka, ni več listov, koledarja zmanjkalo?!? Jojmene dan po 31.12 bo konec sveta... In to že letos!!!

Maje in njihovo "civilizacijo" je že davno vzel vrag in zaloge njihovih koledarjev je pač enkrat moralo zmanjkati.
Edit Typo
Nekoč je bil Slo-tech.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Azrael ()

BigWhale ::
Jaz sem enkrat ze rekel, da marsikatera verska 'konec-sveta' napoved utegne sovpadati z zacetkom Uploada... ;>
Pa sem non-believer, bolj ali manj za oboje. hehe
Pa sem non-believer, bolj ali manj za oboje. hehe

Matev ::
konec sveta
kaj to sploh je?
a je tostik zemlje z nebom?
ali pa stik vode z nebom - to bi bilo bolj realno
konec sveta je povsod kjer se podlaga - zemlja, kamen ali voda; dotikajo atmosfere
tam je konec
/vsaj za krte
kaj to sploh je?
a je tostik zemlje z nebom?
ali pa stik vode z nebom - to bi bilo bolj realno
konec sveta je povsod kjer se podlaga - zemlja, kamen ali voda; dotikajo atmosfere
tam je konec
/vsaj za krte

Karaya 52 ::
Azrael> Že to ,da so imeli Venero za zvezdo, me navaja na to, da astronomiji niso bili kaj ekstra.
Kaj pa to, da se je današnja družba (ki je oh in sploh) do pred kratkim v šolah učila da je Pluton planet? Čeprav so civilizacije propadale, so bile nekatere na določenih področjih veliko bolj razvite kot smo danes. Isti človek, druge igračke.
Kaj pa to, da se je današnja družba (ki je oh in sploh) do pred kratkim v šolah učila da je Pluton planet? Čeprav so civilizacije propadale, so bile nekatere na določenih področjih veliko bolj razvite kot smo danes. Isti človek, druge igračke.

whatever ::
Čeprav so civilizacije propadale, so bile nekatere na določenih področjih veliko bolj razvite kot smo danes. Isti človek, druge igračke.
Ne bom rekel, da a priori nimaš prav, ampak - se da najt kak primer?
Ne bom rekel, da a priori nimaš prav, ampak - se da najt kak primer?
Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.

Karaya 52 ::
Stari Grki in njihovo pojmovanje umetnosi v kiparstvu, arhitekturi in na splošno estetika in filozofija v vsaki pori življenja. Danes bi nas imeli za barbare, tako kot Rimljane.

krucymucy ::
Stari Grki in njihovo pojmovanje umetnosi v kiparstvu, arhitekturi in na splošno estetika in filozofija v vsaki pori življenja.
arhitektura in na splošno estetika in filozofija v vsaki pori življenja ti ne dajo kruha.

Karaya 52 ::
Tako zelo so potrebni, da so jih morali v renesansi ponovno odkriti in s tem končati temni srednji vek in ideal bodo še takrat ko bo človek koloniziral Mars.
Njihova arhitektura pa je dajala kruh Le Corbusieru, Plečniku in danes tistim ki to hočejo. Celo tako da so jo npr. kopirali ameriški arhitekti pri gradnji bele hiše, kongresa itd.
Sploh pa človek ne živi samo od kruha in to je bistvo mojga pisarjenja. :)
Njihova arhitektura pa je dajala kruh Le Corbusieru, Plečniku in danes tistim ki to hočejo. Celo tako da so jo npr. kopirali ameriški arhitekti pri gradnji bele hiše, kongresa itd.
Sploh pa človek ne živi samo od kruha in to je bistvo mojga pisarjenja. :)

BigWhale ::
Sploh pa človek ne živi samo od kruha in to je bistvo mojga pisarjenja. :)
No, zrak, kruh in voda sta kar zadosti, pa kako jabolko, da ne fases skorbuta.... ;>

A. Smith ::
Kaj pa to, da se je današnja družba (ki je oh in sploh) do pred kratkim v šolah učila da je Pluton planet?
Ne strinjam se s tem argumentom.
Planetom so 2006 prvič določili definicijo, zato se Pluton ni več klasificiral kot planet.
Bi pa že rekel, da je med zvezdo in planetom bistveno večja razlika, kot med dwarf planetom in pravim planetom.
"Be professional, be polite,
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis
but have a plan to kill everyone you meet".
- General James Mattis

alsb ::
Majevski koledar
"dolgo štetje"
"dolgo štetje"
University of Florida anthropologist Susan Gillespie says the 2012 phenomenon comes "from media and from other people making use of the Maya past to fulfill agendas that are really their own."USA Today

