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navijanje voltaže rama

samurai_jack ::
Sem srečni lastnik novega računalnika s plato ASUS P5E, proc. E6300 in RAM-om DDR2 Patriot 1GB 667 (5-5-5-15). Malo sem se igral z navijanjem plate in mi je uspelo FSB naviti do 400MHz (procesor torej na 2.8GHz), ampak samo, če sem povečal voltažo RAM-u na 2.0V. Zdaj me pa zanima, kakšna je nevarnost, da skurim RAM-e, glede na to da je njihova deklarirana frekvenca 333MHz in 1.8V? Pri tem sem imel temperaturo procesorja okoli 60C na idle in 70C pri polni obreminitvi (imam hladilnik Sonic Tower). To je verjetno preveč, ane? Ali bi moral tudi ročno povečati voltažo procesorja - nekje sem prebral, da večja voltaža zniža temperaturo?
No, zdaj sem šel nazaj na FSB 333MHz in imam temperaturo procesorja 42C idle in 55C full load. :)
BTW - ne poganjajte SuperPi-ja iz USB ključa. Jaz sem ga pognal kar iz njega in sem dobil prvi rezultat okoli 2 minut (1M).
me je skoraj kap, sem že mislil da je kaj narobe s proc-om.
Sem srečni lastnik novega računalnika s plato ASUS P5E, proc. E6300 in RAM-om DDR2 Patriot 1GB 667 (5-5-5-15). Malo sem se igral z navijanjem plate in mi je uspelo FSB naviti do 400MHz (procesor torej na 2.8GHz), ampak samo, če sem povečal voltažo RAM-u na 2.0V. Zdaj me pa zanima, kakšna je nevarnost, da skurim RAM-e, glede na to da je njihova deklarirana frekvenca 333MHz in 1.8V? Pri tem sem imel temperaturo procesorja okoli 60C na idle in 70C pri polni obreminitvi (imam hladilnik Sonic Tower). To je verjetno preveč, ane? Ali bi moral tudi ročno povečati voltažo procesorja - nekje sem prebral, da večja voltaža zniža temperaturo?
No, zdaj sem šel nazaj na FSB 333MHz in imam temperaturo procesorja 42C idle in 55C full load. :)
BTW - ne poganjajte SuperPi-ja iz USB ključa. Jaz sem ga pognal kar iz njega in sem dobil prvi rezultat okoli 2 minut (1M).

dxx ::
Prva stvar! Tvoj procesor je definitivno prevroč za navijanje. Hlajenje sistema izboljšaj. Povečevanje voltaže poveča procesorjevo oddano toploto. Enako velja za ram. Ne priporočam ti da procesor presega 60C. Ram pri 2V ponavadi še ni kritičen, vendar je vseeno najbolje da ga malo pošlataš.Pravtako potipaj hladilnik CPU, če je res tako vroč kot kažejo senzorji, ker je možno da imaš slab stik med CPU in heat sinkom, lahko pa je tudi senzor okvarjen.
Aja, še to: CPU, ali RAM-a ne boš skuril(najverjetneje) s povečevanjem frekvence, ker bo sistem prej nestabilen, če boš pa pretiraval z napetostmi pa zna ob zdajšnjem hlajenju prav hitro kaj odpovedati.
Aja, še to: CPU, ali RAM-a ne boš skuril(najverjetneje) s povečevanjem frekvence, ker bo sistem prej nestabilen, če boš pa pretiraval z napetostmi pa zna ob zdajšnjem hlajenju prav hitro kaj odpovedati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: dxx ()

obadek ::
Prva stvar. temparature za ta procesor so čist taprave in niso tako kritične. Druga stvar ramu voltaže do 2.2v čisto nič ne škodujejo.
Tretja stvar ne dviguj voltaž procesorja ker se prav hitro lahko zgodi da ga zadane kap. procesor bi mogu jit na primarnih votažah do 3200 skori vsak. pri meni gre do 3400 poj pa rata nestabile. Voltažo ramov ma pa na 2.4v. Temparature procesorja pa so 50 idle in 65 load. Tko da tvoje temp niso nč pretirane in imajo take temp skoraj vsi uporabnike tega procesorja. Pa daj še naštimaj latence ramov na 4-4-4-12, mogl bi jit in s tem boš še nekoliko izboljšal perfomance sistema.
Če pa še kaj ne veš pa kr uprašaj...
Tretja stvar ne dviguj voltaž procesorja ker se prav hitro lahko zgodi da ga zadane kap. procesor bi mogu jit na primarnih votažah do 3200 skori vsak. pri meni gre do 3400 poj pa rata nestabile. Voltažo ramov ma pa na 2.4v. Temparature procesorja pa so 50 idle in 65 load. Tko da tvoje temp niso nč pretirane in imajo take temp skoraj vsi uporabnike tega procesorja. Pa daj še naštimaj latence ramov na 4-4-4-12, mogl bi jit in s tem boš še nekoliko izboljšal perfomance sistema.
Če pa še kaj ne veš pa kr uprašaj...

