Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Updateanje BIOSa
Updateanje BIOSa
Ereinion ::
Kako naj naložim novejši bios za plato Abit KT7? In ali se sploh splača oziroma kaj s tem pridobiš?
Prosim naj mi nekdo pojasne ali pa pove (napiše) kje je opisan postopek
Prosim naj mi nekdo pojasne ali pa pove (napiše) kje je opisan postopek
Kaiser ::
Na strani proizvajalca dobis datoteko z biosom, rabis pa se program, ki zna ta bios zapeci v eprom. Ponavadi se imenuje "Bios Flash Utility".
Najzanesljivejsa metoda flashanja biosa je, da racunalnik zazenes v DOSu in tam pozenes Flash Utility, vneses ime datoteke z biosom in pocakas da se zapece.
Med samim namescanjem biosa v EPROm (cca 10s) ne smes ugasati racunalnika.
Najzanesljivejsa metoda flashanja biosa je, da racunalnik zazenes v DOSu in tam pozenes Flash Utility, vneses ime datoteke z biosom in pocakas da se zapece.
Med samim namescanjem biosa v EPROm (cca 10s) ne smes ugasati racunalnika.
"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes!"
Dusko ::
Lahko probaš v rubriki iskanje napisat besedo Bios mogoče nisem pa ziher bo kar nekaj takih tem.Na katerih so pol posti z vsemi linki .
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dusko ()
Paramedic ::
Naj še jaz vprašam neki v zvezi s tem? Kako flashati, če ti ne dela disketnik? ![:|](
Imam pa CD-RW in dva diska (če bi zamenju boot zaporedje).
Imam pa CD-RW in dva diska (če bi zamenju boot zaporedje).
End transmission.
McHusch ::
flashas iz diska
itaq je bolj zanesljiv flashat iz diska kot iz diskete ker je nekok manj moznosti da ti crkne disk kot pa disketa. aja, kere wintendo pa mas? ce mas 9x pritisnes Ctrl ob zagonu pa zberes Varni zagon (samo MS-DOS) oz. neki v tem stilu pa fleshas.
itaq je bolj zanesljiv flashat iz diska kot iz diskete ker je nekok manj moznosti da ti crkne disk kot pa disketa. aja, kere wintendo pa mas? ce mas 9x pritisnes Ctrl ob zagonu pa zberes Varni zagon (samo MS-DOS) oz. neki v tem stilu pa fleshas.
freejack ::
Ko boš z Abitove strani dll-jal bios, ti bo v readme vse pisalo,.. V bistvu je tko simpl, da sam runme zaženeš pa je,..
Vsaj pri moji KT7A,.. i think, no, no I´m sure, or not, probably,..yeah, yeah, do it,..I guess..
miki16 ::
jaz mam olato bh-6-440bx pa sem sel na abitovo stran in grem pod downloads-bios in najdem BH6 in BH6 v1.1.kaj naj grem naprej.
Vanich ::
Glih učerej sem si flešou BIOS na BH6 - ki.
verzija 1.0.
Determine your current BIOS revision
When you first turn on your computer, it should tell you the manufacturer of the BIOS you are using, as well as the revision number. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you get a date. Write this down. Occasionally, you can get this information by entering the BIOS setup, and retrieving it there.
Download the latest revision
You need a boot floppy. (read this article to learn how to make a boot floppy). Then you:
Go to the support section of your motherboard manufacturer's website and find downloads. Find your latest BIOS revision and ensure that it is more recent than the one currently on your system.
Download the file(s) to your hard drive.
Unzip these files to a bootable floppy. Usually you download a BIOS flash utility (for example, AFLASH.exe) in addition to the update. Be sure to copy the flash utility to the floppy with the unzipped BIOS files.
Start flashing and backing up
Turn off your computer and boot off of the floppy with the flash utility and new BIOS revision on it.
Type "aflash" (or whatever the name of the flash utility is) at the A:\. The utility will then prompt you to save your current BIOS -- be sure you do this!
Follow the instructions until the computer tells you that the BIOS flash was successful. Don't ever turn off the computer during the flash process until you get the success message, or you will probably end up with an expensive doorstop.
Finish up and verify new BIOS
Exit the BIOS flash utility, remove the floppy disk, and reboot your computer. You should now see the newest revision number at boot up. Enter the setup and check your settings.
verzija 1.0.
Determine your current BIOS revision
When you first turn on your computer, it should tell you the manufacturer of the BIOS you are using, as well as the revision number. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you get a date. Write this down. Occasionally, you can get this information by entering the BIOS setup, and retrieving it there.
