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Google hoče razkriti več podatkov o tajnih zahtevkih po informacijah

Google hoče razkriti več podatkov o tajnih zahtevkih po informacijah

Slo-Tech - Apple, Microsoft in Facebook so po izbruhu afere Prism poizkusili rešiti, kar se je rešiti dalo, tako da so hitro objavili podatke o številu zahtevkov po posredovanju informacij. Zakonodaja ne dovoljuje niti razkritja obstoja zahtevkov obveščevalnih agencij, a so podjetja od vlade pridobila dovoljenje, da objavijo skupno število vseh zahtevkov - tako običajnih kakor tudi obveščevalnih. Google se s tem ne strinja.

Google že sedaj daje največ poudarka preglednosti, zato redno objavljajo podatke o tovrstnih zahtevkih. To je tudi razlog, da še niso pripravili poročila po aferi Prism. Google namreč pravi, da so podatki, ki jih razkrivajo, izčrpnejši od tega, kar jim vlada dovoljuje razkriti glede obveščevalnih služb. Zaradi tega so včeraj vložili pobudo na FISO (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) za dovolitev obelodanitve podrobnejših podatkov. Če bi namreč pristali na to, kar je FISA ponudila ostalim, potem v prihodnosti ne bi mogli več objavljati svojega dosedanjega poročila o transparentnosti.

Toda tudi če Google uspe, bo veliko ostalo skritega. Število zahtevkov in število prizadetih uporabnikov sta ločena pojma, saj običajno en zahtevek pokriva več ljudi. Prav tako ne bomo nič bližje odgovoru, kako točno Prism deluje in kaj vse vlada ve.

3 komentarji

smash ::

pesek v oči

Fritz ::

Vir: The Guardian - Edward Snowden answers readers questions

Anthony De Rosa, 17 June 2013 2:18pm
1) Define in as much detail as you can what "direct access" means.
2) Can analysts listen to content of domestic calls without a warrant?

1) More detail on how direct NSA's accesses are is coming, but in general, the reality is this: if an NSA, FBI, CIA, DIA, etc analyst has access to query raw SIGINT databases, they can enter and get results for anything they want. Phone number, email, user id, cell phone handset id (IMEI), and so on - it's all the same. The restrictions against this are policy based, not technically based, and can change at any time. Additionally, audits are cursory, incomplete, and easily fooled by fake justifications. For at least GCHQ, the number of audited queries is only 5% of those performed."

2) NSA likes to use "domestic" as a weasel word here for a number of reasons. The reality is that due to the FISA Amendments Act and its section 702 authorities, Americans' communications are collected and viewed on a daily basis on the certification of an analyst rather than a warrant. They excuse this as "incidental" collection, but at the end of the day, someone at NSA still has the content of your communications. Even in the event of "warranted" intercept, it's important to understand the intelligence community doesn't always deal with what you would consider a "real" warrant like a Police department would have to, the "warrant" is more of a templated form they fill out and send to a reliable judge with a rubber stamp.

Glenn Greenwald follow up: When you say "someone at NSA still has the content of your communications" - what do you mean? Do you mean they have a record of it, or the actual content?

Both. If I target for example an email address, for example under FAA 702, and that email address sent something to you, Joe America, the analyst gets it. All of it. IPs, raw data, content, headers, attachments, everything. And it gets saved for a very long time - and can be extended further with waivers rather than warrants.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

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