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Ukrajinska kontraofenziva

D3m ::
LOL w00t? Kake droge ti ješ?
Nisi nikoli gledal pogledal specifikacijo svojega telefona?
Ti si pol tista sorta ljudi, ko prvič vidijo metlo? :D
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinci so dobili prve 3 Geparde. Za drone in helikopterje bo OK, pa suške različnih pasem se tudi rade nizko sprehajajo. Bo treba spremenit navade ali končat kot goreča razbitina.
Germany has begun supplying Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns to Ukraine, - Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov.
“The first three Gepards officially entered today. They are already at the disposal of the APU. These are anti-aircraft systems, to which we have received tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition. We are expecting the first 15 Gepards."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mackilla ::
Ukrajinci so dobili prve 3 Geparde. Za drone in helikopterje bo OK, pa suške različnih pasem se tudi rade nizko sprehajajo. Bo treba spremenit navade ali končat kot goreča razbitina.
Germany has begun supplying Gepard anti-aircraft self-propelled guns to Ukraine, - Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov.
“The first three Gepards officially entered today. They are already at the disposal of the APU. These are anti-aircraft systems, to which we have received tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition. We are expecting the first 15 Gepards."
A je to bolj učinkovito kot Stinger in podobno?

fikus_ ::
Glede na to da za zemeljske cilje uporabljajo tudi S-300 protizračno obrambo bi rekel da nekih zalog balističnih raket za dolgoročno vojno tudi Rusija nima.
S300 =/= balistična raketa!
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.

Zmajc ::

D3m ::
Kdo za vraga je trdil, da uporabljajo S-300 za ground-to-ground?
Ahhhh sedaj vidim.....
A Ukrainian official recently claimed that Russia is using its S-300 long-range surface-to-air missiles to attack land targets in Ukraine.
Ahhhh sedaj vidim.....
A Ukrainian official recently claimed that Russia is using its S-300 long-range surface-to-air missiles to attack land targets in Ukraine.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::
A je to bolj učinkovito kot Stinger in podobno?
Verjetno ne, ima pa radar & jim lahko pomaga. Razne IR vabe ga tudi ne zmotijo.
Flakpanzer Gepard @ Wikipedia
Since the eighties, Stinger teams have been accompanying the Gepard units to take advantage of their long-range scanning capacity. To combine this capacity in a single unit, a missile system upgrade that mounts the FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS (in twin packs) to the autocannons was developed. The system was tested by the German Bundeswehr but not bought due to budget restrictions and the fielding of the Ozelot Light Flak System (LeFlaSys).
Je pa več nemških znalcev dejalo, da je to najbolj kompliciran sistem v njihovi vojski, tako za uporabo kot za vzdrževanje.
Če Ukrajinci pokažejo, da ga obvladajo, se jim lahko brez skrbi pošlje marsikaj.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zmajc ::
Nemec ne bo poslal nič omembe vrednega imajo preveč ljudi ki se bogatijo na račun ruskega plina, dodaj nemški pacifizem in birokracijo.
V primeru direktnega napada na Nemčijo bi vojno verjetno pred izgubili preden bi nemška birokracija sprejela odlok da se lahko branijo.
V primeru direktnega napada na Nemčijo bi vojno verjetno pred izgubili preden bi nemška birokracija sprejela odlok da se lahko branijo.

Zmajc ::
Nemška strategija je da Ukrajini dajo za vzorec pomoči, realno gledano jim ne bojo nekih omembe vrednih količin težkega orožna dobavili nikoli. drugačle samo čakajo da Ukrajinci in Rusi iztrošijo in podpišejo mirovni sporazum.

Geho ::
LOL w00t? Kake droge ti ješ?
Nisi nikoli gledal pogledal specifikacijo svojega telefona?
Ti si pol tista sorta ljudi, ko prvič vidijo metlo? :D
To, da ima podporo za GLONASS, še ne pomeni, da ga tudi uporablja, Bimbo!
Pri nas uporablja ostale sisteme, ta podpora je bila dodana samo za ruski trg, ki se je pa itak zaprl in lahko pričakujemo umik podpore v novejših modelih. Pokritosti pa še pri sebi nimajo, kaj šele ostalo... LOL