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: obadek ()

samurai_jack ::
kul, hvala za odgovore.
v bistvu me samo zanima, do kakšne hitrosti mi ga bo uspelo overclockat. :) sem že s trenutno hitrostjo povsem zadovoljen...
kar se hlajenja tiče, imam sonic tower, ki je pasivni hladilnik, zato je mogoče zaradi tega kakšna stopinja več.
Sem pa spremenil latence ramov na 4-4-4-12 in dela brez problema.
kaj so pa te opcije? Nikjer nisem našel razlage...
DRAM write recovery time 6
Rank write to read delay 10
Read to precharge delay 10
Write to precharge delay 10
v bistvu me samo zanima, do kakšne hitrosti mi ga bo uspelo overclockat. :) sem že s trenutno hitrostjo povsem zadovoljen...
kar se hlajenja tiče, imam sonic tower, ki je pasivni hladilnik, zato je mogoče zaradi tega kakšna stopinja več.
Sem pa spremenil latence ramov na 4-4-4-12 in dela brez problema.
kaj so pa te opcije? Nikjer nisem našel razlage...
DRAM write recovery time 6
Rank write to read delay 10
Read to precharge delay 10
Write to precharge delay 10

dxx ::
Oh ja slovenijamojdoma

imam sonic tower, ki je pasivni hladilnik
To pojasni tvoje temperature.

Gajba ::
no pasivni hladilniki niso glih namenjeni navijanju, če pa jih podkrepiš s kakim 120mm ventom se ponavadi vredu obnesejo
All I found were lungs and liver

obadek ::
''kaj so pa te opcije? Nikjer nisem našel razlage...
DRAM write recovery time 6
Rank write to read delay 10
Read to precharge delay 10
Write to precharge delay 10''
To kr raj pr mir pust s tem se ne igrt
DRAM write recovery time 6
Rank write to read delay 10
Read to precharge delay 10
Write to precharge delay 10''
To kr raj pr mir pust s tem se ne igrt

JIM22 ::
Te obcije bi morale bit mal nižje. Nisem pa sigurn da so, na P5B-dlx so pod osnovnimi timingi.
Digitalni marketing, nastop na spletu v naročnikovem imenu.
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)
Vsi na FB pridružite se itVision :)

dxx ::
Write Recovery Time(tWR)
“This BIOS feature controls the Write Recovery Time (tWR) of the memory modules. It specifies the amount of delay (in clock cycles) that must elapse after the completion of a valid write operation, before an active bank can be precharged. This delay is required to guarantee that data in the write buffers can be written to the memory cells before precharge occurs. The shorter the delay, the earlier the bank can be precharged for another read/write operation. This improves performance but runs the risk of corrupting data written to the memory cells.
Row Refresh Cycle Time(tRFC)
Settings = Auto, 9-24 in 1.0 increments.
This bios setting represents time to refresh a single row on the same bank of memory. This value is also the time interval between a refresh (REF command) to another REF command to different rows of the same bank. The tRFC value is higher than tRC as column access gates are not turned on during it’s issue.”
Row to Row Delay(also called RAS to RAS delay)(tRRD)
This BIOS feature specifies the minimum amount of time between successive ACTIVATE commands to the same DDR device. The shorter the delay, the faster the next bank can be activated for read or write operations. However, because row activation requires a lot of current, using a short delay may cause excessive current surges.
Write to Read Delay(tWTR)
Settings: Auto, 1, 2
”This BIOS feature controls the Write Data In to Read Command Delay (tWTR) memory timing. This constitutes the minimum number of clock cycles that must occur between the last valid write operation and the next read command to the same internal bank of the DDR device. The 1 Cycle option naturally offers faster switching from writes to reads and consequently better read performance. The 2 Cycles option reduces read performance but it will improve stability, especially at higher clock speeds. It may also allow the memory chips to run at a higher speed. In other words, increasing this delay may allow you to overclock the memory module higher than is normally possible.
“This BIOS feature controls the Write Recovery Time (tWR) of the memory modules. It specifies the amount of delay (in clock cycles) that must elapse after the completion of a valid write operation, before an active bank can be precharged. This delay is required to guarantee that data in the write buffers can be written to the memory cells before precharge occurs. The shorter the delay, the earlier the bank can be precharged for another read/write operation. This improves performance but runs the risk of corrupting data written to the memory cells.
Row Refresh Cycle Time(tRFC)
Settings = Auto, 9-24 in 1.0 increments.
This bios setting represents time to refresh a single row on the same bank of memory. This value is also the time interval between a refresh (REF command) to another REF command to different rows of the same bank. The tRFC value is higher than tRC as column access gates are not turned on during it’s issue.”
Row to Row Delay(also called RAS to RAS delay)(tRRD)
This BIOS feature specifies the minimum amount of time between successive ACTIVATE commands to the same DDR device. The shorter the delay, the faster the next bank can be activated for read or write operations. However, because row activation requires a lot of current, using a short delay may cause excessive current surges.
Write to Read Delay(tWTR)
Settings: Auto, 1, 2
”This BIOS feature controls the Write Data In to Read Command Delay (tWTR) memory timing. This constitutes the minimum number of clock cycles that must occur between the last valid write operation and the next read command to the same internal bank of the DDR device. The 1 Cycle option naturally offers faster switching from writes to reads and consequently better read performance. The 2 Cycles option reduces read performance but it will improve stability, especially at higher clock speeds. It may also allow the memory chips to run at a higher speed. In other words, increasing this delay may allow you to overclock the memory module higher than is normally possible.
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