Forum » Strojna oprema » Leadtek A6200TD@6600
Leadtek A6200TD@6600

TechStreme ::
torej imam zgoraj omenjenega GF 6200 in sem mu brez vsakih problemov odklenil cevovode (rivatuner). Sedaj me pa zamina če lahko na to grafično enostavno flasham bios od A6600TD in bi s tem ostali cevovodi za vedno odklenjeni?
Zanima me še to: Ali slučajno kdo ve kej bi se dalo najti biose za leadtekove 6600 in 6200 serije ki bi imeli aktiviran senzor za temperaturo?
Zanima me še to: Ali slučajno kdo ve kej bi se dalo najti biose za leadtekove 6600 in 6200 serije ki bi imeli aktiviran senzor za temperaturo?
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF

ni treba flashat nič samo za temperaturo
Originally Posted by Symbios
By "Symbios"
Step 1: Create a bootable floppy with Nvflash included.
1. Place a blank floopy into drive a:.
2. Chose format and check the "create a boot disk for DOS" box.
3. Download NVflash.
4. Put Nvflash.exe and Cwsdpmi.exe onto the boot disk you’ve just created.
Step 2: Save that BIOS!
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type “Nvflash –b biosbackup.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
3. Nvflash will now save your bios to the floppy.
4. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Step 3: Edit the BIOS.
1. Download a hex editor, I prefer Hextreme.
2. Launch the editor insert your boot disk once again. Browse to the floppy, you should find a file called “biosbackup.rom”, open it.
3. Search for “04031201” (make sure you are in Hex mode, click the dropdown menu next to the binoculars and select “HEX”), right after that sequence you should see “10 0A 01 11”. Highlight the “10” in the string and change it to “00” so it looks like this, “00 0A 01 11”
4. Save the edited bios to your floppy. Be sure to save it as something different then the original (we want to keep the original intact incase something goes wrong). To keep things simple, save it as “Biosmod.rom”.
Step 4: Flash your card with the edited BIOS.
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type "nvflash -5 -6 biosmod.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Congratulations! You should now be able to monitor the temperature of your Nvidia GeForce 6600.
Originally Posted by Symbios
By "Symbios"
Step 1: Create a bootable floppy with Nvflash included.
1. Place a blank floopy into drive a:.
2. Chose format and check the "create a boot disk for DOS" box.
3. Download NVflash.
4. Put Nvflash.exe and Cwsdpmi.exe onto the boot disk you’ve just created.
Step 2: Save that BIOS!
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type “Nvflash –b biosbackup.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
3. Nvflash will now save your bios to the floppy.
4. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Step 3: Edit the BIOS.
1. Download a hex editor, I prefer Hextreme.
2. Launch the editor insert your boot disk once again. Browse to the floppy, you should find a file called “biosbackup.rom”, open it.
3. Search for “04031201” (make sure you are in Hex mode, click the dropdown menu next to the binoculars and select “HEX”), right after that sequence you should see “10 0A 01 11”. Highlight the “10” in the string and change it to “00” so it looks like this, “00 0A 01 11”
4. Save the edited bios to your floppy. Be sure to save it as something different then the original (we want to keep the original intact incase something goes wrong). To keep things simple, save it as “Biosmod.rom”.
Step 4: Flash your card with the edited BIOS.
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type "nvflash -5 -6 biosmod.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Congratulations! You should now be able to monitor the temperature of your Nvidia GeForce 6600.

Vesoljc ::
> ni treba flashat nič samo za temperaturo
> Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS.
> Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS.

Abnormal behavior of abnormal brain makes me normal...

