Forum » Navijanje » GF 6200 v 6600
GF 6200 v 6600
Moonman ::
Nekaj za vse latnike geforce 6200 kartic.
Obstaja možnost, da se vaša kartica prelevi v geforce 6600.
Nujno je, da ima vaša kartica NV43 jedro.
Za več pa tu.
Obstaja možnost, da se vaša kartica prelevi v geforce 6600.
Nujno je, da ima vaša kartica NV43 jedro.
Za več pa tu.
66.86 gonilniki
6200 = 3814
6200@6600 = 4796
6200@6600 = 4991
Super kartica za malo dinar
...Aja vse default 300/550....
66.86 gonilniki
6200 = 3814
6200@6600 = 4796
6200@6600 = 4991
Super kartica za malo dinar
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: MEDENA ()
ABX ::
Naj še kdo napiše kje se da kupit te kartice z AGP vodilom in NV43 jedro.
Naj še kdo napiše kje se da kupit te kartice z AGP vodilom in NV43 jedro.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: ABX ()
_Dejan_ ::
to je 03 v 05 ni možno
ASUS P5E3, INTEL Q6600(3000Mhz 333x9), ATI HD 2600XT,
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
Jaffa ::
Jaz sem na šihtu probal od Winfasta PX6200. Dal sem, da mi avto detecta max clock. Rezultat v 3DM03 je bil okoli 4800. Dobenih artefaktov. Ne vem, kolko MHz točno je bil potem clock, sam vem da je blo dost več, kot prej... |
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
Sami ::
Torej je 6200 hitrejša od R9800pro? Zakon!!!
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W
z flashanjem sem dobil še temp.reading
Step 1: Create a bootable floppy with Nvflash included.
1. Place a blank floopy into drive a:.
2. Chose format and check the "create a boot disk for DOS" box.
3. Download NVflash.
4. Put Nvflash.exe and Cwsdpmi.exe onto the boot disk you’ve just created.
Step 2: Save that BIOS!
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type “Nvflash –b biosbackup.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
3. Nvflash will now save your bios to the floppy.
4. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Step 3: Edit the BIOS.
1. Download a hex editor, I prefer Hextreme.
2. Launch the editor insert your boot disk once again. Browse to the floppy, you should find a file called “biosbackup.rom”, open it.
3. Search for “04031201” (make sure you are in Hex mode, click the dropdown menu next to the binoculars and select “HEX”), right after that sequence you should see “10 0A 01 11”. Highlight the “10” in the string and change it to “00” so it looks like this, “00 0A 01 11”
4. Save the edited bios to your floppy. Be sure to save it as something different then the original (we want to keep the original intact incase something goes wrong). To keep things simple, save it as “Biosmod.rom”.
Step 4: Flash your card with the edited BIOS.
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type "nvflash -5 -6 biosmod.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Congratulations! You should now be able to monitor the temperature of your Nvidia GeForce 6600.
naj vas ne zavede.....6600...
6200 = 4 cevovodna 6600
Step 1: Create a bootable floppy with Nvflash included.
1. Place a blank floopy into drive a:.
2. Chose format and check the "create a boot disk for DOS" box.
3. Download NVflash.
4. Put Nvflash.exe and Cwsdpmi.exe onto the boot disk you’ve just created.
Step 2: Save that BIOS!
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type “Nvflash –b biosbackup.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
3. Nvflash will now save your bios to the floppy.
4. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Step 3: Edit the BIOS.
1. Download a hex editor, I prefer Hextreme.
2. Launch the editor insert your boot disk once again. Browse to the floppy, you should find a file called “biosbackup.rom”, open it.
3. Search for “04031201” (make sure you are in Hex mode, click the dropdown menu next to the binoculars and select “HEX”), right after that sequence you should see “10 0A 01 11”. Highlight the “10” in the string and change it to “00” so it looks like this, “00 0A 01 11”
4. Save the edited bios to your floppy. Be sure to save it as something different then the original (we want to keep the original intact incase something goes wrong). To keep things simple, save it as “Biosmod.rom”.
Step 4: Flash your card with the edited BIOS.
