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Ukrajinska kontraofenziva

LightBit ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Konec septembra bom peljal na Krim turiste iz Slovenije. Ce bo kdo zainteresiran naj se javi na ZS. V kombiju Mercedes Classe V je placa se za 4 osebe(8 sedisc) spanje je zagotovljeno, ce bo vse ok bomo sli se v Mariupol na ogled. Vse detajle na ZS.
Ali greš čez most?
Ali imaš še za kako tono streliva prostor (morda prikolico)?

sparklyslo ::
Druga liga Cecenov je pripravljena, se spomni kdo prve pošiljke kako so zgledali in kako so bili motivirani, sedaj ko je teh zmanjkalo pridejo tili:
Polovica sploh nima brade. Ne vem ali zaradi starosti ali imajo preveč ženskih hormonov. So to sploh Čečeni?
Bo zanimivo videt kako bo stanje v Čečeniji, ko se Rusija in Kadirov iztrošita v Ukrajini. Bo še pokalo.
Neumen Kadirov le počasi dojema, da Putler uporablja Čečene, zato da umirajo namesto Rusov v Putlerjevi vojni. Mrtvi Čečeni = Zmaga za Putlerja.
Ko bo Kadirovu ostala le še straža okoli njegove vile se bo malo zamislil

Petar Veliki; upam da na ogled Mariupola prideš takrat, ko bodo tja poleteli Himarsi. Naj zadanjejo tvoj Švabski Wagen, človek bi mislil da se ponosno voziš v srbskem ali ruskem skropucalu (yugo/Lada).
A Raššisti niso sposobni narediti avta za tvoje balkanske blodnje, samo zahod to zna

UkrFTW! ::
Lej lej.. nova tarca:
So ga pokrili z drevesi, da Ukrajinci ne bi posumili v gozd, ki rase čez reko.

D3m ::
Koliko pontomskih mostov ima Rusija?
Bi rekel, da veliko, glede na to, da ima samo v tankovski izvedbi cca. 1500
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

fikus_ ::
Koliko pontomskih mostov ima Rusija?
Bi rekel, da veliko, glede na to, da ima samo v tankovski izvedbi cca. 1500
Tankovska izvedba pokrije do ~8m od utrjene brežine do utrjenega brežine.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

UkrFTW! ::
No, potem je varianta, da parkirajo par tankov zrelih za odpad sredi lukenj in jih zalijejo z betonom v višini kupole. Po rusko. Tank na drugem koncu naslonijo na cev.

Pac-Man ::
To se bo moral BBC res zjasniti kaj so s tem mislili.
Kje so dobili 3 dni?
Ma dobro, 2 tedna za Kijiv, l. 2014.
Reports emerged Tuesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin said he could take control of Ukraine’s capital city in as little as two weeks, a remark that escalated already pitched tensions between Russia and the West in the lead-up to NATO’s summit in Wales.
Putin made the incendiary comment in a phone conversation with European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, according to Barroso’s account, published by Italy’s La Repubblica on Monday.
Barroso said he asked Putin if Russian troops had crossed into eastern Ukraine, La Repubblica reports. “That is not the question,” Putin reportedly said. “But if I wanted to, I could take Kiev in two weeks.”
The Kremlin did not deny that Putin made the statement, but insisted it was taken out of context.
“Whether these words were said or not, in my viewpoint, the quote given is taken out of context, and it had an absolutely different meaning,” Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said, Interfax reports. Ushakov blasted Barroso for making public the content of what the aide said was intended to be a private conversation.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PetarVeliki ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Konec septembra bom peljal na Krim turiste iz Slovenije. Ce bo kdo zainteresiran naj se javi na ZS. V kombiju Mercedes Classe V je placa se za 4 osebe(8 sedisc) spanje je zagotovljeno, ce bo vse ok bomo sli se v Mariupol na ogled. Vse detajle na ZS.
Ali greš čez most?
Ali imaš še za kako tono streliva prostor (morda prikolico)?
Bomo sli cez most, un k bo sel bo itak lahko vidu slike na mojem instagramu izpred parih dneh nazaj.

