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encryption key

encryption key

st0jko ::

Zanima me kje najdem "encryption key", ki mi bo omogočal dostop do mojih kriptiranih podatkov v primeru da se mi sistem usuje in moram formatirati.

st0jko ::

noben ne ve al ne razumete vprašanja? :8)

krneki ::

Jah odgovor je pravzaprav zelo preprost...tam kjer si ga izvozil.

ender ::

Nadzorna plošča -> Internetne možnosti -> Vsebina -> Certifikati. Tam boš našel certifikat, ki ima isto ime kot je uporabniško ime, s katerim se priklapljaš v Windows.
There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

Tomay ::

Google pomaga M$

How to back up your certificate
To back up your certificates, follow these steps:
1. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. On the Content tab, in the Certificates section, click Certificates.
4. Click the Personal tab.

Note There may be several certificates present, depending on whether you have installed certificates for other purpose.
5. Select one certificate at a time until the Certificate Intended Purposes field shows Encrypting File System. This is the certificate that was generated when you encrypted your first folder.
6. Click Export to start the Certificate Export Wizard, and then click Next.
7. Click Yes, export the private key to export the private key, and then click Next.
8. Click Enable Strong protection, and then click Next.
9. Type your password. (You must have a password to protect the private key.)
10. Specify the path where you want to save the key. You can save the key to a floppy disk, another location on the hard disk, or a CD. If the hard disk fails or is reformatted, the key and the backup will be lost. (If you back up the key to a floppy disk or CD, you must store that disk or CD in a secure location.)
11. Specify the destination, and then click Next.
Voodoo 4Ever

poweroff ::

Kakšno vprašanje. A samo EN operacijski sistem omogoča enkripcijo???
sudo poweroff

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