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The Irishman (2019)

Kurzweil ::
The Irishman (2019)
Režiser: Martin Scorsese
Nekaj igralcev: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci, Anna Paquin, Jesse Plemons, Stephen Graham, Harvey Keitel
Književna predloga: Charles Brandt
Scenarij: Steven Zaillian
Datuma izida: 27. september 2019 (ZDA)
Povezave: IMDB | Rotten Tomatoes | FB stran
The Irishman is an upcoming American biographical crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Steven Zaillian, based on the book I Heard You Paint Houses by Charles Brandt. The film stars Robert De Niro as Frank Sheeran, a labor union leader and alleged hitman for the Bufalino crime family, and Al Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa. Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel, Anna Paquin, Bobby Cannavale, and Ray Romano also star. It is the ninth feature collaboration between De Niro and Scorsese and their first since 1995's Casino, the fourth film to star both De Niro and Pacino (following The Godfather Part II, Heat, and Righteous Kill), and the first time Pacino has been directed by Scorsese.
The Irishman was always a passion project for Scorsese, and in September 2014 it was confirmed it would be his next film following Silence (2016). Pacino and De Niro were confirmed that month, as was Pesci, who came out of his unofficial retirement to star after being asked numerous times to take the role. Filming was in New York City and the Mineola and Williston Park sections of Long Island, New York, from September 2017 until March 2018. With a production budget of $160–200 million, it is the most expensive project of Scorsese's career.
Trailer #1
Trailer #2

Kurzweil ::
@scipascapa, je tudi meni je bilo iz prve to najbolj všeč, da so skupaj Joe Pesci, Al Pacino in Robert Deniro, prav za vse tri se mi zdi, da jim daleč najbolj sedejo vloge v raznih mafijskih filmih. Glede na to kam gredo zadnja leta kariere vse treh igralcev, je povsem mogoče, da bo tole še njihov zadnji dober film :)
@c3p0, je tudi meni je napoved Scorsesejevega filma v teh časih ena redkih, da se ne bojim izida filma. Ne nalagam si prevelikih bremen s pričakovanji in hypeom, ampak bom tole z veseljem šel gledat v kino.
Zanimivo, to je za Joe Pescija prvi film po letu 2010 (Love Ranch). Film se je snemal 106 dni, kar je največ izmed vseh 25 filmov, ki jih je posnel Martin Scorsese. Bo pa to med drugim tudi prvi film od Netflixa, ki bo predvajan praktično po vsem svetu in čisto možno, da tudi največji film te produkcijske hiše.
@c3p0, je tudi meni je napoved Scorsesejevega filma v teh časih ena redkih, da se ne bojim izida filma. Ne nalagam si prevelikih bremen s pričakovanji in hypeom, ampak bom tole z veseljem šel gledat v kino.
Zanimivo, to je za Joe Pescija prvi film po letu 2010 (Love Ranch). Film se je snemal 106 dni, kar je največ izmed vseh 25 filmov, ki jih je posnel Martin Scorsese. Bo pa to med drugim tudi prvi film od Netflixa, ki bo predvajan praktično po vsem svetu in čisto možno, da tudi največji film te produkcijske hiše.

Kurzweil ::
@M-Power, ja ne bo treba predolgo čakat.
@c3pO, za tale projekt bi se šlo vsakemu, sploh raznim Netflixom in Amazonom. Zato pa je lahko Scorsese vrtel NETFLIX okoli prsta, saj je bilo na začetki rečeno, da je budget max 100M$, kolikor berem je na koncu šlo že proti 200M$. Glede na predlogo, igralsko zasebo in režiserja, bo tale film zelo težko neuspešen finančno in po odzivu ljudi ter kritikov. Sem pa tudi jaz debelo pogledal, ko sem prvič videl, da je Netflix nad celotnim projektom.
@c3pO, za tale projekt bi se šlo vsakemu, sploh raznim Netflixom in Amazonom. Zato pa je lahko Scorsese vrtel NETFLIX okoli prsta, saj je bilo na začetki rečeno, da je budget max 100M$, kolikor berem je na koncu šlo že proti 200M$. Glede na predlogo, igralsko zasebo in režiserja, bo tale film zelo težko neuspešen finančno in po odzivu ljudi ter kritikov. Sem pa tudi jaz debelo pogledal, ko sem prvič videl, da je Netflix nad celotnim projektom.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Kurzweil ()

