AnandTech - Pred nekaj dnevi je ATi izdal nove gonilnike za serijo Radeonov - Catalyst, tokrat z inačico 3,8. Ker pa je zadnje čase vse več dvomov, kar se gonilnikov tiče, so se na Anand Tech potrudili in spisali članek, v katerem so zajeli tudi teste.
V večini testov novejša verzija gonilnikov kar precej pripomore k boljšim rezultatom v primerjavi z 3,7. Članek obsega zajetnih 23 strani in je priporočljiv, zatorej - klik!
Novice » Grafične kartice » Catalyst 3.8

freejack ::
Natančneje v sredo 8. oktobra ob 23.13 ... sam, ni slabo, bolje 2 dni pozneje kot nikoli.

Jaffa ::
Bravo freejack !!! TO ! |
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz
GRYPHON Z87|i7-4770k@4200MHz|16GB VENGEANCE 1866MHz

glavic ::
a delajo ti driverji v3.8 tudi za powered by ati grafične kartice, al je to sam za built by ati... ker tazadnje za powered by ati so samo 3.5 link
Musselli bizi

Jebiveter ::
Kaj pa novi ATI drajverji za linux?! Dejte pogledat...

Certainty of death. Small chance of success. What are we waiting for?

Urajmal ::
Em, fajn bi blo če men ne bi pri novih gonilnikih 3.8 vsakič ko ponovno zaženem računalnik vrglo na AGP4X in nikakor ne obstane na 8X. mam radeon 9700.
to vse skup z atijinimi gonilniki SUX enkrat morš met gor 3.4 pa nekaj dela vredu pol pa 3.7 pa drugo dela vredu ...
to vse skup z atijinimi gonilniki SUX enkrat morš met gor 3.4 pa nekaj dela vredu pol pa 3.7 pa drugo dela vredu ...

Fury ::
OMEGA Driverji tukaj
Omega = Cat 3.8 + Soft Mod v setupu po zelji + navijalc + tweaki za image quality pri nicelni zgubi kvalitete + se kej.
Omega = Cat 3.8 + Soft Mod v setupu po zelji + navijalc + tweaki za image quality pri nicelni zgubi kvalitete + se kej.

pingo76 ::
Bah. Isti jajc kot prej. Nove inutility features, new bugs, some issues resolved.
Buh pomagej.
Tisti ki imate gf ti 4xxx ne kupujte teh jajc! Za fx-e pa ne vem če so kaj vredni...
Tad3j: Lepo si napisal.
Buh pomagej.
Tisti ki imate gf ti 4xxx ne kupujte teh jajc! Za fx-e pa ne vem če so kaj vredni...
Tad3j: Lepo si napisal.

skyy779 ::
Nobenih problemov tukaj. Vse deluje odlično in brez najmanjšega zatikanja(9500 non pro).
Pred namestitvijo ne pozabite naredit uninstall starih.
Pred namestitvijo ne pozabite naredit uninstall starih.

