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V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije

48 / 78

Poldi112 ::

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

No deloma imaš prav, v diktaturah res kaj prida ne vplivajo.

Točno tako. Zato pa so američani v vojni že praktično od nastanka države.

In ker imajo svobodo govora in svobodne volitve, lahko izvolijo kandidata, ki je proti vojni, da jih nato popelje v vojno.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

mackilla ::

FrRoSt je izjavil:


BitChute je alt-tech storitev za video gostovanje, ki jo je januarja 2017 uvedel Ray Vahey. Sama sebe opisuje, da ponuja svobodo izražanja, medtem ko je storitev znana po sprejemu skrajno desničarskih posameznikov in teoretikov zarote ter po gostovanju sovražnega govora.

Ne bom klikal tvoje nacistične linke;)8-):D

PrimoZ_ ::

FrRoSt je izjavil:


Covid je laž.
Vladajo nam reptili.
Na luni nismo pristali.

Sem še kaj pozabil?

Poldi112 je izjavil:

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

No deloma imaš prav, v diktaturah res kaj prida ne vplivajo.

Točno tako. Zato pa so američani v vojni že praktično od nastanka države.

In ker imajo svobodo govora in svobodne volitve, lahko izvolijo kandidata, ki je proti vojni, da jih nato popelje v vojno.

Si že pretepel ženo?

Posilil kako mimoidočo?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

Pac-Man ::

FrRoSt je izjavil:


Odlično, spet napačna razlaga "fuck the EU" klica. Gledat ne mislim.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Video na povezavi, spet je šlo eno skladišče v luft.


It’s an absolute party right now in #Shakhtarsk. Secondaries are being shot out in every direction. Fire can be seen from 20+ miles way.


When judging the effect of the recently delivered HIMARS are having on the battlefield remember this; both the Ukrainians and the relatively few Russians that can speak freely are saying the same thing - they're devastating and the Russian military simply has no counter for them.

They're also saying that relatively sophisticated Russian air defence systems like the S300 and the S400 that "should" be able to intercept HIMARS rockets (on paper) cannot.

And they're saying that the Russians have suffered significant losses in move men and materiel. And don't underestimate the effect on morale of previously safe areas now being incredibly dangerous, subject to an unstoppable HIMARS attack at any time.

This is what the Ukrainians have achieved with between 4-6 systems.

They're getting a minimum of 6 more HIMARS and 9 M270 MLRS systems (which has twice the firepower of each HIMARS system) over the next month. That's a huge amount of firepower.

And let's think about the strategic picture...

This kind of incredibly accurate, virtually unstoppable long range firepower makes a Russian strategy of "digging in and annexing" occupied territory virtually impossible. It fundamentally changes the strategic calculation.


Today Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha. The former Mufti Said Ismagilov gave a festive sermon in Kostyantynivka. There's the last undamaged working mosque of the unoccupied UA east. Military Muslims from various units gathered for a sermon and a festive dinner.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

l0g1t3ch ::

Očitno je tudi nekaj substance na teh HIMARS, ni samo PR stunt. Lepo, me veseli.

Poldi112 ::

Ja, za PR so uporabni. Kaj več pa ni videti, da bi bilo od njih.

Kot je rekel Putin - rusi se šele ogrevajo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

l0g1t3ch ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ja, za PR so uporabni. Kaj več pa ni videti, da bi bilo od njih.

Kot je rekel Putin - rusi se šele ogrevajo.

Spet med vrsticami groziš ?

Rusi nas ne morejo osvojit, lahko pa vse podrejo ?
V naslednji sapi se boš pa spraševal zakaj le vsi bežijo stran od Rusov :))

PrimoZ_ ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ja, za PR so uporabni. Kaj več pa ni videti, da bi bilo od njih.

Kot je rekel Putin - rusi se šele ogrevajo.

Je žena že pretepena ? Si že posilil naključno sprehajalko ?

