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Tišanje računala

Tišanje računala

Temo vidijo: vsi
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kuglvinkl ::

Ta tema (oz. njen prvi post) je namenjena zbirki vseh idej in rešitev za utišanje računala.

Prvi post se bo redno dopolnjeval z vašimi linki, preostanek pa je namenjen splošni debati. Za vaše projekte na prosim, če si odprete novo temo in tudi s tem dodate težo vašemu trudu. Vabljeni!


Priporočena ohišja by Silentpcreview.com
Kištica utišaj se, članek by Marjan na Slo-Tech.com


Priporočena hladilna rebra za CPU by Silentpcreview.com


GB Fanbus, članek by totimato na Slo-Tech.com
Fan Stuff by Spajky Ware Solutions


Priporočeni trdi diski by Silentpcreview.com
HD - Cool&Silent by Spajky Ware Solutions


Priporočena napajanja by Silentpcreview.com
Your focus determines your reallity

kuglvinkl ::

Spayki, dodaj svoje linke. ;)
Your focus determines your reallity

Nejc Pintar ::

no fletno je če pod vsak šrauf podložiš podložko iz gume ki jo lahko nrediš doma, pač revrtaš gumo:)

Phoebus ::

Dobil sem idejo :)
Ugotovil sem, da se mi iz leder jakne telefona skoraj ne sliši ko zvoni, medtem ko se iz drugih oblek, tudi debelejših, velik bolš sliši.
Kaj mislite o tem da bi ohišje z notranje stvari obdal s peno (aka akasa) + usnjem?

kuglvinkl ::

Ravno te dni preučujem obloge za utišanje.

Zadeva stoji kot kaže takole: če imate dobro (predvsem drago) ohišje, se ne bo poznalo z el cheapo oblogami. Dan (dansdata.com) je recimo testiralte poceni obloge na Lian Liju in spremembe so komaj da opazne (če so). Pri cenejših ohišjih, kjer stranica vibrira, se z oblogami lahko obtežijo in pride do napredka, še vedno pa je vprašljivo stišanje.

Na SPCR sem pa bral review Aqusticpacka, ki košta med brati 90$, težek je 4,6 kg. Le tu je medna opazno stišanje. Vse ostalo se ne splača.

Tko, to ni probano na lastrnih koži/ušesih (kišti), samo zbrane informacije iz relevantnih virov.

+ preden greste v nakup se je dobro pozanimati, ali obloge odajajo vonj, ko se kišta serej in ali se dajo ostraniti.
Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

smilyxx ::

Jst si bom kupil kar tiste obloge, ki jih majo v glasbenih vodah(take piramide so gor). En kvadratn meter 3cm debeline pride 1k pa še mal, 7cm pa je neki čez 2k.
Save water.
drink beer.

kuglvinkl ::

To ni IMO nič, stran vržen denar. Oba, tako Dan in SPCR poudarjata, da morajo biti obloge, za začetek, težke oz. visoke gostote.
Your focus determines your reallity

Marjan ::

Ja, se strinjam s kuglvinklom. Mehke penice ne koristijo nič, ne glede na njihovo obliko.

Čimtrša in težka pena / guma bo edino dala efekt. Npr. tista, ki jo imam nalepljeno zdaj na ohišju je za silo, vendar nisem dobil trše. Slika je v temi (zadnjih par odgovorov), ki je dana na koncu mojega članka.

kuglvinkl ::

No, če smo že pri tvoji temi. Tam se postal link do zbranih oblog:

Zbrane obloge.

Samo kolkr gledam sestavo, IMo niso kaj prida.
Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

kuglvinkl ::

AcoustiPack™ - Deluxe / Standard review

General FAQs

* Will adding or using acoustic materials inside my computer case affect the temperature?
* Why does the system (and component) temperature sometimes fall?
* Why does the system (and component) temperature sometimes rise?
* Should I, and how can I observe the temperature of my computer and CPU?
* Can I adhere the acoustic materials to non-metal and other smooth surfaces?
* Can I use acoustic materials directly against hard disks, or to help with vibrational noise from hard disk drives?

