Forum » Operacijski sistemi » Linux na SCSI diskih
Linux na SCSI diskih

civic_ ::
torej mam eno kišto na kateri je bil windows 2000 in je bla server imel jo bi tako za srfat...
najraje bi dal slackware.. če se bi dalo dobit že kšn "predelan slackware" da bi normalno inštaliral...oziroma kateri kernel naj zberem drugače je možna tudi kakšna druga distribucija. računalnik je 500mhz 128 ram
z linux-om sem že delal tako da ne bi smelo bit problem
najraje bi dal slackware.. če se bi dalo dobit že kšn "predelan slackware" da bi normalno inštaliral...oziroma kateri kernel naj zberem drugače je možna tudi kakšna druga distribucija. računalnik je 500mhz 128 ram
z linux-om sem že delal tako da ne bi smelo bit problem
- spremenil: civic_ ()

rkb2 ::
V čem je problem ? Kolikor jaz vem Slackware podpira SCSI diske, le ustrezen kernel naložiš ob zagonu.

JeBelaCesta ::
VectorLinux je necak od Slackware-a :)
dela optimalno na starejsih masinah, na novih je pa tko hitr kot XP-ji
poglej si kaj ti bolj ustreza Standard ali SOHO verzija in si jo namesti
se link
dela optimalno na starejsih masinah, na novih je pa tko hitr kot XP-ji
poglej si kaj ti bolj ustreza Standard ali SOHO verzija in si jo namesti
se link
lep pozdrav iz višav ;-)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: JeBelaCesta ()

civic_ ::
ja samo zanimalo me je če ima slackware podporo. drugače do zdaj sem pa uporabljal vector
ampak se bojim da le ta ni ma podpore za scsi

civic_ ::
torej slackware sem zagnal. ampak..mi ne zazna scasijev kar me ne preseneča. baje da moram samo v konzolo napisat kateri kernel želim a mi poveste kaj naj napišem?

civic_ ::
sori ampak mogusm reč da primerjava hitrosti delovanja linuxa z XP-ji ni mogoča! lawfal sem vectorja 5.01 na 2000mhz 768ram...nvidia grafična.... delal je pa bolše kot da bi mel xp je na ne vem kaki kišti prefektno

