Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Najdite mi driverje za graficno, pls
Najdite mi driverje za graficno, pls

Myth ::
No, kot ze v naslovu pise, mi najdite driverje za graficno.
Imam namrec Hercules Stingray 128/3d (dual bord) in driverjev za XP-je sam nisem nasel, pa ceprav sem strica googla celegea preiskal. Na uradni strani sem pogledal ter jim tudi pisal mail, nakar sem dobil odgovor, da teh driverjev za XP-je ne mislijo naredit, ker jim je nesmiselno. Graficna je odlicna in super kompatibilna z LG Studioworks 57T5 monitorjem (subjektivno mnenje). Tako da se po dolgem casu obracam na vas, ce mi jih najdete.
Tudi to, da sem prijavljen na eno stran, kjer imajo driverje za vse mogoce stvari, jih tam ni.
Pa en lp
Imam namrec Hercules Stingray 128/3d (dual bord) in driverjev za XP-je sam nisem nasel, pa ceprav sem strica googla celegea preiskal. Na uradni strani sem pogledal ter jim tudi pisal mail, nakar sem dobil odgovor, da teh driverjev za XP-je ne mislijo naredit, ker jim je nesmiselno. Graficna je odlicna in super kompatibilna z LG Studioworks 57T5 monitorjem (subjektivno mnenje). Tako da se po dolgem casu obracam na vas, ce mi jih najdete.
Tudi to, da sem prijavljen na eno stran, kjer imajo driverje za vse mogoce stvari, jih tam ni.

Pa en lp
¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Dr_M ::
skor mal dvomim da bos dubi driverje za XPje za graficno iz kamene dobe.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Myth ::
Hmm... Sedaj jo imam kot standardno graficno prepoznano, in v sistemu je pred le-tem klicaj. Link namizja sedaj. Pa mi povej, ce je to zate graficna iz kamene dobe, ce deluje tako dobro?

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Dr_M ::
Mr|ce: sej tut se ksna starejsa dela dobr, ampak ti garantiram da driverjev ne bo za tok staro graficno.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

Myth ::
Ne vem zaj tocno kako se rece, ampak so podjetja (ljudje), ki delajo tudi samostojno kaksne driverje. Ali ne?

¤ Space is Mystery. And Myth is on Earth. ¤

Dr_M ::
mogoce za ksne graficne, ki jih je velik.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.

sgdjkdlsugi4 ::
A niso vse graficne enako kompatibilne z monitorji ? Ali mogoce na tem letijo igre z 100% pohitritvijo ...
btw, tu mas osnovne driverje za tvojo kartico pod XPji , seveda pa ne delajo z Direct3D (ni kompatibilna z novejsimi verzijami DirectX). Aja za iskanje sn porabil povprecno 3min.
btw, tu mas osnovne driverje za tvojo kartico pod XPji , seveda pa ne delajo z Direct3D (ni kompatibilna z novejsimi verzijami DirectX). Aja za iskanje sn porabil povprecno 3min.

fruit ::
Obstajajo že .. ampak kdo se bo pa spravi delat drajverje za takšno grafično?To je bolj popularno pri novih karticah al pa pri legendah kot je voodoo:)

bmen ::
poskusi z gonilniki za Voodoo Rush na tej strani: - golnilniki so za win2k in naj bi delali na vseh karticah z rush čipom.
lep pozdrav
bmen - golnilniki so za win2k in naj bi delali na vseh karticah z rush čipom.
lep pozdrav

bmen ::
Še komentar kako instalirati gonilnike za win nt4, na win2k (najbrž tudi na winxp)
copy-paste iz strani:
You can use the old Windows NT 4.0 driver, but you can't install it the normal way, you have to follow these steps :
1. Download the drivers from this site
2. Unpack the files to a directory
3. Go in the properties for the VGA card (if its that there is installed at the moment)
4. Press the update driver button
5. Then browse to the path where the drivers are (you can't just install them)
6. Press yes to use the driver
It should work now, BUT you can't run video files in full screen (it looks pretty weird)ANOTHER BUT you cant use the Voodoo RUSH chip
because in old days you didn't need 3D Accelerators in NT 4.0
Ps If you get to now how you can use the 3D Card please inform me or if it doesn't work still please inform me to.
copy-paste iz strani:
You can use the old Windows NT 4.0 driver, but you can't install it the normal way, you have to follow these steps :
1. Download the drivers from this site
2. Unpack the files to a directory
3. Go in the properties for the VGA card (if its that there is installed at the moment)
4. Press the update driver button
5. Then browse to the path where the drivers are (you can't just install them)
6. Press yes to use the driver
It should work now, BUT you can't run video files in full screen (it looks pretty weird)ANOTHER BUT you cant use the Voodoo RUSH chip
because in old days you didn't need 3D Accelerators in NT 4.0
Ps If you get to now how you can use the 3D Card please inform me or if it doesn't work still please inform me to.

bmen ::
in še enkrat jaz ;-))))
herculesov ftp server še vedno dela (
v podimeniku old_products imaš gonilnike za njihove stare kartice (kar so jih naredili).
za zdaj toliko
herculesov ftp server še vedno dela (
v podimeniku old_products imaš gonilnike za njihove stare kartice (kar so jih naredili).
za zdaj toliko

Dr_M ::
bmen: jest sm tut ze tlacu driverje od winnt4 na win2k. pa sm ostal brez sistema.

The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
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