3furious ::
Stran ima toliko kredibilnosti kot revija Hopla. Če citiram dve "zanimivi dejstvi":
Albert Einstein said if the honey bees were suddenly gone mankind would have about 4 years left to live. Well, the honey bees are going extinct now and at the present rate in another year or so there will be no more honey bees left on earth. One year from now plus another 4 years gives us the year 2012.
In this final episode of the X-Files, it is revealed that on December 22 2012, aliens will invade and take over the world, one day after December 21 2012. It was like Chris Carter was saying to us that the aliens don't need to invade and conquer us, all they need to do is move in to a vacant earth.
Vse skupaj je reklama za prodajo robe za preživetje in majčk.
Če že mora biti nek konec, bo to konec dobe rib in začetek dobe vodnarja. Vse ostalo so IMHO le ugibanja.
Albert Einstein said if the honey bees were suddenly gone mankind would have about 4 years left to live. Well, the honey bees are going extinct now and at the present rate in another year or so there will be no more honey bees left on earth. One year from now plus another 4 years gives us the year 2012.
In this final episode of the X-Files, it is revealed that on December 22 2012, aliens will invade and take over the world, one day after December 21 2012. It was like Chris Carter was saying to us that the aliens don't need to invade and conquer us, all they need to do is move in to a vacant earth.
Vse skupaj je reklama za prodajo robe za preživetje in majčk.
Če že mora biti nek konec, bo to konec dobe rib in začetek dobe vodnarja. Vse ostalo so IMHO le ugibanja.

subby ::
Če že mora biti nek konec, bo to konec dobe rib in začetek dobe vodnarja.
točno tako jaz mislim - iz "konec dobe" je skozi leta s prevodi nastal "konec sveta"

lymph ::
Albert Einstein said if the honey bees were suddenly gone mankind would have about 4 years left to live
Pa napaka je že kle... Ker je velka verjetnost, da to sploh ni njegov quote.
"Belief is immune to counter example."

Starodavni ::
Ona stran kjer prodajajo opremo za preživetje in t-shirt je dober prikaz kako se da lepo zaslužiti s človeško neumnostjo.
Samo iznadljiv moraš biti. Tistim ki verjamete v 2012 vam svetujem, da opustite vero v to bedarijo in si preučite dejstva in laži.
Uvideli boste, da z vami manipulirajo, ker so bedasti, da bi razumelo dejstva.
Leta 2012 ne bo nič posebnega, razen olimpijskih iger v Londonu, pa zadnji dan kjotskega protokola.
Razočarani boste, tako kot so bili leta 2000.
Samo iznadljiv moraš biti. Tistim ki verjamete v 2012 vam svetujem, da opustite vero v to bedarijo in si preučite dejstva in laži.
Uvideli boste, da z vami manipulirajo, ker so bedasti, da bi razumelo dejstva.
Leta 2012 ne bo nič posebnega, razen olimpijskih iger v Londonu, pa zadnji dan kjotskega protokola.
Razočarani boste, tako kot so bili leta 2000.

Matev ::
"Uvideli boste, da z vami manipulirajo, ker so (ste) bedasti, da bi razumelo dejstva."
ker STE
bi morali pisati
ker STE
bi morali pisati

Slo-One ::
Yeah right, itak da ne verjamem.
Ampak najbolj smešno pa je, da prodajajo suplajse. MISLIM LOL. A ker bo konec sveta KONEC, bi mogo zaloge nabavit. LOL
Ampak najbolj smešno pa je, da prodajajo suplajse. MISLIM LOL. A ker bo konec sveta KONEC, bi mogo zaloge nabavit. LOL