EDIT: če nimajo efekta, potem Putin nima problema če se jih navozi v UA še 10x toliko ?
Mogoče onih z 300km dosega, da se podre putinov ponos :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

scythe ::

Ko bo padel Krimski most, bo tudi Putinov ponos. Saj vemo kje je Putinova ladja Moskva, križari po dnu morja :D
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

sbawe64 ::

Btw, obstaja sploh kakšen efektiven Counter-battery radar sistem, ki zazna izstrelitev 'himars' izstrelkov na razdalji 70 milj ?

Gledam tu in zda AN/MPQ-64F1/A3 naj bi zaznal do 75 milj
Counter-battery radar @ Wikipedia

Za Ruse ne najdem podobnega.

Je pa problem, ker je izstrelek majhen in hitrr, razdalja velika.
Dosti veliko področje za iskati.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Poldi112 ::

Iz zgornjega linka, ki ga ovce ne upate brati - Joe Biden, o provociranju rusov:

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

l0g1t3ch ::

scythe je izjavil:

Ko bo padel Krimski most, bo tudi Putinov ponos. Saj vemo kje je Putinova ladja Moskva, križari po dnu morja :D

my precioussss
Stinky ukrainians took it from us...


Poldi112 je izjavil:

Iz zgornjega linka, ki ga ovce ne upate brati - Joe Biden, o provociranju rusov:


Biden je itak bedak, nič mu ne verjamemo, saj ne ve kaj govori.

Samo povzemam tvoje besede ;) Tak da, najdi kaj boljšega :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

Pac-Man ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kot je rekel Putin - rusi se šele ogrevajo.

Tiho bi bil, so ga vzeli dobesedno :D

Povzetek prevoda intervjuja z ukrajinskim oficirjem spodaj, več na povezavi. O tankih.

Tanks in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Mykola Salamakh

00:00 The role of tanks in the war. How the approaches of the Russians changed
18:23 How are the tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine used and what are the innovations in tactics
26:16 The difference in the training of Russian and Ukrainian tankers
29:28 Losses of Ukraine and Russia
42:31 Vulnerable places of Russian tanks and causes of losses
57:43 Restoration and repair of tanks by Ukraine and Russia
1:07:54 How Ukraine uses trophy tanks
1:16:13 Tanks that Ukraine receives from partners from abroad
1:23:40 What should be the future Ukrainian tank


Tanks in the AFU are not used like in 2014-2015, when they acted in groups of 1-2 tanks, up to company level (10 tanks). Now the infantry understands how to better employ synergy with tanks in battle (combined arms warfare).

Captured tanks have shown themselves pretty well, Ukrainian troops have managed to master them and make use of them. In some mechanized brigades there are several companies made up of captured tanks.

The enemy uses tanks not in platoons, but in company level and larger, if there is more than a company left in a tank battalion. He uses them according to soviet textbooks, where there are 10 tanks per 500 meters,except there are not enough tanks for a 2nd wave,as presumed in the textbooks.

There are some problems with re-training tankers from T-64s to T-80s or T-72s or vice versa. This could be optimized

HE shells are surprisingly effective at suppressing and neutralizing the enemy, 1-3 hits are enough and the hatches open, the tank is abandoned, either that or the crew is shell shocked an stays in the tank forever.

The majority of the losses experienced by the enemy occurred because of poor training or foolish logistical managing. Many tanks were captured in mint condition in the middle of roads without fuel.

@oryxspioenkop's list contains 60-70% of our equipment and 50-60% of the enemy's.

The enemy constantly uses controlled weaponry (barrel launched atgms such as invar) of T-72B3 and T-80BVM from distances of 4.5-5.5km in ambushes. Thanks to modernization, the enemy technological superiority, especially in the aforementioned barrel launched atgms.

90% of T-80BVMs have been destroyed, there are still T-72B3s and T-72B3MS, up to 900 tanks of these types have been lost, 800 remain, but there are problems with training crews for these. This is why T-62s and old models of T-72s and T-80s have been brought out of service, there are elderly volunteers who served on them.

There are 3 tank repair plants left in Russia, and their ability to repair tanks or pull tanks out of storage is limited (not more than 100-200 units per month)

The FGM-148 Javelin has shown itself to be better than the NLAW, which have problems with the quality of the tracking components, especially during the winter. It is also better than the Stugna-P, which has problems with components and the rocket fuel, and not always hits at 3750m which the javelin reliably does.

