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[Linux] Tezave z zvocnim cipom

[Linux] Tezave z zvocnim cipom

MarkoSan ::


Nalozil in uspesno sem prevedel kernel in stvar lepo dela. Vendar se nekaj cudnega dogaja z zvokom. Od sestih zvocnikov deluje samo eden, pa se ta zelo potiho.

Malo sem se spustil v problem in najrej sem vtipkal:


in dobim naslednje, kar se tice zvoka:

Via 686a/8233/8235 audio driver 1.9.1-ac4-2.5
via82cxxx: Six channel audio available
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: 0x8384:0x7658 (Unknown)
via82cxxx: board #1 at 0x2800, IRQ 5

Ali je ta unknown razlog za moj problem?

Mi lahko kdo pomaga?
there is no home like

MarkoSan ::

Nihce ne ve??
there is no home like

CCfly ::

Si poskusil pognati program alsamixer (ali pač kakšen drug mixer), da vidiš kakšne so nastavitve za glasnost ?
"My goodness, we forgot generics!" -- Danny Kalev

MarkoSan ::

No, sem se poglobil, ko pozenem alsaconf, mi javi tole:

Running update-modules...
Loading driver...
Setting up ALSA...Invalid card number.

FATAL: Error running install command for snd_seq
FATAL: Error running install command for snd_via82xx
Setting default volumes...
amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device
Saving the mixer setup used for this in /var/lib/alsa/asound.state.
/usr/sbin/alsactl: save_state:1163: No soundcards found...


Now ALSA is ready to use.
For adjustment of volumes, use your favorite mixer.

Have a lot of fun!

To se pojavi po tistem modrem ekrancku, moduli se lepo zloadajo, tudi z insmod, toda potem, ko hoce nastavit glasnost, se pa pojavi zgornje piz....ije!! Lahko kdo prosim pomaga?
there is no home like

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: BigWhale ()

MarkoSan ::


cat /proc/asound/cards

mi vrne sledece:

0 [Dummy ]: Dummy - Dummy
Dummy 1

Ce pa pozenem alsamixer, mi potem javi:

alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device

Mislim, da je tu problem, vendar ne vem, kaj naj storim!!!!
there is no home like

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MarkoSan ()

rasta ::

Sem imel podoben problem pod kernelom 2.6.11, sicer z drugo zvočno, a podobni simptomi.
Problem se je rešil sam od sebe, ko sem zamenjal kernel v 2.6.16.
Domnevam, da je bil za to lahko kriv tudi kakšen bug v kernelu v kombinaciji z mojimi nastavitvami.

MarkoSan ::


uname -r

mi vrne:

Torej mam tudi jaz 2.6.16 kernel, pa mi vseeno ne dela. Imas mogoce kaki nasvetek?
there is no home like

Daedalus ::

Na prejšnjem kernelu je delal OK? Še enkrat preveri, če si res vse pravilno konfiguriral...
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

MarkoSan ::

Ni delalo ok, ker imam 6 kanalni codec je pa delal samo en zvocnik, pa se to zelo zelo potiho, zate sem se spravil na nov kernel ...
there is no home like

MarkoSan ::

Presedlal na najnovejsi kernel,, enaka situacija, torej kernel ni kriv!
there is no home like

MarkoSan ::

Torej, sedaj sem izvedel, da imam zelo cudno maticno plosco, ki ima na VIInem chpsetu sigmatelov codec, in ne najdem driverjev. zato je prej delal samo en zvocnik pa se ta zelo potiho ...

Ima mogoce kdo driver od sigmatela?

Z novim kernelom, ki sem ga sedaj precompilal, mi ukaz

cat /proc/asound/cards


0 [V8237 ]: VIA8237 - VIA 8237
VIA 8237 with STAC9758,59 at 0x2800, irq 201

Je te ok ali ne, oz. kako naprej, mogoce kdo ve?
there is no home like

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MarkoSan ()

Daedalus ::

Napiši točno ker codec...z vse ciframi zraven. Mogoče nam rata skup kaj zgooglat.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

MarkoSan ::

STAC9758,59 je od podjetja SigmaTel. Pa alsamixer ne najde se vedno naprave, ko ga pozenem.
there is no home like

Daedalus ::

Hum, tole zna bit zajebano.

Daj napiši proizvajalca in model matične plošče z vsemi ciframi, revizijami, ipd...
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world,
he is responsible for everything he does.

