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XP welcome screen

XP welcome screen

The B ::

Ker imam samo enga uporabnika bi rad da bi se windowsi zagnal brez welcome screena. Ce se da. Hvala! B
The End Is The Beginning Is The End...

boštjan ::

welcome screnn boš vedno mel,se pa da narest,da ne boš rabo na svoje ime kliknit,da se prijaviš v winse,če to misliš

Imagination ::

Poskusi brez gesla, brez uporabnika, samo z administratorjem!
--- Če nekaj stvari, ki bi lahko šle narobe, ni šlo narobe, potem bi bilo zanje veliko bolje, če bi šle narobe!

The B ::

boštjan: Ja to mislm. Rad bi da gre direkt v windowse brez da morm kej kliknt. Pa nimam gesla. Kako? B
The End Is The Beginning Is The End...

boštjan ::

Tako naredi:
Here is the fix....

Start Run Box Type : %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc /s
Click on Local user and groups tab then click on users tab

you will see a text line in there called : ASPI User Account: DELETE IT.

then reboot and presto no more ASPI Crap and also fixes the logon.

you can make your system more sicure by deleteing the Guest Account and Microsoft accounts aswell
the only accounts i have on my system is my admin account and guest account.....

you will probably see accounts like this...

(your account)
Microsoft Help Support

Gapi ::

TweakUi od powertoys od microsofta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ima opcijo da nastavš autologin.
No person is rich enough,to buy back his past.

The B ::

Brisanje stvari ki jih ne znam ali ne morem obnovit mi ne disi prevec in sem zadevo ze resu z TweakUi. Hvala! B
The End Is The Beginning Is The End...

noteadmin ::

Zadevo se da še najbolj preprosto rešit tudi brez tweakui!

V oknu run (start>run) odtipkaš: control userpasswords2 in pritisneš enter. Nastaviš željeno in....to je to :D .


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