On the modern tanks of the enemy there are huge pieces of glass on sights and observation view ports, which can easily be destroyed by firearms of caliber 5.45 to 12.7 from distances up to 800m. Tankers aim for the view port of the enemy driver. On the side of the tank there is a strip 30mm thick and 30cm high from the bottom of the tank, where the magazine is located.

The most well protected tank of the enemy is the T-80BVM, after that t-90A and modifications of the T-72B.

New night vision thermal sights on captured and European tanks need new knowledge from commanders and gunners, who need to be trained to make full use of this tech. We currently do not have many of these specialists.

We do not need Leopards right now. Send us more T-72s instead. 1-2 battalions of leopards would do more harm than good
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

l0g1t3ch ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Iz zgornjega linka, ki ga ovce ne upate brati - Joe Biden, o provociranju rusov:


Biden je itak bedak, nič mu ne verjamemo, saj ne ve kaj govori.

Samo povzemam tvoje besede ;) Tak da, najdi kaj boljšega :))

P.S. A ti pokažemo še enkrat video iz 2008, ko Putin govori, da ga samostojna ukrajina ne moti in da se lahko samam odloča kam bo šla :D

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kot je rekel Putin - rusi se šele ogrevajo.

Tiho bi bil, so ga vzeli dobesedno :D

Tehnično gledano ima putin prav. Gorenje je eksotermna reakcija in v eksplozijah/požarih skladišč municije se sprosti precej toplote, ki zagotovo vsaj malo ogreje okolico :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

l0g1t3ch ::

Kar toplo mi je pri srcu ko pogledam ta goreča skladišča municije.

Spomni me na tisto ponarodelo: "Tank gori, Rus beži!"

sbawe64 ::

Btw, novico o neučinkovitosti s300/400 navaja ukr cenzor.net .
Tako da veliko soli za zraven.

Btw, v začetku so bili tudi ukr droni precej nevidni za ruske AA sisteme, da se je situacija obrnila (če je kdaj dejansko bila?) pišejo sedaj v MSM:

Btw2, vsaka goreča stavba še ni rusko skladišče municije.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

l0g1t3ch ::

Za vsako bolezen rožca rase.

P.S. Ampak če smo se kaj naučili v zadnjih letih, vedno se pojavi nova bolezen, ker folk ne zna kuhat netopirjev :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()

sbawe64 ::

Nit, zanimivo branje

Are you a Ukrainian targeting officer? Do you want to interdict the Russian ammo supply in Ukraine with deep strikes? Would you like to figure out how much stuff you're actually going to have to hit to succeed?

Well, let's find out. A thread.

Based on the smoke, most were actually chemical storages, not ammo dumps
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

Pac-Man ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Btw, novico o neučinkovitosti s300/400 navaja ukr cenzor.net .
Tako da veliko soli za zraven.

Tudi Strelkov.


Girkin complains Russian anti-aircraft weapons (presumably S-400 that boasted such capability on paper) have been unable to shoot down HIMARS missiles, leading to "10 Russian munition storage facilities destroyed and serious human losses on our side".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

To se pravi se Rusi ne morejo več švercat z srednjeveškimi obleganji bodo potrebni novi moderni prijemi?

l0g1t3ch ::

Vse nas bodo nukali.

Štrik ali zvonik ?

sbawe64 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Btw, novico o neučinkovitosti s300/400 navaja ukr cenzor.net .
Tako da veliko soli za zraven.

Tudi Strelkov.


Girkin complains Russian anti-aircraft weapons (presumably S-400 that boasted such capability on paper) have been unable to shoot down HIMARS missiles, leading to "10 Russian munition storage facilities destroyed and serious human losses on our side".

Si mogoče pomislil, da Girkin trola na fin način ?

S400 is high end, expensive strategic antimissiles system, not vs tactical, small rockets from HIMARS
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

l0g1t3ch ::

LPP trola ?

Hm čudno... Ampak ok....

sbawe64 ::

Trola trola.

Trololo !?
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Pac-Man ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Si mogoče pomislil, da Girkin trola na fin način ?

Si mogoče pomislil, da bo treba dvignit dozo copiuma?