D3m ::
Pa še kako ga uporablja.
Pa še kako ga uporablja.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Voss ::
Amertiška vojska je organizirana in se na bojišču obnaša čisto drugače.
A zato so izgubili v Afganistanu?
Pa od kod to tebi, da so izgubili? Tako Afganistan kot Irak so imeli hitro pod kontrolo. V Irak so prišli z drugega konca sveta pa logistično izgledali 100x bolje kot Rusi, ki napadajo sosednjo državo.
Vzdrževati red, ko kradeš dobrine in se vseskozi pojavljajo nove radikalne skupine je pa druga stvar. Ampak, če pa gledamo striktno vojaško, so jih pa Američani dokaj hitro oboje povozili.
Sovjeti po drugi strani...
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

Geho ::
Pa še kako ga uporablja.
LOL a si res tak papak al se samo delaš?
Prvo kot prvo, pri nas komaj vidni GLONASS sateliti
Drugo smo uvrščeni na seznam neprijateljskih držav, misliš, da bodo rašisti pustili uporabo njihovih satelitov nam? Malo morgen?
Tretje, uporaba rašistične tehnologije na zahodu ni zaželjena, zelo verjetno so izklopili uporabo njihovih satelitov oz. preferirajo vedno druge pred njimi.
Kak argument imaš pa ti?

Pithlit ::
Pa še kako ga uporablja.
LOL a si res tak papak al se samo delaš?
Prvo kot prvo, pri nas komaj vidni GLONASS sateliti
Drugo smo uvrščeni na seznam neprijateljskih držav, misliš, da bodo rašisti pustili uporabo njihovih satelitov nam? Malo morgen?
Tretje, uporaba rašistične tehnologije na zahodu ni zaželjena, zelo verjetno so izklopili uporabo njihovih satelitov oz. preferirajo vedno druge pred njimi.
Kak argument imaš pa ti?![]()
Ehhhh cukerček. Glonass kar lepo dela.
Life is as complicated as we make it...

D3m ::
Pa od kod to tebi, da so izgubili? Tako Afganistan kot Irak so imeli hitro pod kontrolo. V Irak so prišli z drugega konca sveta pa logistično izgledali 100x bolje kot Rusi, ki napadajo sosednjo državo.
V prezentaciji verjamem, da so boljši.
So pa uporabili cca. 310k vojakov iz 4 različnih držav.
S tem, da so "radirali mesta" in infrastrukturo za razliko pri Rusih, ki jih hočejo čim manj zaradi zgodovinskih teženj.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Zmajc ::
Pa od kod to tebi, da so izgubili? Tako Afganistan kot Irak so imeli hitro pod kontrolo. V Irak so prišli z drugega konca sveta pa logistično izgledali 100x bolje kot Rusi, ki napadajo sosednjo državo.
V prezentaciji verjamem, da so boljši.
So pa uporabili cca. 310k vojakov iz 4 različnih držav.
S tem, da so "radirali mesta" za razliko pri Rusih, ki jih hočejo čim manj zaradi zgodovinskih teženj.
Si prizadet al se samo pretvarjaš?

Zmajc ::

D3m ::
Pokaži nam pepel in prah mest.
Celotnega ulic.
Celotnega ulic.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Zmajc ::

yansek ::
Poslušam intervju z enim zgodovinarjem, ki navede na koncu pogovora en podatek, pa takole da vas vprašam malo za hec, malo za res, ali veste oz kaj mislite da imajo skupnega te nenavadni diktatorji kot so: Stalin, Napoleon, Putin, Hitler, Mussolini

D3m ::
Pokaži nam pepel in prah mest.
Poglej si Mariupol, da ne bomo naštrvali vsega.
Rusi so še v čisto vseh vojnah do sedaj uporabljali scorched earth strategijo, ne poznajo drugega. Ne delaj se pametnjakoviča pol pa 2 posta naprej pišeš totalne ignorantske idiotizme.
Pokaži nam pepel in prah Mariopoul-a
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zmajc ::
Se ne bom sploh trudil za meme smartass ignoranta kot si ti, res ne. Nisi vreden vloženega časa.

mackilla ::

D3m ::
Pol pa ne pametuj o "scorched earth" strategiji, ker nimaš pojma o pomenu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

nejcek74 ::
Poslušam intervju z enim zgodovinarjem, ki navede na koncu pogovora en podatek, pa takole da vas vprašam malo za hec, malo za res, ali veste oz kaj mislite da imajo skupnega te nenavadni diktatorji kot so: Stalin, Napoleon, Putin, Hitler, Mussolini
sicer vem , da si napisal za hec, bi pa samo omenil, da je ta tvoj zgodovinar ničvreden. Napoleon je bil povprečno visok za tiste case (1.58-1.68m), zgodba o njegovi pritlikavosti pa angleška propaganda. Mislim, da je bil tudi Hitler povprečne višine (1.75 m), za ostale ne vem.