D3m ::
Koliko pontomskih mostov ima Rusija?
Bi rekel, da veliko, glede na to, da ima samo v tankovski izvedbi cca. 1500
Tankovska izvedba pokrije do ~8m od utrjene brežine do utrjenega brežine.
Ermmmm, 18m celo.
Pri 1500 sem naredil napako.
Enot je cca. 1700 samo MT-55 ločeno imajo še MT-64, MTU-72, MTU-90
Verjetno se pogovarjamo o več tisočih različnih izvedbah.
Z dolžino mostu od 18 - 30m
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Koliko pontomskih mostov ima Rusija?
Bi rekel, da veliko, glede na to, da ima samo v tankovski izvedbi cca. 1500
Tankovska izvedba pokrije do ~8m od utrjene brežine do utrjenega brežine.
Ermmmm, 18m celo.
Pri 1500 sem naredil napako.
Enot je cca. 1700 samo MT-55 ločeno imajo še MT-64, MTU-72, MTU-90
Verjetno se pogovarjamo o več tisočih različnih izvedbah.
Z dolžino mostu od 18 - 30m
Pravljičarske cifre, ki nimajo veze z realnostjo (velika večina tega je že zdavnaj izven operative).
MT-55 @ Wikipedia
Vse skupaj so naredili 1762 komadov med leti 1969-83 (vključno z izvozno verzijo).

TezkoDihanje ::
The epic fall of a Russian propagandist. There is a good chance that he will have hearing problems in the near future.
The epic fall of a Russian propagandist. There is a good chance that he will have hearing problems in the near future.

Pac-Man ::
O Vogue fotkah.
This might come as a surprise to you, but Russia's war machine is a far cry from the (Hollywood version of) American war machine, so the Ukrainians with some Western aid have managed to repeal Russian advances and make roughly 80% of their country safe enough for a photoshoot
It's not just Ze and his wife either, I could go and arrange a shoot like this right now, generally Ukrainians in the rear continue to live their lives except they also donate to the army and there is an ever-present fear of a random Russian missile strike.
I realize that doesn't quite fit the popular culture idea of war, but don't worry, the frontlines and occupied areas are still hell on earth unleashed by Russia.
Liberating those areas so that they can live normal lives is what Western aid is for, to put it simply.
I am taking the most charitable approach to those "How dare Ukrainians do normal stuff during a war" takes, and I think they are shaped by the popular perception of inter-state conflict as total war.
But it doesn't even fit WW2 US and even UK home fronts
The other thing is that neither Russia nor Ukraine are currently waging a classic total war, because of fears of waning popular support (more true for Russia) and also because modern hardware is too complicated to tell an auto plant "Guys, we are making tanks now"
That does not diminish Ukraine's national effort to fight, literally everyone I know has done something to help the war effort by either enlisting, volunteering or donating.
And just by virtue of this, they deserve some nice things.
After weeks of war Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, remains the primary target for the Russian Army.
I spent a couple of days in Kyiv trying to figure out how the city lives and defends itself during the siege.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Strelkov ni ravno optimističen, prevod. Zgleda sebe naziva v 3. osebi, se mi zdi, da sem že enkrat zasledil.
Finally! The first road bridge across the Dnieper was taken out of operation ... True, so far it's in Kherson, and not by our troops ... But never mind, "bad things begin".
And without irony - the enemy units, having crossed the river Ingulets, captured the village Andreevka (Beryslav direction, between Snigiryovka and Davydov Brod). It seems that "Girkin beckoned" again (just yesterday he wrote about the threat in this area). It is not clear to me whether the Armed Forces of Ukraine's offensive has begun or just a tactical attack so far.
P.S. It is still a tactical advance. The Ukrainians created a bridgehead on the southern bank of the Ingults River for a further offensive. The railway bridge is also damaged.
Our troops have already started pontoon crossings. The problem is that pontoon bridges have much lower carrying capacity and are much more vulnerable to enemy missile attacks.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Gonzalo Lira simpa Pinocheta. Naci nekineki.
As a Chilean, I can say unequivocally that Gen. Augusto Pinochet is the best president our country ever had.
He broke the communists, who were heavily armed and trying to start a civil war; he rebuilt an economy destroyed by the Leninist-Maoist Salvador Allende; he grew the middle class until it became the majority of the country, and eradicated extreme poverty; he built a health care system that was affordable, efficient, and available to all; he created a private retirement account system that gave individuals free choice while at the same time amassing a huge pool of capital that could be invested in the growth of the country; expunged corruption at all levels, most especially among the oligarchs, whom he broke on in 1980-82; and created a legal and constitutional framework that gave Chile peace, order and prosperity for 30 years AFTER he had peacefully left power.
He was a great man, and it’s only obvious in retrospect—now that Chile is once again sliding into communism and chaos.
¡Viva Chile Pinochet!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::
A structural engineer's view (yes, I was one) of the Antonovski bridge damage and why it has put it out of commission for the rest of the war (1/x)