In če že ravno hočeš, ruski MSM:


"... For HIMARS, there is worthy opposition from Russian missile defense systems, which successfully shoot down Tochka-U missiles that launch the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Even complexes such as the S-300, not to mention the S-400 and S-500, will cope with HIMARS, ”military expert Vladislav Shurygin .

Torej, dvignemo dozo?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

sbawe64 ::

Hvala za skrb, s hrošči bom začel kdaj drugič.

Copium (bug) @ Wikipedia

Bo tvoja tipkovnica zdržala vse to copy/pastanje ?

Si Primožu doniral kakšen 10Tb HDD, da ne bo forumski storage prehitro poln ?
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

bbbbbb2015 ::

AvtoR je izjavil:

Če kdo živi v fantazijskem svetu si to ti Poldi.

On je plačan trol. Sedi za računalnikom ves dan, plačuje ga bodisi ambasada ali ruski kulturni center ali pač nekdo. Povsem vseeno je, kaj mu poveste. On je že "prepričan" v to, kar je. Samo vam krade čas. Tedensko pa piše "poročila" koga je strolal in sedi na neki kobajagi plački.

Zato bi vam predlagal, da ga ignorirate.

sbawe64 ::

Zahodni MSM eksperti so v začetku marca trdili, da imajo Rusi zalog za cca 10 dni.

Kdo plačuje pakmana ?
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

PrimoZ_ ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Zahodni MSM eksperti so v začetku marca trdili, da imajo Rusi zalog za cca 10 dni.

Ruski pa da bodo v treh dneh v Kijevu.
In da imajo 14 dni do Atlantika.


sbawe64 ::

Upokojeni ameriški general: Rusija bo svoje bojne sposobnosti izčrpala v desetih dneh
London/Kijev, 15.03.2022, 7:20
Ben Hodges, upokojeni general ameriške vojske, ocenjuje, da ruskim silam zmanjkuje časa, streliva in delovne sile. Meni, da bi lahko Rusija svoje bojne sposobnosti izčrpala že v desetih dneh. Po njegovem mnenju tako kažejo poročila o nizki morali med vojaki, dezerterstvu, nestrinjanju med ruskimi poveljniki in druge težave, s katerimi se sooča ruska vojska.

Ruski pa da bodo v treh dneh v Kijevu.
In da imajo 14 dni do Atlantika.

Ruske medije je demokratična EU demokratično blokirala, tako da jih lahko berejo samo Rusi.

In si se izdal.

Od kod so zahodni msm potegnili 3 dni ne vem.Ali 14 dni do Atlantika še manj.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

PrimoZ_ ::

Jaz vem.
Zakaj misliš da je moj Z?

sbawe64 ::

Tile eksperti so kot gobe po dežju.
Povsod jih najdeš.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

PrimoZ_ ::

Rus crkuje se svet raduje!

Skladišče gori, Rus beži! :))

Pac-Man ::



Your regular reminder that the only language in Ukraine which has faced repeated violent attempted erasure is Ukrainian.

Russian speakers have never faced discrimination, only those speaking Ukrainian - the country’s native and constitutionally protected language - have. Fact.

If this is news to you, and you believed otherwise, you should be asking yourself why and how that is. The answer is very simple - those who have controlled the narratives about Ukraine have lied. Lazy and corrupt western journalists and experts lied. You were lied to.

Just like the western journos who said they “saw swastikas everywhere” in Kyiv, and pushed narratives of “extremist nationalists” to describe patriots & nation builders - they LIED.

They CONTRADICTED what Ukrainian Jews say about Ukraine. They CONTRADICTED facts about language.

in to


I studied in a Ukrainian language school in downtown Kyiv (literally 350 meters away from the Office of the President) in the 90s and 00s.

Students who spoke Ukrainian outside of class were ridiculed as “peasants,” bullied, and driven away.

To conform, you had to speak Russian.

Growing up, there weren’t any Ukrainian books in bookstores, Ukrainian magazines/newspapers in press kiosks, Ukrainian movies in cinemas, Ukrainian translations of games, or Ukrainian music on the radio.

To access any Ukrainian content, you had to seriously go out of your way.

