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Zakaj so električni avtomobili prava stvar

Zakaj so električni avtomobili prava stvar

Temo vidijo: vsi
362 / 1223

WarpedGone ::

Dolgoročno ti bo lažje v življenju

Uh, a dajem občutek, da mi je težko? Could not care less for a bunch of "bečki konjušari".
Občasno bi pa vseeno rad prebral kakšno vaserdiht zadevo, ki razširi moja lastna obzorja. Nekoč se je to tle na SloTechu še dogajalo, zadnje čase pa ...

BTV, je že znan datum začetka dobav Opel Amper-e v Slo? Anybody anyone?
Bojda stvari že na veliko sestavljajo in dobavlajo kupcem. Je že kdo peljal zadevo, kakšni vtisi?

Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

pegasus ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Uh, a dajem občutek, da mi je težko?
Ja, you need some hugs every now and then ;)

WarpedGone ::

Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

nekikr ::

Vse lepo in prav, ampak je par kar žalostno, da ti je glavni hug eno jebeno prevozno sredstvo, ki je identično vsemu kar obstaja sedaj s to razliko, da ne smrdi. Mislim, vsakemu svoje, ampak to je precej patetično za moje pojme. Ko sem včasih hodil na fitnes, sem se smejal tistim tipičnim čapcem, ki so se pogovarjali in pregovarjali o starih BMWjih in kdaj, nekoč, si bo kdo kakšnega privoščil.

fpbs ::

SimplyMiha ::

Ok, pozabimo na samovozeče avte, ker...

Self-Driving Cars Will Make Organ Shortages Even Worse

... bo primanjkovalo organov oz. darovalcev. Vsak peti darovalec se najde v prometni nesreči!

WarpedGone ::

Vse lepo in prav, ampak je par kar žalostno, da ti je glavni hug eno jebeno prevozno sredstvo, ki je identično vsemu kar obstaja sedaj s to razliko, da ne smrdi.

Očita nekdo, ki pri avtu najbol ceni "luksus" potniške kabine.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Truga ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Ok, pozabimo na samovozeče avte, ker...

Self-Driving Cars Will Make Organ Shortages Even Worse

... bo primanjkovalo organov oz. darovalcev. Vsak peti darovalec se najde v prometni nesreči!



nekikr ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Vse lepo in prav, ampak je par kar žalostno, da ti je glavni hug eno jebeno prevozno sredstvo, ki je identično vsemu kar obstaja sedaj s to razliko, da ne smrdi.

Očita nekdo, ki pri avtu najbol ceni "luksus" potniške kabine.

Ceni, ja. Nikakor mi pa ni "hug" potniška kabina prevoznega sredstva ali njegov pogon. Še cenim ne kabine toliko, da bi na forumu drugim težil vsak dan 50x kako je notranjost mojega avtomobila najboljša in kako so drugi bedaki, ker se ne strinjajo z mano. Mi je pa "hug" smučanje, tek, kolo. Med tednom dopoldne, če boš razumel.

WarpedGone ::

Zmagal si.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

l0g1t3ch ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Največji minus za EV je fanatizem W1.

Mene obkladaš s fanatizmom, hkrati pa "si želiš da tesla crkne ker ..."
Ko bi vsaj znal povedat, kaj točno imam narobe ali zakaj točno je Tesla slaba. Potem bi imel point in dodano vrednost. Tko pa je stvar enostavno takšna, da sem uspel vsakemu bluzatorju od vas lepo pokazat da ste ali:
- nepismeni
- bedaki
- troli
ali poljubna kombinacija zgornjih treh postavk.
Posledično me seveda ne marate. Kdo pa rad gleda v ogledalo z grdo sliko?

Ampak na koncu imam še vedno jaz prav, vi pa narobe.
Da me ne marate me veseli. Če bi me nepismeni bedaki imeli radi, bi me moralo zelo skrbet.

Nikjer nisem rekel, da imaš kaj narobe.
Tudi z teslo nimam nobenih težav, njihov model S je poželenja vreden (- grda notranjost) in nasploh mislih da jim kar uspelo.
V to temo do sedaj mislim da še nisem pisal, tako da predalčanje zadrži kar zase.