MarkoSan ::

Zdejle sem eno uro iskal karkoli, kar bi na plosci pokazalo proizvajalca in model, vendar ni nicesar razen oznak pasivnih kompontnet in cipovja. Ker je prodajalec nedosegljiv, je na dopustu, ne vem za katero plosco gre madona!!!! :D ;(( ;( >:D

Brez tega pa ne moremo naprej, kajne?

Je pa plosca modre barve (vsaj zgornji layer in gor so nort bridge in south bridge of vie, ma sata vmesnik, ...)
there is no home like

roscha ::

lspci ti vrne kaj?

MarkoSan ::

ukaz lspci vrne:

00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8385 [K8T800 AGP] Host Bridge (rev 01)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 PCI bridge [K8T800/K8T890 South]
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Linksys NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)
00:0d.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Agere Systems FW323 (rev 61)
00:0f.0 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller (rev 80)
00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82xxxxx UHCI USB 1.1 Controller (rev 81)
00:10.4 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge [KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration
00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map
00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller
00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 8x] (rev a4)
there is no home like

kriko1 ::

Si poskusil v mešalki pretikat kaka stikala? Kot npr. Sigmatel 4-speaker stereo?

MarkoSan ::

Kateri mesalki?
there is no home like

416c6573a ::

ojojoj kaj ga serjete.

prevedi kernel, pri izbiri (make xconfig/menuconfig) oznaci da se skompajla via driver za sound (device drivers -> sound -> advanced linux sound arihtecture -> VIA 82C686A/B, 8233/8235 AC97 Controller) najbolje da kot modul.

hkrati poglej se za ostalo periferijo ki ti jo pove "lspci" in jo najdi in vkljuci.

ce ne ves kako se kompajla kernel poglej na netu za tutorial.

ko bo zadeva prevedena in zalaufana bos videl pod "lsmod" enepar snd_XXXXXXX ki bodo ze po imenu imela nekaj v zvezi z zvokom. nato pa s priljubljenim mixerjem poglej opcije za veckanalni zvok. ce se vedno ne bo delovalo odpri "amixer" in poglej ce tam kje se kaj mutirano (ze opazil kaksen bug da zvok ni delal, ker je bilo v amixerju mutirano, okenski mixer je pa pokazal da je vse ok - seveda se to ponavadi zgodi samo ob novi instalaciji, kasneje ko dela amixerja ne rabis ce laufas desktop).

sele nato ce se vedno ne bo delovalo lahko kej novega vprasas, ker taksne odgovore/kuzlarije kot dobivas, je brezvezno da se polni disk na serverju.

MarkoSan ::

Wacky, to sem ze storil, ko pozenem


se zgodi sledece:

amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device

Kernel je ustrezno preveden. Pa se to: Opazil sem da z OSS vklopljenim v jedru in izbiri OSS pride zelo tih zvok iz enega samega zvocnika (centralnega), kar sploh ni c redu.
there is no home like

416c6573a ::


"cat /etc/modprobe.conf"

MarkoSan ::

lsmod izpise naslednje module:

Module Size Used by
af_packet 23432 2
parport_pc 41444 0
parport 41416 1 parport_pc
i2c_viapro 10516 0
generic 4868 0 [permanent]
shpchp 42936 0
pci_hotplug 16388 1 shpchp
snd_seq_dummy 4484 0
snd_seq_oss 40320 0
snd_seq_midi 10752 0
snd_seq_midi_event 8576 2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi
snd_seq 65392 6 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq_midi_event
snd_seq_device 9868 4 snd_seq_dummy,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi,snd_seq
snd_via82xx 32664 0
gameport 17800 1 snd_via82xx
snd_ac97_codec 104992 1 snd_via82xx
snd_ac97_bus 2944 1 snd_ac97_codec
usb_storage 123552 0
ub 23280 0
snd_usb_audio 85376 0
snd_pcm_oss 53760 0
snd_mixer_oss 20992 1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm 104324 4 snd_via82xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_usb_audio,snd_pcm_oss
snd_timer 28036 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd_page_alloc 11656 2 snd_via82xx,snd_pcm
snd_usb_lib 19200 1 snd_usb_audio
snd_hwdep 11524 1 snd_usb_audio
uhci_hcd 34444 0
sr_mod 19236 0
sbp2 25608 0
ide_generic 1664 0 [permanent]
eth1394 21380 0

