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radeon 9800 pro -> XT

radeon 9800 pro -> XT

Golden eye ::

Imam grafično 3DCLUB RADEON 9800 PRO (samsung rami 2.8) jedro R360. Zdej me pa zanima kje naj dobim bios za XP??? Sem gledu na netu pa nisem najdu od 3Dclub kartic nč biosov!! A lahko dam bios od druge znamke?:\ :\
Kaj naj storim:\


Baraba maš srečo...Samsung rami...prodaš grafo ? :D ...kje si jo pa kupu ?

Golden eye ::

res da je nimajo na ceniku jo pa prodajajo :)

btw: kako pol z flešanjem??

Zgodovina sprememb…




ups imaš Samsung....

potem dej pa http://mbnet.fi/elixir/Radeon/XT/R360-1...


kle imaš

bodi pozoren da se ujema!!!

Club3D Radeon 9800 PRO BIOS
Card : Club3D Radeon 9800 PRO
Chipset : ATI Radeon 9800 PRO
Release : 113-A07533-100 MORA SE UJEMATI
Version : ISTO VELJA
Memory : 128MB Samsung

poiščeš ustrezen BIOS pa flashaj :>

samo še to...ti delajo zdaj kot PRO na 412/365 ARTIFACT FREE z ATITOOL-om ?

Golden eye ::

sem najdu ja in uspešno flešal!!!
Sam ta grafa se ful slabo navija. Že na 412 so mal artifakti tko da jo morem še mal odvit.........;(
Kva bi blo lahko narobe??? Za hlajenje je poskrbljeno!:\

Golden eye ::

hmmmm. še neki sem ugotovil zdej k sem se mal igral z navijanjem: Ko navijam v windowsih lahko navijam ful visoko (nobenih artifactov) in to preverim tud z ARTIFACT TESTERJEM. Ko pa poženem kkašen špil se mi pa takoj pojavjo artifacti??
2D - nč artifactov , 3D - ful artifactov (pr enakih frekvencah)??

enako se je dogajalo tud pred flešanjem grafićne v XT! Kva bi blo to lahko narobe?


Si ziher ,da je dobro hlajena ?

Golden eye ::

ja mam od Zalmana ZM80C-HP + 120 mm vetilator. Sej tud rebra niso vroča, mal topla :\. a se da kako zvišat voltažo grafične, brez voltmoda??

Golden eye ::

Zdej sem ugotovu da se jo skor ne da navit!! ;( ;(( Navil sem jo SAMO 390/350 !!! Ta kartica bi se mogla dobr navijat, saj ma rame samsung 2.8 in jedro R360????????????????????:\ 8-O

DarwiN ::

Lepo vaju prosim no,..9800pro in navijanje.....to dvoje ne gre skupaj..
Pa srečen bi naj človek bil ker ima Samsung rame.....nista resna..
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Sami ::

to preverim tud z ARTIFACT TESTERJEM. Ko pa poženem kkašen špil se mi pa takoj pojavjo artifacti??

Pri moji naviti GF4 Ti 4200 128MB@370/570 tudi pri Artifact Testerju nisem imel nič artefaktov, ko pa prideš v kakšen špil se pa pojavijo, mislim da je za to kriv GPU, ker ti Artifact tester stestira samo rame. V špilih pa mi kartica normalno deluje samo pri 300/570. Imam pa tudi Samsung rame. Kako pa vem kako hitri so, ker na Rame ne morem pogledati, ker imam gor Heatsinke.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Sami ()

prehlajeni ::

tole je z enga druzga oc foruma:

There are only a few things that separate the Pro from the XT.

1. On-die temperature sensor
2. Faster memory chips.

Your Pro does not have either of these thus the flash doing basically nothing in that respect.

However if you find one of the new modded 128mb XT bios files you can try that, I hear it boosts 3DMark03 a bit.
I tried it, agree that there is no benefit. The flash went perfectly both ways (thankfully), the only requirement is that your Pro be able to OC to XT speeds (412/365).

I noticed no performance improvements, and when I started seeing serious distortion in 3DMark03 (the battle of proxycon I believe), I immediately decided to flash back.

