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Ognjemet na Krimu

Ognjemet na Krimu

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Pac-Man ::

Prišli so prvi satelitski posnetki posledic. Pravijo, da je uničenih 5 Su-30 in 6 Su-24, za štiri dodatne pa še ni jasno stanje, lahko da so jih pravočasno umaknili. Ter seveda strelivo, ki je povzročilo ognjemet.

Tule je bila sreča za OSINT skupnost, saj je šel satelit včeraj čez kake 4 ure pred dogodkom, od takrat je tudi posnetek "prej".






En najslabših dni v zgodovini ruske aviacije.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
  • zaklenilo: zee ()

pangro ::

ampak za uspešno ukrajinsko protiofenzivo bo pa minilo še nekaj časa, neke približne premoči na nebu še nimajo zagotovljene.

je pa dost poraz za ruse da so jih takole presenetili

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: pangro ()

PrimoZ_ ::

Sam kadil so.

Kajenje ubija...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()


Hiranje Ukrajine in Evrope na obroke se nadaljuje.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!

Pac-Man ::

pangro je izjavil:

ampak za uspešno ukrajinsko protiofenzivo bo pa minilo še nekaj časa, neke približne premoči na nebu še nimajo zagotovljene.

Pravijo, da je to začetek, lahko pa samo psihirajo Ruse.


Asked by POLITICO whether the blasts can be viewed as the start of Ukraine’s counterattack in the country’s south, a Ukrainian official, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak to reporters on the record, responded in the affirmative.

“You can say this is it,” the official said.

A second Ukrainian official, who also spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to the media, told POLITICO that August and September will be “very important” months from a military perspective, which would likely shape the ultimate outcome of the war.

The official warned that the intensity of the fighting in August and September could “look like February” but declined to elaborate on that assessment, citing military secrecy.

The official said that the airfield blasts were a message to Russia that they “are safe nowhere.”

“Let them know how it feels,” the official added, referring to the fear and uncertainty that has spread across Ukraine, where Russia has fired more than 3,000 missiles since February 24.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PrimoZ_ ::

IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:

Hiranje Ukrajine in Evrope na obroke se nadaljuje.

Torej kdaj zapustiš to hiralnico?

Ganon ::

IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:

Hiranje Rusije se nadaljuje.

Prav imaš.

pangro ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

pangro je izjavil:

ampak za uspešno ukrajinsko protiofenzivo bo pa minilo še nekaj časa, neke približne premoči na nebu še nimajo zagotovljene.

Pravijo, da je to začetek, lahko pa samo psihirajo Ruse.


Asked by POLITICO whether the blasts can be viewed as the start of Ukraine’s counterattack in the country’s south, a Ukrainian official, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak to reporters on the record, responded in the affirmative.

“You can say this is it,” the official said.

A second Ukrainian official, who also spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to speak to the media, told POLITICO that August and September will be “very important” months from a military perspective, which would likely shape the ultimate outcome of the war.

The official warned that the intensity of the fighting in August and September could “look like February” but declined to elaborate on that assessment, citing military secrecy.

The official said that the airfield blasts were a message to Russia that they “are safe nowhere.”

“Let them know how it feels,” the official added, referring to the fear and uncertainty that has spread across Ukraine, where Russia has fired more than 3,000 missiles since February 24.

mislim da psihirajo, bom bolj prepričan ko bodo začeli z rednimi antiradarskimi napadi to pa glede na vse infote se bo dogajalo ko bodo začeli leteti z f15 in f16 čeprav naj bi antiradarske izstrelke že uporabljali na svojih migih.

l0g1t3ch ::

Najs :)

dronyx ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

En najslabših dni v zgodovini ruske aviacije.

Slab dan je bil tudi na plaži v Novofedorovki.

Utk ::

Haha, kmalu se bojo Rusi z nostalgijo spominjali tega dne, kako dobro jim je šlo ko so izgubili samo 12 letal...

Pac-Man ::

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.


The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

pangro ::

kaj kej dogaja s Taiwanom tole novico sem danes ujel:
A group of US Navy warships will soon make a demonstration passage through the Taiwan Strait in support of Taipei. The exact date is unknown.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan of the US Navy will not be sent to the bay, as this step would be too provocative.

US administration

RUSSIAftw ::

Pac Man od česa ti živiš? 24/7 buljiš v ekran like wtf dude

Pac-Man ::

RUSSIAftw je izjavil:

Pac Man od česa ti živiš? 24/7 buljiš v ekran like wtf dude

Od buljenja v ekran, doh.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dronyx ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.

Meni to vse skupaj deluje kot diverzantski napad s kakšnimi switchbladi v nahrbtniku.

RUSSIAftw ::

To je false flag Rusov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: RUSSIAftw ()

scythe ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.


Kere kubanke so pa kadili Rusi, da je naredilo take jame? :))
X870 | 9800X3D | 2x32Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

RUSSIAftw ::

Hud skank ali pa hašiš, to se rado iskri in povsod leti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: RUSSIAftw ()

Utk ::

RUSSIAftw je izjavil:

To je false flag Rusov.

