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Norton Antivirus 2005 težave z Office 2003

Norton Antivirus 2005 težave z Office 2003

romario ::

Problem je v tem da odkar sem naložil norton 2005 mi javi to napako:

"norton antivirus 2005 does not support the repair feature, please uninstall and reinstall."

ne pomaga niti uninstall in reinstall tako office kot nortona.

please help,

Mobidick ::

Idi na Options in na Miscellaneous in daj vstran kljukico pri "Enable Office Plug-in".

The future is digital!

PiKi ::

to kar ti napiše se lahko zgodi tudi če premakneš mapo u start menuju kam drugam...:)

to mal preber pa boš rešu problem...

skrajšal sem ti link - P
Majhno žrebe pa opasan ko sam hudič!

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PiKi ::

še to sem najdu na enmu forumu...če hoče kdo premaknt mapo u start menuju...

K, this has been doing my head now for 2 days and I finally found a solution thx to the below mentioned post. It only takes a minute or 2 tops.

As mentioned in post CastleCops Link/postitle77058-0-0-.html, NAV2k5 doesnt like to be moved from the start/all programs into other folds. Solution given in that post was to move it back to start/all programs which solves this problem.

Another solution for the people that do want to place it in a different place in the start menu would be to go to run. Run regedit. Then go to edit - Find or just press ctrl+f. The search for either
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Norton SystemWorks\Norton AntiVirus\
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Norton AntiVirus\

Depending on your installation. If you installed NAV with systemworks use the first one, if you just installed NAV the use the second one.

Then once it starts searching the first one it will find you'll need to rename the entry on the right side to wherever you want to place the NAV in the start menu.
For the second one you will get some weird alphanumeric value. Open the value on the right side and edit the value data to wherever you want to place the NAV in the start menu.
The the last one it will find you just open the short cut value on the right side and change the value data once again to the folder where you want NAV to be in your start menu.

That´s all, it worked for me, hope it will work for you 2.
Majhno žrebe pa opasan ko sam hudič!

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