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Asus P4C800-E

Asus P4C800-E

AnandTech - Asus P4C800, ena prvih matičnih plošč, osnovana okoli Canterwood čipovja, je dobila naslednico -- P4C800-E. Izdelek se od predhodnika ne razlikuje veliko, tako je recimo southbridge že vedno ICH5R. AGP vodilo lahko prenese največjo voltažo ekvivalentno 1,8V, procesor pa bo lahko tiktakal v navezi z največ 1,95V.

Severni most tako podpira največ 400 MHz FSB, v dviganju frekvence po 1 MHz. Na Anand Techu so preizkusili omenjeno matično ploščo in o njej spisali zanimiv članek. Klik!

6 komentarjev

morphling1 ::

Jaz čakam točno na to zadevico, da pride k nam :)
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

AtaStrumf ::

Jao to je pa jako zgrešena novička. Zgrešil si vse glavne novosti in napisal še par napak za povrhu. Drugič raje preberi Final words:

The original P4C800 Deluxe was and still is an outstanding performer. However, the missing ICH5R south bridge with Intel SATA RAID support and no Intel Gigabit LAN utilizing the CSA bus made the P4C800 Deluxe a tough sell for many end users. Asus has done an excellent job revamping their flagship Intel board with the P4C800-E. Not only are ICH5R and Intel CSA LAN now a part of the revised board, Asus added the new features without removing any of the features and performance of the P4C800 Deluxe.

The overclocking performance of the P4C800-E is every bit as good as late revisions of the P4C800 D, and Asus seems to have totally reworked memory compatibility on the “E”. It handled our 4 Corsair modules, and every high-speed memory module we could find without an issue. Even more remarkable, Asus did this memory rework without losing memory performance. If fact, it appears the P4C800-E may even be faster than the earlier Asus board.

...It is one of the very few 875/865 boards that can handle 300FSB if your processor is willing. It keeps going with 1:1 memory to the highest performance levels that memory can reach. It doesn’t give up at 255 on 1:1 memory like some other boards that are still waiting for a BIOS fix...

...in the end, the P4C800-E overclocks further with greater stability under the greatest variety of test conditions than most any 875 or 865 board you can find...

In še suma summarum:

The P4C800-E is an even better motherboard, with all the 875 “trademark” features, like ICH5R SATA RAID and CSA LAN. There is nothing “missing” from the P4C800-E that will create concern for anyone looking for an 875/865 motherboard. Perhaps even more important, the memory compatibility of the P4C800-E is a significant improvement over the P4C800 Deluxe without compromising performance or overclocking ability. The P4C800-E is an outstanding motherboard no matter how you view it. If you can afford the ticket, you won’t be disappointed in the ride.

morphling1 ::

Jep novost je SATA v SBju se pravi ICH5R, česar prej ni bilo ter seveda GBL neodvisen od PCIja, ter praktična kompatibilnost z vsemi spominskimi moduli ne glede na število zapolnjenih rež, res obeta plata upam, da bo taka tudi v praksi.
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Dr_M ::

jebemu....kok miljard sit bodo pa hotl za to??
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dami ::

Jaz sploh ne čakam da pride k nam (kr bo koštala 60k+), ampak sem dočakal da so jo dobl v grazu. Cena: 230euro. Drug mesec bo moja.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

morphling1 ::

Jaz pa upam da v roku 14 dni (pod 50k) dlx
http://www2.arnes.si/~mlivak/ Nekaj kar naj bi bila moja domača stran, pa nikoli ne bo :)

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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