Novice » Omrežja / internet » V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije
fikus_ ::
Nič posebnega, rabijo denar in jemljejo ga tam, kjer je.
Kjer ni nič, še vojska ne more vzet.
Kjer ni nič, še vojska ne more vzet.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
kow ::
Drzi. Ampak je pomemben indikator, da so velik del njihovega rezervnega sklada ze pokurili. Lahko so tudi takticno, ze vnaprej denar pobrali Gazpromu - samo dvomim.
FrRoSt ::
Vsi izgovori glede varnosti tako EU kot Rusije so le izgovori. Dejansko stanje pa je tako, da si tako zahod kot tudi Rusija pac oba zelita Ukrajino v svoji sferi, to je edini motiv.
Zahod je zmagal spletke in politicne igrice in propagando da dobi Ukrajino na svojo stran. Rusija je imela na izbrio se ali sprijazniti s tem porazom ali pa vojna, izbrali so vojno. To je vsa magija.
Rusija je pac slaba v politicnih igricah in spletkah. To da so izbrali vojno pa pomeni da nikakor ne smejo profitirat s to izbrio. Ker ce profitirajo je to povabilo v se vec vojn na evropskih tleh. Drzave pac vedno zacnejo vojne zaradi pricakovanih profitov, Rusija ni nobena izjema.
Kakšen profit pa ima Rusija od te vojne v Ukrajini!??
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
kow ::
Da imas od vojne profit, je najvecja neumnost, ki jo lahko kdorkoli izrece. Razen, ce seveda gleda na res izredno dolg rok: ker si pridobil nove trge.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kow ()
Pac-Man ::
Drzi. Ampak je pomemben indikator, da so velik del njihovega rezervnega sklada ze pokurili. Lahko so tudi takticno, ze vnaprej denar pobrali Gazpromu - samo dvomim.
Gazprom je krava molznica Kremlja. Tudi privatno.
Dolgo, ampak ne slabo
Putin. Miller. Gazprom
Gazprom is called "our national treasure". But Putin turned it into his bottomless purse. And he put the most inconspicuous Russian official, Alexei Miller, in charge of this wallet. Maria Pevchikh and Georgy Alburov tell how gas billions year after year turned into palaces, dachas and Lamborghini, show Miller's secret wife and reveal the main secret of Gazprom.
Po Poldijevo ima Finska vso pravico iskat varnost v zavetju NATO pakta.
To those not familiar, Russia has attacked Finland over 40 times during history and conducted multiple genocides of Finns and Finnic people.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Drzi. Ampak je pomemben indikator, da so velik del njihovega rezervnega sklada ze pokurili. Lahko so tudi takticno, ze vnaprej denar pobrali Gazpromu - samo dvomim.
Ne bi rekel.
To those not familiar, Russia has attacked Finland over 40 times during history and conducted multiple genocides of Finns and Finnic people.
Ahahaahahaha. :)
Paco je pa za hece.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Po Poldijevo ima Finska vso pravico iskat varnost v zavetju NATO pakta.
To those not familiar, Russia has attacked Finland over 40 times during history and conducted multiple genocides of Finns and Finnic people.
Poldi ti bo povedal, da so bili Finci preblizu mesta, ki ga je ustanovila Rsija skoraj na finski meji in so bili zato prisiljeni napasti Finsko, da so povečali svojo varnost.
Točno tako!
Pac-Man ::
Za hece je Petri Mäkelä iz Lappeenranta v Južni Kareliji.
Lappeenranta @ Wikipedia
Lappeenranta @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
l0g1t3ch ::
Nato je rusijo 3x porušil ?
Jaz bi tudi te droge, ki jih jemlješ![]()
Napisal sem NATO države. Kot že ničkolikokrat omenjeno, so jih najprej razbili francozi (pod Napoleonom), nato pa še nemci (dvakrat).
Tako da ja, rusi nimajo ABSOLUTNO nobenega razloga, da jih je strah, ko NATO, kljub obljubam da ne bo, rine proti njihovim mejah.
Ker so že drugi lepo napisali
V prvi svetovni vojni je Rusija napovedala vojno Avstriji ne obratno. Avstrija je samo hotela dominirati svojo sosedo Srbijo. Popolnoma razumljivo,ker je Srbija bila šibkejša in ni bila suverena mar ne? Rusija bi to morala razumeti in jim pustiti.
V drugi svetovni vojni je pač po tvoje Hitler samo hotel dominirati sosede in ustvariti bufer zono. Rusi so si priključili Litvo,ki je bila v nemški interesni sferi. Po tvoje je to itak razlog za vojno.
Rusi so sodelovali v dveh koalicijah proti Napoleonu preden jih napadel. Francija se je samo branila. Drži?
Zdej pa blejaj naprej, ovca neumna.
Pac-Man ::
To ni landgrab za učbenike?