Product-Specific FAQs
AcoustiPack™ Standard & Deluxe

* How small can I cut the AcoustiPack™ materials to fit inside my computer case?
* Can I cover up case vents?
* How can I best use the sheet of AcoustiContour™ composite in the Deluxe pack?
* I've heard the AcoustiPack™ soundproofing materials smell - is this true?

AcoustiPack™ Pre-Cut Kits for Cases

* Which cases other than the AcoustiCase™ C6607 does the AP C6607 pre-cut kit fit?
* Does the AP AntecSon kit fit into any other PC cases than the Antec Sonata?
* Does the pre-cut kit for the AC C6606 fit any other computer cases?


* What is the difference between the AC C6606 and the AC C6607? Is one quieter than the other?
* What is the difference between the AC C6606 and the Compucase LX-6A19 cases?


* Which way does the air blow on a fan - how can I tell?
* Can I disable the thermistor on temperature-sensitive AcoustiFan™ models so they become 'fixed speed' - I can then perhaps manually control the fan speed?

General FAQs
: Will adding or using acoustic materials inside my computer case affect the temperature?

: This is quite a common concern. We have noted from installing a number of kits and monitoring the affect on components, system and CPU temperatures (for both AcoustiPack™ and AcoustiCase™ installations), that the affect on a system temperature is usually not that substantial, and certainly not straightforward either!

With the majority of systems, we have found the CPU temperature may increase by around approx. 1-2°C, but several we have tested have had no noticeable change and a few we've observed have actually FALLEN in temperature - by 3-5°C! Our testing has included fitting machines with even more material than is normally supplied - and running them constantly, with and without without case fans, with various PSUs, and with varying CPU demands in differing environments.

The effect of the acoustic materials on temperature is a unique combination of:

* where the materials are installed,
* the configuration and layout of components, and
* the case design.

We recommend monitoring system and CPU temperatures, especially after the installation of the AcoustiPack™ Standard and Deluxe products. For more information on how to do this see the FAQ below.
: Why does the system (and component) temperature sometimes fall?

: It may be to do with the volume of the case falling (due to the addition of materials), and the average residence time of air being reduced. The void space inside the case is reduced, but the airflow is still maintained at virtually the same rate by the PSU and other fans (if any) - so there is a faster airflow over warm components - thus they can actually run cooler. The materials have the effect of 'ducting' cooler air over the internal components. If the materials are carefully installed, air flow can be increased over components that most require it.

Another possible contributory factor, is that the dense acoustic barrier mass has a very high thermal capacity, and thermal conductivity. When it is bonded to the inside of a case wall, it helps to store and evenly transmit heat over the surface of the case side wall for efficient dissipation.
: Why does the system (and component) temperature sometimes rise?

: Acoustic foams, which are thermally insulating - may act to insulate components so that heat is not so easily transmitted to the case sides and top and bottom for dissipation to the outside. This may cause slight increases in temperature. The configuration of the materials around the case interior and components may also be such that airflow pathways become more tortuous. This is only likely where materials have been fitted incorrectly so that they obstruct airflow - which is NOT recommended. This can increase airflow resistance and possibly turbulence. Airflow is therefore slowed down, and the PSU and other fans (if any) would be having to work slightly harder - so producing more heat in themselves.
: Should I, and how can I observe the temperature of my computer and CPU?

: We HIGHLY recommend monitoring the system and CPU temperature. This is especially important after installing a 'generic' materials kit like the AcoustiPack™ Standard or Deluxe. Most modern motherboards have temperature sensors which allow you to monitor the processor and system temperatures using software. If you do not have any temperature-monitoring software then this information can normally also be viewed using the system BIOS.

