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Linux / net

#000000 ::
Zdravo, imam problem z Ubuntu intel Live CD Linux-om, in sicer ne znam pridet na net oz ne vem kaj in kje je treba to nastavt. Sem popolni začetnik v Linux-u tko res rabim pomoč. Hvala LP

#000000 ::
Aja sory, imam Siolov ADSL dostop in obični Callisto 821 modem.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: #000000 ()

Gandalfar ::
ce gres v konzolo in napises
/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a
ti napise kaksen eth?
ce ti, potem lahko s
sudo pppoeconf
zrihtas da ti bo adsl zacel delat
/usr/sbin/ifconfig -a
ti napise kaksen eth?
ce ti, potem lahko s
sudo pppoeconf
zrihtas da ti bo adsl zacel delat

#000000 ::
Gandalfar Hvala zaenkrat, takoj ko pridem domov bom probal izvest tole. V vsakem primeru javim kako je šlo. LP

hitcher ::
po mojem je pri *buntuju isto kot drugje:
sudo adsl-setup
odgovoriš na tistih nekaj socialnih vprašanj
in potem adsl-start
oz. adsl-stop
sudo adsl-setup
odgovoriš na tistih nekaj socialnih vprašanj
in potem adsl-start
oz. adsl-stop

#000000 ::
Ja jest sm mal raziskoval, itak nimam pojma o Linuxu, tko da sploh ne vem kje iskat ta Sudo ADSL setup. Verjetno bom mogu počakat na koga, ki uporablja prav ta Ubuntu Linux. Vseeno hvala vsem za dosedanjo pomoč. LP

babylon9 ::
dejte folk probat Knoppix 4.0 DVD edition de facto standard z eno besedo bomba !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hitcher ::
ah ja, saj ti ni nihče nič pametnega povedal - sorči.
Torej odpreš terminal, ali xterm, ali konsole
in tam noter potem tipkaj zgoraj napisane ukaze.
Torej odpreš terminal, ali xterm, ali konsole
in tam noter potem tipkaj zgoraj napisane ukaze.

#000000 ::
"Hitcher" ko sem pisal tale post tvojega še ni blo, bom probal še enkrat. Hvala
Ma jest sm probal tud Slo-tech-ovega pa mi javi eno napako (ful nahitro) tko da niti prebrat ne uspem, potem pa samo bel ekran gledam, ne zalavfa pa ne. Zato sem tud ta Ubuntu snel dol. Zdej bom probu še s Knoppix mogoče pa mi bo ratal, je že na 50 % tko da bo zjutraj dol. Verjamem da je v helpu zapisan kako to izvest, ampak jest premal poznam zadevo tako, da niti ne vem kaj naj iščem. LP
Ma jest sm probal tud Slo-tech-ovega pa mi javi eno napako (ful nahitro) tko da niti prebrat ne uspem, potem pa samo bel ekran gledam, ne zalavfa pa ne. Zato sem tud ta Ubuntu snel dol. Zdej bom probu še s Knoppix mogoče pa mi bo ratal, je že na 50 % tko da bo zjutraj dol. Verjamem da je v helpu zapisan kako to izvest, ampak jest premal poznam zadevo tako, da niti ne vem kaj naj iščem. LP
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: #000000 ()