Vyborg @ Wikipedia
Vyborg @ Wikipedia
Vyborg served as the seat of Viipuri Province. In the 1930 census, the administrative area of the city of Vyborg had 52,253 inhabitants. There were a total of 19,986 inhabitants in the rural areas of Vyborg and in Uura, which was located outside the borders of Vyborg but involved in the census, so the total population of the census area was 72,239.[32] Of the total inhabitants in the census area, 67,609 spoke Finnish, 2,103 Swedish, 1,807 Russian and 439 German.[33] In 1939, the town's population was slightly less than 75,000, and was Finland's second-largest city [Population Register] or fourth-largest city [Church and Civil Register], depending on the census data.[34]
During the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1939–1940, over seventy thousand people were evacuated from Vyborg to other parts of Finland. The Winter War was concluded by the Moscow Peace Treaty, which stipulated the transfer of Vyborg and the whole Karelian Isthmus—emptied of their residents—to Soviet control, where it was incorporated into the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic on March 31, 1940. As the town was still held by the Finns, the remaining Finnish population, some ten thousand people, had to be evacuated in haste before the handover. Thus, practically the whole population of Finnish Vyborg was resettled elsewhere in Finland. The town became the administrative center of Vyborgsky District.
The evacuees from Finnish Karelia came to be a vociferous political force and their wish to return to their homes was an important motive when Finland sought support from Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union. As a result, Finland fought with Nazi Germany as a Co-belligerent in the Second World War.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
To ni landgrab za učbenike?
Vyborg @ Wikipedia
Vyborg served as the seat of Viipuri Province. In the 1930 census, the administrative area of the city of Vyborg had 52,253 inhabitants. There were a total of 19,986 inhabitants in the rural areas of Vyborg and in Uura, which was located outside the borders of Vyborg but involved in the census, so the total population of the census area was 72,239.[32] Of the total inhabitants in the census area, 67,609 spoke Finnish, 2,103 Swedish, 1,807 Russian and 439 German.[33] In 1939, the town's population was slightly less than 75,000, and was Finland's second-largest city [Population Register] or fourth-largest city [Church and Civil Register], depending on the census data.[34]
During the Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1939–1940, over seventy thousand people were evacuated from Vyborg to other parts of Finland. The Winter War was concluded by the Moscow Peace Treaty, which stipulated the transfer of Vyborg and the whole Karelian Isthmus—emptied of their residents—to Soviet control, where it was incorporated into the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic on March 31, 1940. As the town was still held by the Finns, the remaining Finnish population, some ten thousand people, had to be evacuated in haste before the handover. Thus, practically the whole population of Finnish Vyborg was resettled elsewhere in Finland. The town became the administrative center of Vyborgsky District.
The evacuees from Finnish Karelia came to be a vociferous political force and their wish to return to their homes was an important motive when Finland sought support from Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union. As a result, Finland fought with Nazi Germany as a Co-belligerent in the Second World War.
Saj si že dal celotno zgodovino. :)
Zakaj taka selekcija, kot, da so za vse Rusi krivi :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
kow ::
Je kar hecno, ko gres gledat podrobno. Za koliko pizdarij so v resnici krivi. Presenetljivo veliko.
gozdar1 ::
Kdaj se bo popravila zgodovinska krivica in bodo zda vrnile rusiji aljasko, kanada pa bo postala buffer.
Pac-Man ::
Še seznamček:
This is a list of all the times russia has invaded finland in the last millenia. Shut the fuck up you russian shill. Go eat cabbage soup because you are not welcome here.
This is a list of all the times russia has invaded finland in the last millenia. Shut the fuck up you russian shill. Go eat cabbage soup because you are not welcome here.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
D3m ::
Jaz sem jih naštel uradno 7.
Neuradno 22. :)
Koliko si jih ti? :)
Neuradno 22. :)
Koliko si jih ti? :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
kow ::
Malo si zapluzil pakman.. kaj se je dogajalo 500 let nazaj je irrelevanto. Bolj nas zanimajo dogodki po drugi svetovni vojni.
nejclp ::
Vanich ::
A je bilo kaj referenduma na Finskem in Švedskem za NATO? Še v zakamrani nepomembni vasi Slovenija smo imeli referendum za NATO.
FrRoSt ::
Jebiga, Rusi rabijo "buffer". Vedno imajo soseda. Torej vedno rabijo buffer.
Zakaj pa Rusi rabijo "buffer"!??
In kaj je sploh to "buffer"!??
Noben človek ni otok, popolnoma sam zase; smrt slehernega človeka vzame
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
del mene, ker pripadam človeški vrsti; in zato nikdar ne pošiljaj poizvedovat,
komu zvoni; zvoni tebi.
gozdar1 ::
Iz csto sploh ne moreš izstopit z referendumom ali brez. V koliko članicah so imeli referendume?
