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Intervju z nVidio -- David Kirk

Intervju z nVidio -- David Kirk

FiringSquad - Zadnje čase se zdi, da nVidia nikakor ne more narediti koraka naprej v primerjavi z ATI-jem, in tako še vedno poteka hud boj med njima. Na FiringSquad so opravili zanimiv intervju z Davidom Kirkom. Govorili so predvsem o programskem jeziku Cg, gonilnikih Detonator 50, primerjali so 32 in 24-bitno barvno globino, Half-Life 2 in še marsikaj zanimivega v zvezi s tem podjetjem. Branje je dokaj zanimivo -- klik!

1 komentar

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> Kirk: I personally think 24-bit is the wrong answer. I think that through a combination of 16 and 32, we can get better results and higher performance.

LOL! Biggest bullshit ever told. ;)

> The Shader Day presentation that says they have two or three times the floating point processing that we have is just nonsense. Why would we do that?

Simple, because you BLEW IT! FX sux, period. ;)

> Yeah, I would say that one of the issues is that since our hardware came out a little bit later some of the developers started to develop with ATI hardware, and that’s the first time that’s happened for a number of years.

Wow, what a shock. I wonder what it's been like for ATI in the past when developers were developing on nVIDIA hardware. ;)

>> So would you say that it’s a software type of issue that can be corrected?
> Kirk: Yeah I don’t think there’s any issue with the hardware.

Nooo, of course not. Don't even think about that possibility (which is true, btw). ;)

Heh, kakšne slabe izgovore imajo, človeku se kar malo zasmilijo, ko že skor jokajo. :)

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