freejack ::
Zanimivo bi blo videt primerjavo Catov 3.8 in Detov 5x.yz.
Lahko bi, a redko kdo bi šel delat takšno primerjavo samo po sebi, saj ni možna. Primerjamo lahko samo različice istega gonilnika (npr. Catalyst 3.7 in 3.8 ali Detonator xy in xz). Problem je v tem, da so primerjalni testi iger oz. benchmarkov odvisni od same grafične kartice, natančneje GPUja in ne toliko od gonilnikov, ki jih kartica uporablja. Preprosto povedano, gonilniki nam ne morejo povedati katera grafična kartica je boljša.
Vseeno ali gre za "built by ATI" ali "powered by ATI". Obe kartici imata ATIjev GPU in zato za obe veljajo isti gonilniki, v tem primeru Catalyst. Razlika med "built by ATI" in "powered by ATI" pa je ta, da je prvo grafično kartico (preprosteje povedano "osnovno ploščo za grafično") naredil ATI, drugo pa nek drug proizvajalec (Sapphire, Hercules, PowerColor, Gigabyte, Inno, ipd.), sam GPU pa je, kot sem zgoraj omenil, VEDNO od ATIja.
(nekaj vprašanj, naslovljenih na ATI, v zvezi z *nix gonilniki)
(ti odgovori so datirani 8.oktober 2003)
(p.s. obstoječe gonilnike za Linux si lahko preneseš s te strani)
- What is ATI's strategy concerning Linux and other *nix OSes?
ATI is committed to producing stable drivers that provide top notch support for our Workstation, Desktop and Mobile chipsets under Linux is our current aim, and as the drivers mature other platforms or architectures may appear. In regards to other UNIX OSes ATI actively assists 3rd parties in the development of driver support for all viable platforms.
- Are you happy with the current ATI drivers for Linux?
The drivers are maturing very rapidly, and we are happy with where their current status relative to their age.
- Why aren't there specific drivers for the Radeon cards and only for FireGL cards?
ATI produces a unified driver for products in the Workstation, Desktop, and Mobile market segments. The driver name shows more of the history of the driver, the FireGL developers who originally developed the drivers named it that way. Support for Radeon cards was added to the driver later the name stuck. The current driver supports most current Desktop Radeons from the 8500, most Mobile Chipsets from the Mobility M9 and all Workstation (FireGL) products from the FireGL 8700.
- You announced recently in the Rage3D forums that you would start picking beta testers for Linux drivers. How is the process going?
We have selected some beta testers, and they received the drivers prior to our release of the 3.2.5 drivers. These beta testers were invaluable in highlighting some rough edges for later releases. Similar to the Windows CATALYST drivers, we intend to have an active Beta program prior to each release.
- Are we going to see the CATALYST suite "ported" to Linux/*nix OSes, with the same functionality and stability/performance?
As the market dictates we will be adding CATALYST features to Linux. There are a number of components from the CATALYST suite that we are eyeing for inclusion, a lot of the initial porting will be under the hood (and invisible to the user).
- Is there a timetable that you can share with us about ATI's plans to revamp the Linux drivers (if such possibility exists)?
The Linux drivers are always undergoing improvement, some major and visible (like TV-Out support in the recent release, other changes are major and invisible.
- Is there going to be a specific interval (like the 12 releases per year for the CATALYST suite) that ATI is going to release Linux drivers?
I can’t comment on this right now, but wait for CATALYST 3.8.
- Does ATI foresee a growth in the amount of games for Linux as a result of their new Linux driver commitment?
I don’t believe driver availability will drive the development of games for Linux. ISV’s are in business to make a buck and with Linux this has proven to be very difficult.
- Can we expect to see Linux drivers coming on cd with new cards in the future? For support out of the box.
As the drivers mature, we are hoping to have them qualified and included on the CDs.
- Will you being working with companies such as Redhat/SuSe/Mandrake/etc to include these prepackaged drivers?
We are working with various vendors to ensure that our drivers can be packaged if possible with the particular distribution vendor. Our downloadable driver packages will evolve to ensure easy installation for end users irrespective of which distribution they choose.
- Anything specific you can tell us about future release’s? Will the 3.8’s be just as big for Linux as it will be for Windows?
Technologically, the release as part of the CATALYST 3.8 will be incremental on the recent 3.2.5. Covering some of the major issues that our customers and users found with those drivers.
The movement of the Linux drivers into the CATALYST fold does mean something very important to users - similar to the phenomenal success of the Windows CATALYST drivers, the Linux drivers will pick up on the important attributes of the CATALYST program.
The attributes that we are focusing on currently are
* stability,
* support,
* performance
* (most important to end users) regular updates timed to coincide with the Windows CATALYST releases.
- What will the move of the FireGL driver development mean for the future Linux drivers and what was the reason behind it?
The move will allow us to be more responsive to the end user issues as well as ultimately build more fully featured drivers.
Ne bi blo slabo če bi povedal, kakšno konfiguracijo imaš. V primeru, da imaš Nforce2 osnovno ploščo, probaj namestit samo gonilnike (ne cel paket) ali pa si z ATIjeve domače strani presnameš Smartgart uninstaller in program odstraniš). Če nimaš Nforce2 plošče probaj izklopit AGP reads/writes.
To je žal vse, kar ti lahko svetujem (glede na to, da nimam pojma kakšno konfiguracijo imaš,..probaj kar sem omenil zgoraj, v najslabšem primeru, škodit ne more)
Osebno jih še nisem utegnil probat, tko da se kr mal veselim...
Zanimivo bi blo videt primerjavo Catov 3.8 in Detov 5x.yz.
