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Msn TEŽAVA...!!! čudna zadevaa...

Msn TEŽAVA...!!! čudna zadevaa...

uroos ::

am... težava je precej težka ( msn mi javlja že 2 mesca napako " key ports " ) imam visto 64-bit- na vse načine smo skušali pa ne gre... smo formatirali windows... am nov modem imam itd.. pa ne greee prosim pomagajte... KAJ NAJ SPLOH NAREDIM???

Tilen ::

Solution 1
In my case I reinstalled the network card and strangely that seemed to do the trick! If it doesn’t work for you, give the below solutions a try.

Solution 2
Try removing any proxy settings, you can do this by following these steps.
1) Open up Internet explorer
2) Click the tools menu, then Internet options
3) Select the connections tab
4) Click the “LAN Settings” button
5) Ensure “Automatically Detect Settings” checkbox is ticked
6) Untick “Use a proxy server for your LAN …” if checked
7) Click ok, then ok
8) Start up MSN and give it a whirl!

Solution 3
Check your windows System clock and ensure it’s set to the correct time and date.

Solution 4
Has your Norton subscription run out? Some people have reported this will stop MSN from working. (Not sure why … so don’t ask)

Solution 5
You can try resetting your Internet Security properties to defaults.
1) Open up Internet explorer
2) Click the tools menu, then Internet options
3) Select the security tab
4) Click the Restricted sites icon
5) Ensure MSN.com or hotmail.com isn’t on that list. If so, remove it. Click ok.
6) Select the Internet Icon and click the “Default Level” button. This will return your Security settings to the default level.
7) Click ok, close down IE and MSN and then try launching MSN.

Solution 6
Try and isolate the problem, find out whats causing the the error. If you have norton, turn it off. Does the problem still appear? If not, it looks like Norton is blocking it. Read the Norton manual and find out how to allow programs to access the Internet. This applies to Zonealarm, and other firewall programs.

Solution 7
Try to register softpub.dll using regsvr32.exe.

1. Press the Start menu then select Run
2. Type: regsvr32 softpub.dll
3. Press Enter & Restart Messenger.

Solution 8
1. If you have Norton installed, run LiveUpdate, make sure you have most current version.
2. Delete your Quaruntine and Backup files in Norton.
3. Reboot computer

Solution 9
It’s been reported that a few people have tried registry cleaners which fixed this problem. I suggest giving RegistrySmart a whirl, its engine will scan your windows registry (Works with Vista) and will correct incorrect file paths and corrupted registry entries. Click here to try RegistrySmart


_LoW_ ::

jast imam tudi težavo z msn!zaj sem sestavo nov komp,windowse gor dau pa vse to!in msn mi enostavno nedela!si ga inštaliram use ampak se noče vpisat!javi mi neko napako (error code:80048820 in extended error code:80048412)!piše mi da naj preverim neke firewall nastavitve,sem probau ampak nedela!pr trouble shooter mi pokaže da je use ql!ka bi lahk to blo??

uroos ::

LoW jaz sem tudi nov pc kupil... vse imam novo še modem... pa ne dela koda pa je 81000306 tilen tnx sem probal pa ne gre...

Baltazar-x ::

poba ta napaka je za policiji prjavt.

Saircor ::

Utk ::

Kupite si pidgina in pozabite enkrat na ta messenger.

fabrskd ::

poba ta napaka je za policiji prjavt.

Screw you guys i'm going home!!!

bluefish ::

Kupite si pidgina in pozabite enkrat na ta messenger.

Je opensource in posledično zastonj.

Meizu ::

Pidgin je kul, sam pa uporabljam Mirando. Tudi kul zadeva. Tiha, tam v zakotju stoji, ko jo rabim pač upalim :P Uglavnem - karkoli sam MSNja ne uporabljat ker smrdi do nebes in pekla!

d3n!5 ::

Msn ne zna delovat ce nimaste pravilno nastavljene sistemske ure.
Poglejte se 1x.

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