Izjava "si želim da Tesla jutri crkne" pa je narobe razumljena. Racionalno si tega seveda ne želim, ker so dobra konkurenca in silijo ostale da začnejo kaj na to temo migat.
Mi pa je tvoje pisanje v tej temi tako zoprno (ne najdem zares prave besede), da si iracionalno želim, da jutri tesla crkne. Zgolj in samo zato, da bi izpadel bedak.

Še enkrat poudarjam, ne gre se za to ali imaš prov ali ne, samo tvoj nastop je najman odbijajoč, če ne kaj več.

WarpedGone ::

V to temo do sedaj mislim da še nisem pisal, tako da predalčanje zadrži kar zase.

Še tega ne veš a si prvič/drugič al tretjič tu, me spljuvaš in pričakuješ ponižno spoštovanje tega pljuvanja?

Če si poln BS, si poln BS. Če se ti to ne dopade, ne bit poln BS.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

l0g1t3ch ::

Pač tema ima 300+ strani.
- zagotovo v temi nisem nikdar pljuval po Tesli ali po njihovih idejah
- 99,9% sem da v temo nisem pisal tudi ničesar drugega, ne pa 100%. Lahko sem kdaj celo kaj napisal.

Berem pa temo redno že od začetka.
In če pogledaš svoj post, si se obesil na en sam stavek. Tudi če ne pišem še ne pomeni da ne berem in spremljam.

Magic1 ::

W1 ima srečo, ker se je celo usmeril v tehnologijo, ki je aktualna in v vzponu. In o tem je seveda veliko koristnih informacij, ker je tak fan marsikaj prebere in vsake toliko napiše kaj pametnega, kar je prebral. Slabo pri tem je, ker tip nima nobene tehnične izobrazbe in poveličuje vse pozitivne lastnosti in hkrati popolnoma ignorira slabe brez kančka racionalizacije. Pač fura slepo vero, kar seveda kontradiktira doktrini znanosti. Najhuje pri vsem je, da na vsak svoj pametni post napiše še vsaj dvajset neumnih in žaljivih do drugih uporabnikov, ki se ne strinjajo z njim po njegovih normah. Ne vem, kakšen psiholog bi vedel pravilen izraz za tako vrsto osebnosti. Itak pa ima vedno prav, četudi še sam prizna v istem stavku, da se je zmotil...:|

fpbs ::

Magic1 je izjavil:

Itak pa ima vedno prav, četudi še sam prizna v istem stavku, da se je zmotil...:|

Zmotil se je že pri samem naslovu teme, ki bi se morala imenovati: Zakaj so električne Tesle prava stvar. Ker v tej temi je nezaželjeno, če kdo omeni kakšno drugo firmo, ki se ukvarja z EV.

-valvoline- ::

Hehe, se najbl hecno je da kljub tecnem in dolgoletnem povelicevanju Tesle se vedno ni prpelu svoje domou. :D No, enkrat mnda bo. ;((

Kar se tice AP tehnologije, se najvecjo korist bodo mel teroristi, obcutno bodo zmanjsal svoje potrebe po fanaticnih kamikazih in podobnih ultrasev....

Zgodovina sprememb…

next3steps ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Ok, pozabimo na samovozeče avte, ker...

Self-Driving Cars Will Make Organ Shortages Even Worse

... bo primanjkovalo organov oz. darovalcev. Vsak peti darovalec se najde v prometni nesreči!

Ni problema. Francija, Španija in Belgija imajo ta problem rešen.

Če res nisi neki ekstrem, kjer je na celem svetu zate na voljo zgolj pol ducata ljudi, od tega je samo eden ali sta dva zmožna donirati ...

BigWhale ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Mi je pa žal, da 'navijače konkurence' nosi iz razočaranja

A za Teslo pa "Problems" foruma ni, ker vsem vse Tesle delajo brez napak? :) Al kaj tocno si hotel s tem linkom povedat?

jernejl ::

Al kaj tocno si hotel s tem linkom povedat?

