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Zakaj mi ne ponudi opcije formatiranja v FAT32 ?

Zakaj mi ne ponudi opcije formatiranja v FAT32 ?


Imam MAXTOR 80GB ATA100 5400, ki je bil do nedavnega NTFS v 2 particijah.......

obe sta bili NTFS......potem pa sem obe zbrisal in dobim UNALLOCATED DRIVE...zdej mi pa ponudi možnost formatiranja samo NTFS...KAKO FAT32 ?

Uporabljam DISK MANAGEMENT v XPjih....

Tomay ::

kolikor vem ne moreš narediti večje fat particije od 32 ali 40 GB. Poizkusi narediti manjšo particijo pa boš imel možnost.
Voodoo 4Ever


ja mi je kolega rekel,da ne gre preko 30GB

thanks :)

MadMax ::

kolikor vem ne moreš narediti večje fat particije od 32 ali 40 GB.

Ammmm..... Zakaj mam potem jaz 60 GB FAT32? :\
Stvari so preproste, le ljudje smo neverjetni mojstri, da jih zakompliciramo.

ginekolog ::

gre gre.. samo ne pri namestivi windowsov, ampak potem. Jaz imam vse FAT32, največja je 120G. Formatiral sem z partiton magic.
Divers do it deeper.

sinko999 ::

En Copy/Paste za malo razmišljati.

Formats a disk for use with Windows 2000.

FORMAT volume [/FS:file-system] [/V:label] [/Q] [/A:size] [/C] [/X]
FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/F:size]
FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/T:tracks /N:sectors]
FORMAT volume [/V:label] [/Q] [/1] [/4]
FORMAT volume [/Q] [/1] [/4] [/8]

volume Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon),
mount point, or volume name.
/FS:filesystem Specifies the type of the file system (FAT, FAT32, or NTFS).
/V:label Specifies the volume label.
/Q Performs a quick format.
/C Files created on the new volume will be compressed by
/X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary. All opened
handles to the volume would no longer be valid.
/A:size Overrides the default allocation unit size. Default settings
are strongly recommended for general use.
NTFS supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K.
FAT supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K,
(128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes).
FAT32 supports 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16K, 32K, 64K,
(128K, 256K for sector size > 512 bytes).

Note that the FAT and FAT32 files systems impose the
following restrictions on the number of clusters on a volume:

FAT: Number of clusters = 65526
FAT32: 65526 < Number of clusters < 268435446

Format will immediately stop processing if it decides that
the above requirements cannot be met using the specified
cluster size.

NTFS compression is not supported for allocation unit sizes
above 4096.
/F:size Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (160,
180, 320, 360, 640, 720, 1.2, 1.23, 1.44, 2.88, or 20.8).
/T:tracks Specifies the number of tracks per disk side.
/N:sectors Specifies the number of sectors per track.
/1 Formats a single side of a floppy disk.
/4 Formats a 5.25-inch 360K floppy disk in a
high-density drive.
/8 Formats eight sectors per track.

Aja uporaba v cmd-du.

Ni? ni ve?no !

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