Forum » Igre » TOO HOT!

rc-car ::
Tole bi lahko mal zmanjsal.. al pa kak admin vsaj... 

Nothings gonna stop me now, I'm breaking the rules, I'm gonna do it if its not allowed

ahac ::
Ja, carji so.
Sam drugič res mal manjše slike, please.
Sam drugič res mal manjše slike, please.
Slo-Tech Discord -

Jst ::
Islam is not about "I'm right, you're wrong," but "I'm right, you're dead!"
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|
-Wole Soyinka, Literature Nobelist
|-|-|-|-|Proton decay is a tax on existence.|-|-|-|-|

Enzo77 ::
copy pasti z
#1"The Swedes has set up a new World record in building a human tower in Quake 3 some days ago with 35 peoples, now they did it again, but with two more people.
They build a human tower with 37 players on q3-dm17, amazing. To finish the tower, the Swedes needed 2 hours. Check out the screenshots of the tower.
Lets see which land set up a new world record in building human tower, possibly it'll get an Olympic discipline :) " -to je za tega!!!
#2"At the moment, there is some kind of DM17 tower contest going on in Europe. Today, Austria took the lead with 42 people in one big column, reaching over the Quad platform, as you can see in the picture on the right, and in this demo.

Its lots of fun and quite a challenge as well. I'm curious what the next step will be."
#3"On request: A tower building demo, recorded from the beginning. First 20 minutes jumping around (there were some funny things that happened) and the next 15 minutes as part of the tower."
demo pa lahk dobite tukaj
#1"The Swedes has set up a new World record in building a human tower in Quake 3 some days ago with 35 peoples, now they did it again, but with two more people.
They build a human tower with 37 players on q3-dm17, amazing. To finish the tower, the Swedes needed 2 hours. Check out the screenshots of the tower.
Lets see which land set up a new world record in building human tower, possibly it'll get an Olympic discipline :) " -to je za tega!!!
#2"At the moment, there is some kind of DM17 tower contest going on in Europe. Today, Austria took the lead with 42 people in one big column, reaching over the Quad platform, as you can see in the picture on the right, and in this demo.

Its lots of fun and quite a challenge as well. I'm curious what the next step will be."
#3"On request: A tower building demo, recorded from the beginning. First 20 minutes jumping around (there were some funny things that happened) and the next 15 minutes as part of the tower."
demo pa lahk dobite tukaj
With a license to gib :)

Bajo1 ::
Ql! Sicer smo pa tud Slovenci nardil neki podobnega in sicer v Quakeu 2 mapa q2dm2, ko se nas je ene 10 postavlo v stolp pol nas je pa Ice-T aka. Miso zrailu.

Caboose ::
ta rekord je treba podtreti !!!!!!!!
If you can't explain it simple, than you dont know it good enough.

Enzo77 ::
*cough* *cough* ....
Portugal Beats DM17 Tower Record!
Tonight, about 59 Portuguese quakers joined on-line to try and beat the record of the 42 Man tower on DM17. It could have been better, but we only managed to get 44 people up there without some crazy guy crumbling the tower away. Still, record broken :)
Portugal Beats DM17 Tower Record!
Tonight, about 59 Portuguese quakers joined on-line to try and beat the record of the 42 Man tower on DM17. It could have been better, but we only managed to get 44 people up there without some crazy guy crumbling the tower away. Still, record broken :)

With a license to gib :)

Enzo77 ::
tole ze pa mal najeda....
"A new record was made at the NetCon lan in Switzerland.
The guys managed to get a tower of 60 people !!! That's currently the world record of this 'competition'. "

"A new record was made at the NetCon lan in Switzerland.
The guys managed to get a tower of 60 people !!! That's currently the world record of this 'competition'. "

With a license to gib :)

Enzo77 ::
hehe za tiste z 33.6..jz mam 33.6 :'(

pa se za tiste cs frike, da ne bojo uzaljeni ;)

pa se za tiste cs frike, da ne bojo uzaljeni ;)

With a license to gib :)

Dami ::
CS rulz!
CS rulz!
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.
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