Back then, if you spoke Ukrainian anywhere in the capital of Ukraine, people would ask you where you came from. This is how bad it really was.

The only reason I was able to learn the language and eventually switch to it were the Ukrainian classes at school way back when.

If you wanted to speak Ukrainian, you would continually face obstacles. For folks who spoke Ukrainian at home, it took cojones to speak it outside.

As recently as 2021, we had cases of people being discriminated against for speaking Ukrainian. They couldn’t get a job in Ukraine.

To me as a native Russian speaker from Ukraine, the notion that Russian speakers are somehow suffering in Ukraine is absolutely insane. Russian speakers have all the privilege.

It’s an example of Russian propaganda making up a lie so big that people find it hard not to believe.

Good thread on how Russia has used language as a tool for colonialism, giving a higher-level perspective than my personal account presented here.

I also noticed that some Russians are commenting that I am a Russian speaker who was forced to switched to Ukrainian. This is the same propaganda bullshit I described in my thread.

I’d wanted to switch to Ukrainian for many years but was afraid of bullying and discrimination.

My family speaking Russian back in the 90s and 00s (now we speak Ukrainian) wasn’t a choice. It also wasn’t because we belonged to some kind of isolated community or ethnic group (we don’t).

It was a direct result of russification and suppression of the Ukrainian language.

Here’s a longer thread about it. Check it out.

From all this, it may sound like Russian is the language of the majority in Ukraine. It’s not the case. It’s the language of a minority artificially imposed on the majority through cultural expansion of a neighboring country.

Red is majority Ukrainian as native language (2001).

Unfortunately, the latest census data we have is from 2001 (it’s a big problem). My guess is that more people now feel empowered to call Ukrainian their native language.

A lot of Ukrainians couldn’t use their native language (Ukrainian) in their daily life due to discrimination.

Russian propaganda loves to conflate language, ethnicity, nationality, and political affiliation. These things are in no way the same, and language in particular says nothing about how Ukrainian someone is.

The reality is complex and impossible to explain in one TV sound bite.

In reality, Ukrainians speaking both Russian and Ukrainian participated in the 2004 Orange Revolution, the 2013 Revolution of Dignity and are now fighting to stop the Russian aggression.

Russia tries to claim Ukrainian Russian speakers as Russian. It’s another big lie.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

LightBit ::

Comandante je izjavil:

Zdaj pa šok, ko Zahodno orožje za razliko od ruskega deluje tako kot je oglaševano.

Spomnim se da sem slišal, da ko so Američani testirali njihove rakete na Ruskih letalih z "flare", so ugotovili da so bolj učinkoviti kot proti Ameriškimi "flare-i". Tako da to tudi lahko igra vlogo, ker so stvari drugače optimizirane. Je pa res da je za Ruse značilno da napihujejo vojaške zmogljivosti. Američani in Kitajci obratno.

Pac-Man ::

takle mamo


Russian war correspondent Alexander Sladkov says, angrily, that Ukraine has already struck Russian command and control centers several times with results. The centers are small but important.



So, look, good people. Ukrainian rocket launchers and artillery have already struck several times at our decision-making centers. With result. The centers are small but important. I do not write here where, when, how much, and by whom.
In order not to give out military secrets. Whoever is in the subject will understand: if the reporter Sladkov and his colleagues know, then many others also know.

My question is simple: when will this bullshit end?
Can you fuck with the military-industrial complex so that we finally have preventive “things-dryuchki”?!

Thank you old Aesop for your language. They already spoke directly, but, at least pissing in the eyes of some, everything is God's dew.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::

Why so sad?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

Pac-Man ::

Pa takle tudi, minutni video


Russian kids attending a kindergarten on the Kuril Islands (near Japan) are forced to sing:

“The Samurais will never get their islands back (…) we will return Alaska to the motherland (…) there could be peace on earth, but if Putin calls for a final battle, we are with you!”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::

Zwastika in Hitlerjeva mladina.

Potem so pa ukrajinci naciji :))

l0g1t3ch ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

AvtoR je izjavil:

Če kdo živi v fantazijskem svetu si to ti Poldi.

