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dd-wrt in static IP
roli ::
Imam router Buffalo whr-hp-g54 in problem z dd-wrt firmware.Nimam pojma kako računalnikom v LANU določit statične IPje (vedno ima ta računalnik ta IP - rezervirati IP za en računalnik).Torej kako to naredit? Ker DHCP mi gre pošteno na živce!
Čisto tako mimogrede ali je Tomato firware kaj boljši? Oziroma ali ima kaj lžje upravljanje in ne 1000 menujev.Kako lahko potem zbrišem dd-wrt in namestim naprimer tomato? Tako kot sem namestil dd-wrt ali kak drug način?
Čisto tako mimogrede ali je Tomato firware kaj boljši? Oziroma ali ima kaj lžje upravljanje in ne 1000 menujev.Kako lahko potem zbrišem dd-wrt in namestim naprimer tomato? Tako kot sem namestil dd-wrt ali kak drug način?
amigo_no1 ::
Nimam pojma kako računalnikom v LANU določit statične IPje (vedno ima ta računalnik ta IP - rezervirati IP za en računalnik)
Ja v Tomato FW je menijev veliko manj (poglej si screenshote na njihovi strani) .
Preko TFTPja (whr_install.7z ) , znotraj Tomato_1_0x.7z je "readme.htm". Preberi si tudi FAQ.
Installing from Buffalo's firmware
WARNING: Be aware that Buffalo only has encrypted firmwares on their web site. You will not be able to revert the router's firmware back to Buffalo's without an unecrypted version of their firmware.
Push the reset button for a few seconds to reset the configuration.
Plug your computer directly to the router. This will not work over a wireless connection.
Set your computer's ethernet card settings to: IP=, mask=, gateway= In Windows, you can set this by going to Control Panel, Network Connections, right-click your ethernet card, click properties, then TCP/IP.
Make sure the red diagnostic light isn't lit, unplug the power cable, wait, then re-plug.
If you're using Windows, double-click on the buffalo_install.bat file or use the following command: "tftp -i put tomato.trx". Note: Windows Vista users may need to enable the "TFTP Client feature" in the Control Panel.
If you're using another OS, start tftp with something like the following:
put tomato.trx
You only have a 5 second window to do this, so if it doesn't work, unplug and try again.
After uploading, wait. It still needs about 2 minutes to flash the image.
Reset your computer's ethernet card settings back to use DHCP.
The default router address is The CFE and future TFTP upgrades will also default to this address and will follow the settings entered in the GUI.
Ja v Tomato FW je menijev veliko manj (poglej si screenshote na njihovi strani) .
Preko TFTPja (whr_install.7z ) , znotraj Tomato_1_0x.7z je "readme.htm". Preberi si tudi FAQ.
Installing from Buffalo's firmware
WARNING: Be aware that Buffalo only has encrypted firmwares on their web site. You will not be able to revert the router's firmware back to Buffalo's without an unecrypted version of their firmware.
Push the reset button for a few seconds to reset the configuration.
Plug your computer directly to the router. This will not work over a wireless connection.
Set your computer's ethernet card settings to: IP=, mask=, gateway= In Windows, you can set this by going to Control Panel, Network Connections, right-click your ethernet card, click properties, then TCP/IP.
Make sure the red diagnostic light isn't lit, unplug the power cable, wait, then re-plug.
If you're using Windows, double-click on the buffalo_install.bat file or use the following command: "tftp -i put tomato.trx". Note: Windows Vista users may need to enable the "TFTP Client feature" in the Control Panel.
If you're using another OS, start tftp with something like the following:
put tomato.trx
You only have a 5 second window to do this, so if it doesn't work, unplug and try again.
After uploading, wait. It still needs about 2 minutes to flash the image.
Reset your computer's ethernet card settings back to use DHCP.
The default router address is The CFE and future TFTP upgrades will also default to this address and will follow the settings entered in the GUI.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: amigo_no1 ()
OmegaBlue ::
Nisi napisal kateri ddwrt imaš. Za v24 imaš statične pod "Services" zavihkom - išči "Static Leases" in klikni add.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
roli ::
Zgornji link je pomagal! drugače pa imam zadnjo stable verzijo dd-wrt, ki jo je trnutno mogoče dobit.
roli ::
Morda tudi ni pomagal! Moj star računalnik še vedno dobiva IP čeprav sem dal naj dobi .1.6. Pri laptopu dela in dobi pravi IP. Na mojem linux računalniku pa sploh ne morem vspostaviti povezave. Če pa napišem vse potrebne informacije (torej sam vpišem IP in vse) pa ne dela internet čisto na nobenem compu.Vedno dobim samo strani ni mogoče najti. Torej moram imet računalnike na DHCP!
Pa še nekaj me zanima: V nastavitvah routeerja sem moral napisati DNS strežnike, ki sem jih našel na spletni strani. Pa me zanima zakaj ta stvar nima možnosti pridobivanja DNS strežnikov avtomatsko tako kot moj stari netgear?
Pa še nekaj me zanima: V nastavitvah routeerja sem moral napisati DNS strežnike, ki sem jih našel na spletni strani. Pa me zanima zakaj ta stvar nima možnosti pridobivanja DNS strežnikov avtomatsko tako kot moj stari netgear?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: roli ()
roli ::
Hmm a lahko jaz kar čez dd-wrt namestim tomato? Ali rabim prej dat stvar na tovarniške nastavitve ali kaj takega?
roli ::
Ahhhh sem že updatal na tomato in moram rečt, da je tomato veliko boljši od dd-wrt. Še posebno bolj pregleden je.
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