Forum » Programiranje » phpBB
cahahopie ::
Eno težavico imam.
Inštaliru sem phpBB (prvo odzipo v htdocs in nato pogledu v IE in http://localhost/phpbb/install.php)
Fora je v tem, ko vse nastavim oz. inštaliram in ko pridem do zadnjega pejđa inštalacije, kjer je link do administratorjevga pejđa (http://localhost/php/php.exe/phpbb/admi..., ko kliknem nanj mi napiše - Internal Server Error.
Pomoč prosim. Ker jaz si že razbijam glavo ob monitor.
P.S. Inštaliru sem phptriad. phpbb sem odzipo v htdocs. Zrihtu sem mysql bazo. In kva je zdaj narobe?!
Inštaliru sem phpBB (prvo odzipo v htdocs in nato pogledu v IE in http://localhost/phpbb/install.php)
Fora je v tem, ko vse nastavim oz. inštaliram in ko pridem do zadnjega pejđa inštalacije, kjer je link do administratorjevga pejđa (http://localhost/php/php.exe/phpbb/admi..., ko kliknem nanj mi napiše - Internal Server Error.
Pomoč prosim. Ker jaz si že razbijam glavo ob monitor.
P.S. Inštaliru sem phptriad. phpbb sem odzipo v htdocs. Zrihtu sem mysql bazo. In kva je zdaj narobe?!
- spremenilo: cahahopie ()
cahahopie ::
Eee.. povsej verjetnosti je to, ker sem pozabil nastavit v cofing.php ?? A ne...
Sam... tale // znak pomeni, da tist kar ja za tem znakom ne spada k kodi... a ne?
Mi lahko poveste... kateri del kode v config.php moram spremenit, da me ne bo javlal Internal Server Eror ??
Sam... tale // znak pomeni, da tist kar ja za tem znakom ne spada k kodi... a ne?
Mi lahko poveste... kateri del kode v config.php moram spremenit, da me ne bo javlal Internal Server Eror ??
dexter ::
Glede napake ne vem,men dela OK.
Drugace pa men se bolj dopade xmb kot phpBB?
Sam moras prevest language file (jest sem na ene polovici obtical).
Glede napake ne vem,men dela OK.
Drugace pa men se bolj dopade xmb kot phpBB?
Sam moras prevest language file (jest sem na ene polovici obtical).
"...And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you"part of Ezekiel 25:17
cahahopie ::
Zdaj mam pa en drug problem.
Zrihtu sem, da stvar laufa. A mam majhen problemček s cookiji. Ne morem logirat! Ee? Ko da Log in ...napišem username in geslo in dam submit pa spet login stran pokaže. Kako to rešit?
Zdaj mam pa en drug problem.
Zrihtu sem, da stvar laufa. A mam majhen problemček s cookiji. Ne morem logirat! Ee? Ko da Log in ...napišem username in geslo in dam submit pa spet login stran pokaže. Kako to rešit?
darh ::
mogoc mas u browserju disejblan sprejemanje cookijev, sam pol ti tud slo-tech nebi delu... anyway... kaj pa ce so kake opcije s cookiji.. kak secure cookie mas ukloplen alpakej...
mal poglej u settingsih ce so kake nastavitve cookijev...
mozno je pa tud, ker se cookie "napise" za dolocneno domeno, da mas ti to narobe nastavlen, ker vidm da mas localhost...
mal poglej u settingsih ce so kake nastavitve cookijev...
mozno je pa tud, ker se cookie "napise" za dolocneno domeno, da mas ti to narobe nastavlen, ker vidm da mas localhost...
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
cahahopie ::
Hemm... še vedno ne radi....
Takšenle je moj config.php
Vse skupaj je v komentarju, da se vidi.
/* /***************************************************************************
config.php - description
begin : Sat June 17 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by James Atkinson
email :
$Id: config.php,v 1.61 2001/03/12 08:10:35 natec Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
/* -- Let's Set A Few URL Paths -- */
// This first path is where you have phpBB installed
// If you site is http://www.mysite/phpBB leave this be.
// Otherwise set it to your forum path.
// Do not include the closeing / mark.
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb/";
// You shouldn't have to change any of these 5.
$url_admin = "$url_phpbb/admin";
$url_images = "$url_phpbb/images";
$url_smiles = "$url_images/smiles";
$url_phpbb_index = $url_phpbb . '/index.' . $phpEx;
$url_admin_index = $url_admin . '/index.' . $phpEx;
/* -- Cookie settings (lastvisit, userid) -- */
// Most likely you can leave this be, however if you have problems
// logging into the forum set this to your domain name, without
// the http://
// For example, if your forum is at then
// set this value to
// $cookiedomain = "";
$cookiedomain = "localhost/";
// It should be safe to leave this alone as well. But if you do change it
// make sure you don't set it to a variable already in use such as 'forum'.
$cookiename = "phpBB";
// It should be safe to leave these alone as well.
