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Izguba Podatkov - NUJNO SOS

Mitoholder ::
zgodilo se je nekaj nepredvidljivega. ko sem odprl pc, je blo namizje brez standardnih ikon, podlage, ko sem malo prečekiral, sem ugotovil da v mojih dokumentih ni nič, thunderbird je brez email acountov, adressarja, firefox brez priljubljenih povezav, nekaterih programov ni v ˝vsi programi˝ menuju. skratka izgubili so se vsi podatki o uporabiku. Probal s system recovery pa nič, probal easy recovery pro. da bi dobil izgubljene datoteke pa nič. Drugače dela vse ok. In še to ob vključitvi rač. se mi je zagnal check disc (Microsoft)
V čem je štos? Sem pa prepričan da se da podatke dobit ven, saj niso odleteli z disk, ali pač?
zgodilo se je nekaj nepredvidljivega. ko sem odprl pc, je blo namizje brez standardnih ikon, podlage, ko sem malo prečekiral, sem ugotovil da v mojih dokumentih ni nič, thunderbird je brez email acountov, adressarja, firefox brez priljubljenih povezav, nekaterih programov ni v ˝vsi programi˝ menuju. skratka izgubili so se vsi podatki o uporabiku. Probal s system recovery pa nič, probal easy recovery pro. da bi dobil izgubljene datoteke pa nič. Drugače dela vse ok. In še to ob vključitvi rač. se mi je zagnal check disc (Microsoft)
V čem je štos? Sem pa prepričan da se da podatke dobit ven, saj niso odleteli z disk, ali pač?

Vice ::
Mal pobrskej po juserjih v Documents and Settings, če te prav zastopim boš tam našel kar iščeš.

Mitoholder ::
Tu je dobro opisan broble, žal pa je rešitev plačljiva.
Solution Title: Lost XP user profile and MyDocuments after checkdisk deleted corrupt files, can it be recovered?
asked by msgeekette on 01/24/2005 06:47PM PST
A user had a lockup that required a hard reboot (the screen was blank and would not display anything despite being on and connected). During the reboot and checkdisk XP noted that it was deleting a number of corrupt files. It logged them on with a warning that their preferences file could not be found and they were being logged in as a generic user (though they had the same name and had system administrator privs).
The desktop was empty save for the recycle bin.
My documents was empty but for an empty My Pictures and My Music with an empty iTunes folder.
There are no other users under "All Users" with their files in them.
A simple file recovery utilty found nothing of note.
The start menu was completely empty on the left side column. Not even the default icons were there.
My Recent Documents and Startup are both empty and remain so after some system usage.
Startup seems very slow. They report a wait of two or more minutes after the desktop displays for a tablet driver to load so they can use its mouse.
However the program files exist under the Programs directory.
Is there anything that can be done for them to recover any documents?
Does anyone know why the initial lockup might have happened?
This is Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and most likely all other automatic updates installed.
Solution Title: Lost XP user profile and MyDocuments after checkdisk deleted corrupt files, can it be recovered?
asked by msgeekette on 01/24/2005 06:47PM PST
A user had a lockup that required a hard reboot (the screen was blank and would not display anything despite being on and connected). During the reboot and checkdisk XP noted that it was deleting a number of corrupt files. It logged them on with a warning that their preferences file could not be found and they were being logged in as a generic user (though they had the same name and had system administrator privs).
The desktop was empty save for the recycle bin.
My documents was empty but for an empty My Pictures and My Music with an empty iTunes folder.
There are no other users under "All Users" with their files in them.
A simple file recovery utilty found nothing of note.
The start menu was completely empty on the left side column. Not even the default icons were there.
My Recent Documents and Startup are both empty and remain so after some system usage.
Startup seems very slow. They report a wait of two or more minutes after the desktop displays for a tablet driver to load so they can use its mouse.
However the program files exist under the Programs directory.
Is there anything that can be done for them to recover any documents?
Does anyone know why the initial lockup might have happened?
This is Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and most likely all other automatic updates installed.

Mitoholder ::
Če vam windowsi nonšalantno zjebajo user profile (v vsakem primeru ni dobro uporabljat administator acounta, ampak narediti svojega) in pod documents and setting ni nič, lakhko to preprosto rešite z uporaba dveh progaramov R-studio in easy Recovery, ki nista zapletena. Acount fajli se skrivajo v mapi FOUND.000. Skopiraš V Doc&setings in je stvar rešena.

Matev ::
Meni so se tudi podatki enkrat zgubili.
Sem celo leto shranjeval *.doc datoteke v tisto lepo mapo na namizju v obliki košarice.
Nato je bila pa en dan mapa kar prazna.
Je šlo vse zgleda v binarna nebesa ali pekel.
Sem celo leto shranjeval *.doc datoteke v tisto lepo mapo na namizju v obliki košarice.
Nato je bila pa en dan mapa kar prazna.
Je šlo vse zgleda v binarna nebesa ali pekel.

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