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Novosti v low-end sektorju pri AMD (socket 939 in take)

Novosti v low-end sektorju pri AMD (socket 939 in take)

Fury ::


Slisal sem, da nej bi se na socket 939 znasle tudi neke nove verzije bartonov oz. pac cheap 32-bitnih procesorjev.. koliko je resnice v tem in kdaj se to kej misl zgodit? Se dolg ne? Je sploh smiselno kupovat bartona na socket A? Kok cajta bo sploh to se? Pomoje ne dolg... in ce bom hotu upgrejdat bom tut ful kesa stran zmetu spet za vse novo.
Kaj mislite?

Mislijo kej past cene Athlon64 procesorjev? Tko za kaksne 30k bi si ga se privoscu kaksnega :)

Novo temo sem odprl, da ne bom smetil tele stickyjane zgoraj, ker moje vprasanje ne spada cist not :)

Dr_M ::

za s939 nism slisu, da bi blo kej tazga...precej bolj verjetno bo to na s754, kot nek nadomestek duronov.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::

evo tole pise na anandu....

Fortunately our perseverance is not unrewarded. The first important information we have to report on is the impending death of Duron. While many say good riddance, many others are reminded of our recent Duron benchmarks to conclude there is a definite processor hierarchy in the low end market. AMD's new chip; code named "Value" for now will eventually replace Duron, although specifications are hazy at best. What we do know is that the new chip is designed to aggressively compete with Celeron (with an advantage) and Celeron Only. Interpret that as you will. We also have other interesting specifications; the processor will be 32-bit only, it will span three socket architectures (Socket A, Socket 754, Socket 939), it will support dual channel memory on Socket 939 and will have the same NX (No eXecute) "antivirus" support found in the new Athlon 64, Efficeon, future Intel and Sparc processors.

AMD "Value" Naming
Processor Socket Launch Date
"Value" 370 Socket 939 Q2'05
"Value" 350 Socket 754 Q4'04
"Value" 340 Socket 939 Q4'04
"Value" 320 Socket 754 Q3'04

se pravi....cez eno leto :)
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Dr_M ::

pa se neki...

According to AMD's roadmaps, these new processors appear to be based off the 256KB L2 130nm "Paris" cores for Socket 939/754 and 512KB L2 130nm "Barton" cores for Socket A.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Poceni navijalski komp

Oddelek: Navijanje
221908 (1359) itak37

AMD želi 50-odstotni tržni delež (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Novice / Rezultati
578288 (6918) Alexius Heristalski

K8: Athlon64, AthlonFX, Opteron (strani: 1 2 3 413 14 15 16 )

Oddelek: Strojna oprema
76747005 (24874) RC14

AMD Sempron 3100+ (strani: 1 2 )

Oddelek: Kaj kupiti
946881 (4210) Dr_M

90 nm Athlon 64 je tu

Oddelek: Navijanje
282335 (1756) AtaStrumf

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