civic_ ::
ja sm pogledal ampak kaj morm zdej natančno napisat ko se mi boota z cd-ja, a so to ukazi ali kaj drugega...
ja prebral sem da je to boot disk. in to dam notri in bi moglo da dela...? kje pa ga dobim?
očitno bo treba disketar kupit
SCSI bootdisks (.s suffix)
adaptec.s This bootdisk supports most Adaptec SCSI controllers, including these models: AHA-1510, AHA-1520, AHA-1522, AHA-1522, AHA-1740, and AHA-2825. The AIC7xxx models, which include the 274x EISA cards; 284x VLB cards; 2902, 2910, 293x, 294x, 394x, 3985 and several other PCI and motherboard based SCSI controllers from Adaptec. Adaptec's I2O based RAID controllers (including OEM Adaptec RAID controllers used by HP and Dell, Adaptec branded AAC964/5400 RAID controllers, and DPT SmartRaid V cards)
ibmmca.s This is a bootdisk based on a development kernel which supports MicroChannel Architecture, found in some IBM PS/2 machines and laptops. It is a bus system similar to PCI or ISA. Support for most MCA SCSI, Ethernet, and Token Ring adapters is included.
jfs.s A version of bare.i with support for IBM's Journaled Filesystem as well as Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI support.
raid.s This is a bootdisk with support for some hardware SCSI and ATA RAID controllers. The install disks now have preliminary support for these controllers as well. The drivers included are: AMI MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 490 and 467 SCSI host adapters, Compaq Smart, Compaq Smart Array 5xxx, IBM ServeRAID hardware RAID, LSI Logic Fusion™ MPT devices (not really RAID, but added since there was room for this driver here), Mylex DAC960, AcceleRAID, and eXtremeRAID controllers. Many of these controllers will require some degree of do-it-yourself setup before and/or after installation.
scsi.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. Note that this disk does not include Adaptec support any longer -- you must use the adaptec.s bootdisk for that. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI, BusLogic SCSI, EATA ISA/EISA/PCI (DPT and generic EATA/DMA-compliant boards), Initio 91XXU(W) and Initio 91XXU(W), SYM53C8XX Version 2, Qlogic ISP SCSI, Qlogic QLA 1280 SCSI.
scsi2.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: AdvanSys SCSI (supports all AdvanSys SCSI controllers, including some SCSI cards included with HP CD-R/RW drives, the Iomega Jaz Jet SCSI controller, and the SCSI controller on the Iomega Buz multimedia adapter), ACARD 870U/W SCSI host adapter, Compaq Fibre Channel 64-bit/66Mhz HBA, Domex DMX3191D SCSI Host Adapters, DTC 3180/3280 SCSI Host Adapters, Future Domain 16xx SCSI/AHA-2920A, NCR53c7, 8xx, NCR53C8XX
scsi3.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: Western Digital 7000FASST SCSI support, Always IN2000, Intel/ICP (former GDT SCSI Disk Array) RAID Controller, PCI2000I, PCI2220i, PSI240i EIDE interface card, Qlogic FAS SCSI, QLogic ISP FC (ISP2100 SCSI-FCP), Seagate ST01/ST02, Future Domain TMC-885/950 SCSI, SYM53c416 SCSI host adapter, UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI-2 host adapters, Workbit NinjaSCSI-32Bi/UDE
speakup.s This is like the bare.i (standard IDE) disk, but has support for Speakup (and since there was space, support for Adaptec's AIC7xxx SCSI controllers is also included) Speakup provides access to Linux for the visually impaired community. It does this by sending console output to a number of different hardware speech synthesizers. It provides access to Linux by making screen review functions available. For more information about speakup and its drivers check out: To use this, you'll need to specify one of the supported synthesizers on the bootdisk's boot prompt:
ramdisk speakup_synth=synth
where 'synth' is one of the supported speech synthesizers: acntpc, acntsa, apolo, audptr, bns, decext, dectlk, dtlk, ltlk, spkout, txprt
xfs.s This is an extended version of bare.i with support for SGI's XFS filesystem. Support for Adaptec's AIC7xxx SCSI controllers is also included.
ja prebral sem da je to boot disk. in to dam notri in bi moglo da dela...? kje pa ga dobim?
očitno bo treba disketar kupit

