Forum » Hlajenje in modifikacije » Gretje HDD-ja
Gretje HDD-ja
lubroi ::
Nekaj me zanima,ker ne vem al kupiti dodaten HDD ali zamenjati obstoječega-koliko vpliva dodaten HDD na gretje Compa -SATA ali ne (manj kablovja)???
krucymucy ::
manj kablovja, vec problemov ... no instalacijo mislim z vtikanjem diskete in instalacijo gonilnikov za sata kontroler ...
DimmniBurek ::
Da ne odpiram nove teme:
Ali je možno da se disk izklopi in comp resetira zarad prevelike temperature diska? disk sem tudi jaz dal v 5.25 enoto in na otip je kar precej topel, verjetno bolj kot poprej. Zanima me če se morda izklopi zaradi navite mašine(podpis) ker se mi prej to ni dogajalo, čeprav je bil disk tam kjer je zdaj
Ali je možno da se disk izklopi in comp resetira zarad prevelike temperature diska? disk sem tudi jaz dal v 5.25 enoto in na otip je kar precej topel, verjetno bolj kot poprej. Zanima me če se morda izklopi zaradi navite mašine(podpis) ker se mi prej to ni dogajalo, čeprav je bil disk tam kjer je zdaj
There Is No Stronger Drug Than Reality
Dr_M ::
dokler lohk z roko drzis disk brez, da bi te spekl ni nc hudga.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
DimmniBurek ::
Ja OK, kaj pol se lahk sklopi zarad tega al zarad navitega proca?
There Is No Stronger Drug Than Reality
Dr_M ::
da bi se disk izklopu, bi mogu bit pa ze res hudo vroc. pomoje je prej zarad procesorja to, kot pa zarad diska.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Fury ::
disk se ti lahko izklopi (ce je to naredu preden se je comp resetiru) predvsem od nihaja 12V linije - se mu ustav motor, se zacne znova zaganjat, umes pa windowsi freeznejo ponavad
Iztirjenec ::
Moj Samsung 160GB SATA ma 16 stopinj... Sistem 26 stopinj...
Abit AN7, AMD Barton 2600+ @2300Mhz (11.5*200), 2*256 DDR 400 Infineon,
Samsung 160GB SATA 8MB, Sapphire 9600XT 128MB @549/324, Chieftec+Enermax 365W
Samsung 160GB SATA 8MB, Sapphire 9600XT 128MB @549/324, Chieftec+Enermax 365W
Dr_M ::
hehe a ga mas na balkonu??
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Caligula ::
Iztirjenec, tvoj Samsung te zavaja. Disk pac nima navade imeti temperature pod sobno temperaturo.
Skratka naj te raje skrbi, ker ti sistem ne daje pravih informacij.
Skratka naj te raje skrbi, ker ti sistem ne daje pravih informacij.
Vlady ::
Jaz imam pa dva dika na enem ATA 133 kanalu (torej oba na primary) pa se mi eden vsake tolko časa ugasne in mi resetira računalnik, ob novem zagonu pa se prižge nazaj... (primary - slave UDMA), drugi disk pa dela normalno (primary master - UDMA mode 5). In tudi tu se še pojavi neka zanimivost. Disk slave je novejši kot master in master deluje na UDMA mode 5, slave pa samo na UDMA... Napajalnik imam 450W, nihanja napetosti pa nisem opazil, ko sem s programom meril.
Iztirjenec ::
Ja not v sandri sem pod smart pogledal, pa piše:
Environment Monitor(s)
HD / Aux Temperature : 12.0°C / 53.6°F
Pa še nekaj me zanima; povejte malo spodaj, kaj mi vrne, bi me moralo skrbeti? (z odebeljenim tiskom):
Raw Read Error Rate (01) : 25 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Spin-up Time (03) : 5760 (Threshold 0; Worst 67; Maximum 67)
Start/Stop Count (04) : 11 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Re-Allocated Sector Count (05) : 1 (Threshold 10; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Seek Error Rate (07) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Seek Time Performance (08) : 0 (Threshold 0; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Power-On Time Count (09) : 36683 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Spin Retry Count (0A) : 0 (Threshold 49; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Power Cycle Count (0C) : 11 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Drive Temperature (C2) : 12 (Threshold 0; Worst 202; Maximum 181)
ECC Corrected Count (C3) : 44969 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Re-Allocated Data Count (C4) : 1 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Pending Sector Count (C5) : 0 (Threshold 10; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Un-Correctable Sector Count (C6) : 0 (Threshold 10; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
CRC Error Count (C7) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Write Error Rate (C8) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
TC9 : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Environment Monitor(s)
HD / Aux Temperature : 12.0°C / 53.6°F
Environment Monitor(s)
HD / Aux Temperature : 12.0°C / 53.6°F
Pa še nekaj me zanima; povejte malo spodaj, kaj mi vrne, bi me moralo skrbeti? (z odebeljenim tiskom):
Raw Read Error Rate (01) : 25 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Spin-up Time (03) : 5760 (Threshold 0; Worst 67; Maximum 67)
Start/Stop Count (04) : 11 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Re-Allocated Sector Count (05) : 1 (Threshold 10; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Seek Error Rate (07) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Seek Time Performance (08) : 0 (Threshold 0; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Power-On Time Count (09) : 36683 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Spin Retry Count (0A) : 0 (Threshold 49; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Power Cycle Count (0C) : 11 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Drive Temperature (C2) : 12 (Threshold 0; Worst 202; Maximum 181)
ECC Corrected Count (C3) : 44969 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Re-Allocated Data Count (C4) : 1 (Threshold 0; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Pending Sector Count (C5) : 0 (Threshold 10; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
Un-Correctable Sector Count (C6) : 0 (Threshold 10; Worst 253; Maximum 253)
CRC Error Count (C7) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Write Error Rate (C8) : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
TC9 : 0 (Threshold 51; Worst 100; Maximum 100)
Environment Monitor(s)
HD / Aux Temperature : 12.0°C / 53.6°F
Abit AN7, AMD Barton 2600+ @2300Mhz (11.5*200), 2*256 DDR 400 Infineon,
Samsung 160GB SATA 8MB, Sapphire 9600XT 128MB @549/324, Chieftec+Enermax 365W
Samsung 160GB SATA 8MB, Sapphire 9600XT 128MB @549/324, Chieftec+Enermax 365W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Iztirjenec ()
Dr_M ::
fantje, kdaj se boste navadl da sandri ni za verjet. ta program ne zna brat temperatur in raznih diagnostik iz komponent. raj si nastimi u MBM, tm bo verjetn mal bl natancno. izogibite se sandre kokr se da.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()
Vlady ::
Na secondary kanalu imam pa DVD pa pečko... In na secondary imam samo DMA, ker DVD in pečka piše da ne smeta bit na UDMA. Če imam pečko na UDMA mi peče čudno in z veliko manjšo hitrostjo kot če imam na DMA. DVD pa UDMa sploh ne podpira...
Torej če dam enega od CD-rom-ov na primary, bom moral oba kanala imet na DMA kar bo pomenilo izgubo hitrosti na diskih... Pa že tko so počasni k hudič
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