DarkSite ::
Jah to pa ni moj problem, če FireSnake odgovarja po 18h na moj post.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: DarkSite ()

cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
A structural engineer's view (yes, I was one)
KoMpETeNtEn! A blue čekmark ma na tviterju?

TezkoDihanje ::
In this case however, the lower part of the box, the part in tension, has been seriously breached. Not only are the steel reinforcing elements doing all the work, but post tensioned elements have also been severed. What are those? (5/x)
Post tensioning is a delicate process that usually requires prefabrication due to the difficulties of adding tension to steel elements (big cables, not just rebar) on site. The PT is required for the long spans to be viable (and associated deflections to be minimal) (6/x)
In this case however, the lower part of the box, the part in tension, has been seriously breached. Not only are the steel reinforcing elements doing all the work, but post tensioned elements have also been severed. What are those? (5/x)
Post tensioning is a delicate process that usually requires prefabrication due to the difficulties of adding tension to steel elements (big cables, not just rebar) on site. The PT is required for the long spans to be viable (and associated deflections to be minimal) (6/x)

TezkoDihanje ::
938 killed Russian officers as of 27 July.
Minimum confirmed losses. Confirmations are made via publicly available data, such as funeral notices, obituaries or Russian news sites.
Trusted RU mil source said that organization has reached new low due to losses in UKR war. Privates and sergeants with contracts can apply to lieutenant courses that will last FOUR months. Conscript can sign contract after 2 months in service ...
Private has not been allowed directly apply to officer courses. Maybe during II WW. I do not remember. The shortest officer course lasted previously 6 months for NCOs. Before that one year.
I'm not sure if this is the same situation as you describe, but I find it astonishing that a "mobilised" 19-year-old college student can rapidly become a "lieutenant" in command of a platoon. What does that mean in practice?
938 killed Russian officers as of 27 July.
Minimum confirmed losses. Confirmations are made via publicly available data, such as funeral notices, obituaries or Russian news sites.
Trusted RU mil source said that organization has reached new low due to losses in UKR war. Privates and sergeants with contracts can apply to lieutenant courses that will last FOUR months. Conscript can sign contract after 2 months in service ...
Private has not been allowed directly apply to officer courses. Maybe during II WW. I do not remember. The shortest officer course lasted previously 6 months for NCOs. Before that one year.
I'm not sure if this is the same situation as you describe, but I find it astonishing that a "mobilised" 19-year-old college student can rapidly become a "lieutenant" in command of a platoon. What does that mean in practice?

cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
938 killed Russian officers as of 27 July.
Samo? Zakaj ne 20.000? 40.000.000?
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: cias ()

mackilla ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
A structural engineer's view (yes, I was one)
KoMpETeNtEn! A blue čekmark ma na tviterju?
Maš prav Janković počakajmo rajši na mnenje strokovnjakov z 4chana