On je plačan trol. Sedi za računalnikom ves dan, plačuje ga bodisi ambasada ali ruski kulturni center ali pač nekdo. Povsem vseeno je, kaj mu poveste. On je že "prepričan" v to, kar je. Samo vam krade čas. Tedensko pa piše "poročila" koga je strolal in sedi na neki kobajagi plački.

Zato bi vam predlagal, da ga ignorirate.

Verjetno res.

Vse. Nas bo naznanil :))

PrimoZ_ ::

Tako ja, piše sezname kaj je kdo rekel čez Putina in čez Rusijo.

Pac-Man ::


Russian Roman Saponkov claims to have witnessed HIMARS strike which made quite an impression. He shared his thoughts on his 25k+ telegram channel. Later shared by other big channels.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

kow ::

Rusi rebuildajo trenutno. Verjetno zatisje pred viharjem.
So pa izgubili v zadnjih dneh kar nekaj tankov. Vprasanje koliko ljudi so tudi pobili himarji.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: kow ()

fikus_ ::

HIMARS so v glavnem uporabljali za uničevanje skladišč in ne za vojake. To uničevanje RU skladišč je dobro za UA, ker RU ne bodo mogli vršiti pritiska in novih obkoljevanj njihove vojske.
Mogoče je tudi to odgovor, zakaj je sedaj nekakšno zatišje na fronti.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: fikus_ ()

Pac-Man ::

nitka z random informacijami, jagodni izbor, beri navzdol


Before the HIMARS it was Russian ammunition storage. [video]

New Kakhovka, Kherson.
Yesterday's attack on the command post of the 49th army, air defense, SAM warehouses.
According to preliminary data, more than a hundred were killed, about 200 were wounded.
There were urgent evacuation groups for some VIP-wounded & killed

Yesterday ZSU demilitarized the following locations:
▪️Alchevsk, Luhansk Region (LR), Ammo Storage (AS)
▪️Shakhtarsk, Donetsk Region (DR), AS
▪️Chistyakovo, DR, AS.
▪️Ilovaisk, DR, AS.
▪️Donetsk, Kyiv district, AS.
▪️Khrestivka, DR, AS.
▪️Kherson, military unit.

Board of shame of the 205th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade of Russian Army.
They refused to obey the order and left their combat positions.

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::

mackilla je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Tudi če jih ne uporabljajo jih lahko podarijo iz rezerve. :)

Tudi za streljanje na železniško postajo s civilisti ?

Ojej, ojej... Pa stalno pravijo, da oni pa že ne streljajo na civiliste... ccc

So že ugotovili, da so bili UA.


Kdo je ugotovil? Rusi?

Vaši OSINT generali.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

mackilla ::

D3m je izjavil:

mackilla je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

D3m je izjavil:

Tudi če jih ne uporabljajo jih lahko podarijo iz rezerve. :)

Tudi za streljanje na železniško postajo s civilisti ?

Ojej, ojej... Pa stalno pravijo, da oni pa že ne streljajo na civiliste... ccc

So že ugotovili, da so bili UA.


Kdo je ugotovil? Rusi?

Vaši OSINT generali.


D3m ::

Ti bo Paco dal.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::

Suško zna bit fantazist, ampak tule ima račune


According to @Vlad_Osechkin's sources: Over 300 inmates were recruited by #WagnerPMC at just the Penal Colony #1 in Adygea. Cell phone video taken by an inmate in this prison during the Wagner visit. Mass recruitment of prisoners is ongoing all across #Russia. [video]


Mobilization of teachers is starting in #Russia - they will be sent to parts of occupied #Ukraine in time for the September 1st start of school year for "long-term." These two orders concern two regions: Yaroslavl (population 1.3 million) & Penza (population 1.4 million)

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
48 / 78

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

Rusija čedalje bolj izolirana od interneta in elektronskih plačilnih storitev (strani: 1 2 3 4 5 6 )

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27150276 (18034) Mr.B

Londonsko vozlišče prenehalo izmenjevati promet z ruskimi operaterji

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64045 (3407) SmeskoSnezak

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Veliki Brat na internetu: tudi v Sloveniji (strani: 1 2 )

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