Le dvanajst odprtih tem v decembru na forumu, ki je prvi googlov zadetek za "bmw i3 forum".
Kaže, da so naredili zanesljiv avto.
Na Teslinem forumu je težav preveč, da bi se jih dalo kar tako preštevati.

VaeVictis ::

My Tesla Model X Multiple Issues so far
Submitted by jeff on May 11, 2016

So we took delivery of our Model X and we have experienced a laundry list of problems. When I called Tesla Service center, I told them to get a piece of paper and a pen, because its extensive. They were very nice on the phone and took everything down, but I now have more to add to the list as time goes on. One thing that bothered me is the time it will take to get into the service department to get this fixed, three weeks...

Front Driver door - Does not open or close correctly, sometimes bangs into the frame with a loud bang, seems out of alignment compared to passenger door. Sometimes it opens or shuts as expected, sometimes it does not. I noticed the delivery team turned off "Auto Open" when they delivered it. Seems like a known issue when I talk to other Tesla Model X Drivers.

Falcon Wing Doors - They sometimes don't open. There will be nothing next to the car, empty spaces, and the door wont open. Sometimes it will open halfway. The seals on the door and alignment of the panels where it comes to the top roof\frame are out of alignment.

Front Driver Window - When going down makes a whaling noise, and when it goes back up it sounds the same except much louder.. almost like its going to break the glass. Seems like the glass is loose as well, and not very well supported by the door frame.

Suspension Squeak - When driving 0-30 mph around town or neighborhoods, sounds like the whole car is squeaking up and down from the air suspension.

Noises from Dashboard - Sounds like a pirate ship creaking when you accelerate or brake\come to a stop. Feels like the front dash can't take much stress.

Noises from Mid-Row Seats - Whenever braking the vehicle the back seats make a "Booing!" noise.

Steering - (Maybe by design) Drove many Model S's and never experienced the steering stiffening up at highway speeds. I am told they can adjust this.

Of course the third row recall, still waiting for that...

So with all that being said. I have never been one to complain, but this list is getting longer and longer.. Makes me feel like we got a early VIN number and this one might be a lemon. Not sure the service center is equipped to fix these problems. Anyone have any suggestions or experiences like this? Maybe what they did? What the resolution was?

jpcompetello | May 11, 2016

I understand your concerns. Really should not happen with $100k auto but this seems common with the X.
What VIN do you have?


Disappointed with Model X
Submitted by windward on January 1, 2017

Model X might look good on pictures but is clearly the reflection of a company that is going down. I traded my model S with 20,000 miles and two years to experience the autopilot. They lied about delivery dates, first was early 2016, then mid 2016 and finally end of 2016, actually almost early 2017. I paid for a car with autopilot and it does not have it. This people are accustomed to make false promises and gotten away so far. Somebody should start a claaas action law suit against Tesla. I have never been ripped off so bad buying something so expensive , $115,000 and with no explanation that what I paid for is not there. First was the excuse that the 5 seater was not made yet (I waited two years) but now I realized that they dhave not make this 5?seat car they just removed the back seats and just place some carpet on top and left an unfinished trunk, very cheap and things can fall insde the trunk. Now they deliver the car and collect my money, and they deliver a car without functioning items I paid for like autopilot. The Soonest BMW or Mercedes makes an Elctric car with long range I will never buy a Tesla again. Tesla are Crooks.


LuiIII ::

Tesla je startup! Že nekaj časa in še nekaj časa tudi bo.

Nikec3 ::

Litij bo postal dovolj poceni v roku maksimalno desetih let.
Drugo je doseg, za kar verjetno bo eventuelno potrebna "nova" tehnologija (morda samo drug tip Li celic).

Večji problem od dosega je hitrost polnjenja. Sej je res, da za večino primerov polniš doma, a "večina primerov" ni dovolj za popolni preobrat. Zadnje čase je moderno, da proizvajalci napovedujejo precej močnejše polnilnice. Tukaj gre vsaj delno za merjenje twitterskih kurc..., ampak vseeno. Omrežje in moč me niti ne skrbi, me pa skrbi kako točno nameravajo baterije polniti ob nekajkrat večjem C-ju? Sam ne vidim realne rešitve ob obstoječi kemiji.

