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Ne da se zbrisat filma

exdrumer ::
Ko hočem zbrisat film mi windowsi (xp) javijo da naj zaprem programe ki ga mogoče uporabljajo, ko potem pogledam v task manager imam pa explorer 99% zaseden in mi čisto zablokira PC. Skeniral sem ga že z nod32 pa ni nič.
Ko hočem zbrisat film mi windowsi (xp) javijo da naj zaprem programe ki ga mogoče uporabljajo, ko potem pogledam v task manager imam pa explorer 99% zaseden in mi čisto zablokira PC. Skeniral sem ga že z nod32 pa ni nič.

Myth ::
Ponovni zagon računalnika in zatem zbriši datoteko.

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Caligula ::
Najlazja zadeva je, da zapres kak P2P program, ce ga uporabljas in potem odpres Nerota in v Nerotovem explorerju izbrises.

Brilko ::
Mislim da to nebo rešilo problema, ker mam jst tud tako zadevo, ko se mi en film neda zbrisat.

Myth ::
Jaz sem na "moj" način vedno izbrisal takšne zadeve.

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Goldee ::
poskusi v varnem nacinu zagnat racunalnik in potem zbrisat al pa poskusi v total comanderju...

Yossarian ::
Meni je res vedno uspelo nazadnje v varnem načinu. Če ni šlo drugače, sem dal ukaz "Izreže", nato pa sem ga prilepil v Koš in tam zbrisal.
Nikoli se ne prepiraj z idiotom, ker te bo potegnil
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.
dol na svoj nivo in te premagal s svojimi izkušnjami.

BogyX ::
Da ne bote preveč debatirali:
Files with the file extension of .AVI are Windows Video files. The letters AVI stand for Audio Video Interleave. These "movie" files can be played with Windows Media Player (as well as other programs of the same type) and can be downloaded from the internet in many different places. Sometimes when you download one, it may be corrupted and will not play correctly. If you try to delete it in Windows Explorer, often you find that you cannot! You will get an error message such as this:
Error deleting file or folder
Cannot delete (name of file): It's being used by another person or program. Close any program that might be using the file and try again.
Usually, there will be no other program trying to use the file. You find you cannot rename or copy or move it to another location also.
The problem lies in a known fault with XP's Windows Explorer:
When you click on an AVI file in Windows Explorer, the operating system will attempt to read the entire file in order to determine the dimensions, duration, bitrate, etc. of the file. During this process you might experience 100% CPU usage. If the file is broken or not fully downloaded, you will have problems trying to copy, move, rename, or delete it.
In order to solve this problem, you will have to use the Registry Editor. Click the Start button, click Run on the Start Menu, type in REGEDIT. Navigate on the left pane of the Regedit window to the following key:
Verjetno to reši vaše težave.
Files with the file extension of .AVI are Windows Video files. The letters AVI stand for Audio Video Interleave. These "movie" files can be played with Windows Media Player (as well as other programs of the same type) and can be downloaded from the internet in many different places. Sometimes when you download one, it may be corrupted and will not play correctly. If you try to delete it in Windows Explorer, often you find that you cannot! You will get an error message such as this:
Error deleting file or folder
Cannot delete (name of file): It's being used by another person or program. Close any program that might be using the file and try again.
Usually, there will be no other program trying to use the file. You find you cannot rename or copy or move it to another location also.
The problem lies in a known fault with XP's Windows Explorer:
When you click on an AVI file in Windows Explorer, the operating system will attempt to read the entire file in order to determine the dimensions, duration, bitrate, etc. of the file. During this process you might experience 100% CPU usage. If the file is broken or not fully downloaded, you will have problems trying to copy, move, rename, or delete it.
In order to solve this problem, you will have to use the Registry Editor. Click the Start button, click Run on the Start Menu, type in REGEDIT. Navigate on the left pane of the Regedit window to the following key:
Verjetno to reši vaše težave.

Goldee ::
Po mojih izkusnjah ga lahko vedno izbrises v varnem nacinu, ce se motim nisem zanalasc
no exdrumer porocaj, si ga izbrisal (v varnem nacinu)?
p.s. usak se lahk zmoti

no exdrumer porocaj, si ga izbrisal (v varnem nacinu)?
p.s. usak se lahk zmoti

exdrumer ::
Probal sem v varnem načinu in se je zbrisal, tako da nisem mogel probat še drugega načina, ampak sigurno tudi tisti deluje

vres.ales ::
alo ej moraš si program nabavit, ki bo to ob ponovnem zagonu naredo sam uporabljam:

mmmato ::
zapreš proces explorer.exe in zbrišeš z progamom Total Commander (ex. Windows Commander) ali v dos promptu, nazaj vklopiš explorer.exe
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