Temperature-monitoring software may be available with the software that was shipped with your system board (motherboard) or from the system board manufacturer's website. Free utilities like Motherboard Monitor display the CPU running temperature and other useful information like various fan speeds for systems running Windows® (subject to compatibility with your system board). If you are uncertain temperatures, we also recommend that you monitor the temperatures of hard-disks and other 'warm' components, such as graphics cards. ALWAYS err on the side of caution and restrain from placing materials too close to components by leaving reasonable and sufficient space for airflow and normal cooling.
: Can I adhere the acoustic materials to non-metal and other smooth surfaces?

: The adhesive on self-adhesive backed acoustic materials has been designed for application to clean metal surfaces, but can also be applied with caution to other suitable surfaces. We would recommend that you check the bond of the adhesive when adhering to any non-metal or smooth surface. This includes polished metal, smooth painted, and other highly polished or finished surfaces. Our suggestion would be for you to trial a small test piece of material so you can judge the effectiveness of the adhesive on the non-metal or smooth surface. If the bond is not sufficiently strong, then you may like to create a 'rough finish' on the surface using an abrasive material to improve the mechanical bond of the adhesive.
: Can I use acoustic materials directly against hard disks, or to help with vibrational noise from hard disk drives?

: We would NOT recommend using any of our acoustic materials directly against hard disc drives (HDDs) as a method for vibrational noise dampening (although it is quite effective!), as these components normally require cool air circulation around them or good contact with metal for direct heat transfer. Acoustic foam is a thermal insulator, and as such is not recommended due to the potential for overheating to occur.

HDD airborne noise is perhaps better attenuated using a product like the SilentDrive™ (available from QuietPC.com) or an alternative disc enclosure. Of course, the best solution to HDD noise is to obtain a low-noise disk - such as the Seagate Barracuda IV or V. Other manufacturers like Western Digital are also now producing fairly quiet disks.

HDD vibrational noise can be attenuated by mounting a HDD using rubber grommets - these are already available pre-installed in some PC cases (for example, Antec Sonata and our new AcoustiCase™ C6607). One slight disadvantage of isolating a HDD from direct connection with the metal of a PC case is that air cooling becomes the only remaining heat transfer mechanism. It is therefore important to ensure a HDD mounted in this way has adequate air circulation around it (which can mean more fans!). We would suggest a case that employs large slow-rotating low-noise (like 92mm or 120mm) internal case fans, and rubber grommet mounted HDDs is the ideal low-vibrational, low-noise solution. Fan noise/airflow can be adjusted using products like the Zalman Fan Mate variable fan speed controller (see QuietPC.com).

Product - Specific FAQs

Please contact us if you have any product-specific FAQs. We will post the most common questions here to help others.
AcoustiPack™ Standard & Deluxe
: How small can I cut the AcoustiPack™ materials to fit inside my computer case?

: We recommend that you do not cut materials into very small isolated pieces (less than around 6cm x 6cm) as it is best to use shaped and cut continuous 'sheets' of the materials if possible.
: Can I cover up case vents?

: NO - do not attempt to cover over any ventilation-related case vents, gaps or holes.
: How can I best use the sheet of AcoustiContour™ composite in the Deluxe pack?

: Use this sheet of thicker acoustic composite in an area where there is plenty of space - and try to position it directly opposite noisy computer components where it will have the greatest effect. A good example might be on the inside door of a typical PC case - opposite the CPU cooling fans.
: I've heard the AcoustiPack™ soundproofing materials smell - is this true?

: Although we do our utmost to dispel odours during the manufacturing process, the materials may smell when they are first opened, particularly those packaged in plastic. The 'new car' smell usually goes away fairly quickly, and once installed (having had some contact with the air), the materials will no longer smell. We are currently making improvements to our packaging to help combat this minor issue.

AcoustiPack™ Pre-Cut Kits
: Which cases other than the AcoustiCase™ C6607 does the AP C6607 pre-cut kit fit?