Nimam datoteke modprobe.conf v direktoriju /etc., so pa naslednji fajli tam:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 299 2006-05-21 16:56 /etc/modules
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16581 2006-07-06 08:12 /etc/modules.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16581 2006-07-06 08:12 /etc/modules.conf.old

total 26
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4360 2006-06-03 14:52 aliases
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15221 2006-05-19 00:59 alsa-base
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 156 2006-05-19 00:59 alsa-base-blacklist
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 2006-06-06 18:11 arch
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2006-06-06 18:11 arch-aliases -> arch/i386
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 398 2005-08-04 19:20 isapnp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38 2006-04-22 20:09 libsane
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 2006-07-06 08:11 linux-sound-base_noOSS -> /lib/linux-sound-base/noOSS.modprobe.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57 2006-07-04 09:04 sound

total 19
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 432 2004-12-19 11:40 0keep
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 254 2006-06-03 21:20 actions
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4178 2006-06-03 21:20 aliases
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9007 2006-05-19 00:59 alsa-base
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 156 2006-05-19 00:59 alsa-base-blacklist
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 2006-06-06 18:11 arch
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 2006-07-06 08:11 linux-sound-base_noOSS -> /lib/linux-sound-base/noOSS.modutils.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 139 2004-12-19 11:40 paths

Ker si verjetno mislil na datoteko /etc/modules.conf, je tukaj njena vsebina:
### This file is automatically generated by update-modules
# Please do not edit this file directly. If you want to change or add
# anything please take a look at the files in /etc/modutils and read
# the manpage for update-modules.
### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/0keep
# This file is not marked as conffile to make sure if you upgrade modutils
# it will be restored in case some modifications have been made.
# The keep command is necessary to prevent insmod and friends from ignoring
# the builtin defaults of a path-statement is encountered. Until all other
# packages use the new `add path'-statement this keep-statement is essential
# to keep your system working

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/0keep

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/actions
# Special actions that are needed for some modules

# The BTTV module, up to kernel 2.4.17, does not load the tuner
# module automatically, so do that in here
if KERNEL_VER < 2.4.17
post-install bttv insmod tuner
post-remove bttv rmmod tuner

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/actions

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/aliases
# Aliases to tell insmod/modprobe which modules to use

# Uncomment the network protocols you don't want loaded:
# alias net-pf-1 off # Unix
# alias net-pf-2 off # IPv4
# alias net-pf-3 off # Amateur Radio AX.25
# alias net-pf-4 off # IPX
# alias net-pf-5 off # DDP / appletalk
# alias net-pf-6 off # Amateur Radio NET/ROM
# alias net-pf-9 off # X.25
# alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6
# alias net-pf-11 off # ROSE / Amateur Radio X.25 PLP
# alias net-pf-19 off # Acorn Econet
# alias net-pf-20 off # ATM
# alias net-pf-23 off # IRDA
# alias net-pf-24 off # PPPoE
# alias net-pf-25 off # WANrouter
# alias net-pf-26 off # Llc
# alias net-pf-31 off # Bluetooth

alias binfmt-204 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-263 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-264 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-267 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-387 binfmt_aout

alias bt-proto-0 l2cap
alias bt-proto-2 sco
alias bt-proto-3 rfcomm
alias bt-proto-4 bnep
alias bt-proto-5 cmtp
alias bt-proto-6 hidp
alias bt-proto-7 avdtp

alias char-major-9 st
alias char-major-10-1 psmouse
alias char-major-10-134 apm
alias char-major-10-135 rtc
alias char-major-10-139 openprom
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias char-major-10-157 applicom
alias char-major-10-175 agpgart
alias char-major-10-181 toshiba
alias char-major-10-183 hw_random
alias char-major-10-184 microcode
alias char-major-10-187 irnet
alias char-major-10-189 ussp
alias char-major-10-200 tun
alias char-major-10-250 hci_vhci
alias char-major-13 input
alias char-major-13-0 joydev
alias char-major-13-1 joydev
alias char-major-13-2 joydev
alias char-major-13-3 joydev
alias char-major-13-32 mousedev
alias char-major-13-33 mousedev
alias char-major-13-34 mousedev
alias char-major-13-35 mousedev
alias char-major-13-63 mousedev
alias char-major-13-64 evdev
alias char-major-13-65 evdev
alias char-major-13-66 evdev
alias char-major-13-67 evdev
alias char-major-19 cyclades
alias char-major-20 cyclades
alias char-major-21 sg
alias char-major-22 pcxx
alias char-major-23 pcxx
alias char-major-27 ftape
alias char-major-27 zftape
alias char-major-34 scc
alias char-major-35 tclmidi
alias char-major-37 ide-tape
alias char-major-48 riscom8
alias char-major-49 riscom8
alias char-major-57 esp
alias char-major-58 esp
alias char-major-63 kdebug
alias char-major-67 coda
alias char-major-75 specialix
alias char-major-76 specialix
alias char-major-81 bttv
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-83 vtx
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
alias char-major-90 mtdchar
alias char-major-96 pt
alias char-major-97 pg
alias char-major-99 ppdev
alias char-major-107 3dfx
alias char-major-109 lvm-mod
alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-161 ircomm-tty
alias char-major-162 raw
alias char-major-166 cdc_acm
alias char-major-171 raw1394
alias char-major-180-48 scanner
alias char-major-180 usbcore
alias char-major-195 nvidia
alias char-major-200 vxspec
alias char-major-202 msr
alias char-major-203 cpuid
alias char-major-206 osst
alias char-major-208 ussp
alias char-major-227 tub3270
alias /dev/ppp ppp_generic
alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async
alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty
alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe
alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate

alias dummy0 dummy
alias dummy1 dummy
alias gre0 ip_gre
alias iso9660 isofs
alias plip0 plip
alias plip1 plip
alias slip0 slip
alias slip1 slip
alias tunl0 ipip
alias usbdevfs usbcore
alias cipcb0 cipcb
alias cipcb1 cipcb
alias cipcb2 cipcb
alias cipcb3 cipcb

alias xfrm-type-2-50 esp4
alias xfrm-type-2-51 ah4
alias xfrm-type-2-108 ipcomp
alias xfrm-type-10-50 esp6
alias xfrm-type-10-51 ah6
alias xfrm-type-10-108 ipcomp6

# Crypto modules (see http://www.kerneli.org/)
alias loop-xfer-gen-0 loop_gen
alias loop-xfer-3 loop_fish2
alias loop-xfer-gen-10 loop_gen
alias cipher-2 des
alias cipher-3 fish2
alias cipher-4 blowfish
alias cipher-6 idea
alias cipher-7 serp6f
alias cipher-8 mars6
alias cipher-11 rc62
alias cipher-15 dfc2
alias cipher-16 rijndael
alias cipher-17 rc5

# IDE modules changed names in 2.4.22
if KERNEL_VER >= 2.4.22
alias ide-mod ide-core
alias ide-probe-mod ide-detect

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/aliases

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base
# autoloader aliases
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1
alias sound-slot-2 snd-card-2
alias sound-slot-3 snd-card-3
alias sound-slot-4 snd-card-4
alias sound-slot-5 snd-card-5
alias sound-slot-6 snd-card-6
alias sound-slot-7 snd-card-7
above sound-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-1 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-2 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-3 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-4 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-5 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-6 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-7 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
# Load optional modules above their base modules
above snd-pcm snd-pcm-oss
above snd-mixer snd-mixer-oss
above snd-seq snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi
above snd-emu10k1 snd-emu10k1-synth
above snd-via82xx snd-seq
# Cause a script to be run after snd-*-synth module initialization
post-install snd-emu8000-synth /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu8000-synth
post-install snd-emu10k1-synth /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1-synth
# Cause a script to be run after card driver module initialization
post-install snd-ad1816a /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1816a
post-install snd-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1848
post-install snd-adlib /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-adlib
post-install snd-ad1889 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1889
post-install snd-ali5451 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ali5451
post-install snd-als100 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als100
post-install snd-als300 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als300
post-install snd-als4000 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als4000
post-install snd-armaaci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-armaaci
post-install snd-asihpi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-asihpi
post-install snd-atiixp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-atiixp
post-install snd-au1x00 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au1x00
post-install snd-au8810 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8810
post-install snd-au8820 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8820
post-install snd-au8830 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8830
post-install snd-azt2320 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt2320
post-install snd-azt3328 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt3328
post-install snd-ca0106 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ca0106
post-install snd-cmi8330 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmi8330
post-install snd-cmipci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmipci
post-install snd-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4231
post-install snd-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4232
post-install snd-cs4236 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4236
post-install snd-cs4281 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4281
post-install snd-cs46xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs46xx
post-install snd-cs5535audio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs5535audio
post-install snd-darla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla20
post-install snd-darla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla24
post-install snd-dt019x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-dt019x
post-install snd-echo3g /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-echo3g
post-install snd-emu10k1x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1x
post-install snd-ens1370 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1370
post-install snd-ens1371 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1371
post-install snd-es1688 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1688
post-install snd-es18xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es18xx
post-install snd-es1938 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1938
post-install snd-es1968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1968
post-install snd-es968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es968
post-install snd-fm801 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-fm801
post-install snd-fm801-tea575x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-fm801-tea575x
post-install snd-gina20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina20
post-install snd-gina24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina24
post-install snd-gusclassic /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusclassic
post-install snd-gusextreme /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusextreme
post-install snd-gusmax /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusmax
post-install snd-harmony /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-harmony
post-install snd-hda-intel /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hda-intel
post-install snd-hdsp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdsp
post-install snd-hdspm /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdspm
post-install snd-ice1712 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1712
post-install snd-ice1724 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1724
