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Hitman (3): Contracts

Hitman (3): Contracts

BaRtMaN ::

Hitman 3 Contracted for Q1 '04
Eidos will publish Io Interactive's third instalment in the Hitman series in spring 2004. Hitman: Contracts will be available for the PC, PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The publisher has thrown online the game's official Website for eager fans.

Beginning his rampage in Paris, protagonist Agent 47 finds himself wounded and trapped in what is a dangerous situation, even for him. From there on the game will explore what's it like to kill human beings for a living.

The title sports a greater variety of ways to make the perfect kill and an increased arsenal of firearms and close-combat weapons. Io promises the new graphics engine will display your kills in brutal details.

Že od E3ja naj bi se vedelo za nadaljevanje, a nikjer nisem zasledil te vesti. poleg tega trenutno uradna stran ne deluje.

VuLc4n0 ::

men uradna stran deluje. probaj še enkrat;)

BaRtMaN ::

Mah, zgleda da majo naval, ker stran dokaj počasi dela. Sicer pa dober trailer!

freserovski ::

hja, sumim(upam, da se motim) da bo isto kot z deus ex 2, ki so ga napram prejšnji različici odpilili v prazno.
Problemi so, problemi bodo! Kurc jih gleda!!

BaRtMaN ::

Mislim, da ne. Hitman 2 je bil recimo celo boljši od originala, tako da upam, da se bo tale trend nadaljeval in bo trojka najboljša. :D

Xplicit ::

Can't wait :D

trailer je pa d-best

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