Tega Rusi ne bi bili sposobni niti sami sebi naredit.

SambaShare ::

pangro je izjavil:

mislim da psihirajo, bom bolj prepričan ko bodo začeli z rednimi antiradarskimi napadi to pa glede na vse infote se bo dogajalo ko bodo začeli leteti z f15 in f16 čeprav naj bi antiradarske izstrelke že uporabljali na svojih migih.

Konec koncev ni važno, glavni efekt je, da bo logistika še veliko večji problem.

TezkoDihanje ::

Iz Krima gresta dva mostova naprej proti osrčju Ukrajine.

Že drugi dan zaporedoma, cca 160km od fronte linije je bilo napadeno področje enega od teh dveh mostov.

A large-scale fire is reported near the Chongar settlement, Kherson region. Some sources write that explosions were heard before that. I think after some time I will be able to directly find out whether explosions were heard or not.

scythe je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.


Kere kubanke so pa kadili Rusi, da je naredilo take jame? :))

Lockheed test of atacms exact same size

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

@kontraofenziva, lahko da je telegrafiranje Hersona samo vaba, da Rusi tja navlečejo čimveč vojske.

Nato se poruši vse mostove, vojska ustane ujeta, Ukrajina gre pa v kontraovenzivo iz Zaporožja (mesto) proti Melitopolu. Spotoma lahko obkolijo še Enerhodar z največjo JE v Evropi.


The more I look at the Kherson front and Ukraine's repeated announcements of an upcoming "Kherson offensive"... the more I get the feeling Ukraine is pulling an Austerlitz on the russians:

Kherson being the right wing and Melitopol being the Pratzen Heights.

So far the russians are repeating the exact same errors that doomed them at Austerlitz... including a river without bridges to their back and impassable water to their South...

If the Ukrainians do indeed pull an Austerlitz on the russians then this war will be over.

Battle of Austerlitz @ Wikipedia

Desperate to lure the Allies into battle, Napoleon gave every indication in the days preceding the engagement that the French army was in a pitiful state, even abandoning the dominant Pratzen Heights near Austerlitz. He deployed the French army below the Pratzen Heights and deliberately weakened his right flank, enticing the Allies to launch a major assault there in the hopes of rolling up the whole French line. A forced march from Vienna by Marshal Davout and his III Corps plugged the gap left by Napoleon just in time. Meanwhile, the heavy Allied deployment against the French right weakened the allied center on the Pratzen Heights, which was viciously attacked by the IV Corps of Marshal Soult. With the Allied center demolished, the French swept through both enemy flanks and sent the Allies fleeing chaotically, capturing thousands of prisoners in the process.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Anney ::

''Aviation equipment was not affected''

Obstajata samo dva načina kako živeti svoje življenje:
Prvi pravi, da nič ni čudež, drugi pa, da vse je čudež.

pangro ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

@kontraofenziva, lahko da je telegrafiranje Hersona samo vaba, da Rusi tja navlečejo čimveč vojske.

Nato se poruši vse mostove, vojska ustane ujeta, Ukrajina gre pa v kontraovenzivo iz Zaporožja (mesto) proti Melitopolu. Spotoma lahko obkolijo še Enerhodar z največjo JE v Evropi.


The more I look at the Kherson front and Ukraine's repeated announcements of an upcoming "Kherson offensive"... the more I get the feeling Ukraine is pulling an Austerlitz on the russians:

Kherson being the right wing and Melitopol being the Pratzen Heights.

So far the russians are repeating the exact same errors that doomed them at Austerlitz... including a river without bridges to their back and impassable water to their South...

If the Ukrainians do indeed pull an Austerlitz on the russians then this war will be over.

Battle of Austerlitz @ Wikipedia

Desperate to lure the Allies into battle, Napoleon gave every indication in the days preceding the engagement that the French army was in a pitiful state, even abandoning the dominant Pratzen Heights near Austerlitz. He deployed the French army below the Pratzen Heights and deliberately weakened his right flank, enticing the Allies to launch a major assault there in the hopes of rolling up the whole French line. A forced march from Vienna by Marshal Davout and his III Corps plugged the gap left by Napoleon just in time. Meanwhile, the heavy Allied deployment against the French right weakened the allied center on the Pratzen Heights, which was viciously attacked by the IV Corps of Marshal Soult. With the Allied center demolished, the French swept through both enemy flanks and sent the Allies fleeing chaotically, capturing thousands of prisoners in the process.

Ja to se zdi bolj verjetno.

blay44 ::

Pac-Man ::

O napadu in odzivih v Rusiji, angleški podnapisi. 12 minut.

Russians are crying and fleeing from Crimea. Ukraine needs more weapons to win!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

dronyx ::

dronyx je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.

Meni to vse skupaj deluje kot diverzantski napad s kakšnimi switchbladi v nahrbtniku.