post-install snd-indigo /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigo
post-install snd-indigodj /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigodj
post-install snd-indigoio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigoio
post-install snd-intel8x0 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-intel8x0
post-install snd-interwave /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave
post-install snd-interwave-stb /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave-stb
post-install snd-korg1212 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-korg1212
post-install snd-layla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla20
post-install snd-layla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla24
post-install snd-maestro3 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-maestro3
post-install snd-mia /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mia
post-install snd-miro /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-miro
post-install snd-mixart /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mixart
post-install snd-mona /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mona
post-install snd-mpu401 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mpu401
post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle
post-install snd-mtpav /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mtpav
post-install snd-nm256 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-nm256
post-install snd-opl3sa2 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opl3sa2
post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848
post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231
post-install snd-opti93x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti93x
post-install snd-pc98-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pc98-cs4232
post-install snd-pcsp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcsp
post-install snd-pcxhr /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcxhr
post-install snd-pdaudiocf /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdaudiocf
post-install snd-pdplus /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdplus
post-install snd-portman2x4 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-portman2x4
post-install snd-powermac /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-powermac
post-install snd-pxa2xx-ac97 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pxa2xx-ac97
post-install snd-pxa2xx-i2sound /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pxa2xx-i2sound
post-install snd-riptide /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-riptide
post-install snd-rme32 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme32
post-install snd-rme96 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme96
post-install snd-rme9652 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme9652
post-install snd-s3c2410 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-s3c2410
post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341
post-install snd-sb16 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb16
post-install snd-sb8 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb8
post-install snd-sbawe /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sbawe
post-install snd-serialmidi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serialmidi
post-install snd-serial-u16550 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serial-u16550
post-install snd-sgalaxy /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sgalaxy
post-install snd-sonicvibes /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sonicvibes
post-install snd-sscape /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sscape
post-install snd-sun-amd7930 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-amd7930
post-install snd-sun-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-cs4231
post-install snd-sun-dbri /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-dbri
post-install snd-trident /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-trident
post-install snd-usb-audio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-audio
post-install snd-usb-usx2y /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-usx2y
post-install snd-vx222 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vx222
post-install snd-vxpocket /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vxpocket
post-install snd-wavefront /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-wavefront
post-install snd-ymfpci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ymfpci
# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0
options snd-bt87x index=-2
options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
options snd-intel8x0m index=-2
options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base-blacklist
# Uncomment these entries in order to blacklist unwanted modem drivers
# alias snd-atiixp-modem off
# alias snd-intel8x0m off
# alias snd-via82xx-modem off

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base-blacklist

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/linux-sound-base_noOSS
alias ac97 off
alias ac97_codec off
alias ac97_plugin_ad1980 off
alias ad1848 off
alias ad1889 off
alias adlib_card off
alias aedsp16 off
alias ali5455 off
alias btaudio off
alias cmpci off
alias cs4232 off
alias cs4281 off
alias cs461x off
alias cs46xx off
alias emu10k1 off
alias es1370 off
alias es1371 off
alias esssolo1 off
alias forte off
alias gus off
alias i810_audio off
alias kahlua off
alias mad16 off
alias maestro off
alias maestro3 off
alias maui off
alias mpu401 off
alias nm256_audio off
alias opl3 off
alias opl3sa off
alias opl3sa2 off
alias pas2 off
alias pss off
alias rme96xx off
alias sb off
alias sb_lib off
alias sgalaxy off
alias sonicvibes off
alias sound off
alias sscape off
alias trident off
alias trix off
alias uart401 off
alias uart6850 off
alias via82cxxx_audio off
alias v_midi off
alias wavefront off
alias ymfpci off
alias ac97_plugin_wm97xx off
alias ad1816 off
alias audio off
alias awe_wave off
alias dmasound_core off
alias dmasound_pmac off
alias harmony off
alias sequencer off
alias soundcard off
alias usb-midi off

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/linux-sound-base_noOSS

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/paths
# This file contains a list of paths that modprobe should scan,
# beside the ones that are compiled into the modutils tools
# themselves.