PacificBlue ::
21.12.2012 Prophecy, End of the world
by Daniel Srsa
Reprinted with Permission
© Daniel Srsa
It's the most comprehensive material on the Mayan (and other prophecies) end date
of 21.12.2012. In order to understand the reality of such an event, it's necessary to understand the reality of this world. To know why the world in its present incarnation must end, one should first know what the world is - not only on an intuitive but also on an intellectual scale. Unless there is a clear understanding of what spatial reality and its projection in time is, and what their gravitational resonance is, there cannot be a clear understanding of what the world is - be it in its physical manifestation or in a string of its more subtle (spiritual) projections. Without understanding the fundamental principles of this world, how can we even start to speculate if it will end or not? Without this understanding, it's all groping in the dark. All divisions of one truth are just as relative in space as are temporary in time. It means that in simple terms, all must have beginning and end - in space as well as in time. When understood, the end of time becomes an inevitable certainty, not a matter of conjectures and opinions. Ultimately, it's a very simple and a very precise thing. Every temporary incarnation is a particular quantum state and it has a very, very precise duration. Not a second can be added to it or taken away. When the time is due, the Sun must rise on the horizon - it's as regular as clock. And when the time arrives for this cyclic rising and setting of Sun to cease, then the whole thing must be reversed because every action in time has a reaction in end of times. It's also as regular as the clock. All periodic dissolutions of physical world are as regular. Any action in time will have an effect only through gradual accumulation but when the measure is full, it triggers an instant quantum leap and an instant gravitational change of space/time parameters of Earth (or whatever larger cosmic reality might be affected in exponentially larger periods of time).
Earth must undergo periodic gravitational adjustment every 1/4 of orbital precession (90 degree) or 1/5 of rotational precession (72 degree), which is precisely 5125.36-year Mayan period because precession is the gradual negation or reversal of time. Time is induced by orbital/rotation of Earth but an anti-time or its reaction are its gradual advances/regression (precession). Precession is thus an exponential (infinitely slower) time - it's the time of time or the gravitational framework in which all separate segments of time have their beginnings and ends (different frequencies in time spectra). Precession is the gravitational source of all relative space/time divisions through which Earth must pass in its cosmic evolution. The abovementioned site is an attempt to elucidate that truth and brings home the message of inevitability of collapse of present reality. It's an attempt to clarify that all differences between physical and subtle (spiritual) are relative, since spiritual is simply the invisible physical manifestation just as physical is the visible part of a larger spiritual spectrum. There is no shift in consciousness unless the physical limitations of the spirit are destroyed. Winter solstice 2012 will bring a tremendous shift in consciousness but such shift is not without a catalyst. The catalyst that will induce consciousness shift will be the physical destruction of Earth that no man can even try to imagine, yet one should not fear it but embrace it as an inescapable Divine Will, because this is what it is. Light disperses darkness, day replaces night and so does a Golden Age (Sat Yuga) replaces the worn-out Iron Age (Kal Yuga). It's been done repeatedly since the dawn of time and it will be done again on winter solstice 2012, regardless if we believe it or not. Mind deceives and confuses by generating an endless string of theories and opinions but soul knows better - it knows that possibilities are many but certainty can be only one - and end of this world on 21.12.2012 is as certain as is the existence of the universe.
The modern physics knows all too well that a period between two subsequent quantum states is ¼ orbital precession. It is as above, so below - all the time between two successive quantum states or between two successive incarnations of a massive body is ¼ orbital precession, which is a period of exactly 5200 years of 360 days each in context of the orbiting earth. Since rotational regression (precession of equinoxes) is 5/4-fractal succession following on heels of orbital precession (perihelion advance), one 26000-year creative cycle of earth consists of 5 different rotational incarnations or 5 different worlds (or suns). The cycle is repeatable in 4x5=20-folds units, well known to the students of the Maya, thus creating yet larger so-called Milankovich astronomical cycle underlying yet larger 104000-year creative cycle of earth (the regression of precession or the precession of precession). The Maya along with the entire ancient world knew quantum laws long before Dirac, De Broglie or Bohr. There is never anything new under the sun. The present rotational incarnation of earth expires with winter sun 2012. It is also the end of the present orbital incarnation unlike the past four events, because it is the end of a precessional cycle, which is also ¼ of a larger 104000-year cycle. Earth must change not only rotational frequency as in the past four events but also its orbital frequency in order to remain in coherent or justified state. The balance of forces must change in every cardinal point of the precessional wave (¼). You can argue about it just as you can argue with your PC, your TV, your phone, walls of your house or anything else that exists. It is madness to presume it any other way.
End of the world 21.12.2012 is an effect of the same cause that drives all your technology. Moreover, it is the effect of the same cause that lends all forms of reality their existence - the past, the present and the future. It is the effect of the same cause that creates the density of matter out of the vibrations of energy! It is the underlying essence of the world holding it all together through the electromagnetic and gravitational bonds. To doubt that the winter sun 2012 will spell anything else but the death of the present order of things is commensurate with doubting one's own existence. You know what kinds of forces are unleashed during the sequential quantum changes of an orbiting electron. Multiply it by a factor of double light speed as per Einstein's E=mC² formulations and you will have a good idea of what 21.12.2012 is all about. However, the force as any other particular form of reality is impersonal and which personal shade will such an outburst of energy attain is a matter of choice. The apocalypse for the unjust one is the flower of life for the just one.