"Na koncu" boste nad mano sfrustrirani kupili EV. S tem boste lepo potrdili, da so EVi prava stvar, vaše ljubezni pa itak ne potrebujem.

Čisto možno je, da bo kdo od forumašev EV-ja kupil prej od tebe. Namreč, EV-ja se da kupiti tudi brez fanatizma na forumu.

Uh, a dajem občutek, da mi je težko? Could not care less for a bunch of "bečki konjušari".

To ni res. Tvoje življenje je zaradi prepiranja na forumu kvečjemu lažje. Zakaj bi drugače sploh to počel? A počne kdo prostovoljno kaj, kar mu otežuje življenje?
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Nikec3 ()

fpbs ::

VaeVictis je izjavil:

My Tesla Model X Multiple Issues so far
Submitted by jeff on May 11, 2016

So we took delivery of our Model X and we have experienced a laundry list of problems. When I called Tesla Service center, I told them to get a piece of paper and a pen, because its extensive. They were very nice on the phone and took everything down, but I now have more to add to the list as time goes on. One thing that bothered me is the time it will take to get into the service department to get this fixed, three weeks...

Front Driver door - Does not open or close correctly, sometimes bangs into the frame with a loud bang, seems out of alignment compared to passenger door. Sometimes it opens or shuts as expected, sometimes it does not. I noticed the delivery team turned off "Auto Open" when they delivered it. Seems like a known issue when I talk to other Tesla Model X Drivers.

Falcon Wing Doors - They sometimes don't open. There will be nothing next to the car, empty spaces, and the door wont open. Sometimes it will open halfway. The seals on the door and alignment of the panels where it comes to the top roof\frame are out of alignment.

Front Driver Window - When going down makes a whaling noise, and when it goes back up it sounds the same except much louder.. almost like its going to break the glass. Seems like the glass is loose as well, and not very well supported by the door frame.

Suspension Squeak - When driving 0-30 mph around town or neighborhoods, sounds like the whole car is squeaking up and down from the air suspension.

Noises from Dashboard - Sounds like a pirate ship creaking when you accelerate or brake\come to a stop. Feels like the front dash can't take much stress.

Noises from Mid-Row Seats - Whenever braking the vehicle the back seats make a "Booing!" noise.

Steering - (Maybe by design) Drove many Model S's and never experienced the steering stiffening up at highway speeds. I am told they can adjust this.

Of course the third row recall, still waiting for that...

So with all that being said. I have never been one to complain, but this list is getting longer and longer.. Makes me feel like we got a early VIN number and this one might be a lemon. Not sure the service center is equipped to fix these problems. Anyone have any suggestions or experiences like this? Maybe what they did? What the resolution was?

jpcompetello | May 11, 2016

I understand your concerns. Really should not happen with $100k auto but this seems common with the X.
What VIN do you have?


Disappointed with Model X
Submitted by windward on January 1, 2017

Model X might look good on pictures but is clearly the reflection of a company that is going down. I traded my model S with 20,000 miles and two years to experience the autopilot. They lied about delivery dates, first was early 2016, then mid 2016 and finally end of 2016, actually almost early 2017. I paid for a car with autopilot and it does not have it. This people are accustomed to make false promises and gotten away so far. Somebody should start a claaas action law suit against Tesla. I have never been ripped off so bad buying something so expensive , $115,000 and with no explanation that what I paid for is not there. First was the excuse that the 5 seater was not made yet (I waited two years) but now I realized that they dhave not make this 5?seat car they just removed the back seats and just place some carpet on top and left an unfinished trunk, very cheap and things can fall insde the trunk. Now they deliver the car and collect my money, and they deliver a car without functioning items I paid for like autopilot. The Soonest BMW or Mercedes makes an Elctric car with long range I will never buy a Tesla again. Tesla are Crooks.


Spisek bi bil precej krajši, če bi zapisal tisto, kar je dobro.

Gregor P ::

Ravno sem razmišljal o "futuristih" v tej temi, kako kratkoročno pravzaprav razmišljajo, da so za njih že neki "klasični" EV-ji svetla prihodnost.

