Forum » Omrežja in internet » Domena + irc [vHost]
Domena + irc [vHost]

Hockey ::
Zanima me kako bi recimo na ircu lahko nekdo videl domeno, ki sem jo registriral.
Jasno mi je, da na Siol-u se to bojda da urediti vendar sem na kablu. Politika ISP-ja mi vrjetno to onemogoča torej moram obrati drugo pot.
Edina preostala možnost je t.i. vhost.
Setting your vHost
IRC people call it a vHost. Ordinary internet people call it a dedicated IP address. Whatever you call it, JTAN instabouncer's come with a free, configurable dedicated IP/vHost that you can set to whatever hostname you want.
Any hostname? Well, there's a small catch. The members page will allow you to set your instabnc vHost to have any hostname provided the forward DNS for that name matches the IP your vHost has been assigned. That means you must configure the forward DNS first before you reconfigure your vHost.
For example, let's say you have a JTAN ProShell/DNS account with which you host the domain As part of hosting, JTAN serves the forward DNS for that domain. Now, suppose you want to set your Instabouncer to have the vHost First you need to find the IP address of your Instabouncer. You can see it on the config page for the instabouncer in the members area. Suppose the address is Now you can go to your DNS config page and set up an "A" record binding to the IP address
After you do that, go read a book. DNS changes take a while. Typically 4 hours, but sometimes several days. You can use sites like this to test. If you don't wait, the forward and reverse DNS won't match and the members page won't let you set the vhost. Once you feel that the forward DNS for resolves to, you can go to the Instabouncer config page and set the vhost there. This sets the bouncer to use the new vHost as well as setting the reverse DNS for that IP address to match. Again there will be some waiting for the new reverse DNS to spread around the world, but once it has, your vHost is set.
Zdaj pa me zanima kako tale vhost onemogočit, če registriram domeno pri Rabim nekoga, ki hosta domeno ali si lahko domeno hostam tudi sam?
Pomoč prosim.
Zanima me kako bi recimo na ircu lahko nekdo videl domeno, ki sem jo registriral.
Jasno mi je, da na Siol-u se to bojda da urediti vendar sem na kablu. Politika ISP-ja mi vrjetno to onemogoča torej moram obrati drugo pot.
Edina preostala možnost je t.i. vhost.
Setting your vHost
IRC people call it a vHost. Ordinary internet people call it a dedicated IP address. Whatever you call it, JTAN instabouncer's come with a free, configurable dedicated IP/vHost that you can set to whatever hostname you want.
Any hostname? Well, there's a small catch. The members page will allow you to set your instabnc vHost to have any hostname provided the forward DNS for that name matches the IP your vHost has been assigned. That means you must configure the forward DNS first before you reconfigure your vHost.
For example, let's say you have a JTAN ProShell/DNS account with which you host the domain As part of hosting, JTAN serves the forward DNS for that domain. Now, suppose you want to set your Instabouncer to have the vHost First you need to find the IP address of your Instabouncer. You can see it on the config page for the instabouncer in the members area. Suppose the address is Now you can go to your DNS config page and set up an "A" record binding to the IP address
After you do that, go read a book. DNS changes take a while. Typically 4 hours, but sometimes several days. You can use sites like this to test. If you don't wait, the forward and reverse DNS won't match and the members page won't let you set the vhost. Once you feel that the forward DNS for resolves to, you can go to the Instabouncer config page and set the vhost there. This sets the bouncer to use the new vHost as well as setting the reverse DNS for that IP address to match. Again there will be some waiting for the new reverse DNS to spread around the world, but once it has, your vHost is set.
Zdaj pa me zanima kako tale vhost onemogočit, če registriram domeno pri Rabim nekoga, ki hosta domeno ali si lahko domeno hostam tudi sam?
Pomoč prosim.
- spremenil: Hockey ()

MTm2H37rqt7B ::
Dokler nimas PTR recorda (ip -> ime) pri ISP in A recorda(ime -> ip) na nekem svojem (ali pri gostitelju domen) DNSu strezniku, pozabi na to.
Vhost oz. virtual host se stima sele potem ko je glavna domena porihtana tako kot je treba.
Za frajarjenje na IRCu pa uporabi kaksen, lasten DNS streznik, ... in IPV6 tunnel z moznostjo nastavljanja svojih DNS streznikov ali taksnih in drugacnih recordov.
P.S.: Ja in vem kaj govorim, saj sem tudi sam sel skozi to obdobje;)
Vhost oz. virtual host se stima sele potem ko je glavna domena porihtana tako kot je treba.
Za frajarjenje na IRCu pa uporabi kaksen, lasten DNS streznik, ... in IPV6 tunnel z moznostjo nastavljanja svojih DNS streznikov ali taksnih in drugacnih recordov.
P.S.: Ja in vem kaj govorim, saj sem tudi sam sel skozi to obdobje;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: MTm2H37rqt7B ()

Bug ::
Ce si na kablu in preko Arnesa, ti nebojo naredili reverse z dodeljenega IP-ja na domeno. Pac imajo tako politiko in pravila. Ce pa imas dostop preko ne-izobrazevalnega (torej navaden nacin alla Triera, Telemach,...) pa ti ponudnik da moznost, da si naredis reverse. Ko imas reverse pa se tudi na ircu
vidi domena...
Valda si si registriral kako free domeno (mogoce na, ker samo za irc je kupovat domeno bv
Ja, mas pa se moznost IPv6, tam so zadeve podobne, vendar pa pac moras zahtevati i-line, ostalo pa lahko naredis sam (domene & stuff)...
Ahhh, irc, stara ljubav....hmmm, zaj ko sem cital ta post sel gledat...heh, se laufajo boti...stari dobri Eggiji
.... nostalgija....
Ce si na kablu in preko Arnesa, ti nebojo naredili reverse z dodeljenega IP-ja na domeno. Pac imajo tako politiko in pravila. Ce pa imas dostop preko ne-izobrazevalnega (torej navaden nacin alla Triera, Telemach,...) pa ti ponudnik da moznost, da si naredis reverse. Ko imas reverse pa se tudi na ircu

Valda si si registriral kako free domeno (mogoce na, ker samo za irc je kupovat domeno bv

Ja, mas pa se moznost IPv6, tam so zadeve podobne, vendar pa pac moras zahtevati i-line, ostalo pa lahko naredis sam (domene & stuff)...
Ahhh, irc, stara ljubav....hmmm, zaj ko sem cital ta post sel gledat...heh, se laufajo boti...stari dobri Eggiji


MTm2H37rqt7B ::
Ce si uporabnik SixXs-a imas i-line avtomatsko pri 50 kreditih (tam nekje) za :)

Bug ::
za SixXs...hmmm... tezko ga je dobit...potem si ziher hitreje fertik ce ides preko XS26 pa na linz za i-line...
Hmmm...triera pa reverse.... sem mogoce rekel narobe velja samo za .si domene
za SixXs...hmmm... tezko ga je dobit...potem si ziher hitreje fertik ce ides preko XS26 pa na linz za i-line...
Hmmm...triera pa reverse.... sem mogoce rekel narobe

Before you speak, ask yourself:
Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?
Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?

Bug ::
My mistake then
Mam Arnes preko Triere pa se nisem tolko s tem niti ubadal...
My mistake then

Mam Arnes preko Triere pa se nisem tolko s tem niti ubadal...
Before you speak, ask yourself:
Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?
Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?
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