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Kaj pomeni ˇmountej

Kaj pomeni ˇmountej

Enica ::

Prosim kdo mi ve razloŽiti kaj pomeni ˇmounetjˇ
  • polepsal: Primoz ()

JanezH ::


In computers, to mount is to make a group of files in a file system structure accessible to a user or user group. In some usages, it means to make a device physically accessible. For instance, in data storage, to mount is to place a data medium (such as a tape cartridge) on a drive in a position to operate. Macintosh calls it mounting when a user inserts a disc into the machine.

PacificBlue ::

The word mount originates from the Unix world and it means you use a special file to reference your hard drive. When you execute the mount command, you specify a directory as a mount point for your hard drive. That is the Unix world, and if you do not understand it, then do not worry.

The mount command is used in the Windows world in a similar way. You will use an image file, which is an exact copy of ripped cd data, and you mount it to a drive letter. This enables you to access the data in the image without burning it to a CD.

You have two options now that you know what an image file is. One, burn the image to a CD. Two, use Daemon Tools or Alcohol 120% to mount the image.

jype ::

Windows (od NT naprej) tudi znajo "mountat" disk v določen direktorij.

Enica ::

kako pa mountaš datoteko???

Matek ::

Od datotek, ki jih lahko mountas, mi na pamet padejo samo CD/DVD imagei. Za mountanje teh potrebujes program (recimo daemon tools), ki ti ustvari navidezen opticni pogon, tako da potem ko mountas image, izgleda, kot da bi v DVD pogon vstavil disk.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona.

Kami ::

priklop -ópa [priklO:p] m (angl. mount)
postopek, s katerim se omogoči dostop do datotečnega sistema (2), naprave;

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