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Dc++ problemi
bigbrie ::
Racunalnik imam povezan z internetom preko routerja , zato imam pri uporabi programa dc++ problem, saj lahko nastavim samo passive mode, pri cemer je active mode precej bolj uporaben. In sicer kakor vem se active mode ne sklada povsem z nortonom vkolikor je racunalnik povezan preko routerja, zato me zanima ce kdo ve kako se da to ponastaviti?? Hvala
filter ::
Preberi help v dcju. Kolikor se spomnim moras za vsak ip odpreti 2 porta (UDP in TCP), ki imata enaka številko npr. 30000 (en je za upload, en pa za dload).
Lp, Filter
Lp, Filter
bigbrie ::
Najlepsa hvala za hiter odgovor....sem nasel vsa potrebna navodila.....drugo bi znal napraviti, samo tegale tule ne razumem cisto, kje to storim....prosim za pomoc - hvala
First you need to set up the router to forward the connections to the computer with DC++. This is could be called Port mapping, port redirecting, port forwarding or something like that. Find out how to do this with your router/NAT in the user manual.
You need to forward one port (select a number between 1024 - 65535, they should mostly all be free. The default port is 1412, but it is wise to select a unique one) and make sure both UDP and TCP is forwarded.
First you need to set up the router to forward the connections to the computer with DC++. This is could be called Port mapping, port redirecting, port forwarding or something like that. Find out how to do this with your router/NAT in the user manual.
You need to forward one port (select a number between 1024 - 65535, they should mostly all be free. The default port is 1412, but it is wise to select a unique one) and make sure both UDP and TCP is forwarded.
Groovy ::
First you need to set up the router to forward the connections to the computer with DC++..
V routerju forwardaš port (npr.1414) na tvoj kompjuter. (UDP and TCP)
Potem pa v DC++ enostavni samo napišeš zunanji IP ( in pa port preko katerega forwardaš (v tem primeru 1414).
Če imaš statični IP, potem to ni problema, če pa imaš dinamičnega, pa moraš vsakič ko ti linija "pade" in se ponovno vspostavi pogledati trenutni zunanji IP in ga na novo napisati v DC++.
V routerju forwardaš port (npr.1414) na tvoj kompjuter. (UDP and TCP)
Potem pa v DC++ enostavni samo napišeš zunanji IP ( in pa port preko katerega forwardaš (v tem primeru 1414).
Če imaš statični IP, potem to ni problema, če pa imaš dinamičnega, pa moraš vsakič ko ti linija "pade" in se ponovno vspostavi pogledati trenutni zunanji IP in ga na novo napisati v DC++.
I am the captain of my soul
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