Futuristično razmišljanje bi bilo, kako vse te klasične mašine, tone baterij ipd. zamenjati z organskimi, "živimi" mašinami, morda različne organske materije molekularno povezane z nanotehnologijo ipd. ... to bi bila zares čista, alternativna, zelena oz. okolju prijazna tehnologija ... ne pa nek EV:|
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Gregor P ()

7982884e ::

nekaj je futuristicno razmisljanje in nekaj je realisticno kratkorocnejse futuristicno razmisljanje.
eno je predalec stran, da bi nas direktno zadevalo, drugo pac ni.

Gregor P ::

Kaj je lahko futurističnega na klasičnih konservativnih EV-jih?:8)
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

fpbs ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Kaj je lahko futurističnega na klasičnih konservativnih EV-jih?:8)

Vprežeš konja, ali vola, pa imaš futuristično organsko živo mašino.

Gregor P ::

Tudi res :))

... neprestano se vrtimo v krogu ...
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Nikec3 ::

Gregor P je izjavil:

Kaj je lahko futurističnega na klasičnih konservativnih EV-jih?:8)

Sej ta tema ni namenjena futurizmu.
@WarpedOne o Elonu Musku:
"ST inteligenca serijskemu izdelovalcu "čudežev" očita pomanjkanje inteligence"

Gregor P ::

Ne? Ker sem imel občutek, da nekateri menijo, da imajo neke futuristične komentarje tu ...
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

BigWhale ::

Nikec3 je izjavil:

Sej ta tema ni namenjena futurizmu.

Avto, brez volana, k sam odpelje otroka v solo, je cisti futurizem. ;>

fpbs ::

Faraday Future Debuts The FF 91: 378 Miles Range, 0-60 MPH In 2.39 Seconds:


vostok_1 ::


Saj ne da sem blazno sposoben, ampak taki EV proizvajalci so pa totalni idiots. (ok, vse lepo in prav, če delajo pošasti namenoma)

Ta avto kliče na vse strani..."hey, look at me...i'm a total dipshit, please rob me"

Seriously...what the fuck is going on in your mind when you're drawing that?

Drgač pa...ogromna fabrika baterij, ali GTFO
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

nekikr ::

Ves denar so porabili za razvoj, potem pa za razsvetljavo ni bilo in se komaj kaj vidi. No, ali so pa tako naredili namenoma :)
Nehajte že z baterijami, dovolj jih bo, če bodo kupci.

vostok_1 ::

Baterij bo dovolj. Kdo pa bo prvi na gravy train-u pa je vprašanje.

Kupcev ne bo, dokler bodo take abominacije dezajnirali.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

Gregor P ::

Pa saj so že sedaj vsi EV-ji daleč predrage "pošasti" pa se kljub temu najdejo ljudje, ki jih kupujejo:8)
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

WarpedGone ::

Baterij bo dovolj. Kdo pa bo prvi na gravy train-u pa je vprašanje.

To vprašanje že ima odgovor:

Battery Cell Production Begins at the Gigafactory

Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage. At the heart of these products are batteries. Today at the Gigafactory, Tesla and Panasonic began mass production of lithium-ion battery cells, which will be used in Tesla's energy storage products and Model 3.

The high performance cylindrical "2170 cell" was jointly designed and engineered by Tesla and Panasonic to offer the best performance at the lowest production cost in an optimal form factor for both electric vehicles and energy products.

Production of 2170 cells for qualification started in December and today, production begins on cells that will be used in Tesla's Powerwall 2 and Powerpack 2 energy products. Model 3 cell production will follow in Q2 and by 2018, the Gigafactory will produce 35 GWh/year of lithium-ion battery cells, nearly as much as the rest of the entire world's battery production combined.

The Gigafactory is being built in phases so that Tesla, Panasonic, and other partners can begin manufacturing immediately inside the finished sections and continue to expand thereafter. Our phased approach also allows us to learn and continuously improve our construction and operational techniques as we continue to drive down the cost of energy storage. Already, the current structure has a footprint of 1.9M square feet, which houses 4.9 million square feet of operational space across several floors. And we are still less than 30 percent done. Once complete, we expect the Gigafactory to be the biggest building in the world.