babylon9 ::
(last update: 22.02.2005)
These options (can be combined) work from the ISOLINUX bootprompt:
knoppix lang=cn|de|da|es|fr|it|nl specify language/keyboard
knoppix lang=pl|ru|sk|tr|tw|us specify language/keyboard
knoppix gmt Use GMT-based time
knoppix tz=Europe/Berlin Use this timezone for TZ
knoppix desktop=fluxbox|icewm Use specified WM instead of KDE (1)
knoppix desktop=kde|larswm|twm Use specified WM instead of KDE (2)
knoppix desktop=wmaker|xfce Use specified WM instead of KDE (3)
knoppix screen=1280x1024 Use specified Screen resolution for X
knoppix xvrefresh=60 (or vsync=60) Use 60 Hz vertical refresh rate for X
knoppix xhrefresh=80 (or hsync=80) Use 80 kHz horizontal refresh rate for X
knoppix xserver=XFree86|XF86_SVGA Use specified X-Server
knoppix xmodule=ati|fbdev|i810|mga Use specified XFree4-Module (1)
knoppix xmodule=nv|radeon|savage|s3 Use specified XFree4-Module (2)
knoppix xmodule=radeon|svga|i810 Use specified XFree4-Module (3)
knoppix 2 Runlevel 2, Textmode only
knoppix floppyconfig Run "" from a floppy
knoppix myconf=/dev/sda1 Run "" from a partition
knoppix myconf=scan (or config=scan) Try to find "" automatically
knoppix home=/mnt/sda1/knoppix.img Mount loopback file as /home/knoppix
knoppix home=scan Automatic search for knoppix homedir
knoppix no{apic,agp,apm,audio,ddc} Skip parts of HW-detection (1)
knoppix no{dhcp,fstab,firewire} Skip parts of HW-detection (2)
knoppix no{pcmcia,scsi,swap,usb} Skip parts of HW-detection (3)
knoppix nousb2 Disable USB 2.x
knoppix pnpbios=off No PnP Bios initialization
knoppix acpi=off Disable ACPI Bios completely
failsafe Boot with (almost) no HW-detection
knoppix pci=irqmask=0x0e98 Try this, if PS/2 mouse doesn't work *)
knoppix pci=bios Workaround for bad PCI controllers
knoppix ide2=0x180 nopcmcia Boot from PCMCIA-CD-Rom (some notebooks)
knoppix mem=128M Specify Memory size in MByte
knoppix dma Enable DMA accelleration for ALL IDE-Drives
knoppix noeject Do NOT eject CD after halt
knoppix noprompt Do NOT prompt to remove the CD
knoppix vga=normal No-framebuffer mode, but X
knoppix blind Start Braille-Terminal (no X)
knoppix brltty=type,port,table Parameters for Braille device
knoppix wheelmouse Enable IMPS/2 protocol for wheelmice
knoppix nowheelmouse Force plain PS/2 protocol for PS/2-mouse
fb1280x1024 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (1)
fb1024x768 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (2)
fb800x600 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (3)
knoppix keyboard=us xkeyboard=us Use different keyboard (text/X)
knoppix splash Boot with fancy background splashscreen
+ animations + progress bar **)
knoppix toram Copy CD to RAM and run from there
knoppix tohd=/dev/hda1 Copy CD to HD partition and run from there
knoppix fromhd Skip checking for Knoppix on CD-ROM
knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda1 Boot from previously copied CD-Image
knoppix bootfrom=/dev/hda1 Access Image then boot from previously
copied CD-Image (enables booting from
NTFS / ReiserFS) ***)
knoppix bootfrom=/dev/hda1/KNX.iso Access image, boot from ISO-Image. ***)
knoppix knoppix_dir=KNOPPIX Directory to search for on the CD.
knoppix knoppix_name=KNOPPIX Cloop-File to search for on the CD.
knoppix testcd Check CD data integrity and md5sums
expert Interactive setup for experts
Hint: Using the default DE-bootimage, SYSLINUX boots with german keyboard
layout. The '=' letter is located at Shift-0 on this keyboard (just in
case you want to change keyboard and language with lang=us).
*) Try "knoppix pci=irqmask=0x0e98" if (you have a notebook and) your
PS/2 mouse doesn't work. (Possibly caused by a BIOS-flaw on your board,
BIOS updates can help.) Sometimes, switching to the text console with
Control-Alt-F1 and back to the X-screen with Control-F5 solves the
problem without rebooting, since the X server reinitializes the mouse
driver during that procedure.
You can also have your own splash-screen in putting an executable shell-
script to /cdrom/KNOPPIX/ For an example how to do this see:
/usr/bin/ (Feature added by Fabian Franz.)
***) Bootfrom needs access to a running Knoppix-System with the same Kernel
as the Bootkernel, before it is able to mount the partition / ISO-Image.
This should allow a poor mans install from NTFS-Partitions and makes it
also possible to boot an ISO-Image directly. You can also use wildcards
in the ISO-Filename, but it must be unique. So: If you have just one
KNOPPIX.iso on /dev/hda1 you can access it as: bootfrom=/dev/hda1/K*.iso,
but if there are several, you need to make clear, which one you want.
(Feature added by Fabian Franz.)
If your KNOPPIX CD makes strange noises during boot, or you see
frequent errors like "cloop: read error", or programs on your KDE
desktop keep crashing randomly, then your CD image is probably defective
or incomplete, or your CD-burner created a defective CD due to wrong
writing speed or bad media. This is the most common error reported.
Please boot with "knoppix testcd" to check if the CD is OK, and/or even
better, verify the MD5 checksums that are present on the mirrors before
writing the CD. In some cases, defective IDE controllers cause this
error if you have DMA enabled. Also, please read the KNOPPIX-FAQ.
In case of a failing hardware autodetection, try booting with any of
the "no-" options as shown in the table above, like in
knoppix noagp noaudio noapm noapic acpi=off nodma nopcmcia noscsi nousb
to skip some critical parts of the autodetection system.
The "noswap" option is useful for a forensic analysis without touching
existing swap partitions.
Some Boards apparently don't pass the proper memory size to the