© Daniel Srsa
by Daniel Srsa
Reprinted with Permission
© Daniel Srsa
It's the most comprehensive material on the Mayan (and other prophecies) end date
of 21.12.2012. In order to understand the reality of such an event, it's necessary to understand the reality of this world. To know why the world in its present incarnation must end, one should first know what the world is - not only on an intuitive but also on an intellectual scale. Unless there is a clear understanding of what spatial reality and its projection in time is, and what their gravitational resonance is, there cannot be a clear understanding of what the world is - be it in its physical manifestation or in a string of its more subtle (spiritual) projections. Without understanding the fundamental principles of this world, how can we even start to speculate if it will end or not? Without this understanding, it's all groping in the dark. All divisions of one truth are just as relative in space as are temporary in time. It means that in simple terms, all must have beginning and end - in space as well as in time. When understood, the end of time becomes an inevitable certainty, not a matter of conjectures and opinions. Ultimately, it's a very simple and a very precise thing. Every temporary incarnation is a particular quantum state and it has a very, very precise duration. Not a second can be added to it or taken away. When the time is due, the Sun must rise on the horizon - it's as regular as clock. And when the time arrives for this cyclic rising and setting of Sun to cease, then the whole thing must be reversed because every action in time has a reaction in end of times. It's also as regular as the clock. All periodic dissolutions of physical world are as regular. Any action in time will have an effect only through gradual accumulation but when the measure is full, it triggers an instant quantum leap and an instant gravitational change of space/time parameters of Earth (or whatever larger cosmic reality might be affected in exponentially larger periods of time).
Earth must undergo periodic gravitational adjustment every 1/4 of orbital precession (90 degree) or 1/5 of rotational precession (72 degree), which is precisely 5125.36-year Mayan period because precession is the gradual negation or reversal of time. Time is induced by orbital/rotation of Earth but an anti-time or its reaction are its gradual advances/regression (precession). Precession is thus an exponential (infinitely slower) time - it's the time of time or the gravitational framework in which all separate segments of time have their beginnings and ends (different frequencies in time spectra). Precession is the gravitational source of all relative space/time divisions through which Earth must pass in its cosmic evolution. The abovementioned site is an attempt to elucidate that truth and brings home the message of inevitability of collapse of present reality. It's an attempt to clarify that all differences between physical and subtle (spiritual) are relative, since spiritual is simply the invisible physical manifestation just as physical is the visible part of a larger spiritual spectrum. There is no shift in consciousness unless the physical limitations of the spirit are destroyed. Winter solstice 2012 will bring a tremendous shift in consciousness but such shift is not without a catalyst. The catalyst that will induce consciousness shift will be the physical destruction of Earth that no man can even try to imagine, yet one should not fear it but embrace it as an inescapable Divine Will, because this is what it is. Light disperses darkness, day replaces night and so does a Golden Age (Sat Yuga) replaces the worn-out Iron Age (Kal Yuga). It's been done repeatedly since the dawn of time and it will be done again on winter solstice 2012, regardless if we believe it or not. Mind deceives and confuses by generating an endless string of theories and opinions but soul knows better - it knows that possibilities are many but certainty can be only one - and end of this world on 21.12.2012 is as certain as is the existence of the universe.
The modern physics knows all too well that a period between two subsequent quantum states is ¼ orbital precession. It is as above, so below - all the time between two successive quantum states or between two successive incarnations of a massive body is ¼ orbital precession, which is a period of exactly 5200 years of 360 days each in context of the orbiting earth. Since rotational regression (precession of equinoxes) is 5/4-fractal succession following on heels of orbital precession (perihelion advance), one 26000-year creative cycle of earth consists of 5 different rotational incarnations or 5 different worlds (or suns). The cycle is repeatable in 4x5=20-folds units, well known to the students of the Maya, thus creating yet larger so-called Milankovich astronomical cycle underlying yet larger 104000-year creative cycle of earth (the regression of precession or the precession of precession). The Maya along with the entire ancient world knew quantum laws long before Dirac, De Broglie or Bohr. There is never anything new under the sun. The present rotational incarnation of earth expires with winter sun 2012. It is also the end of the present orbital incarnation unlike the past four events, because it is the end of a precessional cycle, which is also ¼ of a larger 104000-year cycle. Earth must change not only rotational frequency as in the past four events but also its orbital frequency in order to remain in coherent or justified state. The balance of forces must change in every cardinal point of the precessional wave (¼). You can argue about it just as you can argue with your PC, your TV, your phone, walls of your house or anything else that exists. It is madness to presume it any other way.
End of the world 21.12.2012 is an effect of the same cause that drives all your technology. Moreover, it is the effect of the same cause that lends all forms of reality their existence - the past, the present and the future. It is the effect of the same cause that creates the density of matter out of the vibrations of energy! It is the underlying essence of the world holding it all together through the electromagnetic and gravitational bonds. To doubt that the winter sun 2012 will spell anything else but the death of the present order of things is commensurate with doubting one's own existence. You know what kinds of forces are unleashed during the sequential quantum changes of an orbiting electron. Multiply it by a factor of double light speed as per Einstein's E=mC² formulations and you will have a good idea of what 21.12.2012 is all about. However, the force as any other particular form of reality is impersonal and which personal shade will such an outburst of energy attain is a matter of choice. The apocalypse for the unjust one is the flower of life for the just one.
© Daniel Srsa
I’m out.