With the Gigafactory online and ramping up production, our cost of battery cells will significantly decline due to increasing automation and process design to enhance yield, lowered capital investment per Wh of production, the simple optimization of locating most manufacturing processes under one roof, and economies of scale. By bringing down the cost of batteries, we can make our products available to more and more people, allowing us to make the biggest possible impact on transitioning the world to sustainable energy.

Finally, bringing cell production to the U.S. allows us to create thousands of American jobs. In 2017 alone, Tesla and Panasonic will hire several thousand local employees and at peak production, the Gigafactory will directly employ 6,500 people and indirectly create between 20,000 to 30,000 additional jobs in the surrounding regions.

Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

Zgodovina sprememb…

BigWhale ::

vostok_1 je izjavil:

Ta avto kliče na vse strani..."hey, look at me...i'm a total dipshit, please rob me"

In kako je to drugace pri drugih prestiznih avtomobilih? :>

Truga ::

BigWhale je izjavil:

In kako je to drugace pri drugih avtomobilih? :>


vostok_1 ::

WarpedGone je izjavil:

Baterij bo dovolj. Kdo pa bo prvi na gravy train-u pa je vprašanje.

To vprašanje že ima odgovor:

Battery Cell Production Begins at the Gigafactory

Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage. At the heart of these products are batteries. Today at the Gigafactory, Tesla and Panasonic began mass production of lithium-ion battery cells, which will be used in Tesla's energy storage products and Model 3.

The high performance cylindrical "2170 cell" was jointly designed and engineered by Tesla and Panasonic to offer the best performance at the lowest production cost in an optimal form factor for both electric vehicles and energy products.

Production of 2170 cells for qualification started in December and today, production begins on cells that will be used in Tesla's Powerwall 2 and Powerpack 2 energy products. Model 3 cell production will follow in Q2 and by 2018, the Gigafactory will produce 35 GWh/year of lithium-ion battery cells, nearly as much as the rest of the entire world's battery production combined.

The Gigafactory is being built in phases so that Tesla, Panasonic, and other partners can begin manufacturing immediately inside the finished sections and continue to expand thereafter. Our phased approach also allows us to learn and continuously improve our construction and operational techniques as we continue to drive down the cost of energy storage. Already, the current structure has a footprint of 1.9M square feet, which houses 4.9 million square feet of operational space across several floors. And we are still less than 30 percent done. Once complete, we expect the Gigafactory to be the biggest building in the world.

With the Gigafactory online and ramping up production, our cost of battery cells will significantly decline due to increasing automation and process design to enhance yield, lowered capital investment per Wh of production, the simple optimization of locating most manufacturing processes under one roof, and economies of scale. By bringing down the cost of batteries, we can make our products available to more and more people, allowing us to make the biggest possible impact on transitioning the world to sustainable energy.

Finally, bringing cell production to the U.S. allows us to create thousands of American jobs. In 2017 alone, Tesla and Panasonic will hire several thousand local employees and at peak production, the Gigafactory will directly employ 6,500 people and indirectly create between 20,000 to 30,000 additional jobs in the surrounding regions.

No, sej zamišljeno je bilo kot retorično vprašanje ali z že znanim odgovorom. Meni je sicer jasno. Da drugi EV proizvajalci niso niti blizu tega kar bi morali biti za res konkurirat.

Glede tistega šrota predstavljenega. Tisto ni prestižen avto. Tisto je avto da se primeš za glavo in se globoko zamisliš kje si v lajfu falu, da te je privedlo do tega trenutka.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::

PS. Na svetu vidim, tako veliko groznih dizajnov, da se pogosto vprašam, kdo to sploh riše tam v departmentu.
As much as i despise Sony, vsaj njihovi dizajni so bili konsistentno solidni. Not too much, not to little. Je pa vse drugo za v smeti tk da.
Aple seveda tudi paše tu not...ko je bil še Jobs seveda. Res je imel občutek, what would definitely not work.
Pri tesli...tesla ima dober dizajn. Ravno dovolj športen. Z civilno noto in prestižnim attitude-om.



