Forum » Omrežja in internet » Western union
Western union
otiM^ ::
Nevem kam naj bi spadala tema, pa sm jo dav kar pod internet:D
Gre se za plačilo na ebay-u. Prodajalec mi je napisal:
Deposit the money on your wife name or a relative and
on my adress through Western Union
This way we are both secured
I will see that you have the money and you will be
sure that i will not take your money correct?
After the payment is done e-mail me the sccaned paper
from Western Union to check the transfer and if all is
ok i will start the shipping and in maximum 24 hours
the phones will be in your hands
After the phones are in your hands you will have to
change the receiver name with mine so that i can pick
up my money !
Zanima me, ce je to varna pot...
Hvala ze vnaprej
Nevem kam naj bi spadala tema, pa sm jo dav kar pod internet:D
Gre se za plačilo na ebay-u. Prodajalec mi je napisal:
Deposit the money on your wife name or a relative and
on my adress through Western Union
This way we are both secured
I will see that you have the money and you will be
sure that i will not take your money correct?
After the payment is done e-mail me the sccaned paper
from Western Union to check the transfer and if all is
ok i will start the shipping and in maximum 24 hours
the phones will be in your hands
After the phones are in your hands you will have to
change the receiver name with mine so that i can pick
up my money !
Zanima me, ce je to varna pot...
Hvala ze vnaprej
DrBekunis ::
naredi tako: nakaži mu denar preko wu (da plačaš banki provizijo verjetno veš), dobiš potrdilo o nakazilu in nek verification number. skeniraj potrdilo, pobriši to verifikacijsko število in mu pošlji po mailu. ko ti dobiš robo, mu naknadno pošlješ še verification number. ali pa transfer zaščiti z opcijo "vprašanje-odgovor" (nekaj v tem smislu) in mu odgovor pošlji naknadno po prejemu.
DrBekunis ::
Ni mi pa jasno, zakaj bi ti delal nakazilo na ime tvoje žene ali sorodnika?! A ti ni dal svojih podatkov - ime priimek, naslov, država..?
otiM^ ::
DrBekunis hvala. Bom naredu tako kot si reku.
Na ime moje zene oz sorodnika pa zato, da on nebi mogel odzigniti denarja (naj nebi mogel). Ampak ce bi on vedel tisto cifro, bi verjetno denar dobil.
Na ime moje zene oz sorodnika pa zato, da on nebi mogel odzigniti denarja (naj nebi mogel). Ampak ce bi on vedel tisto cifro, bi verjetno denar dobil.
otiM^ ::
Zdaj imam novega prodajalca, pa mi je napisu:
"first i make the shipping i will give you the tracking number and after you check you must pay.....ok? for the payment i use WesternUnion because is a fast service...only after i make the shipping"
Je ta način varen?
Zdaj imam novega prodajalca, pa mi je napisu:
"first i make the shipping i will give you the tracking number and after you check you must pay.....ok? for the payment i use WesternUnion because is a fast service...only after i make the shipping"
Je ta način varen?
DrBekunis ::
glej, noben način ni varen, dokler ne veš, kakšna je oseba od katere kupuješ. V tem primeru ti on lahko da tracking number za pošiljko, v njej pa ti vseeno lahko pošlje star papir ali drva.... Tukaj se boš moral odločiti sam.
2tiLen ::
Če kupuješ kak nov telefon preko ebaya za malo denarja je ziher nateg. Paypal je precej bolj varen. Če noče poslovati preko paypala, ti nakup odsvetujem.
Matty ::
se strinjam.
Ne uporabljaj plačila blaga kupljenega pri Ebayu preko WU. Ni nobene garancije pri tem placilu, pravtako ne ves nikoli kdo bo dvignil denar... Raje Paypal, ali pa se celo nakazilo preko banke. Paypal je tudi dovolj hiter, res pa je, da ima prodajalec s temu extra stroske. Hkrati je to bolj varen nacin, obe strani sta verificirani...
Ne uporabljaj plačila blaga kupljenega pri Ebayu preko WU. Ni nobene garancije pri tem placilu, pravtako ne ves nikoli kdo bo dvignil denar... Raje Paypal, ali pa se celo nakazilo preko banke. Paypal je tudi dovolj hiter, res pa je, da ima prodajalec s temu extra stroske. Hkrati je to bolj varen nacin, obe strani sta verificirani...
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