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/paths

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias binfmt-0064 binfmt_aout
alias char-major-10-135 rtc

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386

nesramnik:/etc# cat modules.conf
### This file is automatically generated by update-modules
# Please do not edit this file directly. If you want to change or add
# anything please take a look at the files in /etc/modutils and read
# the manpage for update-modules.
### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/0keep
# This file is not marked as conffile to make sure if you upgrade modutils
# it will be restored in case some modifications have been made.
# The keep command is necessary to prevent insmod and friends from ignoring
# the builtin defaults of a path-statement is encountered. Until all other
# packages use the new `add path'-statement this keep-statement is essential
# to keep your system working

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/0keep

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/actions
# Special actions that are needed for some modules

# The BTTV module, up to kernel 2.4.17, does not load the tuner
# module automatically, so do that in here
if KERNEL_VER < 2.4.17
post-install bttv insmod tuner
post-remove bttv rmmod tuner

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/actions

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/aliases
# Aliases to tell insmod/modprobe which modules to use

# Uncomment the network protocols you don't want loaded:
# alias net-pf-1 off # Unix
# alias net-pf-2 off # IPv4
# alias net-pf-3 off # Amateur Radio AX.25
# alias net-pf-4 off # IPX
# alias net-pf-5 off # DDP / appletalk
# alias net-pf-6 off # Amateur Radio NET/ROM
# alias net-pf-9 off # X.25
# alias net-pf-10 off # IPv6
# alias net-pf-11 off # ROSE / Amateur Radio X.25 PLP
# alias net-pf-19 off # Acorn Econet
# alias net-pf-20 off # ATM
# alias net-pf-23 off # IRDA
# alias net-pf-24 off # PPPoE
# alias net-pf-25 off # WANrouter
# alias net-pf-26 off # Llc
# alias net-pf-31 off # Bluetooth

alias binfmt-204 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-263 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-264 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-267 binfmt_aout
alias binfmt-387 binfmt_aout

alias bt-proto-0 l2cap
alias bt-proto-2 sco
alias bt-proto-3 rfcomm
alias bt-proto-4 bnep
alias bt-proto-5 cmtp
alias bt-proto-6 hidp
alias bt-proto-7 avdtp

alias char-major-9 st
alias char-major-10-1 psmouse
alias char-major-10-134 apm
alias char-major-10-135 rtc
alias char-major-10-139 openprom
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias char-major-10-157 applicom
alias char-major-10-175 agpgart
alias char-major-10-181 toshiba
alias char-major-10-183 hw_random
alias char-major-10-184 microcode
alias char-major-10-187 irnet
alias char-major-10-189 ussp
alias char-major-10-200 tun
alias char-major-10-250 hci_vhci
alias char-major-13 input
alias char-major-13-0 joydev
alias char-major-13-1 joydev
alias char-major-13-2 joydev
alias char-major-13-3 joydev
alias char-major-13-32 mousedev
alias char-major-13-33 mousedev
alias char-major-13-34 mousedev
alias char-major-13-35 mousedev
alias char-major-13-63 mousedev
alias char-major-13-64 evdev
alias char-major-13-65 evdev
alias char-major-13-66 evdev
alias char-major-13-67 evdev
alias char-major-19 cyclades
alias char-major-20 cyclades
alias char-major-21 sg
alias char-major-22 pcxx
alias char-major-23 pcxx
alias char-major-27 ftape
alias char-major-27 zftape
alias char-major-34 scc
alias char-major-35 tclmidi
alias char-major-37 ide-tape
alias char-major-48 riscom8
alias char-major-49 riscom8
alias char-major-57 esp
alias char-major-58 esp
alias char-major-63 kdebug
alias char-major-67 coda
alias char-major-75 specialix
alias char-major-76 specialix
alias char-major-81 bttv
alias char-major-81 videodev
alias char-major-83 vtx
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
alias char-major-90 mtdchar
alias char-major-96 pt
alias char-major-97 pg
alias char-major-99 ppdev
alias char-major-107 3dfx
alias char-major-109 lvm-mod
alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-161 ircomm-tty
alias char-major-162 raw
alias char-major-166 cdc_acm
alias char-major-171 raw1394
alias char-major-180-48 scanner
alias char-major-180 usbcore
alias char-major-195 nvidia
alias char-major-200 vxspec
alias char-major-202 msr
alias char-major-203 cpuid
alias char-major-206 osst
alias char-major-208 ussp
alias char-major-227 tub3270
alias /dev/ppp ppp_generic
alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async
alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty
alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe
alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate

alias dummy0 dummy
alias dummy1 dummy
alias gre0 ip_gre
alias iso9660 isofs
alias plip0 plip
alias plip1 plip
alias slip0 slip
alias slip1 slip
alias tunl0 ipip
alias usbdevfs usbcore
alias cipcb0 cipcb
alias cipcb1 cipcb
alias cipcb2 cipcb
alias cipcb3 cipcb

alias xfrm-type-2-50 esp4
alias xfrm-type-2-51 ah4
alias xfrm-type-2-108 ipcomp
alias xfrm-type-10-50 esp6
alias xfrm-type-10-51 ah6
alias xfrm-type-10-108 ipcomp6