Kurzweil ::
Dolžina filma 3,5 ure.

gddr85 ::
hm, robert de niro..bomo vidli, če ima še kej za pokazat, cajti ala casino, goodfellas ipd. so že davno mimo :P

Massacra ::
Čakaj malo: Taxi Driver, The Mission, Awakening... ki so definitivno njegovi najboljši filmi si pozabil?

Kurzweil ::

bojsi ::
Ti piše na dnu posterja, ki si ga prilimal :)
1.11 v določenih kinodvoranah, 27.11 na Netflixu.
1.11 v določenih kinodvoranah, 27.11 na Netflixu.

Kurzweil ::
Ti piše na dnu posterja, ki si ga prilimal :)
1.11 v določenih kinodvoranah, 27.11 na Netflixu.
Tiste datume sem sicer spregledal,... ampak bolj kot ne, me bega to, da ne vem kdaj so spremenili release date, ker je bil na začetku 27. septembra in to ne dolgo nazaj,.. ob objavi tega topica je še bilo uradno tako navedeno...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Kurzweil ()

Kurzweil ::
Na netu kolikor gledam recenzije teh največjih kritikov, ga vsi hvalijo, nekateri celo pravijo, da gre za največjo mojstrovino Scorseseja.
Seveda je lepo prebrat lepe recenzije, ampak kot vedno, si ne delajte prevelikih pričakovanj, kar je potem zelo velika možnost, da boste razočarani in postali pikolovski z iskanjem napak - takšen sem vsaj jaz
Seveda je lepo prebrat lepe recenzije, ampak kot vedno, si ne delajte prevelikih pričakovanj, kar je potem zelo velika možnost, da boste razočarani in postali pikolovski z iskanjem napak - takšen sem vsaj jaz

Kurzweil ::
E: Pa da dodam še en link:

starboi ::
Scorsese nikoli ne razočara, tako da bomo gledalci definitivno v vsakem primeru prišli na svoj račun. Ko pa v to enačbo dodaš še igralsko zasedbo , je pa to to :)