$cookiepath = $url_phpbb;
$cookiesecure = false;
/* -- Cookie settings (sessions) -- */
// This is the cookie name for the sessions cookie, you shouldn't have to change it
$sesscookiename = "phpBBsession";
// This is the number of seconds that a session lasts for, 3600 == 1 hour.
// The session will exprire if the user dosan't view a page on the forum within
// this amount of time.
$sesscookietime = 3600;
* This setting is only for people running Microsoft IIS.
* If you're running IIS and your users cannot login using
* the "login" link on the main page, but they CAN login
* through other pages like preferences, then you should
* change this setting to 1. Otherwise, leave at set
* to 0, because this is an ugly hack around some IIS junk.
// Change to "define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);" if you need to.
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);
/* Stuff for priv msgs - not in DB yet: */
// Allow BBCode in private messages?
$allow_pmsg_bbcode = 1;
// Allow HTML in private message?
$allow_pmsg_html = 0;
/* -- You shouldn't have to change anything after this point */
/* -- Cosmetic Settings -- */
$FontColor = "#FFFFFF";
$textcolorMessage = "#FFFFFF"; // Message Font Text Color
$FontSizeMessage = "1"; // Message Font Text Size
$FontFaceMessage = "Arial"; // Message Font Text Face
/* -- Images -- */
$reply_wquote_image = "$url_images/quote.gif";
$folder_image = "$url_images/folder.gif";
$hot_folder_image = "$url_images/hot_folder.gif";
$newposts_image = "$url_images/red_folder.gif";
$hot_newposts_image = "$url_images/hot_red_folder.gif";
$posticon = "$url_images/posticon.gif";
$edit_image = "$url_images/edit.gif";
$profile_image = "$url_images/profile.gif";
$email_image = "$url_images/email.gif";
$locked_image = "$url_images/lock.gif";
$locktopic_image = "$url_images/lock_topic.gif";
$deltopic_image = "$url_images/del_topic.gif";
$movetopic_image = "$url_images/move_topic.gif";
$unlocktopic_image = "$url_images/unlock_topic.gif";
$ip_image = "$url_images/ip_logged.gif";
$www_image = "$url_images/www_icon.gif";
$icq_add_image = "$url_images/icq_add.gif";
$images_aim = "$url_images/aim.gif";
$images_yim = "$url_images/yim.gif";
$images_msnm = "$url_images/msnm.gif";
/* -- Other Settings -- */
$phpbbversion = "1.2.1";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "mysql";
$dbuser = "lojze";
$dbpasswd = "pepca10";
Prosim za čimprejšni odgovor...
Takšenle je moj config.php
Vse skupaj je v komentarju, da se vidi.
/* /***************************************************************************
config.php - description
begin : Sat June 17 2000
copyright : (C) 2000 by James Atkinson
email :
$Id: config.php,v 1.61 2001/03/12 08:10:35 natec Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
/* -- Let's Set A Few URL Paths -- */
// This first path is where you have phpBB installed
// If you site is http://www.mysite/phpBB leave this be.
// Otherwise set it to your forum path.
// Do not include the closeing / mark.
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb/";
// You shouldn't have to change any of these 5.
$url_admin = "$url_phpbb/admin";
$url_images = "$url_phpbb/images";
$url_smiles = "$url_images/smiles";
$url_phpbb_index = $url_phpbb . '/index.' . $phpEx;
$url_admin_index = $url_admin . '/index.' . $phpEx;
/* -- Cookie settings (lastvisit, userid) -- */
// Most likely you can leave this be, however if you have problems
// logging into the forum set this to your domain name, without
// the http://
// For example, if your forum is at then
// set this value to
// $cookiedomain = "";
$cookiedomain = "localhost/";
// It should be safe to leave this alone as well. But if you do change it
// make sure you don't set it to a variable already in use such as 'forum'.
$cookiename = "phpBB";
// It should be safe to leave these alone as well.
$cookiepath = $url_phpbb;
$cookiesecure = false;
/* -- Cookie settings (sessions) -- */
// This is the cookie name for the sessions cookie, you shouldn't have to change it
$sesscookiename = "phpBBsession";
// This is the number of seconds that a session lasts for, 3600 == 1 hour.
// The session will exprire if the user dosan't view a page on the forum within
// this amount of time.
$sesscookietime = 3600;
* This setting is only for people running Microsoft IIS.
* If you're running IIS and your users cannot login using
* the "login" link on the main page, but they CAN login
* through other pages like preferences, then you should
* change this setting to 1. Otherwise, leave at set
* to 0, because this is an ugly hack around some IIS junk.
// Change to "define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);" if you need to.
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);
/* Stuff for priv msgs - not in DB yet: */
// Allow BBCode in private messages?
$allow_pmsg_bbcode = 1;
// Allow HTML in private message?
