Forum » Igre » UT fps
UT fps
RookY ::
Mene zanima koliko fps vam dosežejo vaše grafične kartice v uvodni sceni UT. Moj voodoo dobiva že sive lase in bi rad zamenjal grafično.
Vendar igram pretežno samo UT in mode zanj, zato sem malo skeptičen do novih graf.kartic.
Povejte mi prosim še kater proc imate.
Meni doseže average 55 fps(CII 700@875) na V3-3000@177
Vendar igram pretežno samo UT in mode zanj, zato sem malo skeptičen do novih graf.kartic.
Povejte mi prosim še kater proc imate.
Meni doseže average 55 fps(CII 700@875) na V3-3000@177
Juhu juhu spet bom bruhu
mobisuxguru01 ::
men pa ene 40 na C700 in V3 3000 nč OCjan, če sam to špilaš itak ne rabš druge karte
Dami ::
Mam v3 2000 spremenjen v 3000 in celeron 400@500 in dela čist ql na 800*600 high detail. Sam se pa morm pripravit na dvojko, kr tam pa hočem met vse podrobnosti pa ni važn cena.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.
JanezH ::
Kako pa naštimam to, da bi videl s koliko fps mi deluje? Med igro znam naštimat, samo za uvodni del pa ne vem.
sinko999 ::
Maš na tam en meni time demo
potem pa greš v meni reconect to server pa lahko pustiš če je te volja da večkrat gre skozi uvodna sekvenca da imaš ta pravo povprečje.
Moji podatki D600@1050
TNT2 125/150@155/175
800*600 hi/hi 67fps
potem pa greš v meni reconect to server pa lahko pustiš če je te volja da večkrat gre skozi uvodna sekvenca da imaš ta pravo povprečje.
Moji podatki D600@1050
TNT2 125/150@155/175
800*600 hi/hi 67fps
Ni? ni ve?no !
iga ::
duron 600@800
V3 2000@183MHz
uvodni bench 1024x768@16 - 57 FPS
Pravilni bench za Ut je UTBench demo.
Dobiš ga npr.TUKAJ
Navodila(skopirana iz druge strani)
1. Put the UTBench.dem file in your \system\ sub-folder in your Unreal Tournament directory (eg. C:\Unreal Tournament\system\)
2. Click on "Tools" and check "Timedemo Statistic"
3. Click on "Options" and set the "Min Desired Framerate" field to "0".
4. Choose "Game\Start a Practice Session" and load any map.
5. Once in a map, you'll be prompted by UT to click/press your Fire key to start. Just bring down the console by pressing the "~" key) and type : demoplay utbench and press "Enter" followed by the "~" key again.
6. Once the demo loads and plays as fast as it can and you're at the black Unreal screen, press the "~" key. The final line in the console tells you your average framerate.
Moj UTBench - 1024x768@16 - 35 FPS
V3 2000@183MHz
uvodni bench 1024x768@16 - 57 FPS
Pravilni bench za Ut je UTBench demo.
Dobiš ga npr.TUKAJ
Navodila(skopirana iz druge strani)
1. Put the UTBench.dem file in your \system\ sub-folder in your Unreal Tournament directory (eg. C:\Unreal Tournament\system\)
2. Click on "Tools" and check "Timedemo Statistic"
3. Click on "Options" and set the "Min Desired Framerate" field to "0".
4. Choose "Game\Start a Practice Session" and load any map.
5. Once in a map, you'll be prompted by UT to click/press your Fire key to start. Just bring down the console by pressing the "~" key) and type : demoplay utbench and press "Enter" followed by the "~" key again.
6. Once the demo loads and plays as fast as it can and you're at the black Unreal screen, press the "~" key. The final line in the console tells you your average framerate.
Moj UTBench - 1024x768@16 - 35 FPS
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: iga ()
Sumo ::
Hehe Smukec, le kaj si mislil s tem ko si dal Kyrota na Celerona 400... Ta kartica potrebuje VSAJ 700Mhz procesor za dokaj solidno delovanje...
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