Novice » Rezultati » Tesla odpustila več sto ljudi

NikolormousB ::
En od pomembnih dejavnikov je gosta mreža delujočih hitrih polnilnic 120 kW. Tukaj se vidi vizija v primerjavi z ostalimi "velikimi" . Nokijami.
Trenutno je stanje sicer močno v prid Tesle. Ampak to se lahko spremeni čez noč. Takoj, ko bodo veliki neumni resno začeli štancati EVje.
Tehnična primerjava Tesle in ostalih proizvajalcev kaže ali na genialnost Muska, ali na totalno neumnost ostalih"velikih". Kot detalj recimo omenimo ročko za polnjenje vozila. Smeh. Vsak detalj v Tesli je naravnost idealen za EV, a v golfih, mercedesov, oplih... vidiš tolk neumnosti da glava peče.
Jaz recimo vidim totalno inferiornost tesle v vseh pogledih, razen v pogonskem sklopu. Če nimaš povsem opranih možganov, vidiš kako zanič avte v resnici dela Tesla. Okvare, izjemno slaba kakovost izdelave, low-end materiali, slaba ergonomija...
En od razlogov bo tudi garancija z neomejenim številom kilometrov ki jo nekak v 100 letih trenutni proizvajalci, "veliki", ne dosegajo.
Garancijo brez omejitve kilometrov danes dobiš v avtu za 15 jurjev. Npr.

Magic1 ::
Od kje vam to o neomejeni garanciji?
Tesla ima superiorno le baterijo pa še to zanj dela Panasonic, tako da ta lahko začne baterije dobavljat še ostalim in so takoj vsi na istem glede tega.
Tesla ima superiorno le baterijo pa še to zanj dela Panasonic, tako da ta lahko začne baterije dobavljat še ostalim in so takoj vsi na istem glede tega.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Magic1 ()

boiler ::
Članki na tej strani so vedno slabše kvalitete...prevedeni članki iz smetišča interneta.
Elon Musk je lepo odgovoril na to:
The other thing I want to mention--that there are a lot of articles about Tesla firing employees and layoffs and ... these are really ridiculous. And any journalist who has written articles to this effect should be ashamed of themselves for lack of journalistic integrity.
Every company in the world, there's annual performance reviews. In our annual performance review, despite Tesla having an extremely high standard, a standard far higher than other car companies, which we need to have in order to survive against much larger car companies ... you can't be a little guy and have equal levels of skill as the big guy. If you have two boxers of equal ability and one's much smaller, the big guy's going to crush the little guy--obviously. So, the little guy better have a heck of a lot more skill ... or he is going to be clobbered. So that is why our standards are high. They're not high because we believe in being mean to people. They're high because if they're not high, we will die. Despite that, in our annual performance reviews, only 2% of people didn't make the grade. So that's about 700 people out of 33,000. This is a very low percentage. GE, I don't know if they still do, but they certainly for a long time had a policy of firing 10% of their employees for performance every year, no matter what.
'Sophia' the robot's unsettling words drew a response from Elon Musk
If you were to stack Tesla's performance later releases compared to other companies, the number would be low. So, the only reason these articles had any play whatsoever is because journalists and editors with low integrity fail to provide any context for where this stood because the actual article would've read, Tesla fires 2% of its employee base for performance-based reasons, a remarkably lower number compared to other companies. But of course, that would be a meaningless article, so they forget to include that. Shame.
Elon Musk je lepo odgovoril na to:
The other thing I want to mention--that there are a lot of articles about Tesla firing employees and layoffs and ... these are really ridiculous. And any journalist who has written articles to this effect should be ashamed of themselves for lack of journalistic integrity.
Every company in the world, there's annual performance reviews. In our annual performance review, despite Tesla having an extremely high standard, a standard far higher than other car companies, which we need to have in order to survive against much larger car companies ... you can't be a little guy and have equal levels of skill as the big guy. If you have two boxers of equal ability and one's much smaller, the big guy's going to crush the little guy--obviously. So, the little guy better have a heck of a lot more skill ... or he is going to be clobbered. So that is why our standards are high. They're not high because we believe in being mean to people. They're high because if they're not high, we will die. Despite that, in our annual performance reviews, only 2% of people didn't make the grade. So that's about 700 people out of 33,000. This is a very low percentage. GE, I don't know if they still do, but they certainly for a long time had a policy of firing 10% of their employees for performance every year, no matter what.
'Sophia' the robot's unsettling words drew a response from Elon Musk
If you were to stack Tesla's performance later releases compared to other companies, the number would be low. So, the only reason these articles had any play whatsoever is because journalists and editors with low integrity fail to provide any context for where this stood because the actual article would've read, Tesla fires 2% of its employee base for performance-based reasons, a remarkably lower number compared to other companies. But of course, that would be a meaningless article, so they forget to include that. Shame.

lufthammer ::
... Kot detalj recimo omenimo ročko za polnjenje vozila. Smeh.
Kaj pa je narobe z ročkami za filanje ICE? En proizvajalec lahko dela po svoje, ko se bodo vsi lotili, bo tudi ročka za EV standardizirana (kot je za ICE), nič bat.
Še vprašanje, kaj ti to voziš na elektriko in delaš 80000 letno (225 km vsak dan?), če smem prašat?

Jupito ::
Neprofitno te oženi z odličnim el. avtom. Prva lastovka nove generacije kiesplatz hendlerjev.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!
Now what I'm with isn't it and what's it seems weird
and scary to me. It'll happen to you!

lufthammer ::
Še vprašanje, kaj ti to voziš na elektriko in delaš 80000 letno (225 km vsak dan?), če smem prašat?
A je težko dogovorit na preprosto vprašanje?
Aja, mogoče je glih na poti.....225 km na dan pri naših zastojih si ravno ene 4 ali 5 ur za volanom.
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