jype ::
PacificBlue, to je vse eno samo sranje.
Če ne verjameš, počakaj do omenjenega datuma in mi piši naslednji dan, da ti povem še enkrat.
Če ne verjameš, počakaj do omenjenega datuma in mi piši naslednji dan, da ti povem še enkrat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jype ()

Starodavni ::
Matev, mišljeno je bilo, da so oni (doomsayerji in iskalci resnice) bebci, ker se slepijo samega sebe.
npr optična iluzija planeta Nibiru, ki je v bistvu lažni dvojček sonca zaradi zrcal. To je eden od številnih primerov, ki jih vernikiv te bedarije napačno interpretirajo.
V bistvu se sploh ne zavedajo, da gledajo zrcalno sliko sonca samega in ne prihajajočega Nibiruja. Žalostno je, da potem objavjajo po internetu, da je to res nibiru in s tem povečajo delež manipulacije.
npr optična iluzija planeta Nibiru, ki je v bistvu lažni dvojček sonca zaradi zrcal. To je eden od številnih primerov, ki jih vernikiv te bedarije napačno interpretirajo.
V bistvu se sploh ne zavedajo, da gledajo zrcalno sliko sonca samega in ne prihajajočega Nibiruja. Žalostno je, da potem objavjajo po internetu, da je to res nibiru in s tem povečajo delež manipulacije.

Starodavni ::
Samo tisti "težki časi" so bili poveoženi že leta 2003, pa so se spomnili (ker se ni nič zgodilo tega leta) na leto 2012 kot veleznano leto in so takrat postavili prihod nibiruja.
Ko se leta 2012 ne bo nič zgodilo, pa bodo premaknili na leto 2036 ali 2038, ko naj bi padel na Zemljo asteroid Apofis(možnosti zelo majhne) in povzročil konec civilizacije. Ko se to ne bo zgodilo pa bodo premaknili na 2112, ker se sliši "cool".
Resnica je, da noben kekec ne zna napovedat prihodnosti, kaj šele konca civilizacije kot jo poznamo. Karavana(tehnologija in ljudje) pa bodo šli dalje.
Ko se leta 2012 ne bo nič zgodilo, pa bodo premaknili na leto 2036 ali 2038, ko naj bi padel na Zemljo asteroid Apofis(možnosti zelo majhne) in povzročil konec civilizacije. Ko se to ne bo zgodilo pa bodo premaknili na 2112, ker se sliši "cool".
Resnica je, da noben kekec ne zna napovedat prihodnosti, kaj šele konca civilizacije kot jo poznamo. Karavana(tehnologija in ljudje) pa bodo šli dalje.