linux-kernel. It may cause the message "Panic: cannot mount root file
system" and the system hangs. Use "knoppix mem=128M" to solve that
problem if your system has 128MByte memory for example (caution:
you MUST use a capital "M" here).
The "expert" mode provides a very simple interface to loading additional
Kernel modules from floppy disks (ext2 or vfat), plus interactive
configuration of mouse/keyboard/soundcard/xserver. "expert" mode supports
the same boot options as "knoppix".
The "floppyconfig" or "(my)config=/dev/partition" options allow you to
reconfigure the system after autoconfiguration by running a bourne
shell script called "" from the root directory on the given
device (or floppy). There is a GUI to create such a configuration
floppy disk calles "saveconfig" (also located in the KDE menu under
"KNOPPIX", but experts also know how to do this by creating their own
shellscripts. From Version 2.1 and up, a file called "", if
located in the toplevel KNOPPIX directory on CD, will also be executed
at startup. This makes ist easier to create customized versions without
having to change anything on the compressed filesystem KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.
SCSI-Emulation is active for all CD-Roms (unless you switch it off by
using the "atapicd" option), so IDE CD-Writers should work with the
installed versions of cdrecord and cdrdao (or the graphical frontends
thereof, k3b for example).
If your BIOS does not support el torito booting from CD, you can create
two bootable floppy disks by issuing (from Knoppix running on a different
machine) the command "mkbootfloppy", which will create a bootable
Kernel-disk plus a disk containing the initial ramdisk, which will be
prompted for at boottime.
If you wish to remaster the CD, please don't forget to specify
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/
as option to mkisofs. Otherwise your CD won't be bootable. The
directory KNOPPIX, containig the compressed filesystem file "KNOPPIX",
must be located in the top level directory of the CD.
Caution: X-Screensaver: Don't start xlock or any screensaver that
requires a password. There are no default passwords on KNOPPIX,
i.e. all accounts are LOCKED unless you explicitly set a password.
See also README_Security.txt about this issue.
If you accidentially hit the screensaver button in KDE,
switch to one of the textconsoles by Control-Alt-F1 and kill
the screensaver (or just set a password for the knoppix user).
If you would like to edit your X-Server configuration manually
(/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 for XFree86 V4.x), use "knoppix 2" to boot
into runlevel 2 (textmode only) and, after changing the X
configuration, start the X environment with "init 5". Note that
you can always leave the graphical environment with "init 2", and
restart it later with "init 5".
(last update: 22.02.2005)
These options (can be combined) work from the ISOLINUX bootprompt:
knoppix lang=cn|de|da|es|fr|it|nl specify language/keyboard
knoppix lang=pl|ru|sk|tr|tw|us specify language/keyboard
knoppix gmt Use GMT-based time
knoppix tz=Europe/Berlin Use this timezone for TZ
knoppix desktop=fluxbox|icewm Use specified WM instead of KDE (1)
knoppix desktop=kde|larswm|twm Use specified WM instead of KDE (2)
knoppix desktop=wmaker|xfce Use specified WM instead of KDE (3)
knoppix screen=1280x1024 Use specified Screen resolution for X
knoppix xvrefresh=60 (or vsync=60) Use 60 Hz vertical refresh rate for X
knoppix xhrefresh=80 (or hsync=80) Use 80 kHz horizontal refresh rate for X
knoppix xserver=XFree86|XF86_SVGA Use specified X-Server
knoppix xmodule=ati|fbdev|i810|mga Use specified XFree4-Module (1)
knoppix xmodule=nv|radeon|savage|s3 Use specified XFree4-Module (2)
knoppix xmodule=radeon|svga|i810 Use specified XFree4-Module (3)
knoppix 2 Runlevel 2, Textmode only
knoppix floppyconfig Run "" from a floppy
knoppix myconf=/dev/sda1 Run "" from a partition
knoppix myconf=scan (or config=scan) Try to find "" automatically
knoppix home=/mnt/sda1/knoppix.img Mount loopback file as /home/knoppix
knoppix home=scan Automatic search for knoppix homedir
knoppix no{apic,agp,apm,audio,ddc} Skip parts of HW-detection (1)
knoppix no{dhcp,fstab,firewire} Skip parts of HW-detection (2)
knoppix no{pcmcia,scsi,swap,usb} Skip parts of HW-detection (3)
knoppix nousb2 Disable USB 2.x
knoppix pnpbios=off No PnP Bios initialization
knoppix acpi=off Disable ACPI Bios completely
failsafe Boot with (almost) no HW-detection
knoppix pci=irqmask=0x0e98 Try this, if PS/2 mouse doesn't work *)
knoppix pci=bios Workaround for bad PCI controllers
knoppix ide2=0x180 nopcmcia Boot from PCMCIA-CD-Rom (some notebooks)
knoppix mem=128M Specify Memory size in MByte
knoppix dma Enable DMA accelleration for ALL IDE-Drives
knoppix noeject Do NOT eject CD after halt
knoppix noprompt Do NOT prompt to remove the CD
knoppix vga=normal No-framebuffer mode, but X
knoppix blind Start Braille-Terminal (no X)
knoppix brltty=type,port,table Parameters for Braille device
knoppix wheelmouse Enable IMPS/2 protocol for wheelmice
knoppix nowheelmouse Force plain PS/2 protocol for PS/2-mouse
fb1280x1024 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (1)
fb1024x768 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (2)
fb800x600 Use fixed framebuffer graphics (3)
knoppix keyboard=us xkeyboard=us Use different keyboard (text/X)
knoppix splash Boot with fancy background splashscreen
+ animations + progress bar **)
knoppix toram Copy CD to RAM and run from there
knoppix tohd=/dev/hda1 Copy CD to HD partition and run from there
knoppix fromhd Skip checking for Knoppix on CD-ROM
knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda1 Boot from previously copied CD-Image
knoppix bootfrom=/dev/hda1 Access Image then boot from previously
copied CD-Image (enables booting from
NTFS / ReiserFS) ***)
knoppix bootfrom=/dev/hda1/KNX.iso Access image, boot from ISO-Image. ***)
knoppix knoppix_dir=KNOPPIX Directory to search for on the CD.
knoppix knoppix_name=KNOPPIX Cloop-File to search for on the CD.
knoppix testcd Check CD data integrity and md5sums
expert Interactive setup for experts
Hint: Using the default DE-bootimage, SYSLINUX boots with german keyboard
layout. The '=' letter is located at Shift-0 on this keyboard (just in
case you want to change keyboard and language with lang=us).
*) Try "knoppix pci=irqmask=0x0e98" if (you have a notebook and) your
PS/2 mouse doesn't work. (Possibly caused by a BIOS-flaw on your board,
BIOS updates can help.) Sometimes, switching to the text console with
Control-Alt-F1 and back to the X-screen with Control-F5 solves the
problem without rebooting, since the X server reinitializes the mouse
driver during that procedure.
You can also have your own splash-screen in putting an executable shell-
script to /cdrom/KNOPPIX/ For an example how to do this see:
/usr/bin/ (Feature added by Fabian Franz.)
***) Bootfrom needs access to a running Knoppix-System with the same Kernel
as the Bootkernel, before it is able to mount the partition / ISO-Image.
This should allow a poor mans install from NTFS-Partitions and makes it
also possible to boot an ISO-Image directly. You can also use wildcards
in the ISO-Filename, but it must be unique. So: If you have just one
KNOPPIX.iso on /dev/hda1 you can access it as: bootfrom=/dev/hda1/K*.iso,
but if there are several, you need to make clear, which one you want.
(Feature added by Fabian Franz.)
If your KNOPPIX CD makes strange noises during boot, or you see
frequent errors like "cloop: read error", or programs on your KDE
desktop keep crashing randomly, then your CD image is probably defective
or incomplete, or your CD-burner created a defective CD due to wrong
writing speed or bad media. This is the most common error reported.
Please boot with "knoppix testcd" to check if the CD is OK, and/or even
better, verify the MD5 checksums that are present on the mirrors before
writing the CD. In some cases, defective IDE controllers cause this
error if you have DMA enabled. Also, please read the KNOPPIX-FAQ.
In case of a failing hardware autodetection, try booting with any of
the "no-" options as shown in the table above, like in
knoppix noagp noaudio noapm noapic acpi=off nodma nopcmcia noscsi nousb
to skip some critical parts of the autodetection system.
The "noswap" option is useful for a forensic analysis without touching
existing swap partitions.
Some Boards apparently don't pass the proper memory size to the
linux-kernel. It may cause the message "Panic: cannot mount root file
system" and the system hangs. Use "knoppix mem=128M" to solve that
problem if your system has 128MByte memory for example (caution:
you MUST use a capital "M" here).
The "expert" mode provides a very simple interface to loading additional
Kernel modules from floppy disks (ext2 or vfat), plus interactive
configuration of mouse/keyboard/soundcard/xserver. "expert" mode supports
the same boot options as "knoppix".
The "floppyconfig" or "(my)config=/dev/partition" options allow you to
reconfigure the system after autoconfiguration by running a bourne
shell script called "" from the root directory on the given
device (or floppy). There is a GUI to create such a configuration
floppy disk calles "saveconfig" (also located in the KDE menu under
"KNOPPIX", but experts also know how to do this by creating their own
shellscripts. From Version 2.1 and up, a file called "", if
located in the toplevel KNOPPIX directory on CD, will also be executed
at startup. This makes ist easier to create customized versions without
having to change anything on the compressed filesystem KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.
SCSI-Emulation is active for all CD-Roms (unless you switch it off by
using the "atapicd" option), so IDE CD-Writers should work with the
installed versions of cdrecord and cdrdao (or the graphical frontends
thereof, k3b for example).
If your BIOS does not support el torito booting from CD, you can create
two bootable floppy disks by issuing (from Knoppix running on a different
machine) the command "mkbootfloppy", which will create a bootable
Kernel-disk plus a disk containing the initial ramdisk, which will be
prompted for at boottime.
If you wish to remaster the CD, please don't forget to specify
-no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/
as option to mkisofs. Otherwise your CD won't be bootable. The
directory KNOPPIX, containig the compressed filesystem file "KNOPPIX",
must be located in the top level directory of the CD.
Caution: X-Screensaver: Don't start xlock or any screensaver that
requires a password. There are no default passwords on KNOPPIX,
i.e. all accounts are LOCKED unless you explicitly set a password.
See also README_Security.txt about this issue.
If you accidentially hit the screensaver button in KDE,
switch to one of the textconsoles by Control-Alt-F1 and kill
the screensaver (or just set a password for the knoppix user).
If you would like to edit your X-Server configuration manually
(/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 for XFree86 V4.x), use "knoppix 2" to boot
into runlevel 2 (textmode only) and, after changing the X
configuration, start the X environment with "init 5". Note that
you can always leave the graphical environment with "init 2", and
restart it later with "init 5".

