Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Particija ,ki ne obstaja v Nortom Partition magic
Particija ,ki ne obstaja v Nortom Partition magic
bbobst ::
Enega od 4 diskov (320 GB)v sistemu imam razdeljenega na 2 particiji. 295 in 3 GB, kar je lepo vidno v Windowsih: tukaj je to disk 3 - 2 particiji
V Norton Partition magic pa ni vidna:tukaj je Disk 4 - samo 1 particija
Ti dve particiji bi namreč rad združil ,ne da bi izgubil podatke.
Kaj sedaj?
V Norton Partition magic pa ni vidna:tukaj je Disk 4 - samo 1 particija
Ti dve particiji bi namreč rad združil ,ne da bi izgubil podatke.
Kaj sedaj?
- spremenil: bbobst ()
StratOS ::
Problem, ker je disk konfiguriran kot dinamičen ( tako kot removeable oz. eksterni - recimo USB,Ethernet,FireWire ipd ... ), če je disk fiksen torej povezan preko ide ali sata nastavi, da je konfiguriran za performance in ne za quick removal.
Zelo čudno, pa je, da NPM ne zazna Datotečnega Sistema ( NTFS ) tega diska in particije, medtem ko jo windowsi brez problema, volume je Clean - Healthy.
Daj prikaži še informacije NPM za preostali 4 disk, ki se na sliki ne vidi ter poglej kreacijo primarne particije in kreacijo Extended particije na osnovni - primarni tega diska.
Prečekiraj disk z NPM Error checkingom. Katero verzijo NPM pa uporabljaš ?
Zelo čudno, pa je, da NPM ne zazna Datotečnega Sistema ( NTFS ) tega diska in particije, medtem ko jo windowsi brez problema, volume je Clean - Healthy.
Daj prikaži še informacije NPM za preostali 4 disk, ki se na sliki ne vidi ter poglej kreacijo primarne particije in kreacijo Extended particije na osnovni - primarni tega diska.
Prečekiraj disk z NPM Error checkingom. Katero verzijo NPM pa uporabljaš ?
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
bbobst ::
Še podatki za druge diske v NPM:
Diska 1 in 2 sta IDE( Oba Hitachi).
Diska 3 in 4 sta pa WD 320 GB enaka - SATA 2
Disk je konfiguriran za performance.
NMP je verzije 8.05
Diska 1 in 2 sta IDE( Oba Hitachi).
Diska 3 in 4 sta pa WD 320 GB enaka - SATA 2
Disk je konfiguriran za performance.
NMP je verzije 8.05
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bbobst ()
grofsi ::
Bi si sposodil temo in te prosil, če mi lahko razložiš kako naj konfiguriram - nastavim sata disk naperformance in ne na quick removal?
Namreč v desnem spodnjem kotu se mi pojavlja ikonca kot da je prenosni disk.
Disk je 300G Maxtor
OS win xp + sp2
Thx na pomoči.
see ya
Bi si sposodil temo in te prosil, če mi lahko razložiš kako naj konfiguriram - nastavim sata disk naperformance in ne na quick removal?
Namreč v desnem spodnjem kotu se mi pojavlja ikonca kot da je prenosni disk.
Disk je 300G Maxtor
OS win xp + sp2
Thx na pomoči.
see ya
bbobst ::
Control Panel --- System --- Haedvare --- Device Manager --- Disk Drives --- Propertis (na tvoj disk) --- Policies
Control Panel --- System --- Haedvare --- Device Manager --- Disk Drives --- Propertis (na tvoj disk) --- Policies
bbobst ::
Acronis disk director že ob zagonu javi da je disk nepodprtega formata.
Program pravilno prikaže obe pariciji na disku,vendar ker je dinamic,se ne da nič delati.
Program pravilno prikaže obe pariciji na disku,vendar ker je dinamic,se ne da nič delati.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: bbobst ()
StratOS ::
How To Convert to Basic and Dynamic Disks in Windows XP Professional
Change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk
P.S.: Naredi tudi backup podatkov
Na hitro :
Using the Windows interface
1. Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.
For more information about backing up volumes, see Related Topics.
2. Open Computer Management (Local).
3. In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.
4. Right-click each volume on the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk, and then click Delete Volume for each volume on the disk.
5. When all volumes on the disk have been deleted, right-click the disk, and then click Convert To Basic Disk.
Using a command line
1. Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.
2. Open Command Prompt.
3. Type: diskpart
4. At the DISKPART prompt, type: list disk
Make note of the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk.
5. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select diskn
6. At the DISKPART prompt, type: detail diskn
7. For each volume on the disk, at the DISKPART prompt, type: select volume=n
and then type: delete volume
8. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select diskn
Specify the disk number of the disk that you want to convert to a basic disk.
9. At the DISKPART prompt, type: convert basic
Change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk
P.S.: Naredi tudi backup podatkov
Na hitro :
Using the Windows interface
1. Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.
For more information about backing up volumes, see Related Topics.
2. Open Computer Management (Local).
3. In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.
4. Right-click each volume on the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk, and then click Delete Volume for each volume on the disk.
5. When all volumes on the disk have been deleted, right-click the disk, and then click Convert To Basic Disk.
Using a command line
1. Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.
2. Open Command Prompt.
3. Type: diskpart
4. At the DISKPART prompt, type: list disk
Make note of the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk.
5. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select diskn
6. At the DISKPART prompt, type: detail diskn
7. For each volume on the disk, at the DISKPART prompt, type: select volume=n
and then type: delete volume
8. At the DISKPART prompt, type: select diskn
Specify the disk number of the disk that you want to convert to a basic disk.
9. At the DISKPART prompt, type: convert basic
"Multitasking - ability to f##k up several things at once."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
"It works better if you plug it in."
"The one who is digging the hole for the other to fall in is allready in it."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: StratOS ()
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