: The AP C6607 kit was originally designed to snugly fit the AcoustiCase C6607 models. However, it has since been found to perfectly fit into the Antec SLK 3700 AMB 'Solution Series' case (see Antec's US website, and also the UK version for further details). This is because this case has the same internal layout as the AC C6607. See a full review, and images of the kit installed at SilentPCReview.com. The only snag is that the bonus air filter that comes with the AP C6607 kit will not fit the SLK3700AMB, because the front of the case has a different design.

The AP C6607 kit also very nearly completely fits both the Compucase LX-6A19 case (see Compucase website for further details), and the Antec SLK 3700 BQE case (Black Quiet Edition - see Antec US and UK websites for further details).

The AP C6607 kit will fit inside the Compucase 6A19 case, including the washable air/dust filter for the front of the case. The only small piece of the kit that may not fit is the piece designed for the back panel of the AcoustiCase™ C6607 (adjacent to the expansion slots). The expansion slot design on the 6A19 is different to that of the AC C6607 case, but everything else is similar.

The Antec SLK3700 BQE is reviewed in detail by SPCR. This is a very well designed 'quiet case' we would also recommend for quiet PC enthusiasts and specialist built silent/quiet systems. The AP C6607 kit will fit inside the SLK37000-BQE case, but not as well as inside the SLK37000-AMB case. The major pieces of the acoustic kit fit perfectly (both side doors and case roof), but the floor piece may require minor alteration. The acoustic foam blocks intended for empty HDD slots in the AC C6607 may not fit perfectly (take care here and always err on the side of caution when installing these blocks, and never against internal components), and the air filter is also not useable in the SLK 3700 BQE.
: Does the AP AntecSon kit fit into any other PC cases than the Antec Sonata?

: No - the pre-cut AP AntecSon soundproofing kit only fits the Antec Sonata case as far as we are aware.
: Does the pre-cut kit for the AC C6606 fit any other computer cases?

: No - the pre-cut kit that comes with the AC C6606 does not fit inside any other PC cases. It is not available as a separate kit of sound-proofing materials, it is only available with the case as a case + kit bundle (unlike the AP C6607 kit, which is available separately).

: What is the difference between the AC C6606 and the AC C6607? Is one quieter than the other?

: It is very difficult to say if one case is quieter than another, because it largely depends on the components installed and their configuration. In summary, the AC C6607 is not quite as potentially quiet as the AC C6606. There are more acoustic materials in the AC C6606, but more space for extra components (such as 5¼-inch drives and HDDs) in the AC C6607. This makes the AC C6607 more suited for systems with multiple hard disks and extra drives. The AC C6606 is more suited for single-disk systems, such as 'standard' home and office computers; whilst the AC C6607 is more suitable for the 'overclocker' and multi-disk systems such as in a 'performance' machine, a home recording studio, or an office server.
: What is the difference between the AC C6606 and the Compucase LX-6A19 cases?

: The Compucase 6A19 is very slightly different design to the AC C6607 case. The AC C6607 has a larger fan grill design (less wind noise) and also a slightly different rear panel design, and possibly different drive bay fixings than the 6A19. The AC C6607 case has screw-secured PCI expansion slots that allow for fixing over-head fan brackets (for example, the Zalman FB123, and Zalman FB165). These are essential for some silent case systems that use CPU and Graphics/VGA cooling fan mounting brackets. Apart from these differences, the cases have a similar internal design and identical front cover.

: Which way does the air blow on a fan - how can I tell?

: Hold the fan, so that the round fan sticker is facing you. You are looking at the rear of the fan. When you plug the fan in, the air will be blowing towards you. If you want a fan to act as an air intake, then the fan sticker will be facing the inside of the case.
: Can I disable the thermistor on temperature-sensitive AcoustiFan™ models so they become 'fixed speed' - I can then perhaps manually control the fan speed?

: NOTE: In addition to fans already available, we are hoping to announce the launch of new fixed-speed, quiet, clear AcoustiFan™ models without temperature speed control features. These will have the same quiet, low vibration fan motor and similar specifications as current AcoustiFan™ models, but without the thermistor and without the thermal speed regulation (models with a 'T' at the end of the product code have built-in thermal control).