#000000 ::
Uraaa koncno
mi je uspelo. Zdej pa me zanima kako naj poskrbim za varnost, in ker lavfam live linux kako nej sploh instaleram kaki Firewall in AV ter katerega mi priporocate ? LP in hvala za vas trud.

#000000 ::
Glede Firewall-a sem že pogruntu kako ga uklopit, kako pa je z antivurusnimi programi, sej bom pogooglu tud ampak če se komu lih da, bi mi vsak nasvet prav prišel. še enkrat hvala vsem. LP
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: #000000 ()

#000000 ::
roschka tenx. Am zdej pa, ker lavfam zadevo iz CD-ja mi ni jasno kako (kam naj instaleram) ta Firewall in predusem kako ? Upam da se bom kmal ulavfal in bom nehal sprašvat take malenkosti. LP

roscha ::
Iptables so del kernela.
Ena povezava za začetek, drugače pa uporabi ata googla.
Aja sploh pa mi ni jasno zakaj se ubadaš z FW-jem, Linux pa laufaš iz CDja. Pomoje popln nesmisel. Ko boš inštaliral na disk, potem že, sedaj pa... Hm?! Najmanj izguba časa.
Ena povezava za začetek, drugače pa uporabi ata googla.
Aja sploh pa mi ni jasno zakaj se ubadaš z FW-jem, Linux pa laufaš iz CDja. Pomoje popln nesmisel. Ko boš inštaliral na disk, potem že, sedaj pa... Hm?! Najmanj izguba časa.
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Disk je crknil...Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti | 900 (678) | mat xxl |
» | Slo-Tech GNU/Linux [vprašanja, problemi, predlogi] (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 36 37 38 39 )Oddelek: Operacijski sistemi | 98157 (25814) | Skrat |
» | Knoppix na diskOddelek: Operacijski sistemi | 1771 (1595) | satfinder |
» | zaganjanje X programov iz ssh-jaOddelek: Operacijski sistemi | 1126 (1007) | SodVina |
» | KNOPPIX oz. Slo-Tech GNU/Linux namesto boot disketeOddelek: Operacijski sistemi | 1318 (1270) | moj_nick |