FormerUser ::
Nekateri so pa precej kritični do uporabe tehnologije "pomlajevanja" v tem filmu,je pa vprašanje koliko bodo si to upali izpostaviti:
This is the movie with extensive digital de-aging of its stars, and at the time I said, "They still have a few months to get it all fixed up". Well, The Irishman is opening the New York Film Festival TOMORROW, so they are out of time and OH MY GOD IT LOOKS WORSE. How does it look WORSE? How did two more months of tweaking make the faces look EVEN MORE CARTOONISH? Can we all PLEASE admit that digital de-aging is just not as seamless and effective as we want it to be? It works for brief moments, but can we PLEASE abstain from altering faces for the length of a three hour-plus movie? This is a nightmare.
The movie itself looks pretty good for, you know, a three-and-a-half-hour indulgence. No one captures Robert DeNiro as effectively as Scorsese, the intrigue over Jimmy Hoffa's death is a true crime boondoggle, and hey, there's Joe Pesci! Great to see the Pesh again. But good god, every time the camera lands on their gummy, plastic, creepily flat young visages I want to scream. IT LOOKS SO BAD. The eyes...they are so empty. There are multiple shots where people's eyes--especially anyone with blue peepers--look like they have been colored in Microsoft Paint. This is just...this can't possibly be what Scorsese wanted.
He got all excited about a new technology, but that tech isn't as flexible as it needs to be to truly serve his purpose. He should have just cast multiple actors at different ages to play the same character, it would be no less distracting than that shot where it looks like Joe Pesci's face is about to melt. I hope someone asks him about this during the press tour. No one will, because no one will want to admit Martin Scorsese made such a giant mistake, especially to his face, but I really would like to hear Scorsese discuss this process and if this is actually how he wanted it to turn out. There have been rumors he experienced some buyer's remorse, and I believe it. This cannot POSSIBLY be what he intended.
We could learn a lot from someone like Scorsese discussing a mistake, but I doubt it happens. Scorsese won't want to admit the mistake on the record, and no one will want to risk his ire--or even blacklisting--for challenging a master who has obviously done a huge goof. In fact, it will probably be the opposite, with the festival coverage insisting the de-aging is totally fine and not an Uncanny Valley fever dream. You know what this looks like? Call of Duty. The de-aged faces in The Irishman look like video game characters. This is about the level of character effects in triple-A games. Netflix let Martin Scorsese do whatever the f-ck he wanted, spent an alleged $300 million on it, and what they got is a three-and-a-half hour cut scene.
This is the movie with extensive digital de-aging of its stars, and at the time I said, "They still have a few months to get it all fixed up". Well, The Irishman is opening the New York Film Festival TOMORROW, so they are out of time and OH MY GOD IT LOOKS WORSE. How does it look WORSE? How did two more months of tweaking make the faces look EVEN MORE CARTOONISH? Can we all PLEASE admit that digital de-aging is just not as seamless and effective as we want it to be? It works for brief moments, but can we PLEASE abstain from altering faces for the length of a three hour-plus movie? This is a nightmare.
The movie itself looks pretty good for, you know, a three-and-a-half-hour indulgence. No one captures Robert DeNiro as effectively as Scorsese, the intrigue over Jimmy Hoffa's death is a true crime boondoggle, and hey, there's Joe Pesci! Great to see the Pesh again. But good god, every time the camera lands on their gummy, plastic, creepily flat young visages I want to scream. IT LOOKS SO BAD. The eyes...they are so empty. There are multiple shots where people's eyes--especially anyone with blue peepers--look like they have been colored in Microsoft Paint. This is just...this can't possibly be what Scorsese wanted.
He got all excited about a new technology, but that tech isn't as flexible as it needs to be to truly serve his purpose. He should have just cast multiple actors at different ages to play the same character, it would be no less distracting than that shot where it looks like Joe Pesci's face is about to melt. I hope someone asks him about this during the press tour. No one will, because no one will want to admit Martin Scorsese made such a giant mistake, especially to his face, but I really would like to hear Scorsese discuss this process and if this is actually how he wanted it to turn out. There have been rumors he experienced some buyer's remorse, and I believe it. This cannot POSSIBLY be what he intended.
We could learn a lot from someone like Scorsese discussing a mistake, but I doubt it happens. Scorsese won't want to admit the mistake on the record, and no one will want to risk his ire--or even blacklisting--for challenging a master who has obviously done a huge goof. In fact, it will probably be the opposite, with the festival coverage insisting the de-aging is totally fine and not an Uncanny Valley fever dream. You know what this looks like? Call of Duty. The de-aged faces in The Irishman look like video game characters. This is about the level of character effects in triple-A games. Netflix let Martin Scorsese do whatever the f-ck he wanted, spent an alleged $300 million on it, and what they got is a three-and-a-half hour cut scene.

Kurzweil ::
Danes je release, tako da je že na Netflixu, če se prav spomnim, pa bo film kot prvi sploh od Netflixa 1 mesec kasneje tudi v kinematografih.

ahac ::
3 ure 29 min... to je več kot cela prva sezona Mandaloriana.