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: mackilla ()

PetarVeliki ::
Pijani nacisticni terorist na mejnem punktu z Belorusijo grozil z rocno bombo in upil alah akbar. K sreci je naletel na mirne beloruske granicnike(granicarje), ki ga niso poslali k Hitlerju in alahu na obisk.
Pijani nacisticni terorist na mejnem punktu z Belorusijo grozil z rocno bombo in upil alah akbar. K sreci je naletel na mirne beloruske granicnike(granicarje), ki ga niso poslali k Hitlerju in alahu na obisk.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

cias ::

PetarVeliki ::
Ljudska osvobodilna vojska Kitajske trdi, da je prvič opravila polni let okoli otoka Tajvan z uporabo brezpilotnih letalnikov, ki jih njihova vojska po poročanju medijev ni zaznala!
Srbski snajperist Dejan Beric je napisal:
S fronte sporočajo, da je napredovanje naših enot na več sektorjih, vključno s smerjo Peski in Krasnogorovka. Ukrajinski militanti imajo velike izgube.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

mackilla ::
Zavaljeni ameriški neonaciji in zapiti ruski fašisti bodo mogoče imeli boljšo razlago. Kdo ve.
Teh je zelo malo ker so jih rusi takrat uparili s tisto raketo. En Brazilec jo je živ popihal, samo se nič več ne javlja.
A res? Mislil sem neonacije,ki podpirajo Putina,ki jih bo baje osvobodil židov,homičev in zlobnega zahoda. Saj jih poznaš? A ne?

PetarVeliki ::
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla

Pithlit ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Ja, pa ruska ekonomija bo prosperirala brez tega keša.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

cias ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Ja, pa ruska ekonomija bo prosperirala brez tega keša.
Indijci pa Kitajci že dolgo nabavljajo v tako celikem obsegu da sedaj Rusi nimajo devolj za Evropo.
Ko se nemška industrija ugasne nam boste SlavaZelenski razložili kako je to majhna cena da ustavimo Putina.

Unchancy ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Ja, pa ruska ekonomija bo prosperirala brez tega keša.
Indijci pa Kitajci že dolgo nabavljajo v tako celikem obsegu da sedaj Rusi nimajo devolj za Evropo.
Ko se nemška industrija ugasne nam boste SlavaZelenski razložili kako je to majhna cena da ustavimo Putina.
Saj veš, da je Rusiji nemogoče v manj kot nekaj letih karkoli znatnega od plina, ki ga prodaja EU, prodajati komu drugemu? Samo da se prepričam, če veš o čemu fafljaš…
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

cias ::

TezkoDihanje ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Germany: decoupling from Russian gas likely to be completed. No shortage in Winter
Neue Berechnungen: Das Gas reicht wohl „in diesem und im nächsten Winter“
Indijci pa Kitajci že dolgo nabavljajo v tako celikem obsegu da sedaj Rusi nimajo devolj za Evropo.
Niti približno ne nabavljajo, da bi lahko pokrili izgube EUja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()

Unchancy ::
Saj veš, da je Rusiji nemogoče v manj kot nekaj letih karkoli znatnega od plina, ki ga prodaja EU, prodajati komu drugemu? Samo da se prepričam, če veš o čemu fafljaš…
Wat? Kaj pa to pomeni za nas, kje bomo po porabi zalog dobili plin?
Postavljaš napačno vprašanje. Pravo vprašanje je, kam bo Rusija prodajala plin, ki ga EU ne bo kupila, če je jasno, da se virov plina, ki gre v EU, ne da prej kot v nekaj letih povezati drugam.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Unchancy ()

cias ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Germany: decoupling from Russian gas likely to be completed. No shortage in Winter
Neue Berechnungen: Das Gas reicht wohl „in diesem und im nächsten Winter“
Indijci pa Kitajci že dolgo nabavljajo v tako celikem obsegu da sedaj Rusi nimajo devolj za Evropo.
Niti približno ne nabavljajo, da bi lahko pokrili izgube EUja.
Uncharty gor višje trdi da se tega ne da rešiti prej kot v parih letih? Nemška kvaliteta ali le gass gate?