Se moram popraviti. Kraterji imajo premer 5 do 10 metrov. To ne more povzročit manjši dron. Očitno so z zadnjo pošiljko orožja res dobili himars rakete daljšega dosega. Putin bo besen.

fur80 ::

Novica je bila danes tudi, da so napadli letališče v Belorusiji. Bo znanega več jutri.

nirburu ::

Mislim. Saj je jasno. ZDA pač premaga Rusijo v konvencionalni borbi. Imajo pač več in boljše tehnike.
To, da ZDA vojska seje razdejanje po ruski vojski ne bi smelo nikogar presenetiti.

kow ::

dronyx je izjavil:

Očitno so z zadnjo pošiljko orožja res dobili himars rakete daljšega dosega. Putin bo besen.

Je vec teorij. Ena je, da so to ukrajinske rakete, ki so jih razvijali ze pred vojno:
Hrim-2 @ Wikipedia

Americani pa so jim dobavili kljucno manjkajoco elektroniko, da lahko dosezes taksno natancnost.
Pomagalo je tudi sistematicno unicevanje ruske protiraketne obrambe z anti radarskimi raketami.

Je tudi opcija, da je to "uradna" zgodba, da lahko zanikajo dobavo ameriskih raket daljsega dosega.

D3m ::


So posnetki pristni, kot most čez Dneper?

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

TezkoDihanje ::

TezkoDihanje ::

Vidni so trije kraterji (kar se sklada s tremi velikimi eksplozijami).
Vidno (črni zmazki na tleh) je tudi, da so nekatera uničena/poškodovana letala že odstranili.
Dvomim, da je karkoli od avionov ostalo nepoškodovano. Šrapneli so leteli po večjem delu letališča.

sdafsda ::

TezkoDihanje ::

sdafsda je izjavil:


Mal bolj HiRes.


D3m ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.


Imaš še before pic. :)

Ker tvoji kraterčki niso nujno od napada.


Never mind sem našel pri Cvetotu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::

D3m je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Trije lepi kraterčki, od tam je šlo verjetno k vragu tudi vse ostalo.


Imaš še before pic. :)

Ker tvoji kraterčki niso nujno od napada.

Zato jih na tisti sliki ni? cca 4 ure pred napadom:

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Stikalo ::

Prosim ne komentiraje ruskih trolov.

On topic:

Ministry of Defense of Belarus says explosions heard last night at Ziabrovka airfield were as result of equipment caught fire.

očitno, ko so brali novice o ognjemetu iz kirma, jim je cigaret padel iz rok. Slaba požarna varnost.

DarkSite ::


A je slika nekaj ur pred napadom ze pripravljena, da bomo primerjali? "Ziabrauka airfield"

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: DarkSite ()

murrieta ::

Zanimivo, kako dojencki spet plamenijo nad parimi kraterji (kateregakoli izvora ze), "nekaj" porusenih mest lepe-njihove pa gladko spregledajo. :))

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: murrieta ()

nejclp ::

Lol, republikanski "humor". Ker degenček.

sdafsda ::

Čist kot zanimivost,... se na guglu kr dobr vid, kako je prej zgledal.


Čist kot zanimivost,... se na guglu kr dobr vid, kako je prej zgledal.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sdafsda ()

D3m ::

Vidi se lepo.

Sedaj morajo samo še pogruntati kako je do tega prišlo.

Kraterji od MGM-140 je vprašljivo, ker je balistična raketa.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

murrieta ::

nejclp je izjavil:

Lol, republikanski "humor". Ker degenček.

Humor? Tole pa res ni humor, to je dejanski odsev proukrajinskih idiotov. Saj verjamem, da se vidijo drugace, ampak takole jih pa vsi ostali, normalni, vidimo.

D3m ::

Ker malo nazaj so tudi uporabili dron za napad v Sevastopolu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

fur80 ::

Nekaj so kadili tudi v vojaški bazi v Rusiji pri Moskvi!

At night in Russia a military unit spontaneously combusted near Moscow

Well rosZMI as always, reports that they have everything under control and there are no victims


fur80 ::

Belorusi so razjasnili dogodek na njihovem letališču! :D

At Belarusians Zyabrovka airbase at night explosions were heard and flashes were seen by locals
as "Belarusian Gayun" writes, there were at least 8 flashes. The Ministry of Defense of Belarus stated that the fire of the engine from one technical device was to blame.


nejclp ::

murrieta je izjavil:

nejclp je izjavil:

Lol, republikanski "humor". Ker degenček.

Humor? Tole pa res ni humor, to je dejanski odsev proukrajinskih idiotov. Saj verjamem, da se vidijo drugace, ampak takole jih pa vsi ostali, normalni, vidimo.

Sori, ker sem proukrajinski idiot, ampak degenček se ima za komika. Desnjakarskega komika.

JP Sears @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: nejclp ()

PacificBlue ::

Par perzeidov je spremenilo smer in padlo na Krim.
I’m out.
1 / 49

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