Download the latest revision
You need a boot floppy. (read this article to learn how to make a boot floppy). Then you:
Go to the support section of your motherboard manufacturer's website and find downloads. Find your latest BIOS revision and ensure that it is more recent than the one currently on your system.
Download the file(s) to your hard drive.
Unzip these files to a bootable floppy. Usually you download a BIOS flash utility (for example, AFLASH.exe) in addition to the update. Be sure to copy the flash utility to the floppy with the unzipped BIOS files.
Start flashing and backing up
Turn off your computer and boot off of the floppy with the flash utility and new BIOS revision on it.
Type "aflash" (or whatever the name of the flash utility is) at the A:\. The utility will then prompt you to save your current BIOS -- be sure you do this!
Follow the instructions until the computer tells you that the BIOS flash was successful. Don't ever turn off the computer during the flash process until you get the success message, or you will probably end up with an expensive doorstop.
Finish up and verify new BIOS
Exit the BIOS flash utility, remove the floppy disk, and reboot your computer. You should now see the newest revision number at boot up. Enter the setup and check your settings.
Vanich ::
Ma ja, greš na abitovo stran pa dawnloadaš tisit bios ki ti paše (pri vsakem je opis, kakšne spremembe vsebuje. OBVEZNO PA MORAŠ VEDETI KATERO VERZIJO PLATE IMAŠ ! Ali 1.0 ali pa 1.1, ker če se boš zajebou si boš ustvaru nemajhne probleme. Potem downloadaš to BIOS datoteko in pa en flash - utility program. BIOS datoteko poj zalaufaš na disketi ( ni pa nujno, lahko jo tud na disku...) da se odpre in ustvari BIN file, poj pa zalaufaš računalnik samo v DOS-u, zalaufaš flash - utility program, mu naročiš naj zapeče BIN datoteko na čip, restartaš računalnik - e vuala - novi BIOS je na računalniku. Če se boš pa zajebou in naložu napačni BIOS, se pa lahko jebeš, zatorej, če ne veš kva delaš, raje nesi računalnik na servis al pa h kolegu.
Aja, za flash utility program sem uporabu Award Flash.
Aja, za flash utility program sem uporabu Award Flash.
Ereinion ::
Pepca*Kardelj:...dawnloadaš tisit bios ki ti paše (pri vsakem je opis, kakšne spremembe vsebuje.
Popravi me če se motim, ampak a ne vsebuje vsaka novejša verzija biosa spremembe, ki jih je vsebovala prejšnja in je tako najbolje dll- jat najnovejšo ver.
Popravi me če se motim, ampak a ne vsebuje vsaka novejša verzija biosa spremembe, ki jih je vsebovala prejšnja in je tako najbolje dll- jat najnovejšo ver.
Hux ::
Vsaka bol smart oseba ti bo predlagala da tega ne delas ce racunalnik deluje cisto normalno super duper vredu. Se proizvajalci odsvetujejo flashanje ce nimas dobenih problemov.
Drugace pa flashaj vedno iz dosa ker ce bos dal iz windovsev bos po resetu cu en lepi dolgi pisk kar bo pomenil klinicno smrt maticne plosce. Samo serviser ji bo se lahko dal ometno dihanje po tem z posebnim programatorjem ker ti nemrec nebos mogo vec sistema sploh zbuditi. Eh nic se ne boj to sploh ni drago cca 2 jurja pride :).
Drugace pa vtakni zagonsko disketo od Windowsev 98/Me in startaj iz dosa. Ni vazno katere windowse mas tudi ce XPje. startaj z to disketo in izvedi postopek.
Predtem se prepricaj da mas v biosah izklopleno zascito proti flashanju biosa.
Drugace pa flashaj vedno iz dosa ker ce bos dal iz windovsev bos po resetu cu en lepi dolgi pisk kar bo pomenil klinicno smrt maticne plosce. Samo serviser ji bo se lahko dal ometno dihanje po tem z posebnim programatorjem ker ti nemrec nebos mogo vec sistema sploh zbuditi. Eh nic se ne boj to sploh ni drago cca 2 jurja pride :).
Drugace pa vtakni zagonsko disketo od Windowsev 98/Me in startaj iz dosa. Ni vazno katere windowse mas tudi ce XPje. startaj z to disketo in izvedi postopek.
Predtem se prepricaj da mas v biosah izklopleno zascito proti flashanju biosa.
jlpktnst ::
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