PacificBlue ::
Si slišal že kdaj za Schuman-ovo resonanco? KLIK
Si slišal že kdaj za Schuman-ovo resonanco? KLIK
The low frequency emanations from the Earth called the "Scuhman Resonance" are actually the result of undertones created by the phase shifts of very high frequencies. When more than one wave form is superimposed, both overtones and undertones of sub-harmonics are created. The fundamental wave forms that are created by the Earth are of such high vibration that they are not measurable by current conventional measuring equipment. However, we can measure the principle undertone sub-harmonic created by the phase shifts of these high frequency fundamentals. This sub-harmonic seems static only because the dynamics of these phase shifts appear so slow from our measurement of linear time. Yet the past 6 years have shown measurable change in the Schuman Resonance to prove this: 7.84 Hz in 1992 to approximately 10.8 Hz at the beginning of 1998. According to Greg Braden, author of "Awakening to Zero Point", the dynamics of this trend will continue.
I’m out.

edge540 ::
Iz tvojega linka (Starodavni):
Naši predniki so tega velikana imenovali 12. planet in kadar se s svojim močnim magnetnim poljem giblje mimo Zemlje, povzroči, da se njen severni in južni pol obrneta za 90 stopinj. Menjavajoči se poli potegnejo Zemljino škorjo s seboj in s tem v nekaj urah popolnoma spremenijo geografsko podobo Zemlje, kar povzroči masovne katastrofe, ki vplivajo na vse živo.

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: edge540 ()

Ziga Dolhar ::
Tkole se zmenva. Greva sklenit eno pogodbo, magari greva k notarju.
1. Dam ti 500 EUR.
2. 1.1.2013, če bode ta dan sploh napočil, mi daš 10.000 EUR.
Kaj praviš?
Tkole se zmenva. Greva sklenit eno pogodbo, magari greva k notarju.
1. Dam ti 500 EUR.
2. 1.1.2013, če bode ta dan sploh napočil, mi daš 10.000 EUR.
Kaj praviš?

PacificBlue ::
@Starodavni in ostali
Datum 21.12 2012 nima nobene veze z datumi ala..2003 and stuff like that, kjer so folk dobesedno nateganli(pač tisti, ki so verjeli)..poznamo tudi primere, kjer so skupine(sekte) delale samomore, ker naj bi bil na določen datum konec sveta..Ampak 21.12 2012 ne pomeni konec sveta v fizičnem smislu ampak v pa je velika razlika.
Datum 21.12 2012 nima nobene veze z datumi ala..2003 and stuff like that, kjer so folk dobesedno nateganli(pač tisti, ki so verjeli)..poznamo tudi primere, kjer so skupine(sekte) delale samomore, ker naj bi bil na določen datum konec sveta..Ampak 21.12 2012 ne pomeni konec sveta v fizičnem smislu ampak v pa je velika razlika.
I’m out.

Starodavni ::
Ja vem, ampak se oglašuje da bo takrat konec sveta. Dejansko pa bo samo konec te majevske etape, ker pa so maji izumrli pa ni novega koledarja, zato se tu "konča". no Big Deal.
Če pa verjameš v 21.12.2012 pa ti noben ne more pomagat, pomagal ti bo čas in spoznanje, da so te nategnili. Spremenilo se bo bore malo.
Če pa verjameš v 21.12.2012 pa ti noben ne more pomagat, pomagal ti bo čas in spoznanje, da so te nategnili. Spremenilo se bo bore malo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Starodavni ()

PacificBlue ::
Ne mislim, da bo konec sveta v fizičnem smislu,,to se v bistvu ne more in se tudi ne bo zgodilo..zato kar pospravi tistih 500 evrov in jih lepo porabi na naslednji dan po 21. 12 2012..seveda če boš našel razlog da bi jih..hehe:)
Ne mislim, da bo konec sveta v fizičnem smislu,,to se v bistvu ne more in se tudi ne bo zgodilo..zato kar pospravi tistih 500 evrov in jih lepo porabi na naslednji dan po 21. 12 2012..seveda če boš našel razlog da bi jih..hehe:)
I’m out.

PacificBlue ::
Dejansko pa bo samo konec te majevske etape, ker pa so maji izumrli pa ni novega koledarja, zato se tu "konča". no Big Deal.
Ne sj se ni nič končalo..majevski koledar se na datum 21.12 ne bo končal(če poznate majevsko kulturo in predvsem koledarski sistem)..začel se bo samo novi cikel..Nič se ne konča in nič se ne zač samo prehodi.
I’m out.

BigWhale ::
Ampak 21.12 2012 ne pomeni konec sveta v fizičnem smislu ampak v pa je velika razlika.
Oh, povej, povej!