Če bi to bil moj dizajn, bi se sramoval sploh it vn iz hiše za kakih 10 let.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

WarpedGone ::

Vprašljv dizajn je lahko nesreča al pa namen. Pri FF bi ga pripisal nesreči, kitajska estetika pač.
Pri i3 je design natanko stjunana zadeva. Načrtna abominacija, ki minimalno ogroža njihovo ice ponudbo - daleč od resnega namena ponuditi ev kot klasični avto. Enako velja za leaf.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe

jernejl ::

Pri tesli...tesla ima dober dizajn.



Če bi to bil moj dizajn, bi se sramoval sploh it vn iz hiše za kakih 10 let.

Ob tvoji strokovni oceni BMW pobira dizajnerske nagrade.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: jernejl ()

vostok_1 ::

jernejl je izjavil:

Pri tesli...tesla ima dober dizajn.



Če bi to bil moj dizajn, bi se sramoval sploh it vn iz hiše za kakih 10 let.

Ob tvoji strokovni oceni BMW pobira dizajnerske nagrade.

Holivud ima oskarje, and they can shove it up their ass for all i care.
Tesla ima dizajn solidnega avta, ki te ga ni sram vozit.

PS. Glede tega FF, sem si dejansko ogledal posnetek...zvijalo me je od cringe-a. Such a bland, over-whitened, klasičen pristop do marketinga.
Disruptive? Who are you kidding.
Zgolj res še ena kitajska, over-budgeted firma.
No sej. Mogoče Huawei je podoben. But i don't buy that thing. It has no soul.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

jernejl ::

Holivud ima oskarje, and they can shove it up their ass for all i care.
Tesla ima dizajn solidnega avta

Tako kot ima holivud svoje oskarje, imaš tudi ti svojega. And you can ...

vostok_1 ::

shove it up your ass?

Po kakšnih merilih ima tesla slab dizajn?

Po mojih merilih:

Teslin namen je bil izpostavit performanse in športnost, ki ga avto ima.
To je naredil s sleek, ostrim dizajnom, ki daje avtu "supercar" feel.
Ob enem, ni to nek koenigsegg, z miljardo štrclji, ker Model S/X vozijo tudi mame, ki jim je pogosto tisti plastik fantastik, ogaben.
Ravno tako, nekoliko osiveli petičneži, ki nočejo ravno vsem razglašat, da so še v krizi srednjih let.

Navznotraj raezn LCDja, ni neka blazna revolucija. Mora pa bit dovolj cheap za izdelavo in ne izgledat totalno cheap.

Skratka, dizajner se je moral malo potrudit.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::

PS. Nisem sicer strokovnjak, ampak sem že dizajniral izdelke za publiko.
Ni to tako enostavna stvar, da kar nekaj spacaš skupaj. Samo risanje je itak izi. Problem je naredit res premišljen dizajn.
Zato sem eno pofukano škatlico delal 2 dni. Vsak fillet je imel svojo zgodbo, ko sem 5 različnih varjant poskusil in preklinjal, da ena preveč pobere, druga pa premalo in zgleda res cheap.

Dober dizajn je zajebana zadeva.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::

To ni slab dizajn. Par stvari me sicer moti, ampak so livable.

What the fuck is this?
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

vostok_1 ::

I'm not even mildly surprised.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

WarpedGone ::

Govorijo o prototipu, ki so ga prikazali na prvi razgrnitvi firme, WTF-1 oz. dan ko so umrle sanje. Sedaj so prikazal prototip avtomobila, ki naj bi ga dejansko začel proizvajat, i.e. WTF-2, dan ko se na FF pozabi.

Vmes je scurljalo ven par grdih detajlov, še najbol grd je ta da FF ni lastnik nobenega patenta avtorskih pravic ali drugačne intelektualne lastnine, to je v druge firme FF Cayman Global. Avtomobilska firma registrirana na kajmanskih otokih? Hvala ampak ne hvala.

Z levim očesom gledam le še na Lucid, kjer je šefe tadrug exTesla inženir - Peter Rawlinson.
Zbogom in hvala za vse ribe
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