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Downgrade iz IE 7 na IE6

Downgrade iz IE 7 na IE6

anddrej ::

Kako izvesti zadevo, glede na to, da tudi po "kao odstranitvi" IE7, sistem še zmeraj javi, da je nameščena novejša različica explorerja.
Lp Andrej

BendeR ::

Tolk da boš vedo za drugič. Za take stvari se naredi restore point. :D

anddrej ::

Sorry, je bila narejena, ampak ostane IE7 gor.
Lp Andrej

anddrej ::

Nobene pametne ideje?
Lp Andrej

kingkong ::

še to
''nevermind, i found a helpful post on dslreports.com, the uninstall
folder is in the windows folder, $NtUninstallie7beta1$\spuninst
of course the folder is hidden, but if you run the uninstaller you see
there, it says you must uninstall it from the user account that you
installed IE7 under. of course I only use my own account, so you have
to go into spuninst.inf and delete the line after Prerequisite. now
run the uninstaller and voila, even the more pesky IE7 Beta1 uninstall
problems are solved.''

upam, da bo kaj pomagalo...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kingkong ()

anddrej ::

Thenx men, pa je 7ka odstranjena, tko kt je treba.:))
Lp Andrej

tommy19 ::

kje pa se da downlowdat IE7? :8)

Matri[X] ::


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Internet explorer se ugasa - sam od sebe... HELP !

Oddelek: Pomoč in nasveti
101745 (1633) jarni2

Izšel je Internet Explorer 7.0 beta 3 (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Brskalniki
5110407 (8641) [BISI]

Windows Vista preložen (strani: 1 2 3 )

Oddelek: Novice / Operacijski sistemi
13515544 (10192) Jst

Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 težave

Oddelek: Programska oprema
151220 (998) BendeR

Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1

Oddelek: Novice / Brskalniki
385899 (4582) njok

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