PacificBlue ::
Ni ti treba biti pameten, da vidiš da svet v katerem živimo počasi prehaja h koncu..vojne, lakota, višanje cen hrane,goriva(le pomisli, do kaj lahko privede to)..potem klimatske spremembe, predvsem pa povečevanje razlik med bogatimi in revnimi..
In ko pišem tole vam povem, da v kratkem bo izbruhnila 3.svetovna vojna..uporabljeno bo jedrsko orožje in človeštvo bo v izredno težkih razmerah spoznalo, kdo smo, kaj smo in spoznali bomo resnico, ker spoznanje, če ne pride z modrostjo pride z boleč na svetu je veliko neumnosti in tudi zaradi tega tudi veliko bolečine..In enkrat se mora zgoditi to se bo zgodilo na 21.12 2012. To je kozmičen datum izrednega pomena za človeštvo..
Res vam priporočam, da si preberete tole izkušnjo z ibogainom..KLIK...Vas zanima zakaj? Ker resnično obstaja nekaj veliko več, kot si mislite..materialni svet je samo osnova za višje dimenzije..
Ni ti treba biti pameten, da vidiš da svet v katerem živimo počasi prehaja h koncu..vojne, lakota, višanje cen hrane,goriva(le pomisli, do kaj lahko privede to)..potem klimatske spremembe, predvsem pa povečevanje razlik med bogatimi in revnimi..
In ko pišem tole vam povem, da v kratkem bo izbruhnila 3.svetovna vojna..uporabljeno bo jedrsko orožje in človeštvo bo v izredno težkih razmerah spoznalo, kdo smo, kaj smo in spoznali bomo resnico, ker spoznanje, če ne pride z modrostjo pride z boleč na svetu je veliko neumnosti in tudi zaradi tega tudi veliko bolečine..In enkrat se mora zgoditi to se bo zgodilo na 21.12 2012. To je kozmičen datum izrednega pomena za človeštvo..
Res vam priporočam, da si preberete tole izkušnjo z ibogainom..KLIK...Vas zanima zakaj? Ker resnično obstaja nekaj veliko več, kot si mislite..materialni svet je samo osnova za višje dimenzije..
I’m out.

Thomas ::
višanje cen hrane,goriva(le pomisli, do kaj lahko privede to)..potem klimatske spremembe
A nas to hočeš zabavat mau?
Man muss immer generalisieren - Carl Jacobi

Ziga Dolhar ::
2. svetovna & jedrska vojna torej pomeni ta "spiritualni" konec sveta?
No lej. Lohka se greva pa tko.
1. Dam ti 500 EUR.
2. Če do 1.1.2013 ne pride do "3. svetovne vojne" ali jedrske vojne, mi daš 10.000 EUR.
No lej. Lohka se greva pa tko.
1. Dam ti 500 EUR.
2. Če do 1.1.2013 ne pride do "3. svetovne vojne" ali jedrske vojne, mi daš 10.000 EUR.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Ziga Dolhar ()

WarpedGone ::
Zdej te mam pa dost. Če misliš debatirat na takšnalem nivoju, gre tema pod ključ. Nakladaš lahko v nakladalnici.
Ni ti treba biti pameten, da vidiš da svet v katerem živimo počasi prehaja h koncu..vojne, lakota, višanje cen hrane,goriva(le pomisli, do kaj lahko privede to)..potem klimatske spremembe, predvsem pa povečevanje razlik med bogatimi in revnimi..
Zdej te mam pa dost. Če misliš debatirat na takšnalem nivoju, gre tema pod ključ. Nakladaš lahko v nakladalnici.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

zee ::
zelo nas hoce zabavati, samo mi nismo za hece tovrstne sorte

Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.
Linux: Be Root, Windows: Re Boot
Giant Amazon and Google Compute Cloud in the Sky.

PacificBlue ::
Ni potrebno komunicirat z mano na takem nivoju..jaz sem samo povedal svoje mnenje, ker me je Big Whale tako prosil..žaliti pa ne nameravam nikogar. Nisem tak tip človeka..glede nakladanja pa ti lahko citiram par citatov v isti temi, ki bi pa morali iti pod mus v nakladalnico..
Ni potrebno komunicirat z mano na takem nivoju..jaz sem samo povedal svoje mnenje, ker me je Big Whale tako prosil..žaliti pa ne nameravam nikogar. Nisem tak tip človeka..glede nakladanja pa ti lahko citiram par citatov v isti temi, ki bi pa morali iti pod mus v nakladalnico..
I’m out.