We do not recommend that any of our cooling fan are modified as modification will invalidate any warranty, and as such, must be undertaken with this in mind. However, the thermistor (temperature probe) connections on temperature-sensitive fan models can be shorted to force the fan to spin at full speed, or disconnected (by cutting the wires, or removing the thermistor for example) to force the fan to run at it's very lowest speed. If the fan is forced to run at high speed (by shorting the thermistor probe wires, or by soldering the contacts on the fan PCB), then it may be necessary to use a manual fan speed controller to reduce the RPM slightly to safeguard the fan motor from burn-out.

All Rights Reserved. Graphics and content ©2002 Acousti Products. Acousti Products Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales No 04514007. Contact us on info@acoustiproducts.com. Registered Office: Lifford Hall, Lifford Lane, Kings Norton, Birmingham, B30 3JN UK. Website design and hosting by RealiseTheVision.com.

Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

Spajky ::

Evo za dodat v prvi post ...

za pod IV :

HD - Cool&Silent by Spajky Ware Solutions

za pod III :

Fan Stuff by Spajky Ware Solutions

... prihaja pa še predelava tišanja napajalca ta mesec ...
... obloge za kišto? Tapison ali klobučevina, the best /glej fizikalni priročnik!/ ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Spajky ()

boris22 ::

Katere so zdej najboljše obloge za utišanje pa kolko pride kvadratni meter pa kje se jih da kupit v sloveniji?

Boki_ ::

A bi dobro utašalo komp več plasti take kot ene pene, k pride pod matično, ko jo kupiš, ponavadi je bela. Statike skoraj gotovo ne ustvarja če je pod matično, tiste pene pa mam na pretek. Učeri sm dubu proc k sm ga naroču z mimovrste, pa je bil zaviz v 1 X 2 m tiste stvari. Pol pa bi čez tiste 3, 4 plasti dal še eno oblogo za utičanje. A bi se kej poznalo, kljub temu, da bi meu še 2 venta 120-ki eno na strani noter pa eno na vrhu ven na 7-9 V.
I'm back

Groovy ::

mene pa zanima kako se kaj armaflex obnese? (debelina 10mm)

Statika? Utišanje?
I am the captain of my soul

Karaya 52 ::

Tišina gor dol, računalnik bi se s takimi "oblogami" težje hladil.

Groovy ::

hlajenje ni problema...
motita me sedaj samo še diska... nekaj načinov tišanja diska sem si že ogledal, vendar mi niben ni ravni všeč... zato bi obložil kar velo mašino
I am the captain of my soul

frenk ::

kva pa če bi na stranice z notranje strani nalimal kakšno zelooo mehko oz. elastično peno, čez pa kakšno močnejšo, tko da bi tista močnejša vpijala zvok, tista mehkejša pa bi preprečila prehod zvoka naprej na stranico?

blazp88 ::

ja, diski tudi mene motijo

imel sem pa idejo, da bo dal na disk zalmanov hladilnik s heatpipei ali pa zadevo v kako rešitev, ki hladi z vodo, to pa potem zavil v peno (med diskom in peno bi pustil še nekaj prostora. ga je pa priporočljivo dat na neke aka amortizerje, da se vibracije ne prenašao naprej

DimmniBurek ::

Kaj pa če bi dau disk na vrvico? tko da visi, alpa na neko elastično špago al kej tazga? Pol vibracije ne bi prenašal na ohišje!
Drgač pa imajo tm prnas eno peno-plama-pur, kjer imajo zelo trdo in gosto peno!, mi jo mam oen kos za bombulo, pa se sploh ne stlači! ugrezne se pri 4cm za 0.5cm, pa težka je ko hudič!:))
There Is No Stronger Drug Than Reality

Fury ::

kje majo to peno? kok stane? :)
kje majo najcenej armaflex.. je povsod tok drag k v astri?

blazp88 ::

ja problem je ravno v tem, da je potrebno odvesti proizvedeno toploto. Drugače bi zadevo itak zavil v nevem kaj vse

Groovy ::

armaflex je cca 600 SIT, lih zanč gledu v Šparu ;)

Glede vibracij od diskov, pa pomagajo gumijaste podložke... 8-)
I am the captain of my soul

rkb2 ::

Tišanje diska (zelo enostavno in velik učinek):

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

QuickShot ::

Al si pa kupiš Seagate disk pa ti ni treba nič utišat.

