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Kaj delajo hekerji na stara leta?

poweroff ::
Nekaj sem gledal KGB espionage case, ko so hekerji iz CCCja vdrli v ameriške računalnike in pokradli podatke ter jih prodali sovjetom.
Na Phracku sem našel tole:
- A "kernel group" of 5 hackers who worked together, in some way, in the "KGB case" are (according to Der SPIEGEL, who published the following names in its Monday, March 6, 1989 edition):
-> Markus Hess, 27, from Hannover, Clifford Stoll's "Wily Hacker" who was often referred to as the Hannover Hacker and uses the alias of Mathias Speer; after having ended (unfinished) his studies in mathematics, heworks as programmer, and tries to get an Informatics diploma at the University of Hagen (FRG); he is said to have good knowledge of VMSand UNIX. (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
-> Karl Koch, 23, from Hannover, who works as programmer; due to his luxurious lifestyle and his drug addiction, his permanent financial problems have probably added to his desire to sell "hacker knowledge" to interested institutions. (UMRL)
-> Hans Huebner, alias "Pengo," from Berlin, who after having received his Informatics diploma from Technical University of West Berlin, founded a small computer house; the SPIEGEL writes that he needed money for investment in his small enterprise; though he does not belong to the Chaos Computer Club, he holds close contacts to the national hacker scenes (Hamburg: Chaos Computer Club; Munich: Bavarian Hacker Post; Cologne: Computer Artists Cologne, and other smaller groups), and he was the person to speak about UUCP as a future communications medium at the Chaos Communication Congress. (IMA SVOJO DOMENO HUEBNER.ORG IN JE ŠE AKTIVEN)
-> Dirk Brezinski, from West Berlin, programmer and sometimes "troubleshooter" for Siemens BS-2000 systems (the operating system of Siemens mainframe computers), who earned, when working for Siemens or a customer (BfA, a national insurance for employees) 20,000 DM (about $10,800) a month; he is regarded (by an intelligence officer) as "some kind of a genius." (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
-> Peter Carl, from West Berlin, a former croupier, who "always had enough cocaine." No information about his computer knowledge or experience is available. (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
V bistvu me zanima kaj se je zgodilo s temi ljudmi. Treh enostavno sem našel (delajo za tajne službe)? Huebner pa se ukvarja z BSDjem...
Na Phracku sem našel tole:
- A "kernel group" of 5 hackers who worked together, in some way, in the "KGB case" are (according to Der SPIEGEL, who published the following names in its Monday, March 6, 1989 edition):
-> Markus Hess, 27, from Hannover, Clifford Stoll's "Wily Hacker" who was often referred to as the Hannover Hacker and uses the alias of Mathias Speer; after having ended (unfinished) his studies in mathematics, heworks as programmer, and tries to get an Informatics diploma at the University of Hagen (FRG); he is said to have good knowledge of VMSand UNIX. (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
-> Karl Koch, 23, from Hannover, who works as programmer; due to his luxurious lifestyle and his drug addiction, his permanent financial problems have probably added to his desire to sell "hacker knowledge" to interested institutions. (UMRL)
-> Hans Huebner, alias "Pengo," from Berlin, who after having received his Informatics diploma from Technical University of West Berlin, founded a small computer house; the SPIEGEL writes that he needed money for investment in his small enterprise; though he does not belong to the Chaos Computer Club, he holds close contacts to the national hacker scenes (Hamburg: Chaos Computer Club; Munich: Bavarian Hacker Post; Cologne: Computer Artists Cologne, and other smaller groups), and he was the person to speak about UUCP as a future communications medium at the Chaos Communication Congress. (IMA SVOJO DOMENO HUEBNER.ORG IN JE ŠE AKTIVEN)
-> Dirk Brezinski, from West Berlin, programmer and sometimes "troubleshooter" for Siemens BS-2000 systems (the operating system of Siemens mainframe computers), who earned, when working for Siemens or a customer (BfA, a national insurance for employees) 20,000 DM (about $10,800) a month; he is regarded (by an intelligence officer) as "some kind of a genius." (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
-> Peter Carl, from West Berlin, a former croupier, who "always had enough cocaine." No information about his computer knowledge or experience is available. (TEGA NISEM NAŠEL)
V bistvu me zanima kaj se je zgodilo s temi ljudmi. Treh enostavno sem našel (delajo za tajne službe)? Huebner pa se ukvarja z BSDjem...
sudo poweroff

Super Sonic ::
"In naredil je samomor"
ja to bo najbrž to ja- najbrž ga je vest pekla
ja to bo najbrž to ja- najbrž ga je vest pekla

Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation.

Matri[X] ::
Verjetno so kje zaposleni kot navadni ljudje. Mozno je tudi, da so jih izbrisal in jim dal nove identitete.

cryptozaver ::
Jst poznam enga ki je 'malo' brskal po serverjih loterije SLO, sedaj pa veselo uziva sadove svojega pocetja daleeec od tu
>Kaj delajo hekerji na stara leta?
Stara leta? Kolk cajta pa obstaja ta vescina? Vprasanje postavi raje cez 20 let

>Kaj delajo hekerji na stara leta?
Stara leta? Kolk cajta pa obstaja ta vescina? Vprasanje postavi raje cez 20 let

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