PacificBlue ::
In this age of skepticism, we are skeptical about everything except the skepticism itself. We have put all our faith in skepticism and doubt all else. Is it a wise course of action? Is there a truth out there? Our mind doubts everything except its own capability to find the truth. We have put all our faith in our limited and doubting mind and doubt that there is anything greater than our limited power of intellect. Are we than any better than a common beast of burden? Even a dog has put its full faith in its limited mind and in its ignorance; it thinks it’s a top of creation. That’s why it remains to be a dog! In India, they catch monkeys by putting few seeds in a pitcher with a narrow neck, while monkey is watching. As soon as no one is around, monkey darts and grabs the seeds in a pitcher but now with a clenched fist it cannot get hand out of a pitcher. It will not let go because its mind will not let him. This is what mind does – it plants the seed of doubt through its endless analyzing, fragmenting and splintering of the simple truth, while in all its wisdom it remains completely oblivious of its own limitations. It’s a great mistake to think that mind is the top of evolution because it is not. The soul is! Without soul, the mind would be a dead piece of matter.
I’m out.

Ziga Dolhar ::
The Athenians, with the exception of Plato, thought of Socrates as a Sophist, a designation he seems to have bitterly resented. He was, however, very similar in thought to the Sophists. Like the Sophists, he was unconcerned with physical or metaphysical questions; the issue of primary importance was ethics, living a good life. He appeared to be a sophist because he seems to tear down every ethical position he's confronted with; he never offers alternatives after he's torn down other people's ideas.

Ziga Dolhar ::
Še tole:
Serialism is one of the most important post-war movements among the high modernist schools. Serialism, more specifically named "integral" or "compound" serialism, was led by composers such as Pierre Boulez, Bruno Maderna, Luigi Nono, and Karlheinz Stockhausen in Europe, and by Milton Babbitt, Donald Martino, and Charles Wuorinen in America. Some of their compositions use an ordered set or several such sets, which may be the basis for the whole composition, while others use "unordered" sets for the same purpose. The term is also often used for dodecaphony, or twelve-tone technique, which is alternatively regarded as the model for integral serialism.
Serialism is one of the most important post-war movements among the high modernist schools. Serialism, more specifically named "integral" or "compound" serialism, was led by composers such as Pierre Boulez, Bruno Maderna, Luigi Nono, and Karlheinz Stockhausen in Europe, and by Milton Babbitt, Donald Martino, and Charles Wuorinen in America. Some of their compositions use an ordered set or several such sets, which may be the basis for the whole composition, while others use "unordered" sets for the same purpose. The term is also often used for dodecaphony, or twelve-tone technique, which is alternatively regarded as the model for integral serialism.

ttommy ::
Saj je zanimivo branje-samo če kdo kaj zagovarja,pol naj članek iz angleščine prevede v slovenščino,ne pa samo copy&paste.....
Tolk pa spet ne stojite za tem,a ne?
Tolk pa spet ne stojite za tem,a ne?

edge540 ::
In ko pišem tole vam povem, da v kratkem bo izbruhnila 3.svetovna vojna..uporabljeno bo jedrsko orožje in človeštvo bo v izredno težkih razmerah spoznalo, kdo smo, kaj smo in spoznali bomo resnico, ker spoznanje, če ne pride z modrostjo pride z boleč na svetu je veliko neumnosti in tudi zaradi tega tudi veliko bolečine..In enkrat se mora zgoditi to se bo zgodilo na 21.12 2012. To je kozmičen datum izrednega pomena za človeštvo..
1. Jedrska vojna? Sweet. Spomni me kaki dan ali dva prej na PM, da grem po one špegle za sončni mrk (vedno sem želel videti jedrsko eksplozijo v živo).
2. Kaj je to kozmični datum?
3. Brez heca, enkrat sem ti že rekel da pojdi za scenarista. V Holywoodu iščejo ljudi s takšno domišljijo!
Nič osebnega samo ne verjemi vsega kaj vidiš na tv/internetu/kjerkoli.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
⊘ | Konec sveta 2012 (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 )Oddelek: Loža | 37351 (32448) | bluefish |
⊘ | Leto 2012 .. velika katastrofa? (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Loža | 12006 (5831) | bluefish |
⊘ | Konec Sveta 2012 (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 )Oddelek: Loža | 38716 (27284) | Zheegec |
⊘ | 27.8.2012 - Potrjen konec svetaOddelek: Loža | 4169 (3009) | Gandalfar |
» | Trkalnik v CERN-u ponovno obratujeOddelek: Novice / Znanost in tehnologija | 14854 (12719) | Thomas |