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Fedora Core 3 in usb naprave

Fedora Core 3 in usb naprave

2g00d4u ::

Sistem sem nadgradil iz prejšnje Fedora core 1 na fedora core 3, sedaj pa sem ugotovil da mi usb naprave ne delujejo. Imam bluetooth in digitalni fotoaparat, ki sta v FC1 delovala brez problemov. FC3 pa bi naj uporabljala UDEV. Pa me zanima če mi lahko kdo pomaga kako dodat usb naprave. V /dev/ mapi sploh niam sd** naprav.

cryptozaver ::

FC 3 vsaj nekatere USB devicee (memory key) mounta samodejno. Namece jih v mapo media ki je na root in naredi link na desktopu. Sicer pa poglej v /etc/fstab.

2g00d4u ::

v fstabu nimam nobene usb naprave. Kako pa lahko bluetooth usposobim. Digitalnega fotoaparata mi ne najde. Če pa sistem rebootam in imam digitalca prklopljeniga pa se mi sistem niti ne dvigne.

2g00d4u ::

A se še res ni nihče ukvarjal s tem čudom tehnike.
Res nevem kako lahko dodam USB device. Pri FC1 mi jih je samo naredilo pa sem jih pol samo priklapljal.

Pomoje je najboljša rešitev Downgrade to FC2

Nerdor ::

Bluetooth v FC3 je opisan linku tukaj.
Za USB, pa se premakni z pageUp tipko :\ .

Drugace sem prebral, da USB v Gnome pod FC3 :
>==GNOME and USB==
>Unfortunately, when the device is mounted there is no "USB" icon in the
>Computer folder and an icon does not appear on the desktop when the disk
>is mounted. As far as I can tell this is a bug with the "gnome-volume-
>manager" program [1] causing it to fail to recognise the mount-points
>that are automatically created by "fstab-sync". I overcame this bug by
>adding the Disk Mounter applet to my panel [2] and getting it to monitor
>"/media/usbdisk" [3]. By clicking on the applet the disk will be
>unmounted, and the applet automatically changes when you plug the disk
>in. You can also get GNOME to automatically open a folder for the drive
>when it is plugged in by selecting the "Browse removable media when
>inserted" option in the "Removable Storage" preferences.
>[1] The following are the messages I am basing my G-V-M bug assertion on
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/utopia-l...
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/utopia-l...
>[2] Right-click on the panel and select "Add to Panel...". From the
> dialog that appears select "Disk Mounter".
>[3] Right-click on the Disk Mounter applet and select "Preferences". In
> the dialog that appears change the "Mount directory" to
> "/media/usbdisk" and the "Icon" to "USB Stick".

Original text tukaj

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