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[ Windows XP ] Cannot delete

[ Windows XP ] Cannot delete

d0rK ::


zadn cajt dobivam vedno vec sporocil tipa:
Cannot delete xxxxx: Access is denied.
Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected
and that the file is not currently in use.

In ker ne prvo ne drugo ne drzi ter mi sistem se vedno ne pusti datoteke zbrisat me stvar postene razpizdi usakic.

Kaj se da narest?

Duke Nukem ::

probaj zbrisat v safe mode ;)
2600@3000barton,1GbPatriot-GF6800gt,160Gb hitachi,Logitech Z 5500 :)

Fizikalko ::

Desni klik na ta fajl ali mapo in odstrani read-only. Pa bo šlo...

Bakunin ::

d0rK ::

Fizikalko ni nobena datoteka oznacena kot read-only.

In tut ne mislm it usakic v safe mode, ko dobim to sporocilo. Ze more bit se kksn nacin.

Bom zdele probu se Unlockerja...Zgleda kul.

d0rK ::

Deluje prekrasno. Hvala Bakunin.

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