TezkoDihanje ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Germany: decoupling from Russian gas likely to be completed. No shortage in Winter
Neue Berechnungen: Das Gas reicht wohl „in diesem und im nächsten Winter“
Indijci pa Kitajci že dolgo nabavljajo v tako celikem obsegu da sedaj Rusi nimajo devolj za Evropo.
Niti približno ne nabavljajo, da bi lahko pokrili izgube EUja.
Uncharty gor višje trdi da se tega ne da rešiti prej kot v parih letih? Nemška kvaliteta ali le gass gate?
Nemški članek je od včeraj.
Sicer pa, nuklearke, ki jih bodo dali nazaj v operativo + premog.
Dobr, ane?

Pithlit ::
Sej menda je vsem, tudi rusofilčkom, jasno da se Rusija v koleno strelja s tem ko se odpoveduje financam od energentov? Ta keš je praktično edina stvar ki rusko ekonomijo drži nad vodo.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenila: Pithlit ()

TezkoDihanje ::
Sej men da je vsem, tudi rusofilčkom, jasno da se Rusija v koleno strelja s tem ko se odpoveduje financam od energentov? Ta keš je praktično edina stvar ki rusko ekonomijo drži nad vodo.
Prav zanimivo je tudi to, da kar nikakor ne uspejo ugotovit, da Rusijo ta vojna jebeno jebeno stane.

FireSnake ::
Mesas mostove.
Mesas mostove.
Saj nisi napisal kater most.
Sploh ni res! Točno vemo o katerem mostu govorimo.
Pa se mi je zdelo malo čudno.
Poglej in se nasmej:

Pithlit ::
TezkoDihanje je izjavil:
Sej men da je vsem, tudi rusofilčkom, jasno da se Rusija v koleno strelja s tem ko se odpoveduje financam od energentov? Ta keš je praktično edina stvar ki rusko ekonomijo drži nad vodo.
Prav zanimivo je tudi to, da kar nikakor ne uspejo ugotovit, da Rusijo ta vojna jebeno jebeno stane.
Sploh ni važno kolk stane... Če nimaš prihodkov je čisto vsak odhodek hudičevo težko pokrit.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

Unchancy ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Se spomnim pred veliko leti, ko so po razpadu SZ poročali o tem, kako so tam zmrzovali pozimi.
Škoda časa za ta režimski forum.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.
Pobrišite post, iz bunkerja vas že kličejo.
Adijo mod Rdeči Kmeri.

PetarVeliki ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Rus zmanjsuje dobavo plina v EU. Kako ze pravijo zagorci... zima bude mrzla![]()
Se spomnim pred veliko leti, ko so po razpadu SZ poročali o tem, kako so tam zmrzovali pozimi.
Ja a si vidu kako se obrne kolo srece.... z tem, da je sovjet bil navajen na vse sorte, sleherni Evropejec se bo pa obesil zaradi tiktoka, kajsele ce bo soba mrzla.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: PetarVeliki ()

TezkoDihanje ::
PetarVeliki je izjavil:
Ja a si vidu kako se obrne kolo srece.... z tem, da je sovjet bil navajen na vse sorte, sleherni Evropejec se bo pa obesil zaradi tiktoka, kajsele ce bo soba mrzla.
Halucinacije, bebec, težke halucinacije.
Evropa je bila še nadpovprečno disciplinirana med covid krizo. Par stopinj manj v stanovanju, če sploh, bo easy peasy.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TezkoDihanje ()
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Rusija prepovedala plačila v kriptovalutah (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Kriptovalute | 13302 (10167) | Pac-Man |
» | V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 75 76 77 78 )Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet | 256510 (201328) | Pithlit |
⊘ | Ukrajina Part IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 120 121 122 123 )Oddelek: Loža | 504848 (372582) | l0g1t3ch |