Polkovnik Sikorsky ::
Tudi jaz imam po novem Chaintech GeForce 6200 AGP 64-bit (300/400)...Problem je, ker imam revizijo jedra NV43 A4, ki se naj ne bi jih dalo softmodati, kar mi res ne uspe, pravilno pa pokaže 1 qudrozilion skritih cevovodov...
Kako lahko ugotovim, če ima moj model vgrajen temperaturni senzor, na chaintech strani namreč ni tega podatka.
P.S. Se pa vsaj dobro navija, vsaj na 450/550 je bilo še vedno stabilno....
Kako lahko ugotovim, če ima moj model vgrajen temperaturni senzor, na chaintech strani namreč ni tega podatka.
P.S. Se pa vsaj dobro navija, vsaj na 450/550 je bilo še vedno stabilno....
AMD XP-M 2800+, 1024MB DDR400, GeForce 6600TD 300/550@500/675 Sparkle bios

TechStreme ::
tvoja grafična se res neda softmodat... sploh pa bi tut s softmodom zlo malo pridobil ker maš 64bit verzijo.
senzor pa po moje bi moral bit v GPU-ju ker mislim da ga majo vse grafične z NV43 in NV44 čipi, le disabled je.
senzor pa po moje bi moral bit v GPU-ju ker mislim da ga majo vse grafične z NV43 in NV44 čipi, le disabled je.
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: TechStreme ()

TechStreme ::
še zmeraj pa nevem če bi cevovodi ostali odklenjeni na grafični če bi jo flashal z A6600TD biosem.
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF

_Dejan_ ::
Probej pa boš vidu

ASUS P5E3, INTEL Q6600(3000Mhz 333x9), ATI HD 2600XT,
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)

GaS ::
Kateri modeli oz. od katerega proizvajalca se pa dajo odklenit? Leadtek? Ali sem spet prepozen za take stvari

TechStreme ::
mislim da še nisi prepozen... v Jae v Celju majo še ene 3 take kot je moja....
bodo pa kmal prišle ven 6200 z nv44 čipom ki se jih pa nebo dal modat
bodo pa kmal prišle ven 6200 z nv44 čipom ki se jih pa nebo dal modat
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF

TechStreme ::
jah men ni blo problem ker sem mel dogovor da lahko grafično vrnem če nebo delala z vsemi cevovodi. če pa ni možn tak dogovor se pa ne splača reskirat ... vsaj zame ne.
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF

Engineer_SLO ::
pravi overclocker bi to preizkusil,tudi če bi na koncu zmetal za grafično kartico 3x več denarja kolikor je vredna,samo da pokaže več kar naj bi dejansko bila....

ASUS ROG Maximus X Hero, I9 9900K, NZXT Kraken X62
32GB DDR4 3200 CL16, 512MB + 1024GB GB NVME SSD+ 2x2TB 7200rpm
32GB DDR4 3200 CL16, 512MB + 1024GB GB NVME SSD+ 2x2TB 7200rpm

TechStreme ::
zanima me če slučajno senzor na moji grafični kaže narobe? temp. GPU-ja aj bi se pri poganjajnu iger dvignila kar do 84°C... je to normalno?
Ph2 940BE 3.6GHz; MSI K9A2 Platinum; 2×2Gb DDR800 4-4-4-12 CR1; 2×4850 CF

_Dejan_ ::
jp je.
ASUS P5E3, INTEL Q6600(3000Mhz 333x9), ATI HD 2600XT,
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)

Lux ::
zdj pa mene neki zanima: Pred parimi dnevi sm kupu to leadteakovo kartico A6200TD (AGP) in glede na nasvete v tej temi odklenu preostale 4 cevovode(rivatuner). Nato sm probu v doom3 zalaufat demo(v konzolo utipkaš "timedemo demo1.demo") da bi mi izračunu povprečje FPS v demu. To sm sprobal z odklenjenimi cevovodi in neodklenjenimi cevovodi, v obeh primerih je bil rezultat enak. A slučajno špili preprosto ne znajo uporabljat teh dodatnih 4ih cevovodov ker jim v gonilnikih piše da ima ta kartica kao samo 4 cevovde, al kaj? čim se komu kej več sanja o tem naj napiše. Pa še neki a se da ta bios nadgradit s biosom od 6600TD?
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