1. With the floppy you created still in your drive, restart your computer and let it boot off of the floppy.
2. Type "nvflash -5 -6 biosmod.rom” (without quotes) and hit ‘enter’.
Nvflash will now flash your cards BIOS. When it’s done, remove the floppy and restart your computer.
Congratulations! You should now be able to monitor the temperature of your Nvidia GeForce 6600.
naj vas ne zavede.....6600...
6200 = 4 cevovodna 6600
Moonman ::
Hehe, še to.
Jo grem iskat, da mi ne bo več bratranec težil, da mu igrice "trokirajo".
@ Medena
A bi lahko probal še v 3dmarku 2k5 in 2k1?
Jo grem iskat, da mi ne bo več bratranec težil, da mu igrice "trokirajo".
@ Medena
A bi lahko probal še v 3dmarku 2k5 in 2k1?
_Dejan_ ::
ja stara fora
ASUS P5E3, INTEL Q6600(3000Mhz 333x9), ATI HD 2600XT,
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
A-Data 4x2GB PC3-10700H(9-9-9-24-2T),LSI 9260-8i,
4x OCZ Vertex Turbo 30GB(RAID10), 3x1TB (RAID1+Spare)
ABX ::
Naj še kdo napiše kje se da kupit te kartice z AGP vodilom in NV43 jedrom.
Naj še kdo napiše kje se da kupit te kartice z AGP vodilom in NV43 jedrom.
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!
ABX ::
Pc-dom ima dve verziji WinFast-a A6200 TD 128MB/256Mb ena je 26k druga pa 30k.(Vsaj tako sem razumel iz cenika).
Pc-dom ima dve verziji WinFast-a A6200 TD 128MB/256Mb ena je 26k druga pa 30k.(Vsaj tako sem razumel iz cenika).
Vaša inštalacija je uspešno spodletela!
Jaffa ::
Tale grafična dobro opravi sam 2003 se mi zdi. Tud 2005 ji ne leži najbolj... |
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
Jaffa ::
To že. Sam primerjaj tvoj score z 9800PRO recimo v 03 in 01. |
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
gamer ::
nč ne delaš narobe...450/650 to je razlog...
6600GT ma za mal bolš rezultat u 2k1 kt 9800pro... pa ma privzete frekvence 500/900 (al pa 1000 odvisn kera...), poleg tega da ma gddr3, ne navadn ddr...
off:po tem kar sem vidu maš nf4 plato...3000+? pol daš pa 6200 zravn.... a ti je mal dnarja zmankal ?
6600GT ma za mal bolš rezultat u 2k1 kt 9800pro... pa ma privzete frekvence 500/900 (al pa 1000 odvisn kera...), poleg tega da ma gddr3, ne navadn ddr...
off:po tem kar sem vidu maš nf4 plato...3000+? pol daš pa 6200 zravn.... a ti je mal dnarja zmankal ?
bond007 ::
Bi bil kdo tako dober in dumpal bios, ki je na club3d geforce 6200 AGP 128MB. Namreč sam imam to grafično in sem jo modal, tako da ima sedaj 8 cevovodov. Ker sem prebral, da se naj bi z asusovim biosem (od 6600) grafična bolje navijala, sem fleshal. Pridobil sem merjenje temperature, vendar pa se grafična niti za en mhz noče več naviti/odviti. Seveda sem shranil original bios od club3d, vendar po fleshanju nazaj, se kartica ne zbudi
. Tako, da sem spet na asusovem biosu.
Torej, če ima kdo original bios od club3d, mi ga naj prosim pošlje na
Torej, če ima kdo original bios od club3d, mi ga naj prosim pošlje na
tiborrr ::
Itak, za svoj denar (low end) je verjetno 6200@6600 bang for a buck. Nato pade se kaksen mem voltmod, rame nafrfulil na 800MHz+ in imas skoraj polnokrvni 6600GT, se pravi kartico mid end razreda.
Don't test the captain's validity or his vulnerability!
EvilK|NG ::
Ok naročil sem pri pc-dom 6200 agp upam da ma omenjeno jedro , zanime me kakšen je postopek moddanja ??zgorji link ne dela več ?
Play your Cards Right !
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