Groovy ::

nice!!! :8) >:D
I am the captain of my soul

smilyxx ::

Jst mam zelo podobno narjen sam da mam drugačne elastike pa brez tistih obročkov.

Save water.
drink beer.

Fury ::

jest mam isto za disk - samo da je na gumici od GAT :) :D :D :D 0:)

blazp88 ::

ja .... pa še disk bi moral v zak zapret, tako, da se ne bi nič slišalo

nicjasno ::

rkb2: smem vprasat kako zracnico si to razrezal, da si dobil te gumice? Od avtomobila ali mopeda?
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: nicjasno ()

K0K0 ::

Od mopeda je kje si pa še vidu da bi mev avto tko ozke gume :D.Uzem od kšnga apn6 paše brez problemov (preverjeno).

rkb2 ::

En star dunlopov šlauf od za 90/90-21 (cross). Vse je dobro tudi kakšen malo večji o-ring.

nicjasno ::

Kul, hvala, bom se ta teden nekje zvohal enega pa zadevo sprobal. :)
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

Groovy ::

I am the captain of my soul

nicjasno ::

Sn nov slauh kupu. Od krosarja 90/90-21. Niti ni bil draga, 2.5k, to bo dovolj za utisat vse diske v vseh 3-eh kompah :) Jutri se spravim na delo. Komaj cakam da slislim rezultate.
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

ajagodnik ::

Ha, sem se malo pozabaval z filci in z gumicami in delal 10 ur na računalnik.

Ja, na PII 266 filc ni kaj škodil pri segrevanju, na kaj več bi verjetno že. Hrup? Hmm, glavni krivec je ventilator od napajalnika tako da itak....

So pa gumice fajn zadeva, moja varianta=namesto ene široke 4 ali več navadnih gumic, in vse to z vrvmi privezano na 5 1/2" ohišje nad cd-romom :) (vrv namesto obročkov), se pa nič ne ziba al pa gunca, če koga skrbi. Če ruknem kišto je čisto pri miru. Evo ravnokar sm jo... :)

Je bla pa fora, dela zadeva 10 ur, OK bom odprl kišto, da vidim, kako se greje itd. Vse štima.. Zaprem kišto, zalaufam računalnik, pazi "GRUB... ", zgleda da kakšen kontakt ni štimal?!?! preverim vse kable, pa spet vse štima ?!? komu kaj jasno?

Sicer, al je to preverjena metoda? Je to varno na dolgi rok?


ludwe ::

Živjo!Jst sem pa pomislil pa purpen.Ker dosti delam z njim vem da je odličen izolator zvoka in toplote.Enostavno ga nabrizgas na stranice, počakas da se posuši, odvečno peno pa porežeš z nožem.Če pa nebi bilo uredu, pa itak ni panike ker se na gladke površine ne prime tolk da je nebi moral odstranit.

rkb2 ::

Mislim da s purpenom preveč vse zasvinjaš. Gumice delajo ok, sploh ni potrebno kake druge dodatne izolacije še posebno če so ležaji diska tihi. V glavnem jaz mojega Seagate sploh ne šlišim več (če ji bil direkt na ohišju si ga malo slišal pri iskanju in pisanju). Glede gretja - temperatura (program DTEMP) je pri meni tam okrog 45 st. (proizvajalec pravi max 60 st.)

