BBC med volitvami preizkusil robotske novinarje

vir: Pxhere
vir: BBCBBC - Strojno generiranje novinarskih tekstov je že dolgo med nami, le da doslej večinoma še ni bilo primerno za profesionalno rabo. BBC je med minulimi parlamentarnimi volitvami napravil največji tovrsten preizkus doslej, za vsako od nekaj manj kot 700 volilnih okrožij so objavili volilno poročilo, ki ga je spisal stroj. Večina jih je bila v angleškem jeziku, 40 pa v valižanščini. Vse tekste so pred objavo seveda preverili še človeški uredniki. Primer novice, seveda v angleškem jeziku, je videti takole:
"Florence Eshalomi has been elected MP for Vauxhall, meaning that the Labour Party holds the seat with a decreased majority. The new MP beat Liberal Democrat Sarah Lewis by 19,612 votes. This was fewer than Kate Hoey's 20,250-vote majority in the 2017 general election. Sarah Bool of the Conservative Party came third and the Green Party's Jacqueline Bond came fourth.
Voter turnout was down by 3.5 percentage points since the last general election. More than 56,000 people, 63.5% of those...
"Florence Eshalomi has been elected MP for Vauxhall, meaning that the Labour Party holds the seat with a decreased majority. The new MP beat Liberal Democrat Sarah Lewis by 19,612 votes. This was fewer than Kate Hoey's 20,250-vote majority in the 2017 general election. Sarah Bool of the Conservative Party came third and the Green Party's Jacqueline Bond came fourth.
Voter turnout was down by 3.5 percentage points since the last general election. More than 56,000 people, 63.5% of those...