$allow_pmsg_html = 0;
/* -- You shouldn't have to change anything after this point */
/* -- Cosmetic Settings -- */
$FontColor = "#FFFFFF";
$textcolorMessage = "#FFFFFF"; // Message Font Text Color
$FontSizeMessage = "1"; // Message Font Text Size
$FontFaceMessage = "Arial"; // Message Font Text Face
/* -- Images -- */
$reply_wquote_image = "$url_images/quote.gif";
$folder_image = "$url_images/folder.gif";
$hot_folder_image = "$url_images/hot_folder.gif";
$newposts_image = "$url_images/red_folder.gif";
$hot_newposts_image = "$url_images/hot_red_folder.gif";
$posticon = "$url_images/posticon.gif";
$edit_image = "$url_images/edit.gif";
$profile_image = "$url_images/profile.gif";
$email_image = "$url_images/email.gif";
$locked_image = "$url_images/lock.gif";
$locktopic_image = "$url_images/lock_topic.gif";
$deltopic_image = "$url_images/del_topic.gif";
$movetopic_image = "$url_images/move_topic.gif";
$unlocktopic_image = "$url_images/unlock_topic.gif";
$ip_image = "$url_images/ip_logged.gif";
$www_image = "$url_images/www_icon.gif";
$icq_add_image = "$url_images/icq_add.gif";
$images_aim = "$url_images/aim.gif";
$images_yim = "$url_images/yim.gif";
$images_msnm = "$url_images/msnm.gif";
/* -- Other Settings -- */
$phpbbversion = "1.2.1";
$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbname = "mysql";
$dbuser = "lojze";
$dbpasswd = "pepca10";
Prosim za čimprejšni odgovor...
McAjvar ::
Tam ko mas Let's set a few URL paths:
mas napisano zdele tole:
// Do not include the closeing / mark.
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb/";
Spodnjo vrstico popravi v
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb"
ker ti pise, da ne uporabljaj zakljucnih slashev ( / ).
potem iz
$cookiedomain = "localhost/";
$cookiedomain = "localhost";
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);
dej v
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 0);
ker ti pise, da je to samo ce mas IIS in mas probleme z logiranjem. Ti nimas IIS, ampak Apacheja, ne?
Pa drugic bi mogoce, ko ze komplet skripto pastas semle not vsaj tvoj username in password lahko brisal ven... Ceprav mas to na domacem racunalniku. Ziher je ziher.
Upam, da bo slo.
mas napisano zdele tole:
// Do not include the closeing / mark.
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb/";
Spodnjo vrstico popravi v
$url_phpbb = "http://localhost/phpbb"
ker ti pise, da ne uporabljaj zakljucnih slashev ( / ).
potem iz
$cookiedomain = "localhost/";
$cookiedomain = "localhost";
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);
dej v
define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 0);
ker ti pise, da je to samo ce mas IIS in mas probleme z logiranjem. Ti nimas IIS, ampak Apacheja, ne?
Pa drugic bi mogoce, ko ze komplet skripto pastas semle not vsaj tvoj username in password lahko brisal ven... Ceprav mas to na domacem racunalniku. Ziher je ziher.
Upam, da bo slo.
"[...] the advance of civilization is nothing
but an exercise in the limiting of privacy."
- Isaac Asimov
but an exercise in the limiting of privacy."
- Isaac Asimov
cahahopie ::
Nope, še vedno ne dela.
Geslo in pass pa sta tako in tako izmišljena.
Poskušal sem z $PHP_SELF = $PATH_INFO foro pa stvar ne dela oz. niti strani noće ofnat.
Je kdo, ki me lahko pomaga pri tej cookie težavici?
Geslo in pass pa sta tako in tako izmišljena.
Poskušal sem z $PHP_SELF = $PATH_INFO foro pa stvar ne dela oz. niti strani noće ofnat.
Je kdo, ki me lahko pomaga pri tej cookie težavici?
darh ::
Zdownlowdej si CookiePal programcek. Pol k ga bos zalaufou, bos vidu katere cookije ti posle stran, če sploh !
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
cahahopie ::
Ja DLju sem si ta programček, sam kako pa se z njim dela pa nisi povedu.
Tam v Session ti bi naj napisal, če je bil cookie sprejet/nesperejet ali pa se nič ni zgodilo. Pri men na mojem forumu (kjr noče logirat) nič ne napiše pod Session. A enko tudi na Slo-techu kjer pa se lahko konektam.
Kaj zdaj?
Pomoč... kako dovraga naj ugotovim kaj je narobe, da se ne morem logirat?!?!?!?!?!?!
Tam v Session ti bi naj napisal, če je bil cookie sprejet/nesperejet ali pa se nič ni zgodilo. Pri men na mojem forumu (kjr noče logirat) nič ne napiše pod Session. A enko tudi na Slo-techu kjer pa se lahko konektam.
Kaj zdaj?
Pomoč... kako dovraga naj ugotovim kaj je narobe, da se ne morem logirat?!?!?!?!?!?!
cahahopie ::
Jesus! Jaz vsako minuto čakam na vaše odgovre... pol pa "Matr si sitn" ....Jao!!
A bi mi prosim lahko kdo pomago?
A bi mi prosim lahko kdo pomago?
Vredno ogleda ...
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