Fury ::

No evo, zdej pa resno.
Kje zaboga se dobi kaksno gosto peno/oblogo za normalno ceno? V okolici Ljubljane?

nicjasno ::

No evo. Pa sem se jaz diske obesil v gumice. Moram rect, da so rezultati super. Sedaj se res cuje samo se vent na cpu-ju in v napajalcu. Srotanja ali pa vrtenja diskov pa le, ce natancno prisluhnes.
Evo se slikice:

www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: kuglvinkl ()

nicjasno ::

Imam pa se en problemcek. Originalen vent na grafi je kljub temu, da je ociscen, spihan in podmazan glasen. (inno gf fx 5200)

Kako mate vi hlajenje grafe reseno? S kaksnim pasivnim hlajenjem ali cem podobnim? Se dobi za kupit kaksno poceni nadomestilo? Porocajte prosim.
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

PalčekSmuk ::

Tud jst mam podoben problem. Sicr sm ga podložil z majhnimi gumicami, da je čim manj vibracij.
Koliko dB bi se dalo dobiti čim tišji 40X40 vent?

kuglvinkl ::

Ziher se ti doma valja kakšen Al (Cu) HS za stare Durone in Thunderbirde. Odrežeš na 15 mm velikosti, gor zadegaš low profile vent. (60×60×10) in zadeva rešena.
Your focus determines your reallity

Zgodovina sprememb…

Groovy ::

sam sem na svojega GF4 440, montiral rebra od P1, in ventilatorjem, ki je na 5V.

Vikking ::

nicjasno: kaj pa visoko frekvenčni zvok diska (k skos tuli), se je s tem tud kej utišalo?

nicjasno ::

Ta zvok se se malo slisi, ampak precej manj kot prej, ker se nic ne prenasa vec na ohisje. Kar se tice pa grafe...

Sel sem v rolan, in so mi fantje dali en aluminijast kuler od enega p4 in en 60x60 low profile vent. V ponedeljek bo kolega nesel v sluzbo da spolira kontaktno povrsino in naredi luknje za sravfe, da zadevo prisravfam na grafo (le-ta ima namrec luknjice za pritrditev hladilnika) .

Zdaj.... glasna sta pa se venta v napajalcu, ki ga pa ne grem odpirat, ker se ima 8 mesecev garancije. Ga bom pa podlozu z gumo na vseh mestih kjer se dotika ohisja. Mogoce bo kaj pomagalo.
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

rkb2 ::

nicjasno, nekatere FX5200 pridejo tudi brez ventilatorja (npr. Abit), sicer se grejejo kar precej vendar delajo brez problema. Iz napajalca pa lahko brez problema ven en ventilator vržeš (pustiš tistega, ki je na zadnji stranici, nanj vežeš še en 56 ohmski upor) in boš imel skoraj popolnoma tih računalnik.

nicjasno ::

Dokler je napajalc se v garanciji, ga ne bom sel odpirat. Ko se mu pa le-ta iztece, pa ga bom z veseljem utisal.
www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

frenk ::

jest sm zdele dal oba raptorja na gumice pa mi nekj ne gre v glavo...al je zaveda res precej tišja, al pa se jest tako dobr počutm, ker sm nekj dobrga za računalnik naredu:D

...bom prilepu tud slikce ko se baterije od kamere nafilajo :)

nicjasno ::

No evo. Grafa je zmodificirana. Inno geeforce fx 5200. Jajca, ampak se zadeva greje nenormalno in serijsko hlajenje je enostavno podn.

Gor sem dal heatsink of enega procesorja , katerega kontaktna povrsina je spolirana, in pa eno rebro sem razrezal in pravtako spoliral povrsine in jih s termalnim lepilom nalepil na rame. Vent bo verjetno potreben samo poleti (pa se do takrat bo dobil en uporcek gor), ker so po mojem mnenju rebra dovolj za tole zadevco. Evo se slikice:

www.nicjasno.com | www.vsejasno.com

PalčekSmuk ::

Kaj pa kej pravte na Arctic Cooling VGA Silencer?
1 / 31

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