Zmajc ::

yansek ::
Tudi Peter Veliki npr. naj bi imel 2m tako da ta podatek o višini res verjetno ne pove veliko.

Zmajc ::

yansek ::
Pa ne bi rad, da se tale tema sprevrže o tem koliko ima kdo cm, tako da kar nadaljujte s prerekanje kar se mene tiče

D3m ::
Še čakamo na "scorched earth" Mariopoul.
Google Mariupol, aja ne to je vse fake.
Daleč od "scorched earth"
Siege of Mariupol @ Wikipedia
In daleč od pepela in prahu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Zmajc ::
Saj pravim, večni apologet. Ko amerčani podrejo 5/100 hiš pa je za tebe to "radiranje mest".
Saj pravim, z ljudmi kot si ti se ne da debatirat.
Saj pravim, z ljudmi kot si ti se ne da debatirat.

D3m ::
Lahko pokažeš podrtje 5/100 hiš?
Tc tc tc toliko o tvojem whataboutizmu.
Tc tc tc toliko o tvojem whataboutizmu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Zmajc ::
Tebi ne mislim kazat nič, vse kar ne paše v tvojo zgodbo prirediš dokler se ne ujema s tem kar si v glavi določil da je resnica.
Deluješ mi ko oni QAnon omejenci v ZDA.
Deluješ mi ko oni QAnon omejenci v ZDA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Zmajc ()

koyotee ::
D3m ni treba zjebat vsake odprte teme.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pac-Man ::
Še čakamo na "scorched earth" Mariopoul.
Google Mariupol, aja ne to je vse fake.
Daleč od "scorched earth"
Siege of Mariupol @ Wikipedia
In daleč od pepela in prahu.
Naredimo nabirko in te pošljemo tja dopustovat?
Ruptly @ Wikipedia video, da se ne boš pritoževal čez selektivno snemanje.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

D3m ::
Še čakamo na "scorched earth" Mariopoul.
Google Mariupol, aja ne to je vse fake.
Daleč od "scorched earth"
Siege of Mariupol @ Wikipedia
In daleč od pepela in prahu.
Naredimo nabirko in te pošljemo tja dopustovat?
Ruptly @ Wikipedia video, da se ne boš pritoževal čez selektivno snemanje.
No vidiš. Daleč od prahu in pepela oz. totalnega uničenja.
Pokazal si nam samo mali del Mariopoula.
Govora je o celotnem uničenem mestu.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()

