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človeku razneslo glavo

človeku razneslo glavo

Matev ::

LINK - človeku eksplodirala glava

How To Tell If Your Head's About To Blow Up
From the WEEKLY WORLD NEWS, May 24, 1994

MOSCOW -- Doctors are blaming a rare electrical imbalance in the brain for the bizarre death of a chess player whose head literally exploded in the middle of a championship game!

No one else was hurt in the fatal explosion but four players and three officials at the Moscow Candidate Masters' Chess Championships were sprayed with blood and brain matter when Nikolai Titov's head suddenly blew apart. Experts say he suffered from a condition called Hyper-Cerebral Electrosis or HCE.

"He was deep in concentration with his eyes focused on the board," says Titov's opponent, Vladimir Dobrynin. "All of a sudden his hands flew to his temples and he screamed in pain. Everyone looked up from their games, startled by the noise. Then, as if someone had put a bomb in his cranium, his head popped like a firecracker."

Incredibly, Titiov's is not the first case in which a person's head has spontaneously exploded. Five people are known to have died of HCE in the last 25 years. The most recent death occurred just three years ago in 1991, when European psychic Barbara Nicole's skull burst. Miss Nicole's story was reported by newspapers worldwide, including WWN. "HCE is an extremely rare physical imbalance," said Dr. Anatoly Martinenko, famed neurologist and expert on the human brain who did the autopsy on the brilliant chess expert. "It is a condition in which the circuits of the brain become overloaded by the body's own electricity. The explosions happen during periods of intense mental activity when lots of current is surging through the brain. Victims are highly intelligent people with great powers of concentration. Both Miss Nicole and Mr. Titov were intense people who tended to keep those cerebral circuits overloaded. In a way it could be said they were literally too smart for their own good."

Although Dr. Martinenko says there are probably many undiagnosed cases, he hastens to add that very few people will die from HCE. "Most people who have it will never know. At this point, medical science still doesn't know much about HCE. And since fatalities are so rare it will probably be years before research money becomes available."

In the meantime, the doctor urges people to take it easy and not think too hard for long periods of time. "Take frequent relaxation breaks when you're doing things that take lots of mental focus," he recommends.

Backup22 ::

Ja pa ja>:D

attackiko ::

Se eden, ki verjame v WWW. Kako je pa kaj z BatBoyem? :8)

Matev ::

v enmu filmu psiho povzroči da nekomu raznese glavo (mislim da je nek kultni film - kontrolerji ali nekaj takega)

Matev ::

pa pismu spet mi Owca neki teme prestavla

kaj pa je medicina druzga kot znanost

Gandalfar ::

Pithlit ::

Film je Scanners (in ja... je kar kultna zadeva v nekaterih krogih). Doživel je 2 reinkarnaciji pol pa še "forked" projekt Scanner Cop (bad bad movie). Baje se nam obeta še ena reinkarnacija.
Life is as complicated as we make it...


Zakaj pa ne bi bilo možno...Poznani so tudi primeri, ko se je čoveško telo samo od sebe vnelo in zgorelo (spontani vžig) ...Ti primeri so tudi dokumentirani. Obstajajo pa tudi ljudje, ki so to preživeli, saj jim je uspelo nekako zadušiti spontani vžig na okončini- vsaj jaz sem bral o takem preživetju...

trenutno ne poznamodo potankosti delovanje človeškega telesa in obstajajo stvari, ki jih ne razumemo.
Go with the flow.

Gandalfar ::

Ah. Je ze attackiko prej komentiral, da je to WWW article :)

Phil ::

Poznani so tudi primeri, ko se je čoveško telo samo od sebe vnelo in zgorelo (spontani vžig)
Najbrž zaradi zadrževanja vetrov. Kot v South parku :D.

Matev ::

eh to s samovžigi je pa že bilo večkrat

Tody ::

hmm zakaj človeka niso slikal ? vsaj v bolnici bi ga lahko.. aja mogoče zato ker se ni zgodilo :) Okey samoužig ne rečem samo,predstavljajo si da bi možgani sproduciral toliko elektrike da bi ti odprlo lobanjo ki je ena trših kosti v telesu... Poleg tega nisem še nikoli slišal da bi elektiko razneslo!! Ali imamo explozivne snovi v možganih ???

Gandalfar ::

Tody: WWW clanek je.

Matev ::

po mojem je fake

frenk ::

...pa še 10 let star je:D

Matev ::

mene je najbolj tole zmotilo

In the meantime, the doctor urges people to take it easy and not think too hard for long periods of time. "Take frequent relaxation breaks when you're doing things that take lots of mental focus," he recommends.

kot da bi ljudem raznašalo glave vsak dan

whatever ::

Jst sn se ob tem spomnu na legendarno igro the 7th guest - al je bla 11th hour - tam kaže kak enmu modelu raznese glavo, če se še kdo spomni poleg mene.
Veliko jih je notri, še več jih je pa zunaj.
Bilijarde v šole! - Ivan Kramberger
Abnormal behaviour of abnormal brain makes me normal.

sverde21 ::

bo treba prfoksi za MA prnest en zaJ račun d ji bo glavo razčefukal >:D :D
<?php echo `w`; ?>

Yohan del Sud ::

Lepo se bere. Ampak bolj resen link prosim... :\

pingec ::

>:D jst bom dal to prfoksam pa reku da me prevec matrajo, pa da mamo eksplozije glav v druzini :D
Normalnost je povprečje nenormalnih ljudi.

Ziga Dolhar ::

Ja ... ubogi naši preobremenjeni osnovnošolci. To bo še pokal.

pingec ::

srednješolci pa res
Normalnost je povprečje nenormalnih ljudi.

BigWhale ::

Najsi profesorci za slovenscino se je to ene parkrat skor nardil...

Je veckrat rekla... "Dejte ze mir, ker mi bo glavo razneslo!!!"

nodrim ::


CaqKa ::

huh.. in kaj moreš naredit da ne overloadaš?

link_up ::

ozemljit ... :D
In and Out

Dr_M ::

ksno pivo,2 spijes, pa se use upocasni :D :)) ;)
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Stampl ::

ne..ko spijes pohladis:D
mas polej vodno hlajenje>:D

ampak samovzig..lol
a kaj to kr zacne naenkrat eden gor?

Dr_M ::

a nisi gledu south parkov?? :D >:D
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Stampl ::

sm ja ampak ne vseh delov:D

to se je zgodlo vejretno z kennyem?

Dr_M ::

med drugim je tut kenny najebu ja :D :))
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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