# Crypto modules (see http://www.kerneli.org/)
alias loop-xfer-gen-0 loop_gen
alias loop-xfer-3 loop_fish2
alias loop-xfer-gen-10 loop_gen
alias cipher-2 des
alias cipher-3 fish2
alias cipher-4 blowfish
alias cipher-6 idea
alias cipher-7 serp6f
alias cipher-8 mars6
alias cipher-11 rc62
alias cipher-15 dfc2
alias cipher-16 rijndael
alias cipher-17 rc5

# IDE modules changed names in 2.4.22
if KERNEL_VER >= 2.4.22
alias ide-mod ide-core
alias ide-probe-mod ide-detect

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/aliases

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base
# autoloader aliases
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-slot-1 snd-card-1
alias sound-slot-2 snd-card-2
alias sound-slot-3 snd-card-3
alias sound-slot-4 snd-card-4
alias sound-slot-5 snd-card-5
alias sound-slot-6 snd-card-6
alias sound-slot-7 snd-card-7
above sound-slot-0 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-1 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-2 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-3 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-4 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-5 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-6 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
above sound-slot-7 snd-pcm-oss snd-mixer-oss snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-service-0-8 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm-oss
# Load optional modules above their base modules
above snd-pcm snd-pcm-oss
above snd-mixer snd-mixer-oss
above snd-seq snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi
above snd-emu10k1 snd-emu10k1-synth
above snd-via82xx snd-seq
# Cause a script to be run after snd-*-synth module initialization
post-install snd-emu8000-synth /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu8000-synth
post-install snd-emu10k1-synth /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1-synth
# Cause a script to be run after card driver module initialization
post-install snd-ad1816a /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1816a
post-install snd-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1848
post-install snd-adlib /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-adlib
post-install snd-ad1889 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ad1889
post-install snd-ali5451 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ali5451
post-install snd-als100 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als100
post-install snd-als300 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als300
post-install snd-als4000 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-als4000
post-install snd-armaaci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-armaaci
post-install snd-asihpi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-asihpi
post-install snd-atiixp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-atiixp
post-install snd-au1x00 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au1x00
post-install snd-au8810 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8810
post-install snd-au8820 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8820
post-install snd-au8830 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-au8830
post-install snd-azt2320 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt2320
post-install snd-azt3328 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-azt3328
post-install snd-ca0106 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ca0106
post-install snd-cmi8330 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmi8330
post-install snd-cmipci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cmipci
post-install snd-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4231
post-install snd-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4232
post-install snd-cs4236 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4236
post-install snd-cs4281 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs4281
post-install snd-cs46xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs46xx
post-install snd-cs5535audio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-cs5535audio
post-install snd-darla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla20
post-install snd-darla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-darla24
post-install snd-dt019x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-dt019x
post-install snd-echo3g /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-echo3g
post-install snd-emu10k1x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-emu10k1x
post-install snd-ens1370 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1370
post-install snd-ens1371 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ens1371
post-install snd-es1688 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1688
post-install snd-es18xx /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es18xx
post-install snd-es1938 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1938
post-install snd-es1968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es1968
post-install snd-es968 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-es968
post-install snd-fm801 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-fm801
post-install snd-fm801-tea575x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-fm801-tea575x
post-install snd-gina20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina20
post-install snd-gina24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gina24
post-install snd-gusclassic /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusclassic
post-install snd-gusextreme /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusextreme
post-install snd-gusmax /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-gusmax
post-install snd-harmony /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-harmony
post-install snd-hda-intel /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hda-intel
post-install snd-hdsp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdsp
post-install snd-hdspm /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-hdspm
post-install snd-ice1712 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1712
post-install snd-ice1724 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ice1724
post-install snd-indigo /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigo
post-install snd-indigodj /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigodj
post-install snd-indigoio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-indigoio
post-install snd-intel8x0 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-intel8x0
post-install snd-interwave /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave
post-install snd-interwave-stb /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-interwave-stb
post-install snd-korg1212 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-korg1212
post-install snd-layla20 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla20
post-install snd-layla24 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-layla24
post-install snd-maestro3 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-maestro3
post-install snd-mia /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mia
post-install snd-miro /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-miro
post-install snd-mixart /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mixart
post-install snd-mona /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mona
post-install snd-mpu401 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mpu401
post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-msnd-pinnacle
post-install snd-mtpav /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-mtpav
post-install snd-nm256 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-nm256
post-install snd-opl3sa2 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opl3sa2
post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-ad1848
post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti92x-cs4231
post-install snd-opti93x /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-opti93x
post-install snd-pc98-cs4232 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pc98-cs4232
post-install snd-pcsp /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcsp
post-install snd-pcxhr /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pcxhr
post-install snd-pdaudiocf /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdaudiocf
post-install snd-pdplus /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pdplus
post-install snd-portman2x4 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-portman2x4
post-install snd-powermac /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-powermac
post-install snd-pxa2xx-ac97 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pxa2xx-ac97
post-install snd-pxa2xx-i2sound /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-pxa2xx-i2sound
post-install snd-riptide /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-riptide
post-install snd-rme32 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme32
post-install snd-rme96 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme96
post-install snd-rme9652 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-rme9652
post-install snd-s3c2410 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-s3c2410
post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sa11xx-uda1341
post-install snd-sb16 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb16
post-install snd-sb8 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sb8
post-install snd-sbawe /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sbawe
post-install snd-serialmidi /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serialmidi
post-install snd-serial-u16550 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-serial-u16550
post-install snd-sgalaxy /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sgalaxy
post-install snd-sonicvibes /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sonicvibes
post-install snd-sscape /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sscape
post-install snd-sun-amd7930 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-amd7930
post-install snd-sun-cs4231 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-cs4231
post-install snd-sun-dbri /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-sun-dbri
post-install snd-trident /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-trident
post-install snd-usb-audio /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-audio
post-install snd-usb-usx2y /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-usb-usx2y
post-install snd-vx222 /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vx222
post-install snd-vxpocket /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-vxpocket
post-install snd-wavefront /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-wavefront
post-install snd-ymfpci /lib/alsa/modprobe-post-install snd-ymfpci
# Prevent abnormal drivers from grabbing index 0
options snd-bt87x index=-2
options snd-atiixp-modem index=-2
options snd-intel8x0m index=-2
options snd-via82xx-modem index=-2