Miki N ::
Miki N ::
Ja itak da smo bili. In to kar dobra. Gorata dežele in fajne dekline ter preganjanje kmetov po livadah in hostah so otomanskim čap.. mislim janičarjem vzele kar nekaj časa, ki so ga potem resnejši narodi izkoristil iza pripravo obrambe.
D3m ::
A Twitter account purporting to share the adventures of a pro-Kiev Canadian fighter in Ukraine has been deleted after the person behind it was accused of faking his credentials. The man in the photos was posing with replica guns and equipment, critics say.
The person behind the 'Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer' Twitter account claimed to be fighting against Russia in Ukraine. He was supposedly leading a life of adventure, going on daring recon missions, dodging Russian patrols in Kherson Region, and otherwise risking his life. However, the images he posted drew the attention of online sleuths who found them fishy, The Telegraph reported on Monday.
A Twitter account purporting to share the adventures of a pro-Kiev Canadian fighter in Ukraine has been deleted after the person behind it was accused of faking his credentials. The man in the photos was posing with replica guns and equipment, critics say.
The person behind the 'Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer' Twitter account claimed to be fighting against Russia in Ukraine. He was supposedly leading a life of adventure, going on daring recon missions, dodging Russian patrols in Kherson Region, and otherwise risking his life. However, the images he posted drew the attention of online sleuths who found them fishy, The Telegraph reported on Monday.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Miki N ::
A Twitter account purporting to share the adventures of a pro-Kiev Canadian fighter in Ukraine has been deleted after the person behind it was accused of faking his credentials. The man in the photos was posing with replica guns and equipment, critics say.
The person behind the 'Canadian Ukrainian Volunteer' Twitter account claimed to be fighting against Russia in Ukraine. He was supposedly leading a life of adventure, going on daring recon missions, dodging Russian patrols in Kherson Region, and otherwise risking his life. However, the images he posted drew the attention of online sleuths who found them fishy, The Telegraph reported on Monday.
Vsak konflikt ima določen delež fake & gay zgodbic... samo v trenutnem letu so seveda vlogo teh "pripovednikov" vzel iv roke gamerji, furryji, insta-naciji in ostali larperji.
D3m ::
No vsaj info je prišel kako so Rusi prišli do dve CAESAR havbic......ukrajinci so jih prodali.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
UkrFTW! ::
No vsaj info je prišel kako so Rusi prišli do dve CAESAR havbic......ukrajinci so jih prodali.
Če ne bi ti objavil, bi morda še na prvo žogo verjel. Vendar komercialisti ste znani po tem, da bi tudi mamo prodali.
D3m ::
Torej se strinjaš, da so jih prodali. Fajn. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
fikus_ ::
No vsaj info je prišel kako so Rusi prišli do dve CAESAR havbic......ukrajinci so jih prodali.
Ne me j*bat!!!!! Prodajalce bi za j*jca obesil sredi Kijeva.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
fikus_ ::
Ali pa je Zelenski RU agent in pomaga Rusom do zahodnega orožja.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
mackilla ::
No vsaj info je prišel kako so Rusi prišli do dve CAESAR havbic......ukrajinci so jih prodali.
A to je ista novica kot tista,da so zajeli nemško havbico? Rekel si,da je novica bila objavljena v nemškem Bildu,kar se je izkazalo za laž.
l0g1t3ch ::
No vsaj info je prišel kako so Rusi prišli do dve CAESAR havbic......ukrajinci so jih prodali.
Nič ne verjamemo tem MSM medijem.
Telegram or GTFO
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: l0g1t3ch ()
D3m ::
Ali pa je Zelenski RU agent in pomaga Rusom do zahodnega orožja.![]()
Jaz bi rekel, da je par posameznikom zadišalo po denarcih.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
l0g1t3ch ::
fikus_ ::
Ali pa je Zelenski RU agent in pomaga Rusom do zahodnega orožja.![]()
Jaz bi rekel, da je par posameznikom zadišalo po denarcih.
Recimo, da je pri tem sodelovalo 10 ljudi, kako dolgo bodo lahko živeli s 24k$ v UA? Verjetno pa ni njihov prvi in ne zadnji takšen/podoben biznis.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
l0g1t3ch ::
fikus_ ::
Pri tem norem svetu je tudi to možno.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
D3m ::
Ali pa je Zelenski RU agent in pomaga Rusom do zahodnega orožja.![]()
Jaz bi rekel, da je par posameznikom zadišalo po denarcih.
Recimo, da je pri tem sodelovalo 10 ljudi, kako dolgo bodo lahko živeli s 24k$ v UA? Verjetno pa ni njihov prvi in ne zadnji takšen/podoben biznis.
Pretvori v rublje ali hrivne???
Povprečna plača v UA je 14577 UAH/mesec
$24.000 je 720.000 UAH.
Za 48 mesecev bo, če bodo varčni. :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
l0g1t3ch ::
Vredno ogleda ...
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