Pac-Man ::
Sodelavec Bellingcat. Med drugim je celemu svetu razkrinkal oboževalce katedral in Navalnega.
Dolga, branja vredna nit. Še najboje s svežimi kokicami.
Tole naj bi bil kokpit operativnega Su-34. Izgleda kot yoke namesto ročke, ni zaslonov.
Tole Rusi prodajajo kot kokpit Su-34. Ročka & cel kup zaslonov. 1. fotka je z Wikipedije, tam datirana v l. 2012
File:Sukhoi Su-34 (Simulator), Russia - Air Force AN2242851.jpg @ Wikipedia
naloženo l. 2013:
naloženo l. 2016
Še kokpit Su-24
Po wikipediji ni modifikacij z izjemo neoperativne, pogodba naj bi bila podpisana lani.
Sukhoi Su-34 @ Wikipedia
Po potemkinovih vaseh še potemkinova letala?
Dolga, branja vredna nit. Še najboje s svežimi kokicami.
Today FSB announced that they have “foiled a plot by Ukraine’s intelligence services” to lure Russian military pilots to surrender to Ukraine – with their planes – in return for millions of USD in payments (thread).
Using a traditional mix of forged "evidence" and loosely interpreted facts, the FSB also accused me personally of being involved in the plane-hijacking plot (on screen: totally forged message, I never had a UK number, obviously). What is true, however, is I was involved in this crazier-than-fiction story of triple-agents, fake passports and faux girlfriends - as a documentary film maker. Yes, we were chronicling one of the wackiest counter-counter-intel operations of all time. And the docu is still on.
While Russia is presenting today this as a coup for its counter intelligence, in fact the operation was a serious blunder for the FSB, disclosing unintentionally identities of dozens of counter intel officers, their methods of operation, and their undercover assets.
Remember the Wagner sting operation in Belarus? Well, as Russia invaded Ukraine, some of the Ukrainian operatives who engineered that sting decided to repeat it: this time by enticing RU military pilots to surrender. In April, Ukraine adopted an “weapons-surrender-incentive law” A team of Ukrainian operatives decided to approach Russian pilots with an offer based on this law. We found out about the initiative, and assured ourselves a front seat – to make a documentary about this brazen operation. Several Russian military pilots were approached and even sent “proof-of-access” videos from inside their planes, in each case bearing a separate number hand-written on pieces of paper. Some of the footage from the inside of the planes was quite detailed and enlightening. (Note that now FSB are presenting these videos as "controlled leaks" - while at the same time blurring the inside of the cockpit on TV). The “negotiations” between the Ukrainian recruiters and the pilots, which we filmed, started out as expected, but their tone changed quickly, suggesting the pilots were no longer talking on their own behalf but were “coached” – likely by FSB military counter-intelligence officers
A clear clue that the FSB had intercepted the communications came when one of the pilots suddenly said he no longer wanted to get his wife out of the country, but his "lover" instead. It took me about 5 minutes to discover that the pilot's "lover" (waaay too hot for him, FSB) was an FSB asset, working as a fitness trainer by day, but moonlighting as an FSB girlfriend-for-hire the rest of the time. (The Ukrainians figured that out too). Nor did the pilot seem to know anything about his "girlfriend's" background (he was earnestly surprised she even had a travel passport, and that she had been in Istanbul a few months ago, and to Barcelona a year earlier).
...but I also found out throughout the process of her "boyfriend's negotiations with the Ukrainians, she she had been talking to an FSB military counter-intel officer. Another clue came when a different pilot suddenly asked his Ukrainian counterparts for advice in incapacitating his co-pilot with a sedative. At this point, it became clear to me that the original luring operation was over – and had turned into a double “operational game” in which both sides were trying to extract maximum information from the other, while feeding them maximum disinfo.
The Ukrainians started feeding the "pilots" - imem the FSB -fake maps of their anti-aircraft deployments, as well as disinfo on the operational airstrips.
At the same time, the pilots sent (probabably equally fake) approach and descent maps of their own. We kept filming. (At one point, the Ukrainians even convinced the FSB to send the wife of one of the pilots - along with a whole FSB tailing team - to Minsk, waiting for a promised "meet up" with the Ukrainians handlers. The FSB waited in vain for 4 days)
This bizarre mutual-deceipt game came to an end when the FSB realized no one will show up at any of the suggested meet-ups (FSB were keen to identify Ukrainian agents), realizing they've been burned. And the Ukrainians realized they're likely not getting a real pilot either.
Despite the unexpected ending (so far), we still plan to finish this crazy film.
Tole naj bi bil kokpit operativnega Su-34. Izgleda kot yoke namesto ročke, ni zaslonov.
Tole Rusi prodajajo kot kokpit Su-34. Ročka & cel kup zaslonov. 1. fotka je z Wikipedije, tam datirana v l. 2012
File:Sukhoi Su-34 (Simulator), Russia - Air Force AN2242851.jpg @ Wikipedia
naloženo l. 2013:
naloženo l. 2016
Še kokpit Su-24
Po wikipediji ni modifikacij z izjemo neoperativne, pogodba naj bi bila podpisana lani.
Sukhoi Su-34 @ Wikipedia
Su-34M / Su-34 NVO – modernized version. Russian contract was to be signed in 2021 and replace basic Su-34 in production. According to reports, this upgrade will seriously affect almost all of the aircraft's avionics. The radar, sight, communication system will be improved. The range of "smart" bombs and missiles that the bomber can use will be significantly expanded.[113][114][115] EW capabilities will also be expanded with introduction of new hardpoints.[116]
Po potemkinovih vaseh še potemkinova letala?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Geho ::

yansek ::

D3m ::
Sodelavec Bellingcat
A sedaj že tam delaš? :)
Lahko ga probaš. ;)
Galileo... očitno imaš še telefon iz neke vukojebine, ki uporablja ta stara jajca!![]()
Jokaj dalje. :)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: D3m ()
Vredno ogleda ...
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
Tema | Ogledi | Zadnje sporočilo | |
» | Rusija prepovedala plačila v kriptovalutah (strani: 1 2 )Oddelek: Novice / Kriptovalute | 13405 (10270) | Pac-Man |
» | V vzhodni Ukrajini internetni promet že teče prek Rusije (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 75 76 77 78 )Oddelek: Novice / Omrežja / internet | 258381 (203199) | Pithlit |
⊘ | Ukrajina Part IV (strani: 1 2 3 4 … 120 121 122 123 )Oddelek: Loža | 510669 (378403) | l0g1t3ch |