It sounds good, but believe me, it is a waste of time. One of those things that is too good to be true I'm afraid

...a pol res ni haska to delat :\


prehlajeni ::


This isn't exactly news, since it's been out for a month or so, but for those who don't know about it, it might be useful. AFAIK, it's more recent than Adrian's Rojak Pot and other guides.
Credits: I've collated/rewritten this info mainly based on this thread at Rage3D: http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread....

After the MSI 9800 XXL, it appears Sapphire and Gecube are following suit, and releasing 128MB 9800 'XT' cards:
These cards have R360s, are built with the 9800XT PWA, have Hynix 2.8ns RAM and come with a 9800 XT BIOS.

But these is good news for 9800 Pro owners who bought their cards recently (or who are planning to buy them). Many of the new 9800 Pros came with R360 GPUs and 9800XT PWA. This means they are actually 128MB 9800XTs labelled as 9800Pros. I.e. they have optimised shaders, temperature monitoring and overdrive, all you need is the right BIOS to activate these. And since those newly released cards came out with proper XT BIOSes, you can just used their BIOSes rather than hacked XTised versions (e.g. Club3d).

BIOSes available:
Gecube 128MB 9800 XT Hynix (398/350 clocks, not XT clocks)
As above, but with XT clocks (412/365)
Sapphire 128MB 9800 XT Hynix BIOS

I have tried both Gecube (XT clocked) and Sapphire on my Gecube 9800 Pro (bought in May, R360 with 9800XT board), and both seem to work fine, though I haven't bothered benchmarking them. Both have temperature monitoring; the Gecube BIOS has overdrive capability, and you can see your GPU temp in your Advanced Display properties, whereas the Sapphire requires another tool for temp monitoring (e.g. ATITool).

Any of you who have 9800 Pros with R360s and 9800 XT PWA might as well flash your cards with one of these BIOSes, since what you really have is just a 128MB 9800 XT, just the BIOS isn't right (STANDARD DISCLAIMER ABOUT FLASHING APPLIES). Of course, if you still have stock cooling, keep an eye on your temps, since they might get too high if you go to XT clocks (412/365), might be prudent to use the lower clocked Gecube BIOS (first one above), and then overclock up to XT speed while monitoring your GPU temp. Of course, keep in mind that this mod isn't going to give you much improvement in performance, but I myself feel more satisfied having a 'proper' BIOS for my card, and having temperature monitoring is useful .

How to identify if you have an R360 and 9800XT PWA?
XT boards labelled: 109-A18800-xx
Pro boards labeled: 109-A07500-xx
My card was "109-A18800-10" (this was near the top, on the GPU side of the card).
I'm guessing that if you have an XT board you probably have an R360. I'm not sure about this, but it seems to make sense to me. Other than that, the only real way to be sure is to take off the heatsink and look at the writing on the GPU.
Also, the BIOSes are designed for Hynix RAM so better make sure your card has the right RAM.

Again, credit goes to others on the Rage3d forum. And remember flashing your card is at your own risk.

ps. If you have an MSI 9800 XXL, don't bother with this since your card should already have an XT BIOS.


Zgodovina sprememb…

ricola78 ::

Lep pozdrav,

jst imam sicer MSI 9800pro plus, ki ima jedro R 360 pa tudi v windowsih mi jo zazna kot 9800xt, pa nisem nič flešal kartice. Mislim da ima hynix rame in mi jo je uspelo uspešno navit na 440/370
in to na sotck ventilatorjih pa sredi poletja. Mislim da v 3dmark03 nisem imel problemov, sem moral pa za doom3 znižat na 427/365, sicer so se pojavili artefakti v obliki belih pikic. Videl sem pa en review, ki je me je prepričal v nakup te grafične, kjer so na stock ventilatorju dosegli 480/390, oz +- kakšen Mhz. Sem bil pol kr mal razočaran, ker moja ni prišla do tako visokih frekvenc. Se bo treba sprijaznit z dejstvom, da tisti ki dobijo v test katerikoli hardver(procesor, grafična...), ponavadi dobijo malo boljše zadeve...:'(

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