SCSI bootdisks (.s suffix)
adaptec.s This bootdisk supports most Adaptec SCSI controllers, including these models: AHA-1510, AHA-1520, AHA-1522, AHA-1522, AHA-1740, and AHA-2825. The AIC7xxx models, which include the 274x EISA cards; 284x VLB cards; 2902, 2910, 293x, 294x, 394x, 3985 and several other PCI and motherboard based SCSI controllers from Adaptec. Adaptec's I2O based RAID controllers (including OEM Adaptec RAID controllers used by HP and Dell, Adaptec branded AAC964/5400 RAID controllers, and DPT SmartRaid V cards)
ibmmca.s This is a bootdisk based on a development kernel which supports MicroChannel Architecture, found in some IBM PS/2 machines and laptops. It is a bus system similar to PCI or ISA. Support for most MCA SCSI, Ethernet, and Token Ring adapters is included.
jfs.s A version of bare.i with support for IBM's Journaled Filesystem as well as Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI support.
raid.s This is a bootdisk with support for some hardware SCSI and ATA RAID controllers. The install disks now have preliminary support for these controllers as well. The drivers included are: AMI MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 490 and 467 SCSI host adapters, Compaq Smart, Compaq Smart Array 5xxx, IBM ServeRAID hardware RAID, LSI Logic Fusion™ MPT devices (not really RAID, but added since there was room for this driver here), Mylex DAC960, AcceleRAID, and eXtremeRAID controllers. Many of these controllers will require some degree of do-it-yourself setup before and/or after installation.
scsi.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. Note that this disk does not include Adaptec support any longer -- you must use the adaptec.s bootdisk for that. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: AM53/79C974 PCI SCSI, BusLogic SCSI, EATA ISA/EISA/PCI (DPT and generic EATA/DMA-compliant boards), Initio 91XXU(W) and Initio 91XXU(W), SYM53C8XX Version 2, Qlogic ISP SCSI, Qlogic QLA 1280 SCSI.
scsi2.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: AdvanSys SCSI (supports all AdvanSys SCSI controllers, including some SCSI cards included with HP CD-R/RW drives, the Iomega Jaz Jet SCSI controller, and the SCSI controller on the Iomega Buz multimedia adapter), ACARD 870U/W SCSI host adapter, Compaq Fibre Channel 64-bit/66Mhz HBA, Domex DMX3191D SCSI Host Adapters, DTC 3180/3280 SCSI Host Adapters, Future Domain 16xx SCSI/AHA-2920A, NCR53c7, 8xx, NCR53C8XX
scsi3.s This is a SCSI bootdisk with support for various controllers. This disk supports these SCSI controllers: Western Digital 7000FASST SCSI support, Always IN2000, Intel/ICP (former GDT SCSI Disk Array) RAID Controller, PCI2000I, PCI2220i, PSI240i EIDE interface card, Qlogic FAS SCSI, QLogic ISP FC (ISP2100 SCSI-FCP), Seagate ST01/ST02, Future Domain TMC-885/950 SCSI, SYM53c416 SCSI host adapter, UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI-2 host adapters, Workbit NinjaSCSI-32Bi/UDE
speakup.s This is like the bare.i (standard IDE) disk, but has support for Speakup (and since there was space, support for Adaptec's AIC7xxx SCSI controllers is also included) Speakup provides access to Linux for the visually impaired community. It does this by sending console output to a number of different hardware speech synthesizers. It provides access to Linux by making screen review functions available. For more information about speakup and its drivers check out: To use this, you'll need to specify one of the supported synthesizers on the bootdisk's boot prompt:
ramdisk speakup_synth=synth
where 'synth' is one of the supported speech synthesizers: acntpc, acntsa, apolo, audptr, bns, decext, dectlk, dtlk, ltlk, spkout, txprt
xfs.s This is an extended version of bare.i with support for SGI's XFS filesystem. Support for Adaptec's AIC7xxx SCSI controllers is also included.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: civic_ ()

rkb2 ::
Ne potrebuješ disketarja
1. zaženi računalo
2. vstavi CD tako da se ti računalo zažene z CDja
3. ko ti izpiše "boot:" napiši scsi.s ali scsi2.s ali scsi3.s (odvisno od SCSI krmilnika - poizkusi boš videl kateri kernel potrebuješ da ti zazna diske) in pritisni enter
1. zaženi računalo
2. vstavi CD tako da se ti računalo zažene z CDja
3. ko ti izpiše "boot:" napiši scsi.s ali scsi2.s ali scsi3.s (odvisno od SCSI krmilnika - poizkusi boš videl kateri kernel potrebuješ da ti zazna diske) in pritisni enter
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: rkb2 ()

Brane2 ::
Če smem pripomnit:
kot je videt, stalno ponavljate eno in iisto napako- zaradi tam ene par modulov v kernelu greste menjat celo distribucijo.
Če ti stvar ne najde SCSI diska, potem scompilaj ov kernel s pdporo za tvoj SCI čipset in za SCSI diske.
To bi itak moral. Kernel se mora lepo uleči na tvoj HW. Vse ostalo itak leži na kernelu.
kot je videt, stalno ponavljate eno in iisto napako- zaradi tam ene par modulov v kernelu greste menjat celo distribucijo.
Če ti stvar ne najde SCSI diska, potem scompilaj ov kernel s pdporo za tvoj SCI čipset in za SCSI diske.
To bi itak moral. Kernel se mora lepo uleči na tvoj HW. Vse ostalo itak leži na kernelu.
On the journey of life, I chose the psycho path.

civic_ ::
nikjer nisem omenil da menjavam distribucijo, slackware sem inštalirl prej kot windowse in ga od nekdaj uporabljam

Jebiveter ::
berac: Jah no, ni glih videt

Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

civic_ ::
ja no uporabljal sem vedno le kot namizno, se pravi mo0gu sem znat mountat stvari, inštaliravat v glavnem vse mi je delalo kar sem rabu tudi špili.... za recmo grafiko zrihtat sem klevica prosu...

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