Slo-Tech Discord -

A110 ::
sem zacel gledat vcerjaz vecer pa sem po malenkost vec kot 1h nehal ker me ni ravno potegnilo. Bom nadaljeval ob naslednji priliki ampak se malo vleče

dronyx ::
čist pretiravana dolžina
Se strinjam. Sicer za ogled prek streama doma to ne predstavlja večjega problema, ker lahko pogledaš v več delih, v kinu pa definitivno tega ne bi gledal. Vsaj zame ni na nivoju Goodfellas. Tudi nekateri liki, ki se pojavijo v zgodbi po moje niso dobro predstavljeni (mafijci, sindikalisti...), tako da sem imel težave tudi z razumevanjem kdo je kdo.

Vazelin ::
Dear god kako je bil to nepotreben movie. Ene parkrat zadremal, dokaj nezanimiv. To postaranje že tako starih igralcev je malo smešno. Dolžina itak absurdna.
Ajde 6.5/10
Pričakoval veliko dobil premalo. Prime leta denira, pacina so ze mimo. In tisti troll face Pescija lol
Raje si še enkrat oglejte goodfellas ali departed
Ajde 6.5/10
Pričakoval veliko dobil premalo. Prime leta denira, pacina so ze mimo. In tisti troll face Pescija lol
Raje si še enkrat oglejte goodfellas ali departed

I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Vazelin ::
budget je bil sladkih 140mio usd. res mi ni jasno kam so vrgli keš.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

oo7 ::

dronyx ::
budget je bil sladkih 140mio usd. res mi ni jasno kam so vrgli keš.
Verjetno je šlo precej za CGI, čeprav jaz nad rezultatom te "de aging" tehnologije nisem navdušen preveč oziroma nisem imel nikdar občutka, da spremljam obdobje recimo 50 let. Tudi nasilja se mi zdi v filmu o mafijcih bistveno premalo. Saj ni to film o Stevu Jobsu. Frank Sheeran naj bi v svoji karieri pospravil čez 20 ljudi. V filmu je vse to večinoma simbolično prikazano kako meče orožje čez most v vodo.

Vazelin ::
Verjetno so bile tudi smeti od Gemini mana tako drage in sicer zaradi cgi pomlajevanja al neki
Irishman res razdvaja. Na eni strani bereš twite kot so "škoda ker ni 4 ure daljši", "najboljši film leta" in podobno. Imo če ga ne bi režisiral scorsese ne bi ta movie noben obrajtal. Sedaj pa so in in ob kameri same filmske legende... ne vem, tole ni med top scorcese movieji

Irishman res razdvaja. Na eni strani bereš twite kot so "škoda ker ni 4 ure daljši", "najboljši film leta" in podobno. Imo če ga ne bi režisiral scorsese ne bi ta movie noben obrajtal. Sedaj pa so in in ob kameri same filmske legende... ne vem, tole ni med top scorcese movieji
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...

Gagarin ::
Ma ja, sam sem ga pogledal do konca v treh etapah. Dolgcajt, slaba igra (ironično za takšne igralce, zdi se da jih je cajt res povozil, ajde Pacino ni razočaral) , slab scenarij, slab film, tudi Scorcese je očitno na žalost over...

Vazelin ::
Trije glavni igralci so že zdavnaj izven prime-a
Pa skoz ko sem videl unega Raymonda sem se spomnil na sitcom :P kaj točno je bil sploh point tistega lika.
No, važno da ma netflix novega materiala za 3 ure :p

Pa skoz ko sem videl unega Raymonda sem se spomnil na sitcom :P kaj točno je bil sploh point tistega lika.
No, važno da ma netflix novega materiala za 3 ure :p
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Vazelin ::
Nekje sem prebral, da se pojavljajo tudi ugibanja, da je Irishman celokupno stal Netflix celo do 300mio usd.

Netflix's 2019 costs to buy, produce and license content will be $15 billion
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Vazelin ()

Vazelin ::
Pa razočaralo me je v Irishmanu, da ma Harvey Keitel neko obskurno vlogo. Pri vsej dolžini filma je on tam neko tretje kolo.
I got 99 problems but 4 usd XTZ ain't one...
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