Lahko bi, a redko kdo bi šel delat takšno primerjavo samo po sebi, saj ni možna. Primerjamo lahko samo različice istega gonilnika (npr. Catalyst 3.7 in 3.8 ali Detonator xy in xz). Problem je v tem, da so primerjalni testi iger oz. benchmarkov odvisni od same grafične kartice, natančneje GPUja in ne toliko od gonilnikov, ki jih kartica uporablja. Preprosto povedano, gonilniki nam ne morejo povedati katera grafična kartica je boljša.
Vseeno ali gre za "built by ATI" ali "powered by ATI". Obe kartici imata ATIjev GPU in zato za obe veljajo isti gonilniki, v tem primeru Catalyst. Razlika med "built by ATI" in "powered by ATI" pa je ta, da je prvo grafično kartico (preprosteje povedano "osnovno ploščo za grafično") naredil ATI, drugo pa nek drug proizvajalec (Sapphire, Hercules, PowerColor, Gigabyte, Inno, ipd.), sam GPU pa je, kot sem zgoraj omenil, VEDNO od ATIja.
(nekaj vprašanj, naslovljenih na ATI, v zvezi z *nix gonilniki)
(ti odgovori so datirani 8.oktober 2003)
(p.s. obstoječe gonilnike za Linux si lahko preneseš s te strani)
- What is ATI's strategy concerning Linux and other *nix OSes?
ATI is committed to producing stable drivers that provide top notch support for our Workstation, Desktop and Mobile chipsets under Linux is our current aim, and as the drivers mature other platforms or architectures may appear. In regards to other UNIX OSes ATI actively assists 3rd parties in the development of driver support for all viable platforms.
- Are you happy with the current ATI drivers for Linux?
The drivers are maturing very rapidly, and we are happy with where their current status relative to their age.
- Why aren't there specific drivers for the Radeon cards and only for FireGL cards?
ATI produces a unified driver for products in the Workstation, Desktop, and Mobile market segments. The driver name shows more of the history of the driver, the FireGL developers who originally developed the drivers named it that way. Support for Radeon cards was added to the driver later the name stuck. The current driver supports most current Desktop Radeons from the 8500, most Mobile Chipsets from the Mobility M9 and all Workstation (FireGL) products from the FireGL 8700.
- You announced recently in the Rage3D forums that you would start picking beta testers for Linux drivers. How is the process going?
We have selected some beta testers, and they received the drivers prior to our release of the 3.2.5 drivers. These beta testers were invaluable in highlighting some rough edges for later releases. Similar to the Windows CATALYST drivers, we intend to have an active Beta program prior to each release.
- Are we going to see the CATALYST suite "ported" to Linux/*nix OSes, with the same functionality and stability/performance?
As the market dictates we will be adding CATALYST features to Linux. There are a number of components from the CATALYST suite that we are eyeing for inclusion, a lot of the initial porting will be under the hood (and invisible to the user).
- Is there a timetable that you can share with us about ATI's plans to revamp the Linux drivers (if such possibility exists)?
The Linux drivers are always undergoing improvement, some major and visible (like TV-Out support in the recent release, other changes are major and invisible.
- Is there going to be a specific interval (like the 12 releases per year for the CATALYST suite) that ATI is going to release Linux drivers?
I can’t comment on this right now, but wait for CATALYST 3.8.
- Does ATI foresee a growth in the amount of games for Linux as a result of their new Linux driver commitment?
I don’t believe driver availability will drive the development of games for Linux. ISV’s are in business to make a buck and with Linux this has proven to be very difficult.
- Can we expect to see Linux drivers coming on cd with new cards in the future? For support out of the box.
As the drivers mature, we are hoping to have them qualified and included on the CDs.
- Will you being working with companies such as Redhat/SuSe/Mandrake/etc to include these prepackaged drivers?
We are working with various vendors to ensure that our drivers can be packaged if possible with the particular distribution vendor. Our downloadable driver packages will evolve to ensure easy installation for end users irrespective of which distribution they choose.
- Anything specific you can tell us about future release’s? Will the 3.8’s be just as big for Linux as it will be for Windows?
Technologically, the release as part of the CATALYST 3.8 will be incremental on the recent 3.2.5. Covering some of the major issues that our customers and users found with those drivers.
The movement of the Linux drivers into the CATALYST fold does mean something very important to users - similar to the phenomenal success of the Windows CATALYST drivers, the Linux drivers will pick up on the important attributes of the CATALYST program.
The attributes that we are focusing on currently are
* stability,
* support,
* performance
* (most important to end users) regular updates timed to coincide with the Windows CATALYST releases.
- What will the move of the FireGL driver development mean for the future Linux drivers and what was the reason behind it?
The move will allow us to be more responsive to the end user issues as well as ultimately build more fully featured drivers.
Ne bi blo slabo če bi povedal, kakšno konfiguracijo imaš. V primeru, da imaš Nforce2 osnovno ploščo, probaj namestit samo gonilnike (ne cel paket) ali pa si z ATIjeve domače strani presnameš Smartgart uninstaller in program odstraniš). Če nimaš Nforce2 plošče probaj izklopit AGP reads/writes.
To je žal vse, kar ti lahko svetujem (glede na to, da nimam pojma kakšno konfiguracijo imaš,..probaj kar sem omenil zgoraj, v najslabšem primeru, škodit ne more)
Osebno jih še nisem utegnil probat, tko da se kr mal veselim...

freejack ::
p.s. če nisi opazil, so na "powered by" strani isti gonilniki, kot na "built by"
... mislim, da tut control panel ne more škodit, tko da si posebej povleči dol gonilnike in CP, za vsak slučaj pa prej probaj še foro z Smartgardom...
p.s. če nisi opazil, so na "powered by" strani isti gonilniki, kot na "built by"

... mislim, da tut control panel ne more škodit, tko da si posebej povleči dol gonilnike in CP, za vsak slučaj pa prej probaj še foro z Smartgardom...
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