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base-blacklist
# Uncomment these entries in order to blacklist unwanted modem drivers
# alias snd-atiixp-modem off
# alias snd-intel8x0m off
# alias snd-via82xx-modem off

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/alsa-base-blacklist

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/linux-sound-base_noOSS
alias ac97 off
alias ac97_codec off
alias ac97_plugin_ad1980 off
alias ad1848 off
alias ad1889 off
alias adlib_card off
alias aedsp16 off
alias ali5455 off
alias btaudio off
alias cmpci off
alias cs4232 off
alias cs4281 off
alias cs461x off
alias cs46xx off
alias emu10k1 off
alias es1370 off
alias es1371 off
alias esssolo1 off
alias forte off
alias gus off
alias i810_audio off
alias kahlua off
alias mad16 off
alias maestro off
alias maestro3 off
alias maui off
alias mpu401 off
alias nm256_audio off
alias opl3 off
alias opl3sa off
alias opl3sa2 off
alias pas2 off
alias pss off
alias rme96xx off
alias sb off
alias sb_lib off
alias sgalaxy off
alias sonicvibes off
alias sound off
alias sscape off
alias trident off
alias trix off
alias uart401 off
alias uart6850 off
alias via82cxxx_audio off
alias v_midi off
alias wavefront off
alias ymfpci off
alias ac97_plugin_wm97xx off
alias ad1816 off
alias audio off
alias awe_wave off
alias dmasound_core off
alias dmasound_pmac off
alias harmony off
alias sequencer off
alias soundcard off
alias usb-midi off

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/linux-sound-base_noOSS

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/paths
# This file contains a list of paths that modprobe should scan,
# beside the ones that are compiled into the modutils tools
# themselves.

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/paths

### update-modules: start processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
alias char-major-10-144 nvram
alias binfmt-0064 binfmt_aout
alias char-major-10-135 rtc

### update-modules: end processing /etc/modutils/arch/i386
there is no home like

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: MarkoSan ()

Vredno ogleda ...

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[Ubuntu 10.04] Problem z zvočno kartico (mikrofon)

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