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tine22 ::


Zanima me, če je kdo registriran pa kako deluje.
Kako lahk js dobim tisti denar, če mi ga kdo tja nakaže?
Kaj vse moram izpolniti pri registraciji?

---dodal moderator...
Prestavljam v oddelek "kaj kupiti" - tam bo tole bolj brano... :d

frenk ::

baje da paypal ne podpira slovenije:\


Nope: paypal ni možen v SLO. Uporabi bidpay.
Go with the flow.

frenk ::

a z bidpayem se da plačvat preko ebay-a?:\

Cranchi ::

gres na banko do okenca western union money in recs da bi naredu en money order in posljes denar, tako jst pocnem za e-bay

frenk ::

ampak s tem ne moreš prodajat:\...al lahko?:)

Highlag ::

Ja Pay pal v Sloveniji še ne dela. Sem jim kak mesec nazaj enkrat napisal en E-mail. In so mi odpisali, da zaenkrat še ne. Mogoče bo v prihodnosti:


Thanks for writing to us. I appreciate the opportunity to assist you
with your questions.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but at this time, PayPal does not
offer service in Slovenia. I urge you, however, to check back with us
periodically as we are frequently updating our service.

We look forward to expanding our services to additional countries in
the future. Establishing our service in each new country involves
complex changes due to different regulations in each of these
countries. We are working hard to expand our services as rapidly as

At this time, membership is available to residents of the following

*Anguilla *Argentina *Australia *Austria *Belgium *Brazil
*Canada *Chile *China *Costa Rica *Denmark *Dominican Republic
*Finland *France *Germany *Greece *Hong Kong *Iceland *India
*Ireland *Israel *Italy *Jamaica *Japan *Luxembourg *Mexico
*Netherlands *New Zealand *Norway *Portugal *Singapore *South
Korea *Spain *Sweden *Switzerland *Taiwan *United Kingdom

Click https://www.paypal.com/intlavail or copy and paste the link into
the address bar for more information on Non-U.S. availability.

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter,
and wish you continued success on PayPal.

PayPal Customer Service
PayPal, an eBay Company

matter ::

PayPal, Inc. is pleased to announce that we are preparing to introduce PayPal (Europe) Ltd., a company incorporated in the United Kingdom, as the service provider for PayPal customers in the European Union.

This is a positive development that would help us provide our European customers with improved services to satisfy local needs, both online and through our new European Customer Service Centre in Dublin.

We anticipate that PayPal (Europe) Ltd. will begin operating in February 2004, subject to receiving authorisation from the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the UK. Please note, no action will be necessary on your part. You will be able to continue using your PayPal account as you do today.

Mejl malo po polnoči novega leta :)

Gandalfar ::

Pomojem bo treba pocakat do maja .. ampak jaaa, paypal bo mozen..

btW: stran na www.paypalwarning.com

Vredno ogleda ...

TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo
TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet
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9217600 (9919) Furbo

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Oddelek: Problemi človeštva
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